2024 Solar Eclipse

(Above link is a 35 minute video)

Final 6/10/2024 Update Below

The Above link is not from WhyAlive.com, but the material was put together very well. You will want to see this video. This is a warning from the LORD from the Heaven(s) signed by HIS name Aleph-Tav which is Hebrew for the Alpha & Omega that the LORD YESHUA/JESUS called HIMSELF (Rev 1:8; 21:6; 22:13). Some may say the Aleph & Tav are on their side. On a Jewish map east is the top of the map, making Aleph-Tav spelled in the right direction and in the right order. This nation needs to repent, humble themselves, turn to the LORD, and pray for the LORD’s mercy. The Believers need to be first in line (2 Chr 7:14). If we do not have a repentance like that of Nineveh, judgement will come. A few points not stated in the video: He states 33 of 36 Salems are in the path of the 2 eclipses. Salem (H8003; H8004) is related to the Hebrew word shalom/shalam (H7965; H7999) meaning peace/complete. So, peace/completeness in America is being passed over or covered in darkness by the eclipse. Noah’s Ark in Kentucky in also in the path almost in the center.

And the name of the 3 cities where each of the 3 eclipses were/will-be at their max are:

These 2 total solar eclipses form the Tav/the-cross of Aleph-Tav:
The solar eclipse max of 2017 was at Cerulean, Kentucky [ref] with Cerulean meaning blue and Kentucky meaning ‘at the head of a river’ [ref] but this city “took its first name, Cerulean Springs, from the color of water from a local spring. The spring’s color was changed to cerulean by the New Madrid earthquake of 1811″ [ref]. So, the 2024 eclipse followed New Madrid fault line [ref] [ref] and the 2017 eclipse had a peak at a city named after the event of the New Madrid earthquake. The 2017 eclipse traveled over the “Montana to Florida Lineament”/”Missouri Gravity Low,” these are names of the same fault line over America. The other place of the max of this eclipse is Carbondale, Illinois named for the carbon in the earth and is also called Little Egypt that is built like a little Egypt as stated in the video [ref]. Another location of the max eclipse is the Giant City State Park [ref] that is famous for the ‘Giant City Stone Fort Site[ref]. Again pointing toward the rock.

The solar eclipse max of 2024 has a max at the cities of Nazas, Durango and Torreón, Coahuila [ref]. Nazas means ‘traps’ [ref] with Naza meaning in Hebrew ‘to sprinkle’ [ref]; Durango means fundus [ref] which means hollow/bottom-of-hole [ref]. So, together Nazas, Durango means a ‘hollow/bottom-of-hole trap’ or a ‘sprinkled hollow/hole.’ Torreón means ‘city/highly-populated-place’ [ref]; and Coahuila means ‘flying serpent’ [ref]. So, all together a ‘deep hole trap and highly populated place of the flying serpent.’ This is basically a good definition of the abyss, but this is a sprinkled abyss which would better define a fault-line/sprinkled-deep-holes-in-the-earth.

This 1 annular solar eclipse forms the Aleph with the 2 total solar eclipses above:

The solar eclipse max of 2023 is at Nata, Panama [ref]. Nata means cream [ref], but means break in Hebrew, nata’ (H5421); Panama means ‘distant/far-away’ [ref] or is similar to the Hebrew words penimi/penimah (H6442/H6441) meaning ‘inner/inward.’ So, all together it is a distant/far-away inner break. So, a distant fault line.

4/16/24 Update:

On the 1st day of ha’Aviv (Nisan) 2024 AD (This was 4/10/2024, which was actually the 1st day of the 2nd Hebrew month, see final update below), I was among family and friends and the presence of the SPIRIT was very strong. It was at this time I boldly spoke a prophetic message that an earthquake would occur on Pesach/Passover. I have since then wondered and asked the LORD what to do with the message since I had already sent out a link to video about the eclipse warning of the earthquakes. On top of that, I do believe Dt 18:20, 21, 22 is true for anyone who brings forth a prophecy. And, there are many false prophecies and prophets in our time. So, to me its safer if I just wait and then tell everyone, but that kinda defeats the purpose. I do not believe that I am a prophet, but there is also the warning to those who receive a message/prophecy and do not deliver it (1 Thes 5:20; Ezk 33:7, 8, 9). I believe the message was from the LORD, and if it is it will happen. If it doesn’t happen then I’m the only one to carry that mistake/sin. I would rather tell everyone so they are warned and maybe helped by the message, then worry if I’m the one in sin. And, as time is passing, I have to cry out as far as I can, it will happen. If it is wrong all the guilt will be on me, Scott-Miller/WhyAlive.com, not you. I am only as loud as my message to you. It is now in your hands, whoever you don’t deliver the message to that you could have warned, that guilt will be on you.

When is Pesach/Passover of 2024? Chag-haMatztzot is referred to as the Pesach/Passover week, but I do not believe that is what is being referred to as Pesach/Passover in this prophetic message. So, given all the different views and ways to figure Pesach/Passover, including local or Yerushalaim/Jerusalem time, it will be anywhere from 4:35 AM on 4/22 to 7:41 PM on 4/24. Probably could shorten that to not include Yerushalaim’s/Jerusalem’s time, so it would be maybe 8 hour later than 4:35 AM. (This was only true of a 2nd month Pesach/Passover [Num 9:10, 11, 12; 2 Chron 30:13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. See final update below.)

Why all the announcement by eclipse and prophecy? I believe the LORD wants everyone to know beyond a shadow of doubt that this is a judgment from HIM. This is not a random occurrence, not that I believe there are any random occurrences. There is what happens when we are one with the LORD and HIS purpose while walking by the SPIRIT in the LORD’s presence: love, joy, blessing, purpose rewards, and so on. Then, there is what happens when we push the LORD away with our un-holiness/sin because we have chosen the fruit of death by choosing our sin (Isa 59:2; Rom 6:23). These 3 eclipses were over a 7 year time period that coincided with the religious Shemiththah/Shemitah. This event has been firmly established to occur.

Why would the LORD bring this disaster upon the United States of America. We have championed the murdering of over 60 million babies in the womb. Since, 2020 only 13 states have banded the murdering of babies in the womb [ref]. Only 4 out of the 37 states still promoting the killing of babies in the womb decreased their killing of babies since 2020 [ref]. Why have a disaster even in the states that have banded this murdering of babies? We are the United States. If you want to know how far we have separated ourselves from the LORD, look to the item most Americans spend there life watching, the Internet and TV. One hundred years ago, almost none of the material online or on TV would even be allowed to be shown. There is no end to the glorifying of sin on TV, in people’s lives, and even in the Church: of using any name of the LORD as a cuss word, of violence and murder toward the image of GOD (man), of porn, of men having unnatural relations with other men, of women having unnatural relations with women, of men in women’s clothing and women in men’s clothing trying to become the opposite of how the LORD made them and forcing children to do the same while mutilating their bodies, of lying, of gossip, of slander, of sorcery, of witchcraft, of all the enemy has to offer. There are idols of gods that are not gods in courthouses and built as monuments. Even the President of the United States champions the murdering of babies in the womb. The United States has become like Sodom and Gomorrah. Repent, turn from your sin toward the LORD, seek to know HIM and be freed from your sin and its death (If you are having a hard time believing there is a GOD and the Bible is true, click HERE) (see Intro to know how to know the LORD and be free).

I know there are Believers in YESHUA/JESUS who walk with HIM by the SPIRIT in holiness. To you who do, do not loose heart and be bold and brave without fear, the LORD will fulfill HIS plans in you as HE has promised (1 Chron 28:20; Jer 29:11, 12, 13, 14). Please prepare the way the LORD leads you. You should at least be aware of earthquake safety and what to do during and after an earthquake.

But, the Church’s light as a whole is dim with no Power and is creating more darkness as Believers have become wayward seeking to be unholy instead of holy as the LORD is holy. There is no discipline in the Church for those who blatantly sin. It is not just one man in sin (like Achan in Josh 7) but many that weaken the Body of YESHUA. The Church use grace as an excuse to be unholy and does not even want to be taught what is holy and clean, even mocking those who chose holiness. Most have forsaken every wedding anniversary celebration the LORD established as HIS holy holidays and celebrate instead the pagan holidays as though that will please a holy LORD. The LORD has been patient, but it is time for the Church to be awaken and pulled out of their darkness, to repent and turn to the LORD and love HIM with everything while being one with HIM and one another without having fear to do so even in the face of darkness.

And, the final question that seems to always come up, is this the time the rapture will happen? No, we have to know who the antichrist is first, plus a few other things (2 Thes 2:3, 4).

4/25/24 Update:

(The regular Pesach/Passover has not started until next year, see final update below) Pesach/Passover day has ended and Chag-haMatztzot/Feast-of-Unleavened-Bread (also known as Pesach/Passover week) ends after 4/30. Something I had never thought of until now, if Yonah (Jonah) had prophesied today that judgement was in 3 days and enough people repented, turned to the LORD, and were praying to the LORD that the LORD relented and didn’t bring judgement, then Yonah/Jonah would be called a false prophet in the times we are living in. In fact, the only thing that keeps anyone from saying Yonah/Jonah was a false prophet is that YESHUA/JESUS said Yonah/Jonah was a prophet (Mt 12:39). For those who believe prophesy is not for today, my son asked a very good question. How do you interpret Acts 2:17, 18 that says in the last/end days sons, daughters, and the LORD’s servants/bondslaves of men & women will prophesy? In the end, I would rather there be repentance and a turning back to the LORD in holiness as Believers seek to walk with the LORD and each other in a loving relationship, wanting no more to be enslaved by sin in the flesh but to do the work and purpose the LORD called us to do. Then, if through their prayers for the people and the land there is not a great earthquake and I am called a false prophet, this is my prayer. It is better men and women are saved and brought closer into a loving relationship with their CREATOR then there be judgment. Also, if I say “I believe” or “I think,” that is not prophecy. So, do I think there isn’t going to be an earthquake now? I’ll let you be the judge. Until today, I had not looked at earthquake activity. A friend sent me a link to a guy on Telegram, called Dutchsinse, who can predict earthquakes like the weather man can predict the weather. Earthquake activity all over the world went from not very much to highly active (“Major unrest spreading”) during the time listed above as the day of Pesach/Passover. Taiwan alone had a lot of earthquakes. An earthquake above a 2 can be felt. During this same time an earthquake wave that moves back and forth from the west coast to the east coast increased in intensity to where it can be felt at a 3 in Texas in the middle of the east coast to west coast seismic wave. It seems whatever has started, started on the day of Pesach/Passover. And, if it was over, I would assume a decrease not an increase.

5/2/2024 Update:

Since the day after I posted the 4/25/24 update, the earthquake activity around the middle of the United States went silent. During the Pesach/Passover week the whole Earth seemed to be going through a judgment with many large earthquakes and even large volcanic activity, except the center of the United States. This area seems to have been passed over. And, even without looking at earthquake activity except on the 4/25 and 5/1, there was a shalom/peace on the 29th and 30th that wasn’t there before. So, this leads us to a few questions. Was the prophecy received a false prophecy? The prophecy would not be false/failed unless the earthquake doesn’t happen on a Pesach/Passover. So, does that mean the earthquake is for a future Pesach/Passover or did the LORD relent and not bring judgement? I believe both. The warning given by and signed by the LORD through the eclipses that outline a judgement by earthquake and by removing/overshadowing peace is real whether or not anyone believes the Pesach/Passover prophecy. As, shown in all other times in history in the video, this kind of warning is shortly followed by a judgement. The fact we did not receive a judgement except on the east coast means something changed. Because of the request of the one man of ’Avraham/Abraham, the one man of Loth/Lot saved the one city of Tzo’ar/Zoar (Gen 19:23, 29). YESHUA/JESUS said John the Baptist was greater than everyone before his time and that the least of the Believers in YESHUA would be greater than all of them (including ’Avraham/Abraham) (Mt 11:11). I know the video reached almost 4 million people, and this message on this website was sent to many Believers. I believe the request and prayers of true Believers in YESHUA/JESUS that have turned from their sin or were already walking with LORD in truth and holiness changed the coarse of events. Does that mean the United States is no longer like Sodom and Gomorrah? No. The warning still remains. Nineveh repented, turned toward the LORD, and was spared (Jon 3:10). But, some time later Nineveh turned back to their old ways and was destroyed (Nah 2:8) [ref]. And, if those who have repented and turned toward the LORD, as Nineveh did, turn back toward their sin instead, we can only expect the same results. But if instead, Believers daily ask to be filled with the SPIRIT (Eph 5:18), so that our only desire would be for the LORD; and, we walk with HIM more intimately each day with our minds set on HIM as the Reward; and, being full of the SPIRIT, we no longer desire the evil desires of our flesh (Jhn 4:14), but walk with the LORD and each other as though we are all truly married together as one Body (Jhn 17:20, 21); then, the dim light of the Church that was faded will overcome the darkness of this Sodom and Gomorrah we live in, as we prepare the way of the LORD while doing HIS will and make straight paths in this wilderness (Isa 40:3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11; 57:14, 15).

6/10/2024, Hopefully the final update:

I’m so sorry. Let me explain what I am sorry for. The Jewish leadership added a 13th month (Adar II) to the year 2024. I followed their example without checking their work, that was my mistake. The barley that is needed for the 1st Hebrew month of ha’Aviv/ha’Abib (Nisan) during the holiday of Yom haBikkurim (Day of the First Fruits) was ready (in the aviv stage) on 3/10/2024 to 3/11/2024 [ref-1] [ref-2] [ref-3]. By having ha’Aviv/ha’Abib (Nisan) start on 4/10, the barley would have been past ripe and unusable for the holiday of Yom-haBikkurim/Day-of-the-First-Fruits. This means a 13th month should not have been added. This also means the the 1st day of ha’Aviv (Nisan) 2024 AD was on 3/12/2024 [ref]. There is a Pesach/Passover for the 2nd month, but it is not the regular Pesach/Passover (Num 9:10, 11, 12; 2 Chron 30:13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22). So, 4/10/2024 was the 1st day of the 2nd Hebrew month of Ziv (Iyar) and was past the regular Pesach/Passover of this year. This mean there will not be a regular Pesach/Passover after 4/10/2024 until next year. This update doesn’t really change anything stated in this article except when the Pesach/Passover occurs.

The dates for the LORD’s Holidays have been updated.