Discipling Material

Discipling by WhyAlive

Below are some very good videos & material for discipling material, but this is WhyAlive’s discipling section that I feel led by the LORD to make. It is just starting, so more material will be added or the material that is here will be edited until finished, as I am going to post some things unfished. So, if it states unfinished at the top, it will change, verses will be added, material may be added, and I plan on providing material in text and video format.

Ending sin

(The is an article to help me and my family to end sin in our lives. It is here to share with anyone who will read it.)

(The 2 part videos below are more audio videos than just videos.)

16 minute Video
12 minute video

Heaven & Hell

This is an article about the Biblical description of Heaven & Hell (along with life and death). This description is not like other religions and is not bases off someone’s dreams as most descriptions of Heaven and Hell on the internet and YouTube are based off of.

The material below is not operated by WhyAlive, and we might not agree with everything in the messages. When listening to a teacher, always pray the Lord the Spirit guides you in discernment and Study the Scripture with the guidance of the Spirit to test the teaching, especially if it doesn’t sound right. We all have opinions (the teacher & the listener) that need to be deleted/thrown-out, if shown to be untrue & against the Lord and his Word.

YouTube Section below

Discipling App:   MessengerX

As this app is not operated by WhyAlive, we might not agree with everything, but this app has a lot of very good discipling videos to share with others about different topics. These 15-20 minute video series are easy to listen to 1 per day. If you download the app to your phone, you can download it to listen without using data while you drive to work. Videos this site recommends:
Porn Free (to overcome any sin destroying your life, not just porn)
Called (To find out the purpose the Lord made just for you)
Multiply (X: Multiply Your G-d Given Potential) (part 3 of “Called” series)
Gifted (part 2 of “Called” series) (receiving and finding out the gifts the Lord has given and will give you)
Bait of Satan (to overcome unforgiveness of others who have offended you)
Driven by Eternity (true Christians will not be judged by their sin but will be judged on their heart, motive, and service to the Lord. This will determine how they will live forever in Heaven)
Hearing God
Good or God (Understanding G-d as Lord, exposing fake faith, religion, & salvation)
Holy Spirit
Killing Kryptonite (exposing what weakens the power of God in the Church)
Breaking Intimidation (overcoming intimidation & fear)
Foundations (foundations of the faith from Heb 6:1, repentance from dead works, faith, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of dead, eternal judgment)
Wilderness (learning how to not stay in the wilderness & to enjoy it while going through it)
Reset (things to go through when starting over or when your doing a yearly reset)

Below are good teachers for many areas.

Discipling for your marriage

Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Part 1
Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Part 2
64 Videos by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Jim Cymbala

Started a ministry & church in Brooklyn, New York. I like his teaching on the Holy Spirit among other teachings.

Crazy Love Ministries

by Francis Chan

Derek Prince

(has good teachings, especially in spiritual warfare and deliverance)
Spiritual warfare (each part is about 10 minutes): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15

Off the Kirb

Good YouTube videos

Passion For Truth

YouTube Videos

Wise Disciple

YouTube apologetic videos

Bill Johnson

How do we live in the face of loss of a loved one. This message was given after Bill Johnson’s wife passed away.

The Spiritual Root of Disease

by Henry Wright

Dutch Sheets

Louie Giglio

Very good apologetic material (defending the Faith).

Jonathan Cahn

Messianic Jewish Teacher (A Jew who believes Yeshua/Jesus is the Messiah/Christ/Lord/God).

YouTube Section

Started this section because I’m receiving so many really good videos.

Video 1