CHayet     h    &    H

Braided Hair

The 8th Hebrew letter, CHayet, is similar in appearance to the English/Roman ‘H’ but sounds like a gutteral ‘CH’. CHayet has a beginning image in the form of the braided hair that covers the head or the four the fingernails together covering the clenched fingers/etzba’ot/digits of the hand [ref]. Hair & fingernails are both made of keratin and “have much in common” [ref].

From the first letter form of Wav (U) it was found that the 4 fingers/etzba’ot bent upon themselves represent the body/flesh of YESHUA.

There were 4 layers covering the Tabernacle/Tent/House of the LORD (Ex26:1, 7, 14). The 4 coverings point to the Tabernacle representing YESHUA (Ex 26:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) (see Dalet). The Hebrew word ‘Immanu’el (H6005) means ‘GOD with us’ (Mt 1:23). YESHUA is called ‘Immanu’el (Isa 7:14Mt 1:2223). Our bodies are referred to as tents/tabernacles in 1 Cor 6:19 and 2 Cor 5:123456; and, YESHUA called HIS body a Temple (Jhn 2:19202122). The 2nd layer was woven/braided goat hair (Ex 26:7). So, the hair of the head is a covering/tabernacle of the head; fingernails are like hair and a covering of 4 upon the bent fingers of the hand that represent the Body-of-YESHUA; and the 4 layered Tabernacle also represented the body of YESHUA. The Hebrew letter CHayet is matching the image of braided hair of a tent/tabernacle and the fingernails of the bent-fingers/tabernacle-of-the-hand. So, the 8th Hebrew letter of CHayet is looking like the Tabernacle-of-YESHUA/Body-of-YESHUA (2/Tabernacle x 4/YESHUA = 8/Body-of-YESHUA).

Chayet is like a feminine plural form of the Hebrew words chayah (H2421; H2421a) that means “to live;” chayyah (H2421b; H2422a) that means “wild animal” or “living animal” or “community;” and chayeh (H2422; H2422b) that means “vigor of life” or “lively” or “community.” And, the Body-of-YESHUA/Church is a community that is alive/lively having the vigor of life.

The hair is the wall & covering for the tent/tabernacle/temple [ref], just as the hair of our head is its covering, and the plants of ‘Aretz/Earth are a covering of ‘Aretz/Earth. Man (male & female) was formed from the dust/dirt of ‘Aretz/Earth into a living tabernacle (Gen 2:7; 2 Cor 6:16). Chavvah (Eve) (H2332), whose name is similar to the letter Chayet, was then built from man and given her name because she would be the mother of all living mankind (Gen 3:20).

Ruach (H7307) is the Hebrew word for spirit and wind which is feminine and usually referred to as such, even when the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word is talking about the Lord-the-Spirit/Holy-Spirit. In the New-Testament/Word the LORD the SPIRIT is usually referred to using the Greek word pneuma (G4151) that also means spirit and wind but is neuter/neutral in form. This would be like translating the SPIRIT as it. But, the LORD the SPIRIT is a person just as the LORD the FATHER and the LORD the SON are each a person (This link called ‘How Do We Know the Holy Spirit Is a Person? and is to a very good article proving the SPIRIT to be a person). Other places in the New-Testament/Word refer to the SPIRIT with Greek masculine words like parakletos (G3875) that means the Helper/Advocate/Comforter/Intercessor (Jhn 16:7). This all makes it difficult as a translator to use a pronoun for the SPIRIT. The FATHER and the SON are easy because they are always referred to as HE/HIS/HIM. We should not use the pronoun ‘it’ for someone who is a person. So, the question is why is the SPIRIT described with words that are masculine, feminine, and neuter? And, which pronoun(s) should we use to translate for the SPIRIT? The LORD is spirit (Jhn 4:24). The LORD the FATHER, SON, and SPIRIT were neither male or female until the SON was given the flesh of a man when the SON came to Aretz’/Earth from Shamayim/Heaven(s) (Jhn 6:38; 3:17). Also, the LORD made both male and female in his image (Ge 1:26). If the LORD’s image/resemblance (H6754) and likeness/manner/fashion/shape/model (H1823) is like both a man and a woman according to the Scripture/Word, would only using the pronouns HIM/HIS/HE demonstrate this concept? In the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word, The LORD had not fully joined with the Church body, like HE did after the SPIRIT was given on Shavu’ot/Feast-of-Weeks/Pentecost, and the LORD-the-SPIRIT did not usually indwell the Family-of-the-LORD/the-Church/Yisra’el/Israel (There were times the SPIRIT did like Ex 31:3; 35:31) (Acts 2:1, 2, 3, 4; 13:52). This means in the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word, the LORD the SPIRIT was written about in reference to the LORD without the Church. In this case, the feminine attributes of the LORD the SPIRIT are being compared to the masculine attributes of the LORD the FATHER and the LORD the SON. In the New-Testament/Word, after YESHUA arose from the dead, HE sent the LORD the SPIRIT to indwell and guide those who become a part of the Family of the LORD through the death and resurrection of YESHUA (Acts 1:8; 2:1, 2, 3, 4). The Church, who the SPIRIT indwells, is spoken of as feminine/a-bride/a-wife even though men (not just women) are a part of the Church (Mt 9:15; 2 Cor 11:2). So, in the New-Testament/Word the LORD the SPIRIT is being explained in reference to the LORD and the Family-of-the-LORD/the-Church. In this case, the LORD is represented as masculine, with the SPIRIT included, and the Family of the LORD is represented as feminine. The Family of the LORD is seen as the Bride (with the SPRIRT) to be wed to the LORD the SON (the Groom) (Rev 19:7; 21:2; Isa 61:10; 62:5). We also see the husband as MASHIACH/MESSIAH/CHRIST in the verses of the book of Ephesians (Eph 5:23). The SPIRIT is referenced with a mostly neuter word in the New-Testament/Word because the SPIRIT is neither male or female and is fulfilling the attributes of both male/masculine and female/feminine. This does not mean the SPIRIT should ever be called it, that would be like calling any person an it. So, in the end the FATHER is represented as masculine, the SON/YESHUA is masculine, and the SPIRIT is represented as feminine compared to the FATHER and the SON but is represented as masculine compared to the Church.

This next part is not really part of this Hebrew letter and can be skipped, but needs to be addressed in this time of gender confusion in the world and in light of the SPIRIT being represented as both masculine and feminine. Besides the LORD stating it is sin, why would it be wrong for a man to marry a man, a woman to marry a woman, a man to change himself to be like a woman, or a woman to change herself to be like a man? The explanation is in the marriage. If a man/husband is representing YESHUA-the-LORD/the-Groom and the woman is representing the Church/the-Bride as the Scripture/Word states in Ephesians 5:22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, then for a man to marry another man would represent 2 gods; and, there is only 1 GOD and there are no others (Dt 4:35, 39; Isa 45:5, 14, 21; 46:9). For a woman to marry another woman would represent 2 churches without GOD. A man making himself like a woman would represent GOD becoming like the Church. YESHUA the LORD GOD did become like the Church on the Cross in death. So, a man making himself like a woman should also result in death to fulfill the symbolism. A woman making herself like a man is representing the man trying to be GOD. So, for all these reasons these acts are sin as stated in Lev 18:22; 20:13; Dt 22:5; 23:1; 1 Cor 6:9, 10; Rom 1:26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32; 1 Tim 1:10.

The rest of this Hebrew letter CHayet will be more fully understood after reading the Tzitzit article that has more complete references. Now to continue on.

The LORD the SPIRIT, WHO is represented by the woman, comes from the LORD the FATHER and was/is sent by the SON to give life and understanding to the Church/the-Body-of-YESHUA (Jhn 14:26; 15:26;16:7). The woman/Eve though, unlike the SPIRIT within the Church, brought death to man when she ate the forbidden fruit and brought understanding to their nakedness (no covering), of which the LORD covered their nakedness/death with the skin of a sacrifice (Gen 3:21). This placed ‘Adam (man) & Chavvah (Eve-mother of man) within the body/skin of the LORD’s sacrifice to allow them to be covered and meet/fellowship with the LORD. This points toward YESHUA, the LORD’s Sacrifice, who allows man to enter into the Body-of-YESHUA/Tabernacle-of-the-LORD/Church-of-the-LORD to meet/fellowship with the LORD. The LORD sees the skin/sacrifice covering the nakedness/death as fulfilling the requirement of the death penalty for the sin, allowing the sinner in the Body-of-the-sacrified-Lamb-of-GOD/Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church to live.

(Picture by Ruk7 under CC BY-SA 3.0, picture changed)

The first covering of the Tabernacle was white-linen embordered with wool dyed Tekheleth/blue, Argaman/purple, & Shani/scarlet using the dyes from crushed worms (see Tzitzit). Tekheleth/blue is a dye from a crushed rock-snail/sea-worm placed in sunlight and turning blue; Argaman/purple is a dye from a crushed rock-snail/sea-worm placed in darkness, having a bad odor, and turning purple; Shani/crimson/scarlet is red dye from a crushed red scale insect/worm of an evergreen oak tree (see Tzitzit). This points toward YESHUA who is called a worm who was crushed for our iniquities (Psm 22:6, 16; Isa 53:5). The life in the blood of the Lamb-of-GOD/YESHUA brought forth from being crushed on the Cross brings a covering/atonement for the person’s life of sin to be seen as clean and holy before the LORD (Jhn 1:29; Isa 53:10; Lev 17:11). This is being represented in the blood of the worm(s) brought forth from being crushed and forming the 1st covering of the Tabernacle where the holy LORD meets and fellowships with man cleansed with sacrifices representing YESHUA (Ex 40:29, 31, 32; Heb 7:22, 26, 27). And, the 3rd layer of the tabernacle is a ram’s skin dyed the color of blood also representing YESHUA, the Lamb/Ram of GOD, sacrificed and covering/atoning for the sin of those who are in the Body-of-YESHUA/Tabernacle/House-of-the-LORD/Family-of-the-LORD. The 4th layer was made an animal skin called in Hebrew a tachash that is now an unknown wild animal [ref] (all the domestic animal Hebrew names are known).

The Tabernacle is forming a house covered by the blood of the LAMB where a person inside is passed over and avoids the death/punishment of the LORD, because the requirements of a death/punishment for sin have already been met. This is like the 1st Pesach/Passover when the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel place blood from the Pesach/Passover lamb upon the house door so those in the house would be passed over (Ex 12:3, 6, 7, 12, 13).

The meaning of CHayet as stated above was related to ‘wild animals,’ not ‘domestic animals.’ The domestic animals of cows, lambs, and goats were use for the sacrifices to represent YESHUA’s sacrifice on the Cross. But, CHayet is representing the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church. So, the wild animal is maybe being used to represent the Believers/Church. And, references for Believers being represented in the Word/Scripture as a clean/kosher wild animal can be found as in Isa 13:14; 35:6; or Lam 1:6. But, the LORD becomes one with the-Bride/HIS-Church/HIS-Body (Jhn 17:20, 21; Rev 19:7, 8). So, we also find the Believer being called a lamb and YESHUA being called a gazelle and stag (1 Pet 2:25; SS 2:9; Isa 13:14). Either way the symbolism is fulfilled. But, one of the defining attributes of an animal being clean or unclean is whether it has a split hoof (Lev 11:3; Dt 14:6). By dividing the hoof into two, 8 toes are created on an animal with 4 legs. The 4 legs can represent YESHUA through the representation of Dalet/4. The 8 toes can be represented by the 8th Hebrew letter of CHayet that represents the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church. This is similar to how the digits of the hands and feet were shown to represent the Body-of-YESHUA through their 12 sections (see Wav or Zayin). Chewing the cud was another attribute needed in order for an animal to be clean. The food we eat is sacrificed so we might live. This sacrificing occurs with the gnashing of our teeth. The Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death is also called the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mt 8:12; Luk 13:28; Rev 21:8). Chewing food once represents the punishment of our sin or the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death. This is the punishment for the person who remains in their sin rejecting the invitation into the Family of the Lord (Jhn 3:14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21). This is also the punishment YESHUA suffered on the Cross for a believer’s sin (Rom 3:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31). Chewing already chewed food, or chewing the cud, represents taking part in a sacrifice of food already sacrificed. Those who believe YESHUA is their LORD/GOD and SAVIOR WHO saved them from the punishment of their sin though HIS death on the Cross have as their punishment for their sin what has already been accomplished through the Cross (Jhn 6:53, 54; Rom 6:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Chewing the cud then is symbolizing a believer taking part in the sacrifice/punishment of YESHUA already accomplished on the Cross of which a Believer will not have to suffer for/through. So, clean animals, which chew the cud and have a split hoof, truly do represent the clean Body-of-YESHUA. Praise be to the LORD forever and ever, amen.

The body is made by DNA that makes cells forming the body [ref]. DNA is in every cell that forms the body. We are formed in the image and likeness of the LORD, which includes YESHUA. And, our bodies are called Tabernacles. If you are a Believer, the LORD is within the Tabernacle of your body. Your body and your DNA are representing the Body-of-YESHUA. The closed DNA inside the cell appears as braided hair like the 1st form of CHayet [ref]. DNA and opens to appear like a final CHayet to revive/repair or give life to a cell [ref].

Final form of CHayet


DNA opening up to revive, repair, or replicate cells forming the body and looking like the final form of CHayet

From the last letter of Zayin it was shown that opening/extending the fingers represented the opening of the door to the Tabernacle and bring about life by allowing a Believer to enter into the presence of the LORD within the Tabernacle. So, just as the DNA opens to give life and look like the final form of CHayet, the tabernacle of the hand when opened looks like the final form of CHayet.

The final form of CHayet is also in the shape of the inside wooden supports of the wall of the Tabernacle/House/Tent of the LORD. These inside supports for the 4 coverings were made out of the shittim (acacia) thorn tree that points back to the fallen thorn tree image of the three crosses together upon Golgotha/the-Skull (see The Flesh) (Ex 26:15). So, the 4 coverings representing YESHUA crucified are laying upon supports representing the Cross HE was crucified upon.

This is a link to a good picture of the Tabernacle inside boards; it is the 5th picture down.

Also, the head has been shown to be a Tabernacle in the above writing. So, inside of the tabernacle of the head has the final form of CHayet as seen in the teeth.

The teeth also represent the area of Gnashing of Teeth that represents the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death that is represented by the Cross that looks like the thorn tree that represents our sin and its death (see see The Flesh). So, the teeth are matching in symbolism the supports of the Tabernacle being made of shittim (acacia) thorn tree wood that represent the Cross.

As the 8th letter of CHayet is representing the Tabernacle/Body of YESHUA that is the Church Body, it understandable that the sign of circumcision (death of a part of the body/tabernacle), that was to be done on the 8th day, was given to ‘Avraham (Abraham) as an eternal covenant by blood to establish him and his descendants as the people/Church of the LORD (Gen 17:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). And, YESHUA is a part of the Body and from the tribe of Yehudah/Judah; so, HE died as a part of the Body/Tabernacle and was in the grave until the 8th day of the week when HE arose from the grave, also on the 8th day of the week, to establish by HIS blood an eternal covenant with the Body/Church/Family of the LORD who say “I do” to becoming HIS people (Jhn 20:1, Luk 24:1, 6; Rom 6:5; Heb 13:20). (YESHUA was in the grave and arose from the grave on the 1st day of the week. Since there are 7 days, the 8th day of the week is the 1st day of the week). And, a day is like a thousand years (Psm 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8). So, 8 thousand years after Creation of man and after YESHUA’s 1 thousand year reign, the Church/Bride of CHRIST/MESSIAH is brought together with the LORD forever to be HIS people (Rev 20:6, 7, 10, 14, 15; 21:1, 2, 3).



Don’t read this section unless you have read the Tzitzit article up to the ‘Knots & Wrappings’ section. I will be using the material introduced there to continue this article.

Blood cells

 The Word/Scripture states ‘the life of flesh is in the blood’ (Gen 9:4; Lev 17:11, 14; Dt 12:23; 19:6). Blood from the sacrifice was placed on something or poured out and not burned up, except when burning the red heifer/cow to ash that was used to purify a person from contact with death/dead-things (Ex 29:10; Num 19:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22). Blood was placed upon the horns (of the Aleph), upon the lintel and two doorpost of the doorway to the house during the Pesach/Passover, and pored out at the base of the Bronze Altar representing the Cross (Ex 12:21, 22; 29:12). The blood was not sacrificed/burned-up, because life is in the blood. This is why we are not to eat/sacrifice the blood of animals, but we are to pour it out on the ground (Lev 17:10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 19:26). The blood is placed on the doorframe of the house that is to be passed over (Ex 12:7, 22, 23). The two openings between the head and raised arms of the image of YESHUA crucified (or the 2 openings of He(y)) are framed by the head & arms of the body. So, the head, shoulder, and arm are like a door frame of these openings. This can be seen in the image of the man in the ear below.

In the letter Wav article it was shown the bent fingers forms a Wav and the hand of the ear forms a Wav.

And, at the end of the Tzitzit article, the thumb was shown to represent YESHUA, WHO is the Head of the Body. So, the hands with bent fingers can form the Hebrew letter He(y) that is the image of YESHUA crucified as shown in the image below.

The end section of the thumb that is the 13th section is in the place of the head.

Then, just as the blood was placed on door frame of the house during the Pesach/Passover, blood is place on the thumb/head/door-frame of the hand and on the lobe/head/door-frame of the ear of the person to be cleansed (Lev 8:23, 24; 14:14, 17, 25, 28). The Word/tefillin/phylacteries is placed upon the head/door-frame and upon the hand/door-frame of the body (Dt 11:18) [ref]. It was also shown in the Tzitzit article how the red that brings life can represent the FATHER or the SON/YESHUA. So, the red blood that has and brings life to the body is representing YESHUA/the-Word. The sacrificial blood and the Word (written in ink representing the sacrifice of YESHUA) that both represent YESHUA are being place on the door frame of the body to be passed-over/cleansed. Since the blood of the Pesach/Passover Lamb/lamb is placed on the door frame and the Cross, the door frame is representing the Cross. YESHUA is the Door that hangs on the door frame (see Dalet). And, the arms/body/head/flesh of a person that is forming the door frame with raised arms also has within the flesh/body the death from sin that the Cross represents. The blood is being placed on the 4 horns of the Ox/Aleph on the Altar to represent the FATHER’s/Ox’s wrath upon YESHUA for the sin of the world HE took upon HIMSELF (Isa 53:10). The 4 spikes/horns gourd YESHUA in the hands of HIS legs and the hands of the arms with the hands representing the Body-of-YESHUA as HE is joined with HIS People. YESHUA is represented as a sphere (see Dalet); and, blood represents YESHUA. So, blood cell are spherical cells and appear to be crushed representing the LORD’s crushing of YESHUA [ref]. So, blood is representing the sacrifice of YESHUA giving life, because life is in the blood. The blood cells are carried by the blood-plasma which is 95% water [ref]. The Hebrew word chay (H2416) means living/alive/moving. When the chay is used in Gen 26:18 with water it means moving-water/living-water. YESHUA said HE will give Living Water to the person who will ask HIM, and the Living-Water will be “a spring/fountain/flow (of) water leaping-up/springing-up to/into age-long/eternal/perpetual physical-life/spiritual-life” (Jhn 4:10, 13, 14). Then, Believers are baptized with the SPIRIT like a person is baptized with water (Luk 3:16). And, YESHUA gives the SPIRIT to Believers by pouring the SPIRIT within them like water is poured into a vessel (Jhn 14:16; Acts 2:16, 17, 21, 33, 38, 39). Living Water is representing the LORD the SPIRIT. So, the blood cells that represent the YESHUA are surrounded and carried by the power of plasma/moving-water/Living-Water.

What is the blood doing? Blood contains the 8th element of oxygen/O2 which is representing the Body-of-YESHUA, just as the 8th Hebrew letter, CHayet, represents the Body-of-YESHUA. The oxygen/O2 is always in the blood cell, but the oxygen/O2/blood-cell takes on and carries the 6th element of carbon/C out of the body as CO2/carbon-dioxide. So, the crushed blood-cell/oxygen/O2 that represents YESHUA crushed is taking on the sin and its death represented by the-6th-element/carbon/C, just as the 6th Hebrew letter of Wav represents sin and its death. The blood cell is a cell of the body/flesh; and so, it represents the body/flesh of the Body-of-YESHUA. The oxygen is of the air/sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s); and so, it represents the spiritual Body-of-YESHUA. The air/sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) has both the 7th element of nitrogen (representing the 7 fold SPIRIT) and the 8th element of oxygen, representing the Body-of-YESHUA WHOM the SPIRIT is upon and indwells [ref-1] [ref-2]. This oneness of the Body-of-YESHUA and the SPIRIT is being shown in the oneness of nitrogen and oxygen in the air/sky we breath. Even though nitrogen is in the air we breath and our body needs nitrogen to build DNA, proteins, and all the flesh of our bodies, we can not use the nitrogen from the air [ref]. Nitrogen only comes into the body when we eat/sacrifice food, just as the SPIRIT is all around men but only comes into a person who believes in YESHUA as their GOD and SAVIOR and has partaken in the sacrifice of YESHUA on the Cross through their faith in HIM. And, a Believer eats the communion bread and drinks the wine that represents YESHUA’s body sacrificed and HIS blood poured out for the deliverance of sin; the Believer is doing this in order to communicate their acceptance of YESHUA as their LORD WHO has saved them through HIS sacrificial death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead (Mt 26:26, 27, 28). This is why red wine is the color of blood that is carrying carbon/C/the-6th-element/CO2/carbon-dioxide [ref].

Red Wine
Image by Wesalius under CC BY-SA 3.0
The blood on top is deoxygenated venous blood carrying cabon/C/CO2 and looks like wine. The bright red blood on the bottom is oxygenated arterial blood.

96% of the red blood cell is made up of a protein called hemoglobin that carries the oxygen/O2 and the crabon-dioxide/CO2 [ref]. Hemoglobin is made with the 1st element of hydrogen that represents the FATHER as shown through the 1st Hebrew letter Aleph; it is also made of the 7th element of nitrogen that represents the SPIRIT as shown through the 7th Hebrew letter of Zayin; and it is also made of the 8th element of oxygen that represents the Body-of-YESHUA [ref]. The red blood cell represents the Body-of-YESHUA WHO is one with the FATHER and the SPIRIT. Then as the red blood cell is a crushed sphere to represent the crushing of the Body-of-YESHUA, the hemoglobin that makes up the red blood cell has 4 iron atoms to represent the 4 iron nails/spikes/horns that crucified the Body-of-YESHUA [ref-1] [ref-2]. And, red blood cells produce a sulfur compound further pointing to the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death YESHUA took upon HIMSELF when HE was crushed upon the Cross [ref]. The exchange of carbon/C/CO2/carbon-dioxide for oxygen occurs in the lungs that look like trees with the alveoli (where CO2 and O2 are exchanged) looking like ‘small round fruits’ [ref].

Picture of Lungs: Click Here

And, in the 4th Hebrew letter Dalet it was shown how the tree represents the Cross with the leaf representing YESHUA upon the tree/Cross and taking carbon/C/6th-element/carbon-dioxide/CO2/Wav/flesh/death upon HIMSELF and bringing forth life/O2/oxygen/8th-element/living-Body-of-YESHUA. The lungs are the same symbolism except instead of leaves there are alveoli/spheres looking like fruit as YESHUA is represented as a sphere and is the First Fruit from the grave.

The lower body is formed like the 1st form of Wav and the final form of Wav is the upper body with the head (see Wav). The lower part of the body is representing man’s relationship with the LORD before being joined with HIM as one Family of the LORD. So, below the belly button death/waste comes from the body continuously. It is like the lower body is representing ‘Aretz/Earth/dirt and our urine is like the flowing salty waters. Above the belly button is life with lungs being like trees and the air/sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) and the breast like the clouds that bring forth living-water/rain/moving-water/milk. So, above the belly button is representing man’s relationship when a person says ‘I do’ to the LORD’s marriage proposal and joined with the LORD as one Body/Family-of-the-LORD/Body-of-YESHUA. All praise and glory and honor be to our LORD and KING, YESHUA/YEHOVAH/our-GOD!

