The 6th Trumpet-The 2nd Woe

Rev 9:12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

And, were released/untied/destroyed/broke-up the four messengers, the (ones) made-ready/prepared for the hour and day and month and year that they kill/slay/destroy the one-third (of) the men.
Rev 9:15

The Roman hour, day, month, & year that many people are familiar with is different than the Jewish hour, day, month, & year. As the table below shows, the Biblical/Jewish day ends & starts at sunset instead of midnight (Ex 12:18; Lev 23:5, 32). The Biblical hours start at sunrise and divide the the daylight into 12 equal parts of “hours” with the night divided into 3 parts called “watches” [1] (Lam 2:19; Jdg 7:19; Ex 14:24). The night was divided into 4 watches at the time of the Romans (Mt 14:25).

(turning your phone sideways will make the tables below easier to read.)

The Biblical month starts the 1st day of the month when the 1st light of the Moon is seen after the astronomical new moon as shown below [2]. This 1st day of the month is called Rosh Chodesh (Head of Month [New Moon]). But, the Jewish Sanhedrin of 2023 AD disregard this by their use of a perpetual calendar [3].

And, unlike the Roman year that starts & ends close to the winter solstice at the darkest time of the year, the Biblical/Jewish year has 2 starting/ending points [4]. The civil year starts around the time of the fall equinox, while the religious (ecclesiastical) year & beginning of the counting of months starts around the spring equinox [4]. The new year that starts the civil year is called Yom Teru’ah (Day of Trumpet Blast) or Rosh haShanah (Head-of-the-Year) (Lev 23:23, 24, 25; Num 29:1). You may notice there are 12 hours in a day and 12 months in a year, with the hours being like months. Even the starting/ending times for the hours in a day are like the starting/ending times for the months in a year. So, the table showing the months in a year below looks similar to the 1st table above showing the hours in a day.

(In Israel, summer has longer days with winter having longer nights shown in table above.)

The Roman week is similar to the Biblical/Jewish week with different names for the days. The Biblical/Jewish week just names the day of the week after its position in the week with the 7th day called a Shabbat (Sabbath/day-of-rest) as shown in the table below.

Hamas attacked Yisra’el (Israel) on 10/7/2023 at sunrise at the Roman hour of 6:35 AM [3] or in the middle of 7th hour. As the Biblical/Jewish day starts at sunset, It was the middle of the 7th-day/Shabbat (Sabbath). It was also the 7th day of the Roman week & month. The calendar below shows the Roman days, weeks, and month along side the Biblical calendar and the Jewish calendar established by the leaders of the Jews called the Sanhedrin. The lighter colored day is the day when Hamas attacked Yisra’el (Israel).

The LORD’s appointed feast of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles/Booths), as celebrated according to the Scripture (Lev 23:34; Dt 16:13, 14, 15), starts with knowing the time of Civil-New-Year/Yom-Teru’ah/Rosh-haShanah/Rosh-Chodesh. This day occurred at the sighting of the 1st light of the Moon at sunset on 9/16/2023 [4]. So, new years day of the civil year being the 1st day of the 7th Jewish month, ha’Ethanim (Tishri), was from the sunset of 9/16/2023 to the sunset of 9/17/2023 as shown in the table below that is a section of the calendar above.

Sukkot is a 7 day feast with the 1st day starting in the middle of the month during/after the Full Moon on the 15th of the 7th month. The 15th of the 7th month was from the sunset of 9/30/2023 to the sunset of 10/1/2023 as shown in the calendar section below of the 1st red & black boxed days. The 7th day of Sukkot was from the sunset of 10/6/2023 to the sunset of 10/7/2023 as shown in the calendar section below of the 2nd red & black boxed days. The attack occurred in the middle of the 7th Jewish month in the middle of the 7th day of Sukkot.

Like the 7th day of the week being a day of rest called the Sabbath (Shabbat), the 7th year is a year of rest for the land called the Shemiththah (Shemitah) (Ex 20:8, 9, 10, 11; Lev 25:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The year after 7-weeks-of-years/the-7th-Shemiththah (7 × 7 Shemitah = 49 years) is the 50th year called a Yovel (Jubilee) and is a year of release, return, and rest for the family of the Lord and their land (Lev 25:8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 28, 39, 40, 41, 47, 54).

We know in what years the Shemiththah (Shemitah) year occurs every 7th year allowing for the 49 count Yovel (Jubilee[5]. Due to the events noted in the Map of Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls, we know when a 49 count or 50 count Yovel (Jubilee) occurs. The religious new year of months starting in the spring was fully established when YESHUA died on the Cross, rose from the dead, and established the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church at this time of year. The Jewish year of 2022-2023 AD was the 7th year called a Shemiththah (Shemitah) when counting a 49 count Yovel (Jubilee). The civil year Shemiththah (Shemitah/7th-year) would have ended on Yom Teru’ah at the sunset of 9/16/2023, but the religious year Shemiththah (Shemitah) would continue for another 6 month making Yom Teru’ah (sunset 9/16 to sunset 9/17) the middle of the religious year Shemiththah (Shemitah). The Jewish year of 2022-2023 AD was also the 7th year after the 49 count Yovel (Jubilee) of 2016-2017 AD.

So, Hamas attacked Yisra’el (Israel) in the middle of the 7th hour, in the middle of the 7th day, in the middle of the 7th month, in the middle of the 7th Year.

But, the Jewish way of figuring the hour makes sunrise the 1st hour. On 10/7/2023, the sun rose at 6:35 AM upon Yisra’el (Israel) in Kfar Ruppin and sat at 6:18 PM in Tel Aviv-Yafo. So, the attack occurred at the beginning of the 1st hour. The Greek word for “day” in Rev 9:15 is the daylight day of sunrise to sunset. So, the attack was at the beginning of the day/daylight. If we consider sunrise to sunrise a day (see Week of Man Timeline), then the sunrise of 10/7/2023 was the beginning of a day that became the 1st day of the week at sunset (when at the same time also using sunset to sunset for the beginning of the next day). The 8th day of the week is also the 1st day of the week as shown in the table below.

Because of the way the Sanhedrin of 2023 AD calculate Yom-Teru’ah/Rosh-haShanah/Rosh-Chodesh to be the same day as the astronomical new moon, most Jews were celebrating the 8th day, called Shemini ‘Atseret (Lev 23:39), from the sunset of 10/6/2023 to the sunset of 10/7/2023 (2nd blue boxed date in the calendar section below).

The 7th Jewish month, ha’Ethanim (Tishri), is also the 1st month of the Jewish civil year. And, as noted above, 10/7/2023 is at the beginning of the 1st year of the 7 year civil Shemiththah (Shemitah) cycle. Like 1st day of the week also being the 8th day, the 1st year of the 7 year Shemiththah (Shemitah) cycle is also the 8th year. The day of 10/7/2023 was also at the beginning of the 8th year of the 49 count Yovel (Jubilee).

So, Hamas attacked Yisra’el (Israel) in the beginning of the 1st hour, in the beginning of the 1st day, in the beginning of the 1st month, in the beginning of the 1st Year.

This timing could only occur at a very hour, day, month, and year that fulfills the requirements of Rev 9:15.

See “The Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls of Revelation” for the rest of the story.