Symbolism of Shape

The circle/sphere has no beginning or ending point; just as, the LORD has no beginning or ending (Psm 90:2). The circle/sphere can be seen as having 1 side or an infinite amount of sides; just as, the LORD is called the Aleph (Alpha) and Tav (Omega), the First and the Last (Isa 44:6; 48:12; Rev 22:13). The sphere can also be seen as having infinite dimensions, as opposed to the created three-dimensional world man lives in and was created from.

Man has a beginning that ends with another beginning. This like a ray or a line that has a beginning that continues. A better representation is shown in the edge of the 6 sided hexahedron (cube-like, 6 relates to man, see Wav). The edge begins & then ends only to begin again in a different direction. A 6 sided hexahedron (cube-like) is made up of 4 sided polygons (square-like, 4 relates to the Lord the Son, See Dalet) to represent our being made in the image of the LORD (Gen 1:26). The 4 edge/lines also represent our beginning and ending in this life the 4 times of beginning in the womb and ending in birth (1st), beginning as a baby and ending in weaning (2nd), beginning as a child and ending a coming to the age of adulthood (bar mitzvah) (3rd), and the beginning as an adult and ending in death (4th). After this 4th ending of death, the new beginning is either up or down on the hexahedron. The hexahedron is in 3 dimensions to represent our three dimensional world (from which mankind came and was born/raised into) that came into full existence on the 3rd Day of Creation (Gen 1:9, 10, 13).

The cube is the closest hexahedron to a sphere to represent bringing man face to face into the family of the LORD through YESHUA ha’MASHIACH (JESUS the CHRIST). This is why the tabernacle/tent/house of the Holy of Holies, where the LORD resides in glory, is always in the shape of a cube (Ex 25:22; 40:34, 35, 36, 37, 38; 1 Kgs 6:20). New Yerushalaim (Jerusalem), the new City-of-Heaven/Holy-of-Holies, is also a cube for this reason (Rev 21:1, 2, 10, 16).

A slit is a line made into a physical object which can be opened into a circle, like the slit of the lips being opened into the circle of the mouth. So, the line that represents man is formed into the likeness of the circle that represents the LORD and given life. It is man’s openings from slits that allow him to live. An Oval is half way between the line and the circle. An oval is the shape of life given to a line made into the likeness of the circle; just as, the Breath of Life was given into the oval nostrils of the man who is the dust of ‘Aretz (Earth) made into the likeness of the LORD (Gen 2:7). It is the LORD who breathed the Breath of Life into man giving him life; just as, the LORD YESHUA breathes into a person of the Body (the Church) of MASHIACH the HOLY SPIRIT to give them life everlasting (Jhn 20:22; 3:5, 6). It is the LORD the HOLY SPIRIT, the Breath of Life, who is the life given to mankind both physically and spiritually here on ‘Aretz (Earth) and in Shamayim (Heaven[s]). So, an oval life giving seed and egg gives forth life to the flesh/body.

The more curves or closer a shape is to a circle/sphere the more spiritual the representation, while the straighter flatter shapes represent more earthly symbolism.