The 70 (75)

The following table shows that 70 named people went to Mitsrayim (Egypt) (Gen 46:27) including Ya‘aqov (Jacob), his 3 wives that were alive, & his 66 children and grandchildren (Gen 46:26). 73 people are named of the 75 people in Mitsrayim (Egypt) once the 70 were there, 2 are not named (Acts 7:14). One unnamed person was a female from Le’ah, as there are 32 named descendants and 33 counted descendants from Le’ah who were in Mitsrayim (Egypt) (Gen 46:8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Also, Dinah is the only female named, but Gen 46:15 states “daughters” (plural) (Gen 46:15). The other unnamed person had to be in Mitsrayim (Egypt) from the family of Yoseph (Joseph), an unnamed daughter.

Total descendants who were in & went to (Egypt) Total of each family who were in & went to (Egypt) Total people in Mitsrayim (Egypt) Total named people in Mitsrayim (Egypt)

Descendants born to Jacob who went to (Egypt)

Total people who went to (Egypt) Named Descendants of Le’ah All sons born to Le’ah Sons of Yoseph (Joseph)
Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 1 4 1 1
Le’ah 2 2 2
Rachel died
Bilhah 3 3 3
Zilpah 4 4 4
Descendants of Ya‘aqov (Jacob) are below this point
Re’uven (Reuben) 1 1 33 5 1 5 1 1
Hanoch 2 2 6 2 6 2 2
Pallu’ 3 3 7 3 7 3 3
Hezron 4 4 8 4 8 4 4
Carmi 5 5 9 5 9 5 5
Shim‘on (Simeon) 6 6 10 6 10 6 6
Yemu’el (Jemuel) 7 7 11 7 11 7 7
Yamin (Jamin) 8 8 12 8 12 8 8
Ohad 9 9 13 9 13 9 9
Yakhin (Jachin) 10 10 14 10 14 10 10
Tsochar (Zohar) 11 11 15 11 15 11 11
Sha’ul 12 12 16 12 16 12 12
Levi 13 13 17 13 17 13 13
Gershon 14 14 18 14 18 14 14
Qehath (Kohath) 15 15 19 15 19 15 15
Merari 16 16 20 16 20 16 16
unnamed female Yokheved (Jochebed) 17 17
Yehudah (Judah) 18 18 21 17 21 17 17
‘Er died 18
’Onan died 19
Shelah 19 19 22 18 22 18 20
Perets (Perez) 20 20 23 19 23 19 21
Zerach (Zerah) 21 21 24 20 24 20 22
Chetsron (Hezron) 22 22 25 21 25 21 23
Hamul 23 23 26 22 26 22 24
Yisaskhar (Issachar) 24 24 27 23 27 23 25
Tola‘ 25 25 28 24 28 24 26
Puvvah 26 26 29 25 29 25 27
Yov (Job) 27 27 30 26 30 26 28
Shimron 28 28 31 27 31 27 29
Zevulun (Zebulun) 29 29 32 28 32 28 30
Sered 30 30 33 29 33 29 31
’Elon 31 31 34 30 34 30 32
Yachle’el (Jahleel) 32 32 35 31 35 31 33
Dinah 33 33 36 32 36 32
Above from Le’ah
(Gen 46:8, 15)
Gad 34 1 16 37 33 37
Tsiphyon (Ziphion) 35 2 38 34 38
Haggi 36 3 39 35 39
Shuni 37 4 40 36 40
’Etsbon (Ezbon) 38 5 41 37 41
‘Eri 39 6 42 38 42
’Arodi 40 7 43 39 43
’Ar’eli 41 8 44 40 44
’Asher 42 9 45 41 45
Yimnah (Imnah) 43 10 46 42 46
Yishvah (Ishvah) 44 11 47 43 47
Yishvi (Ishvi) 45 12 48 44 48
Beri‘ah 46 13 49 45 49
Serach (Serah) 47 14 50 46 50
Hever (Heber) 48 15 51 47 51
Malki’el (Malchiel) 49 16 52 48 52
Above from Zilpah (Gen 46:8, 18)
Yoseph (Joseph) 50 1 14 53
Binyamin (Benjamin) 51 2 54 49 53
Menashsheh (Manasseh) 52 3 55 1
’Ephrayim (Ephraim) 53 4 56 2
Bela‘ 54 5 57 50 54 (Gen 46:27)
Bekher (Becher) 55 6 58 51 55
’Ashbel 56 7 59 52 56
Gera’ 57 8 60 53 57
Na‘aman 58 9 61 54 58
’Echi (Ehi) 59 10 62 55 59
Ro’sh 60 11 63 56 60
Muppim 61 12 64 57 61
Huppim 62 13 65 58 62
’Ard 63 14 66 59 63
Above from Rachel (Gen 46:8, 22)
Dan 64 1 7 67 60 64
Hushim 65 2 68 61 65
Naphtali 66 3 69 62 66
Yachtse’el (Jahzeel) 67 4 70 63 67
Guni 68 5 71 64 68
Yetser (Jezer) 69 6 72 65 69
Shillem 70 7 73 66 70
Total 70 Above from Bilhah (Gen 46:8, 25) Total 74 Total 73 (Gen 46:26) (Gen 46:27)
Yoseph (Joseph) had an unnamed daughter 75
(Act 7:14)



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