About Us


(needs references, not finished)

There is one GOD (Dt 4:35; 1 Kgs 8:60; 1 Chr 17:20; Isa 43:11; 44:6; 46:9; 1 Tim 2:5, 6; Jam 2:19;

We believe GOD created everything (Gen 1:1) and there is micro evolution but not macro evolution. Something can not be made from nothing and that nothing could not have made everything. A building has a builder, a painting has a painter, and Creation has a Creator. We believe there has also been created realms beyond our physical realm (example: spiritual realm) (Eph 6:12).

We believe the Bible/Scripture/Word is from the one and only GOD and completely true and perfect as originally written in the original language. There are many ways to prove the Bible is true and perfect using the Dead sea scrolls, prophecy, science, historical evidence, and more. The Bible is the LORD’s love letter to and for us, and the LORD’s/FATHERS’s guidance for life to love HIM and others. The Word is living, breathing, powerful, and one way the LORD communicates with us (Heb 4:12). The Word is a sword/weapon and also used for protection, teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness, and to fully equip the believer of YESHUA (Jesus) completely toward every good work (2 Tim 3:16, 17).

Sin is unholy and is whatever a person thinks, says, or does that is against the one holy LORD and HIS written Word/Scripture/Bible. We believe we are all sinners and the law shows us how we have sinned against the LORD, other people, and the LORD’s Creation (Rom 3:23). The law can not save you, but brings a person to a knowledge of their unholy sinfulness (Rom 7:5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). The LORD is completely holy and perfect and without sin, we are not (Rom 3:23; Isa 64:6).

We believe the wages of sin are physical and spiritual death (Rom 6:23); our works/actions are filthy rags (Isa 64:6); sin keeps us from a relationship with the LORD and others (Isa 59:2); sin allows our life to be given over to the enemy/fallen-angels (1 Cor 5:5; Eph 4:26); the final 2nd death is the eternal Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur (Hell) (Rev 21:8; Dan 7:10, 11; Isa 66:24).

Why we use YESHUA most the time instead of JESUS.

YESHUA is GOD/LORD/MASTER/Friend/SON-of-GOD, born a man of a virgin, sinless, baptized by water, has power over the enemy, did miracles, died on the Cross to take the punishment of our sins, rose from the dead on the 3rd day, was alive for 40 days on earth before HE arose to right hand of the FATHER as advocate for us, is building a place for us in Heaven, will come back for us soon, will defeat the enemy and reign on earth for a 1000 years, defeating the enemy a final time, judging all men who are all resurrected from the dead, and ruling forever.

YESHUA’s death on the Cross gives the believer victory and authority over sin and the enemy (Mt 28:18; Lk 10:19, 20), satisfies punishment of a believer’s sins as the blood of the innocent LAMB/SACRIFICE of GOD (YESHUA) gives life through substitution, YESHUA’s blood gives life & protection.

The HOLY SPIRIT is GOD, is symbolized by wind and a dove/pigeon, came upon YESHUA, worked the miracles YESHUA did, indwells the believer, is the believer’s Comforter, our Counselor (Small-Voice), guides us (the Believer) to lead godly lives with righteous works, empowers us with spiritual gifts to love the LORD and one another joining us as one, empowers us to do miracles for the LORD’s glory as a witness, guides the lost to salvation, freely baptizes (it is a gift from the FATHER called the Promise of the Father) the believer cleansing their spirit when they believe (with water baptism of emersion symbolizing this baptism) (Acts 1:4, 5; 2:38, 39; Mark 16:16; Eph 2:8, 9; 4:5; Mk 1:8; Jhn 1:33), fills the believer daily who is seeking and asking to be filled by the HOLY SPIRIT with this filling of the HOLY SPIRIT usually but not always started by the laying on of hands (Eph 5:18; Acts 2:4; 4:31; 19:6), and the HOLY SPIRIT is the seven fold SPIRIT of GOD (Isa 11:2).

The Church is those who in repentance from sin said to the LORD YESHUA “I do” to HIS marriage proposal making HIM their GOD and SAVIOR to become one with the one GOD WHO is the FATHER, the SON (YESHUA), and the HOLY SPIRIT who are in every way one GOD (Rom 10:9, 10). The Church is the Family of GOD, one with the LORD, will receive new bodies, seeks to deny flesh & self to love and walk with the LORD and be empowered and guided by the SPIRIT/LORD daily to love/serve the LORD & others. Water baptism, communion, washing feet, and making disciples are all required to do to live in obedience to the LORD, but these acts of love toward the LORD will not save a person.

Our Story

(Not sure when this will be put here. Will go in faster if I have a request.)