‘Aleph     A

This letter is an image/pictograph of the strong ox which is one of the sacrificial animals [ref]. It looks like an upside down English capital ‘A’ and sounds like a gutteral ‘ah.’ This is one of the 4 Hebrew letters that can stand as a vowel a d is like an ‘A’. The animals sacrificed upon the altar are the ox, ram/lamb/goat, and the dove/pigeon (Lev 1:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). The dove is a type of pigeon representing the LORD the HOLY SPIRIT, which can be understood from John 1:32 when the HOLY SPIRIT comes upon YESHUA like a dove. The LORD’s festival of Pesach (Passover) has a sacrifice called the Pesach (Passover) (Ex 12:3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11). The Hebrew word for the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice is singular even though many lambs and goats are sacrificed as the Pesach (Passover) (Ex 12:5). YESHUA/JESUS, the LAMB of GOD called our Pesach/Passover, was sacrificed on the Cross on the day of Pesach at the same time as the lambs and goats were being sacrificed as the Pesach/Passover, showing the lambs and goats are representing YESHUA (Jhn 1:29; 1 Cor 5:7; Jhn 18:39; 19:14). The ox being the only sacrifice left would represent the LORD the FATHER.

The name for the beginning letter is ‘Aleph. It can mean oxen or 1000 (depending on the vowels used) [H504, H505]. Though 1000 is not the last number because there is no last number, 1000 is a number ending and beginning a cycle of three multiples of ten (10 x 3 =1000; 10, 100, 1000) and is seen as the last number of the cycle. A thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion, and so on are all multiples of 1000. So ‘Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a name of the last number of a cycle. This gives ‘Aleph the meaning of the first and the last that never ends, an attribute of the LORD the letter represents.

Hebrew letter are also numbers. So, the letter ‘Aleph stands for the number 1. GOD is Light (1 Jhn 1:5). And, light was brought forth on Day One of Creation (Gen 1:3, 4, 5). So, the ‘Aleph/1 representing the LORD, WHO is Light, is being represented when light was made on Day One of Creation. The light of our Sun and of the stars is made from hydrogen that is throughout the Universe. Hydrogen is colorless and unseen. Hydrogen is the 1st element by weight and listed that way on the periodic table. So, Hydrogen is like a physical representation of the Hebrew letter ‘Aleph and represents the unseen LORD, WHO like light gives life to all the creation (1 Tim 6:13). Nothing lives without the Light that shines to give life to the dust of ‘Aretz (Earth).

