He(y)     e    &    E

The 5th ancient Hebrew letter is called He(y). It is an image of a human raising their hands in surrender, for help, or in praise to the LORD (Like raising of the hands while saying hey at the end of a Jewish dance). It is similar to the Latin/Roman/English an ‘H’ or an ‘E’ on its back and sounds like an ‘H’ [ref]. This is one of the 4 Hebrew letters that can stand in the place of a vowel and is like an ‘E’. The LORD the SON was crucified in the final form of this letter that is seen at the top of the page. A newborn, from birth to 5 months, positions themselves with hands up during the moro reflex, and babies sleep in this manner.

In Hebrew seed can be something you plant in the ground to increase the life of a plant, something you plant in the womb to increase yourself, or your children that are planted on the earth to increase your love, life, heritage, and generations. In Gen 3:15, the enemy is told the woman’s Seed/Child-from-children would be her Savior. Then in Gen 22:17, 18 ‘Avraham (Abraham) is told the Savior Seed would be from his household. Then we move through history until YESHUA fulfils those prophecies by becoming the Seed WHO is the SAVIOR of the world (Gal 3:16; Jhn 3:16, 17). But the seed/Seed must die and be planted/buried in the ground in a garden and rise again in order to bring about continuous/eternal life/Life. So, YESHUA die and was buried under the ground in a garden and arose from the ground 3 days later bring about eternal Life to all who would join HIM (Jhn 19:41, 42; 20:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18).

He(y), a breath (has the sound of H), points toward the Breath of Life given to all living creatures on ‘Aretz (Earth) (Gen 7:21, 22). The wind is unseen and hard to explain until it blows and moves something like a leaf, and then the wind is understood by the movement of the leaf. The LORD the SPIRIT is represented in the Bible as wind (Jhn 3:8). The Hebrew word ruach means both wind and spirit (H7307). And, the SPIRIT is unseen and hard to explain until the Breath of the LORD moves the bodies of the living or is removed resulting in the motionlessness of a dead body. He(y) is defined as a primitive particle [H1888] which has its own “intrinsic meaning” that may be hard to explain until it is “associated with another word or phrase, in order to impart meaning” [ref]. So, the primitive particle is like the wind. He(y) is also call an interjection which gives a mood or feeling to the sentence; it basically gives life to the sentence [H1887]. So, the meaning of He(y) is life/spiritual-life from death, the Breath of Life, Life of the Seed/seed which must die to bring forth life (more/abundant life). He(y) is also an interjection that is about bringing life into the situation.

Water is the only chemical compound naturally occurring on ‘Aretz (Earth) as a solid (ice), a liquid, and a gas (water vapor). Solid water was over the entire surface of ‘Aretz (Earth) in the beginning as there was no light to warm the water; this makes water part of the physical earth (physical realm) (Gen 1:1, 2). After light was brought forth on Day One of Creation, water was separated into the two waters of the sea below and the clouds above with the sky (spiritual realm, Shamayim) within the area of the clouds and between the two waters on the 2nd Day of Creation (Gen 1:6). This Shamayim (sky) became a tabernacle/home for man. With the expanse (sky) and throne of the LORD appearing as blue/sapphire (Ex 24:10; Ezk 1:26, 10:1), the blue sky/Shamayim (heaven[s]: gas/air/sky/heaven/atmosphere) represents the blue heavenly/spiritual realm and man’s intended home/tabernacle (2nd letter), being created on the 2nd day (Bayit) from between the waters (Gen 1:6, 7, 8). Water represents both the physical (ice) and spiritual (water vapor) realms, with liquid water (sea and clouds) representing what is part of both realms at the same time.

On the 5th day, the Lord spoke and living creatures were made for the blue sea and birds were made for the blue sky, blue being the 5th color on ‘Aretz (Earth). (The sky and the water are not really blue, but they appear blue, just as the sun is white but appears yellow, orange, red, and so on at different locations in the sky.) The sky and the birds within the water above ‘Aretz (Earth) represent the spiritual/heavenly realm, while the water and the fish within the water below represent what is a part of both the spiritual realm and the physical earthly realm. An example of the fish’s representation is a human who lives on ‘Aretz (Earth) within the physical realm, but by believing in YESHUA the Lamb as their LORD and SAVIOR; the person is covered by the atoning blood of the Sacrifice and has been adopted into the Family of the Kingdom of Shamayim (Heaven[s], sky) within the spiritual realm (1 Pet 1:18, 19; Lev 17:11; 1 Jhn 1:7; Phil 3:20). This is why a kosher (fit/clean) fish has scales in the shape of Dalets that represent YESHUA. A clean/kosher fish covered by Dalets (YESHUA) is representing a person made clean by the covering of the blood of the Lamb, YESHUA (Lev 11:9, 10, 11, 12; Dt 14:9, 10).

In order for you to be adopted into the Kingdom of the LORD to become fruitful yourself, you must make YESHUA, WHO is the First Fruit, your LORD (GOD) and your MASHIACH (SAVIOR), believing YESHUA surrendered HIS life blood on a tree for your sins and was resurrected from the dead to give you spiritual life (resurrection) from the 2nd-death (Lake-of-Fire/Hell) you deserve (1 Cor 15:20-23; Rom 10:9; Jhn 3:13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; Rev 21:8). YESHUA’s resurrection occurred after the Shabbat (Shabbat = Sabbath = 7th day) on First Fruits (First Fruits=Resurrection Day) at the beginning of 5000 years after creation. (Lev 23:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Dt 16:1, 9, 10, 11, 12, these verses refer to First Fruits/first grain; Mrk 16:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). This is why the fruit with seed from the fruit tree (the flower/fruit with seed being the 5th part of the tree) is regarded as forbidden to eat the first three years, is holy the 4th (Dalet) year being used as an offering (if grown in Yisra’el [Israel]) (representing YESHUA the Door/4, a holy First Fruits offering), and can be eaten in the 5th year to represent the First Fruit of YESHUA, the Church, whom the LORD the SPIRIT indwells to give life everlasting and avoid the 2nd-death (Lev 19:23, 24, 25 Jas 1:18; Rev 14:4). So, even the trees lift their branches in praise to the Lord, Hey!

The Skull

