The Vulture, Virgin, & Pharaoh

Ex 19:4 states, “You have seen what I did to Mitzrayim (Egypt), and I carried/lifted-you-up on vultures’ wings and brought you to MYSELF.” Your thinking, “I thought it said eagles’ wings?” And, there is the argument. Some think the Hebrew word “nesher” (H5404) is an eagle and some believe it is a vulture. Why a vulture? I mean why would the LORD say a vulture. There are a few Hebrew words for “love.” But, the Hebrew word racham (H7355) is a complete love where the love is returned [ref]. We know the LORD loves us, but when we also love the LORD it is a complete love of racham. The interesting thing in Hebrew is racham (H7360) is also a vulture. Why? Well, lets take a look at a vulture.

{A male and female vulture mate for life (90% of birds do this as well [1]). And, both the male and the female vulture take care of their young (most birds do this too [2]). But, the vultures’ young grow slower than other kinds of birds; so, they care for their young longer. Vultures don’t usually hurt anything that is living. They consume death, killing dangerous bacteria with their strong stomach acid. And, they do not fight others for their food.} [3][4][5]

So, like the LORD, they are patient with their children. We also know anytime sin/death/unholiness is before the LORD, HIS holiness in the form of fire consumes it (Lev 9:24; 10:1, 2; Num 11:1; Gen 19:24; Dt 4:24; Heb 12:29; Dan 7:9, 10, 11). And, like a vulture who takes in death bringing an end to it, in love YESHUA took the death of sin upon HIMSELF to bring an end to that death and sin for the Believer (Isa 53:4, 5; 1 Pet 2:24; Rom 6:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 2 Cor 5:21). It is the Believer who is returning love toward the Lord and making the love complete, which is racham.

Pharaoh is spoken of as a great dragon/monster/serpent in Ezk 29:3, making him in the likeness of Satan and his land the land of the adversary. Pharaoh’s land of Mitzrayim/Egypt (H4714) is similar to the Hebrew word metzarim which is the plural of metzar (H4712) that means anguish/distress/hardship and symbolizes the unclean world full of sin and death we are to flee from with the help of the Lord as HE lifts us up out of the slavery from the world and sin to bring us to HIMSELF.

Yisra’el (Israel) is spoken of as a virgin throughout Scripture (Amos 5:2; Jer 31:4; Isa 37:22) and in Ezk 16:8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Yisra’el/Israel is seen as naked and the LORD marries and clothes her with righteousness. This is similar to how with a sacrifice the Lord clothed ‘Adam & Chavvah (Eve) (Gen 3:21).

Now for the fun part!

We know where the Suph (Red) Sea Crossing & Mount Sinay (Sinai) are. If this is new to you, please see this link for pictures & videos of the Suph (Red) Sea Crossing, the split rock, Mount Sinay (Sinai), and more. The Hebrew word qedem (H6924), that means front, can mean east; and the Hebrew word ‘achar (H310), that means behind, can mean west. So, let us take a look at this map turned 90 degrees counterclockwise. This puts east at the top and in front.

This will be the blank picture you can come back to.

This looks like a vulture to me. The wing is proportional to the body. The head is bald where Mount Sinay (Sinai) is located & where Yisra’el (Israel) camped. The baldness even matches the vulture in the picture at the beginning. The beak is the right shape, and the area of the eye is darker and bumpier. This might just be coincidence.

The vulture’s mouth might be open like this.

That looks like a pharaoh to me. Even the snake on top of the head is very detailed if you go up to the blank map above.

Here is a picture of a pharaoh. The picture below is what seems to be a pharaoh type image as a serpent. This might be coincidence.

That really looks like the outline of a skull on top of the pharaoh to represent death. You might like the malformed skull below. Coincidence?

This one really might not be anything. But the next image completes the full story.

Remember Hebrew reads from right to left. That looks like an image of a woman riding on the back of the vulture to be lifted up and carried on vultures’ wings to flee from the pharaoh and his death. The image above has had some of the lines removed from the chest area from my original picture, it was just a little to many lines. I don’t think it is coincidence, more like the LORD’s handiwork; but, I will let you be the judge. Below is a picture with Yisra’el (Israel) clothed and appearing as a priest. The pictures after that are of what seems to be a representation of the army of pharaoh that is behind him.

The horse may also have a headdress.

2nd guy on different chariot.

Or, maybe riding an ox (they appear to represent the gods of Egypt maybe).

This reminds me of the picture below. The lines do not give this image justice. Look at the original land picture.

Another guy.

Another horse and what looks like a sphinx. Compare it to the sphinx picture below.


You stayed till the end. Here is the bonus picture. I think this is mountains in the background with a big crashing wave coming down on pharaoh and his army. Oh, I think that because I also see a sea turtle in the water. And, there might be a squid under the turtle I didn’t outline with his eye right under the turtle’s fin. But, I might have a big imagination. Use the photo below with the squid outlined to compare the real picture of the land. There may be more pictures. I believe our LORD, the Creator of Shamayim (Heaven[s]) and ‘Aretz (Earth), is showing us how much HE loves us.

The picture of the Earth is way better if you look at a plain map online without the picture outlines; these are a little blurry.

All maps are by and are a parody of Google Earth maps.
