Material to Study the Word


If you’re just starting to read the Bible, a good place to start is John or Mark. To get a Bible for phones just look up any Bible app. Remember each Bible translation is really just a commentary on the actual original language of true Scripture. So, you will want to have a regular Bible in your language and also one that shows you the words & meaning of the actual words of the original language called a Hebrew/Greek Interlinear Bible.  (Hebrew is read from right to left)

For computers: & Interlinear
For Android phones from the Google Play: Hebrew/Greek Interlinear Bible
Apple fans just do a search for “Hebrew Interlinear Bible” or “Greek Interlinear Bible.” At the time of this writing, apple was lacking in the area of a good free Interlinear Bible.

(This site gives you background and teaching of the Bible to help you understand the Old Testament)

Professional photos of the places in the Bible.

A site that gives the location on a map of every place written of in the Bible, locating by verse or alphabetically, % confidence rating for each location possibility.

Week of Man Timeline

Above is’s Bible Timeline. If you find a mistake, please let us know. You use this type of material as you are reading the Scripture to allow you to see correlations between events. In some areas, this timeline will also challenge some of the popular Christian opinions that do not have a Biblical foundation. This timeline takes every verse of Scripture as true. I noticed most timelines just state there was a mistake or copying error to make the timeline fit. So, for the 5+ scriptures that line up the Exodus, some of them must be wrong. I don’t believe that. So, this timeline has established a way to satisfy all 5+ verses.

Timeline of the Bible

I like this timeline above to study the Word looking at comparisons. It is the best looking of all these timelines and the funnest to use, but it looks to be the most inaccurate. It seems to be even slower at loading than’s timeline.

Maps & Timelines of the Bible

The site above is very good and a lot of time went into it, but it has a lot of mistakes, just remember to always test things with Scripture.

Maps of Events in the Bible


Scripture with Maps

These maps are good to follow along with the Scripture. Both links above are the same maps. We may not agree with all the material (like the Exodus maps, we do not agree with them, we agree more with the Exodus maps on, but what maps I have used seemed good.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

If you want to help other people in the world to be able to receive a Bible translation in their own language, please consider supporting Wycliffe Bible Translators. They are translating Scripture in a new language about every 2 weeks, have 1600+ more languages to translate the Scriptures into, and are in need of physical and financial help that has decrease since COVID. And, you can always pray for these ministries.

Ancient Hebrew

This is a cool website I found. Their material is not always correct, as you will find from any website, and should be tested against the original language of the Scripture. But, this is very good material. The Hebrew section for is under “God’s Radical Love.”

WhyAlive’s Map of Hebrew

This poster from is good for doing word studies on a single word & following symbolism throughout the Bible.

First Alphabet (Aleph-Bet)

Genesis (Gen 4:15) states the Lord placed a sign on Cain other people would understand, showing earthly writing existed in the beginning. The first earthly alphabet is prophetic of future events 1000s of years into the future (as you will see as you continue), something men or angels can not accomplish. This leaves us with an alphabet the Lord, Creator of Shamayim (Heaven[s]) and Arets (Earth), created. This first earthly language and writing is Hebrew. Different earthly languages and their writings came into existence after the Tower of Babel (Gen 11:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Hebrew letters were written differently in the time of Adam than in the time of Mosheh (Moses) [1]. Both ways of writing the letters are correct; and so, there are two or more forms of the same letter. Each letter of the first alphabet usually has a beginning form and a final form (like a capital & small letter), with the beginning form used at the beginning of a word and sometimes a following syllable (Hebrew has been written with most letters only having one form). Hebrew letters are drawn with a stick image corresponding to the definition of the letter. The pictured image’s name is the name of the letter. Words written with Hebrew are read from right to left just as Arets (Earth) turns right to left while facing the Sun to the south.

With each letter having its own definition, a word becomes defined by the arrangement of the letters within the word. The word BA (bA) is the Hebrew word for father. By understanding the definition of A (A) (creator, leader) and B (b) (house, tent, tabernacle), the definition of the word BA can be understood as creator/leader of the house/tent/tabernacle. As the letters are understood more fully, the words defined by them become clearer in meaning. (For the meaning of each letter and their references, refer to the Alpha-Bet Map of Hebrew.)

Hebrew is written with consonants only while being read with memorized vowels, just as there is the written Torah (Instruction / Law / First 5 books of the Old Testament) and the memorized Oral Torah (Oral Instruction / Oral Law / Mishnah). Different vowels read into the same consonants of a word can give the word a different meaning with the context of the writing pointing toward the correct meaning to be read. So, the word BA (bA) with a different vowel can be a sprouting plant (shoot) with the letters defining the word as a newly created tabernacle/body.

As each letter has its own meaning, the alphabet itself is a story of the salvation message starting with the 1st letter representing the Father and finishing with the last letter of the Cross. If man made this alphabet, how did he know how to write an alphabet that tells the story of events that would happen 4000 years into the future. Much more to come. The Hebrew section of WhyAlive is being moved over to this site in the near future.