(Unfinished, any suggestions are welcome!)

Ending sin

The title comes from the verse where YESHUA (JESUS) tells a woman in John 8:11 to sin no more as though it was fully possible to do so. I don’t know where you are in your walk with the LORD, but I am a work in progress. So, this section is for me and my family that will be made available to anyone wanting to also end their sin. Some of this is in note form and will change as I pray through this subject. This will also be 2 sections and 2 videos so it can be listened to when walking through darkness. Bold wording will be the short version to read faster.

sin: Part 1

This is an article for myself and others, as Believers in YESHUA (Jesus) as our LORD/GOD/KING, to remember the darkness and the sin, while we are not in sin, and to remember the Love, goodness, joy, and Light while we are in sin in the darkness of Death. It seems we as humans have a short memory in this area, or at least I do, and can not fully, if at all, remember the Light & Life while in the darkness & death, nor fully, if at all, remember the darkness & death while in the Light & the Life. I want to end this sin, darkness, and Death. So, here we go.

We need to learn to hate sin as the holy LORD hates it and pray to HIM to help us to see sin as HE sees it. “The fear (of) the-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) to hate evil/bad/disastrous/harmful/mischievous/afflicting/wicked pride/arrogance and pride/arrogance/majestic-pomp; and, the evil/bad/disastrous/harmful/mischievous/afflicting/wicked way/road/journey and the very-stubbornly-contrary/very-obstinate/fraudful/perverse mouth I hate” (Pro 8:13). (Pro 6:16, 17, 18, 19).

Salvation/being-saved is about marriage. Sin is about Death. “For, the wages of sin (is) Death…” (Romans 6:23). What we earn for sin is death. While Salvation is: “that if you confess/promise/publicly-declare the words/saying, with your mouth, YESHUA (as) LORD/MASTER/GOD and have-faith/trust/believe in your heart/character/mind that GOD raised HIM from (the) dead, you will be saved/healed/made-whole/rescued” (Romans 10:9).

When you have said “I do” to the LORD YESHUA’s proposal of marriage of HIM being your HUSBAND, you are betrothed/married. YESHUA states HE is the Bridegroom in Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19, and Luke 5:34, 35, with John confirming this in John 3:29. YESHUA left HIS FATHER and the SPIRIT and joined as one with the Church, HIS Bride, just as it is written of marriage in Genesis 2:24, “… a man will forsake/leave his father and his mother and cling/cleave/be-joined with his wife, and they shall be to (the) flesh/body one.”. Isaiah 54:5, Isaiah 62:5, John 3:29, Revelation 19:7, 8, Revelation 21:7, 8, 9; 2 Corinthians 11:2, and Ephesians 5:31, 32 all state the Church/Body-of-YESHUA is the Bride betrothed/married to YESHUA. YESHUA is a Jew of royalty from the tribe of Yehudah (Judah), and in a Jewish betrothal the Groom and the Bride are legally married. So, the bride is also the wife, and the groom is also the husband.

If in a marriage you sin or wrong your spouse, is the marriage over? No. In fact in a Jewish marriage, the husband has the right to overrule the decisions of the wife with the husband bearing her guilt (Num 30:8, 12, 13, 15). What did change? How each person in the marriage walks, talks, and works together as one. So, sin is not changing our marriage/salvation status, it is changing our closeness in relationship and the effectiveness of our marriage in accomplishing the will of our FATHER.

So, what is sin and its outcome?
So, what is sin and its outcome? The Bible defines sin as “… sin is disobedience-of-the-Law/lawlessness” 1 John 3:4. This Law of the LORD can be learned from the Bible, which is another reason we should read the Bible. Sin is a thought or action that is unholy and unloving. This is the opposite of the LORD who is holy and, “…GOD is love” (1 John 4:8) (Lev 11:44). The LORD says, “…you shall be holy, for I (am) holy…” (1 Peter 1:16, Lev 11:44, 45; 20:26; 21:8). “For, I the-LORD/YEHOVAH do not change/alter…” (Mal 3:6). And so, what is holy does not change or alter. The whole Bible/Word teaches us how “… to separate/distinguish between the holy and between the unholy and between the unclean and between the clean…” (Lev 10:10, 11). A believer not only can read the Word to know what is holy and unholy, but has this covenant/information written on their hearts/minds by the SPIRIT to testify to themselves what is holy, as also the Word testifies (Hebrews 10:16; Jer 31:33). “…I will give/put MY law/instruction/direction in their midst and write it upon their hearts/minds, and I will be their GOD and they will be MY people/flock/tribe” (Jer 31:33). So, we as Believers know what is right/holy/clean/loving, and the SPIRIT confirms what we read in the Bible about what is holy as being holy, even if in our flesh and opinions we disagree. Sin is sin, but how we sin is different. “And, HE (was) bored-through/slain/profaned/pierced for our transgression/sin/rebellion, HE (was) crushed/bruised/beat-to-pieces for our iniquities/guilt/sins; (the) discipline/correction/rebuke for our peace/shalom (was) upon HIM, And by/in HIS stripes/bruises/blows/scourging, for us, we will be healed/made-whole.” (Isa 53:5, NIV). We find here transgression (pesha‘) & iniquity (‘avon) are both different than the word for sin (cheth’). The Hebrew words related to transgression (Pesha‘) are rebel & step; transgression is when a person rebels against the LORD and steps/walks in a sin to anger the Lord. The Hebrew words related to iniquity (‘avon) are dwell & strength; iniquity is when a person dwells in a sin making it his/her strength because he/she desires and enjoys it, not because he/she wants to rebel-against/anger the LORD. And then, there are unknown sins. “And, if a person sins and does one from all (the) commandments/instructions/laws of the-LORD/YEHOVAH which are not to be done and does not know (it), and (he/she will be) guilty and will bear/carry his (her) iniquity” (Lev 5:17). Isa 53 shows it does not matter how the sin was done or what kind of sin it was in order to be forgiven, just as also 1 John 1:9 states, “If we confess/publicly-declare our sins, HE is faithful/trustworthy and just/righteous that HE will release/suffer-for/forgive us our sins and make us clean from all iniquity/unrighteousness.” “HE has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, (so) great is HIS loving kindness toward those who fear HIM. As far as the east is from the west, (so) far has HE removed our transgressions from us” (Psm 103:10, 11, 12). (There is no east or west poles, so those directions go around infinitely.) But, as stated above we need to acknowledge our sin before we can confess it, repent of it, ask forgiveness of it, and continue in a working relationship with the LORD. This is why YESHUA stated, “No one having laid the hand upon (the) plow, but looks on the things behind, is useful for the Kingdom of GOD” (Luke 9:62). Because, the work (plowing) of the Kingdom can not be done while knowingly-walking (looking behind) toward/in transgression or iniquity. Yes, the LORD can use you while you are in sin, because HE used Pharaoh and Judas who were unsaved, HE can definitely still use a Believer. But, the work that is done in the flesh in sin will be burned up, and you will not receive the reward because all our own works in the flesh are like filthy rags (Isa 64:6). “Now, if anyone builds upon the foundation-stone (YESHUA from 1 Cor 3:11) (with) gold, silver, precious stones, wood, grass/hay, stubble/straw; the work/deed/task/labor of each (person) will become apparent/known, for the Day will make (it) clear because in/by/with fire it is uncovered/revealed, and what kind each work is, the Fire itself will examine/test. If the work/deed/task/labor of anyone remains which he (she) built up, he (she) will receive a reward/wages. If the work/deed/task/labor of anyone is burned up, he (she) will suffer loss; however, he (she) himself (herself) will be saved/preserved/made-whole, however so as by fire” (1 Cor 3:11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Note, these are Believers, they are saved. But, there are rewards for the holy work Believers do for the LORD, and the work in sin is burned up while the work in the LORD is rewarded. This short life is like an interview for an eternal position/job in the eternal/forever life. If you’re a lazy sleeping bum in your spiritual walk with the LORD, don’t expect anything greater than the eternal rewards, positions, and jobs that a spiritual bum deserves for eternity.

“For, the wages of sin (is) Death…” (Romans 6:23). So, what else does sin do besides steal away rewards and keep us from working with the LORD on Kingdom work. “…Your iniquities have separated you from your GOD, and your sins have hidden (HIS) face from you (away) from hearing (you)” (Isa 59:2). “…Everyone doing sin is a servant/slave of the sin” (John 8:34). “For, my life is spent in grief/sorrow/affliction and my years faint/fall/decay in sighing/groaning by my iniquity, my strength/power and my bones/body shrink/fail/waste-away (Psm 31:10). “But, exhort/admonish/comfort/encourage each other every day while it is called today so that one of you will not be hardened/made-stubborn by the deception/deceit/delusion/deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13). Sin grows to more sins (Rom 6:19). Your sin has an effect on & weakens you, your family, and the Church as can be seen with the sin of ‘Akan (Achan) and the sin of the man in 1 Corinthians 5 (Josh 7:1, 5, 11, 12, 13; 1 Cor 5:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). A long list of curses from sin are: Dt 28:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. Some may say these curses are only for Yisra’el (Israel), but remember every Believer is a part of the same tree, whether they are part of it as a Jew or they were grafted into it as a Gentile (Rom 11:13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24). So, there is only one Body/Church (Eph 4:4, 5, 6).

Sin is self serving & selfish. The sin we do becomes our master. Our relationship with the LORD and other people is sacrificed/betrayed/used. YESHUA died a horrible death of hell on the Cross for the punishment of Death for each sin a Believer does (1 Pet 2:24). A Believer sinning is like slapping or spitting on our LORD’s face. Our prayers go unheard & our words are usually mean to those around us. We are hardened and made stubborn. Our darkness of death spills over to everyone we love, and our sin alters our view of what we find desirable.

This is something I wrote after sinning. It is something I do not want to forget & it sums up some of what is above: In sin there is suffocating heavy darkness, death, not life, emptiness and despair without hope, a deep dark hole, alone without joy, even in a crowd of friends and family, gut wrenching darkness that sucks the life out of you leaving you not wanting to live, no escape, just shame that drives you to sin again in a vicious cycle of your own prison. It is not a way to live, but just drag on. It feels like Hell, but the final Hell is worse. As a Believer will never experience the final Hell, it is the most of Hell a Believer will ever experience. Both the final Hell and the Hell we create during this life are where we choose to go to be in our sin away from GOD and reject any and all of HIS blessings of freedom, beautiful light, the ability to see, have life, hope, joy, compassion, love, health, and anything at all from the LORD of which all is rejected. A Believer in sin is not fit for the work of the KING, has weakness of spirit and sickness, weakness of power of the LORD, and is drained. They have loss of health, healing, loss of power of the SPIRIT, fellowship, direction, purpose, and drive. The ball stopped rolling and if anything it is rolling in the wrong direction.

You will notice as you read about David, and many others, that even after he or they have asked for forgiveness, there are consequences. There is a difference between judgment/punishment, consequences, and discipline. Discipline is to help the Believer who is in sin (Heb 12:5, 6, 7, 8; Pro 3:11, 12). Judgment/punishment is to pay the debt owed to the one sinned against. And, consequences are the naturally occurring results of actions. If I hit someone, I may be judged & punished by the law with a fine that I have to pay to the law and the person I hit. My family may discipline me in some way to help me overcome sinning in the same way again. And, the fact that my hand hurts, the other guys head hurts, and I am feeling the darkness of the situation are all consequences of the action. The discipline, judgment, punishment, and consequences all fall on the one who sins, while the consequences also fall upon those who did not sin. This helps us to understand why the verses of Ex 20:5; 34:7; Num 14:18; Dt 23:2 speaking of consequences of sin coming upon the children of the sinner seem to conflict with Ezk 18:20 speaking of the punishment of sin is only given to the sinner and not their children. With this view in mind, it is good for those who didn’t sin, but who the consequences have fallen upon, to pray to the LORD for the one who sinned and also ask for help to get out of the consequences of their sin (Num 14:19; Dan 9:16, 17, 18, 19, 20).

Once you acknowledge your sin, repent, no longer want to do the sin, and ask for forgiveness, there is still a day, week, 2 weeks, 40 days (33+7; Lev 12:2, 3, 4), & 80 days of purification from the death of sin. You don’t start from where you left off before sinning, more like trying to get the ball moving in the right direction again. After being in contact with death & disease there is a day, week, 2 weeks, 40 days, & 80 days of uncleanness before a sacrifice can even be made to make a person clean and able to enter into the camp before the LORD (Num 19:14, 15; Lev 11:24, 25, 27; 12:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 13:5, 6; 15:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33). YESHUA is our Sacrifice, but there are still the consequences of being in contact with the death that the sin brought. I have noticed after the 1st day the heaviness decreases, maybe by half. After 1 week the heaviness seems to decrease by another half, and so on. After 40 days, the relationship with the LORD seems to be close to where it was before. I always forget to check to see if there seems to be a difference after 80 days. A woman was unclean for 40 days after having a male child and 80 days after having a female child (Lev 12:2, 3, 4, 5). Some of you may be saying we didn’t have a child? “No-one being tempted/tested/enticed say, ‘I am being tempted/tested/enticed because-of/by GOD; for GOD is unable-to-be-tempted by-evils, and HIMSELF tempts/tests/entices no one; however everyone is tempted/tested/enticed by their own desire/lust/passion, being drawn-away/enticed and allured/entrapped/enticed; then, having conceived desire/lust/passion, sin/missing-the-mark/failure is brought-forth/born; and sin/missing-the-mark/failure accomplished/completed/fully-grown brings-forth physical-Death/spiritual-Death” (Jam 1:13, 14, 15). That sure sounds like desire is conceived, sin born, and Death grown. The whole point here is how long it takes to recover from one sin. Is the temporary high from one sin worth it? Absolutely NOT in any way. I have also noticed after a sin, the day, week, 2 weeks, 40 days, and 80 days seem to be when I am tested by the enemy to see if I will sin again in the same way. This kind of makes sense in the light of that in the Old Testament we would have had to prepare our sacrifice at these times, there would be an acknowledgment of the past sin and an effort to move away from that sin on the sinner’s part.

Now, hopefully you are reading this to keep you from sinning. But in case you are reading this after you sinned. Next will be how to free yourself from sin.

Ending sin: Part 2

“…our exceedingly-great GOD and Savior/Deliverer, CHRIST/MESSIAH YESHUA (Jesus), WHO gave HIMSELF for us that HE might release/pay-the-ransom/liberate/redeem us from all lawlessness/iniquity/sin/disobedience and might cleanse/purify to/for/in HIMSELF a treasured/specially-chosen people eagerly-devoted/zealous of good/beautiful/noble/honorable works/deeds/tasks/actions” (Tit 2:14).

Repent, (not be sorry you were caught) not wanting to hurt our Lord and others, and turn away from sin toward the LORD (Isa 55:7; 1 Jhn 1:9). Sin starts at desire (Jam 1:15; Gen 4:7). If you desire and want your sin, you will get your sin. Do not pray for sin. Yisra’el (Israel) wanted their death in the desert, they died in the desert (Num 14:1, 2, 22, 23, 28, 29). They wanted meat, they got meat through a miracle & the death that came with it (Num 11:5, 6, 18, 19, 20, 31, 32, 33, 34). They wanted their king, they got their king (1 Sam 8:7, 8, 9). And, for the lost who may be reading this, if you don’t want the LORD and HIS blessings forever, you will receive a place without HIM or any of HIS blessings forever.

Remove/cut-off anything that fuels the desire of the sin (at least until the desire changes, if the item is usually not unclean/unholy and can be used for good, bring it back after the desire is gone; but, if the item is not needed, let it stay gone) (Mt 5:29, 30; 18:8; Mrk 9:43, 45). Do not literately cut off your hand or foot. Even though it would be better as an unbeliever to cut off your hand/foot than to go to the Lake of Burning Fire and Sulfur, an unbeliever will never stop sinning because they do not have the power of the LORD the SPIRIT to do so (Rom 8:7, 8). If you are born-again/a-Believer and the SPIRIT dwells within you, in your flesh remains the desire for sin until you receive a new sinless body (Rom 7:18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; 8:9; Phil 3:20, 21; 1 Cor 15:49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57). But, if you are a Believer, you are already holy in the LORD (Rom 8:1; 1 Pet 2:9; Col 1:22; 1 Cor 3:17). You are a son/daughter of the LORD (Rom 8:15; 1 Jhn 3:2). You are the LORD’s Bride (as shown in Part 1). And, your body is made in the image of the LORD (Gen 1:26, 27). Don’t change that holy image (Lev 19:28). Take care of your body/temple that holds the LORD within it (1 Cor 6:19, 20). You can rule over your flesh’s desires for sin by the power of the SPIRIT within you (Rom 8:9, 10, 11). So, we do not need to remove the eyes that have evil desires, the hands that have evil actions, the legs that walk or run to sin, or any other part of your body that may be helping to fulfill sinful desires, but you and your body belongs to the LORD (1 Cor 6:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20). But, we do need to cut off the evil desires and actions and ask the LORD to help us change our evil desires and actions.

Each day pick up the Cross: denying the flesh & killing the desires of the flesh; and ask to be filled with the LORD the SPIRIT & walk with the LORD by the indwelling SPIRIT daily (Luk 9:23, 24, 25; Eph 5:18; Gal 5:24). Ask the LORD to fill you with HIS SPIRIT and any emptiness left behind by the removal of the sin and enemy from your life, and for the SPIRIT to flood you and remove uncleanness and darkness from you. Once full of the LORD, you only have desire for the LORD and HE satisfies and leaves a person full (not thirsty) and not desiring any sin (Jhn 4:13, 14; Gal 5:16, 17).

Ask for deliverance from the sin and the enemy of the sin in the name of YESHUA (Mt 6:13; Psm 18:3; 50:15; 2 Sam 22:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). All authority has been given to YESHUA (JESUS) in Heaven and on Earth (Mt 28:18). And, YESHUA gave HIS Bride/Church/Believers authority over all the enemy (Luk 10:19; Jhn 14:12). This means the only authority/power the enemy has over us, as Believers, is whatever authority you and I give the enemy. And, the enemy can only tempt you with what you already desire. This is why the LORD can not be tempted, because HE does not desire sin (Jam 1:13). If you are in sin, you are giving the enemy authority over you. The enemy will stay until you repent, ask for forgiveness, turn to the LORD, and kick them out. If you have repented from your sin (do not want to do the sin), asked for forgiveness, and turned back to the LORD, you can tell the enemy of the sin to be gone in the name of YESHUA/JESUS. (Example: the sin was a lie. You repented, asked for forgiveness, and now can tell the enemy of lying to be bound and sent to a desert with no people and never come back in the name of YESHUA or JESUS.) The enemy can not read your mind, so you must speak and tell them to be gone and never come back in the name of YESHUA/JESUS (does not matter if you use YESHUA or JESUS, the enemy will submit). If the enemy made a mess, have them clean it up before you tell them to go, otherwise you have to clean up the mess, because they are not coming back (I made that mistake a few times). But, that does not mean another of the same kind of enemy will not come around. “So, subject/submit/make-obedient yourselves (to) GOD but/and resist/oppose/stand-against the Slanderer/Devil and he will flee/run-away/vanish from you” (Jam 4:7). Be consistent and resist the enemy and they will leave, only to test you in time of weakness (meaning when you’re not walking very close to the LORD in HIS light to keep the darkness away).

Read and listen to the Love-Letter/Bible; it is spiritual food. You are weak without reading the Word, just as the physical body is weak without food. (You can even listen to an audio recording of it while you sleep; this is not a substitute for your daily reading of the Bible.) Reading the Bible out loud helps you understand and hear the Word/Bible; it is more filling, like chewing your food longer. Chewing food longer makes the food fill us up fuller with less food [ref]. Many times in the Scripture it says, “Hear this Word which has spoken the-LORD/YEHOVAH” (Amos 3:1). (Dt 6:4) The Word is the Scripture/Bible. YESHUA (JESUS) is the Word that became flesh; HE is the Bread from Heaven that we eat; and the Bread of Heaven is our spiritual food (Jhn 6:31, 51, 58; 1 Cor 10:3). If you eat once a week or snack once a day, will you be strong, able to fight off sickness, and able to work? If you just snack once a day on the spiritual food of the Word/Bible, will you be spiritually strong, able to fight off the enemy and their temptation, and able to do the work of the Kingdom of the LORD your GOD & KING?

Find others to encourage you and for you to encourage (Heb 3:13). This softens your heart/mind by the righteousness of the LORD, the opposite of the hardening of the heart/mind by deceitful sin (sin looks & sounds good, but is full of Death).

Find the purpose and tasks the Lord wants you to do and do them; we were made to work and do something (Gen 1:28; Eph 2:10). If we are not doing the things we are called to do, we will do what we are not called to do. In 2 Sam 11:1, David was supposed to be at war with his warriors, but stayed home resting/sleeping in his bed (2 Sam 11:2). Then he saw from his TV view of the land from his roof a naked woman (2 Sam 11:2). And, he saw and desired Bath-sheva’ (Bathsheba) and had her brought to himself; this brought forth his sin of laying with her, having a child, and killing her husband; and David’s sin once fully grown, brought forth death that was felt and seen (2 Sam 11:3, 4, 5, 15, 26, 27; 12:10, 11, 13, 14, 18). So, build a plan with the LORD to substitute in for the time usually in sin. Walk, talk, and grow in your intimacy with the LORD as you work out that plan with HIM and your brothers and sisters in the LORD.

Give thanks for all that the LORD blesses us with (Eph 5:20), praising the LORD and entering through HIS gates, into HIS courts, and into HIS presence. “A Psalm of thanksgiving: Raise-a-shout/make-a-joyful-noise/blow-an-alarm to the-LORD/YEHOVAH, all the Earth. Be-bound-to/worship/work-for/serve the-LORD/YEHOVAH with joy/gladness/pleasure; come before HIS face/presence with joyful-singing/shouts-of-joy. Know that the-LORD/YEHOVAH, HE is GOD; HE made us, and we HIS people, the sheep/flock of HIS pasture, did not. Come-in/enter HIS gates in/with thanksgiving/sacrifice-of-praise (and) HIS courts/enclosure/village with praise/song-of-praise; Give thanks/praise/confession to HIM, kneel-down-before/bless HIS name. For the-LORD/YEHOVAH is good/beautiful/bountiful/best/pleasant; forever/everlasting (is) HIS mercy/favor and to generation to generation HIS faithfulness/steadfastness”
Psalm 100:12345.

Music important: Play, whistle, sing, listen to music/songs focused on the LORD that lead you into the presence of the LORD (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16).

Fasting to further increase the relationship with the LORD, Strengthening the spirit’s core to be more intimate with the LORD (Mt 6:16, 17, 18; Mrk 9:29; 1 Cor 9:27).

Put on the armor of the LORD: “From-now-on, be filled-with-power/empowered/strong/strengthened in (the) LORD/MASTER/GOD and in/by/with the strength/dominion/power/might of HIS power/strength/force/ability/might. Be clothed with the full/complete armor (of) GOD to be-able/be-powerful/have-the-power (for) you to-stand/to-make-a-stand/stand-ready/stand-firm/be-established toward/against the methods/trickeries/craftiness/schemes (of) the Slanderer/Devil. Because our wrestling/fight/struggle is not toward/against blood and flesh/body/human-nature, but toward/against the chiefs/rulers, toward/against the powers/authorities, toward/against the demonic-rulers-of-this-world (of) the darkness, toward/against these spiritual/supernatural depraved/wicked in the spiritual-realm/celestial-realm. Because of this, receive-up/pick-up/take-up the complete/full armor of GOD, in order that you will have-power/be-powerful/be-able to oppose/withstand/resist in the hurtful/bad/wicked/malicious/evil day/time, and having achieved/labored-to-produce/done all things to make-a-stand/stand-firm/be-steadfast. Therefore stand-firm/make-a-stand/be-steadfast, having girded/put-a-belt-around your waist/loins in/with/by divine-truth/reality/sincerity, and having clothed with the breastplate (of) divine-righteousness/justice/character, and having bound-under-your-feet/put-on-shoes in/by/with/on (the) foundation/preparation of the good-news/gospel of peace/shalom; with/in everything, having received/picked/taken up the large-shield (of) the faith/belief/trust/moral-conviction/confidence with/by/in/on which you will have-power/be-powerful/be-able to extinguish/thwart/quench/suppress all the flaming/burning missiles/darts/spears/arrows of the wicked/hurtful/bad/malicious/evil. And, received/take/accept the helmet (of) the salvation/saving, and the sword/dagger/machete of the SPIRIT, which is (the) Word/Bible (of) GOD. Through every-kind-of/all prayer and request/entreaty/supplication/petition, praying in/at all opportunities/seasons/times in/by/with the SPIRIT, and to this, keeping-awake/watching in/with/by all perseverance/steadfastness/persistence and request/entreaty/supplication/petition around/about/concerning all the saints/holy-ones/those-set-apart-for-GOD;” (Eph 6:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).

Some may say it sounds like you are living life not to sin. I would say it is living life with and for the LORD, and the life of sin becomes the past that you are no longer slaves to.