The Flesh

This is a continuation of “The Skull.” Some things may not make sense until you have read “The Skull.”

The Cross was the Roman capital punishment for crimes and would be like the electric chair of today. So, we can say the Cross represents Death.

(If the verses as translated are hard to follow, just hover over or tap the Scripture link. A box with the verse in NASB should pop up.)

“For, the wages/salary/reward/pay (for/of) sin/guilt/failure/missing-the-mark (is) physical-death/spiritual-death; however, the gift/undeserved-favor (of) GOD (is) age-long/unending/perpetual/eternal physical-life/spiritual-life in/on/by/with CHRIST/MESSIAH YESHUA/JESUS, the LORD/MASTER/SUPREME-AUTHORITY/GOD (of) us.”
Rom 6:23

“And, to Adam HE said, ‘Because you heard/obeyed/heeded to (the) voice (of) your wife/woman and have eaten/burned-up/consumed from the tree which I commanded you saying you shall not consume/burn-up/eat from it; cursed (is) the ground/soil/adamah on your account; in toil/pain/sorrow you will eat/burn-up/consume (of) it all the days your alive/living.”
Gen 3:17
“And, thorn and thistle it will bring-forth/bear/sprout/spring-up for you; and, you will eat/burn-up/consume the herb/vegetation (of) the field/land.”
Gen 3:18

So, Cross = Death = wages of sin = thorn & thistle.

The 15th Hebrew letter called Samekh shown above, means to lean/lay upon, transferring of self, and to-sustain/bring-renewal (make clean) [1]. Samekh is what is done when an unclean person (sinner) lays his (her) hand upon the head of an innocent perfect sacrifice and transfers himself along with the burden (punishment) of his sin to the sacrifice, bringing death to the sacrifice and renewed innocent life to the person (Lev 1:4; 3:2, 8, 13; 4:4, 15, 24, 29, 33). The image of Samekh is of a thorn/thistle growing up from the ground. And, if you have ever leaned against a thorn or thistle, you are aware of how they transfer themselves to you. After ‘Adam and Chavvah (Eve) sinned, thorn trees and thistles grew up as a result of their sin (Gen 3:17, 18). Samekh is the image of the thorn and the thistle growing up from the ground as man took upon himself the uncleanliness of sin and was sent away from the Tree of Life in the Garden of the Lord (Gen 3:18). Now, if Samekh is turned on its side, like below, then it is the image of the three crosses together upon Golgotha (the Skull) (Jhn 19:17). YESHUA (JESUS) not only had a crown of thorns to represent carrying our sin, but HE also laid HIS life upon the Thorn/Thistle/Cross to have our death/wages-of-sin, the Cross represents, transferred to HIMSELF to bring renewed innocent life to the person who turns from their sin and lays their trust & belief in/on YESHUA, the LAMB of GOD (Jhn 19:5; Isa 53:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Jhn 1:29; 3:16; Act 2:38; Rom 10:9).

The work of the flesh brings about sin for which wages of sin are death (Gal 5:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; Rom 6:23). We must crucify the flesh and walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:24). YESHUA is the foundation (1 Cor 3:11).

Bone is the foundation of the flesh of the body. Without bone, we can not move or live. “The Skull” shows us YESHUA is being represented in the foundational bone of the skull.

So, in the flesh that brings death (the death of the Cross) there needs to be represented the Cross, being carried upon the foundation of Messiah/Christ. For, HE carried our burdens when HE was laid upon the Cross and nailed to it, resulting in the death of the Cross/flesh through the Lord’s wrath (Isa 53:4, 10). This death the LORD/YESHUA overcame in HIS resurrection, giving victory over death to those who in CHRIST put to death their flesh and become one with the LORD, saying ‘I do,’ making HIM their RULER/KING/MASTER/GOD/LORD. So, where the images are located in the foundational bone of the skull that represents YESHUA crucified, can we find in the flesh the representation of the Cross that lines up with the images in the skull?

First, we need to know what the Cross looked like. There is an article HERE about what we can gather from the New Testament books and time period. But, in the Ancient Hebrew section of GOD’s Radical Love, we have how the Cross was represented in the last letter of Tav, shown below. The top piece is the same length as each horizontal piece. The bottom piece is 2 times longer than the top piece. This makes the horizontal beam 2 units in length, while the vertical beam is 3 units in length.

The Scripture also gives us the dimensions of the Cross in ratio form in the Old Testament. A tabernacle/temple/house/tent made according to the Scripture has 2 rooms/houses: the cubed inner room/house called the “Holy of Holies” and the outer room/house called the “Holy Place” being twice as long as its width (1 Kgs 6:2, 16, 17, 20).

The Holy of Holies (where the LORD’s presence is: Ex 25:21, 22; 26:34) was placed to the west, which in Hebrew culture is considered behind you toward the LORD, with the Holy Place placed to the east away from the Lord in front. This is why the Hebrew word ‘achar, that means behind, can mean west; and, the Hebrew word qedem, that means front, can mean east.

The bronze altar in the Old Testament was made of a thorn tree called shittim (acacia) just as the Cross was part of 3 crosses looking like a fallen thorn tree, as shown above with the Hebrew letter Samekh (Ex 27:1, 2) [ref]. The bronze altar was also a 4 cornered square of 5 cubits x 5 cubits with a height of 3 cubits, had 4 horns at each of the 4 corners, and was where the blood of the sacrifice was poured out (Ex 27:1, 2). The Cross is where the blood of YESHUA, the sacrificial Lamb of GOD, was sacrificed/pierced with spikes/horns at 4 locations (both hands & both feet), and HIS blood poured out (Jhn 20:25, 27; Luk 24:39, 40; Jhn 19:34) (see The Altar). The Cross is the heavenly altar for the Sacrifice of GOD to establish through the blood of YESHUA the redemption of the house/family of GOD of the broken old covenant before YESHUA died on the Cross and the house/family of GOD of the new eternal covenant after YESHUA died on the Cross (Heb 9:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; 10:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Rom 4:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 1 Cor 11:25, 26). As shown in the letter Bayit/Bet, in Hebrew the house/tent/home can refer to the family who lives in the house.

Now, let us see how the above applies to the Cross. If the Cross is the heavenly altar, then that is why the 4 corners of the altar of the Cross are made with the Heaven(s)/sky as seen in the picture below.

We know from Rom 6:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 2 Cor 5:17 that Believers in YESHUA (JESUS) die to themselves and their sin through YESHUA’s death and are resurrected in HIS resurrection as new creations/creatures. And, since YESHUA died for both the family/house/tabernacle of the broken old covenant and for the family/house/tabernacle of the new eternal covenant, this is why we see the 2 houses represented in the Cross in the picture below. And, the Holy of Holies is at the top facing the Heaven(s) toward the LORD with the Holy Place at the bottom facing the earth and man.

There is another way to draw the Cross according to the ratio of the Bronze Altar 1:1.666 or 0.6:1 (3:5 or 5:3) (which is the same as the ratio for the Ark of the Covenant, the kaporet/mercy-seat [1.5:2.5] and Noach’s [Noah’s] Ark [30:50]; Ex 25:10,17; Gen 6:15). When one side of the ratio 3:5 or 5:3 is reduced to 1, you get 1:1.666 or 0.6:1. So, the other side of the reduced ratio has a 6 which points to the 6th Hebrew letter, Wav, that represents the flesh/body of man that was given life on the 6th day (Gen 1:26, 31). This ratio is close to the golden ratio of 1:1.618. If you look up on the internet faces of celebrities made to fit the golden ratio, the faces become distorted. This is because our faces were not designed with the golden ratio but instead with the ratios of the tabernacle/altar/Cross. The cross above uses 1 unit + 2 units = 3 units. Keeping the same 1-2-3 format but using a 1:1666 ratio results in 1.08 unit, 1.8 units, & 3 units. Note the only unit that really changed was the 1.8. So, in the place of the 2 units we could make a cross with 1.666 units to be like the ratio of the Bronze Altar.

So, which one did YESHUA die on? That answer will be at the end of this article.

Now, back to our original question. Where the images are located in foundational bone of the skull that represent YESHUA crucified, can we find in the flesh the representation of the Cross that lines up with the images in the skull?

The 1st image of YESHUA crucified above is the foundation for the cross images below.

The 2nd image of YESHUA crucified above is the foundation for the cross images below.

The 3rd image of YESHUA crucified above is the foundation for the cross images below.

4th Image
4th Image (different hands)
5th Image

The 4th & 5th images of YESHUA crucified above are the foundation for the cross image below. This one is a little harder, because the image of YESHUA crucified is on the bottom of the skull. I could not find any volunteers to remove their head so I could get a picture from the bottom of the head. But, the cross is made by the ears, nose, and back of the head, which will be the same cross whether it is shown from the top or the bottom of the head.

The 6th image above of YESHUA crucified in the flesh is the foundation for the cross image below.

Notice the cross goes through the hands in the ears.
(Sorry, I keep putting the same man for some of these pitures; he is the 1st picture I placed crosses on.)

The 7th image of YESHUA crucified above has a cross image that is a little difficult to show in a picture. The horizontal beam is made by going from the right cheek bone to the left cheek bone under the chin. Then, the vertical beam goes from the chin to the back of the neck. Below is the best picture I can get at this time. The dimensions for the cross measure correctly with calipers with a 1-2-3 ratio.

The 6th image above of YESHUA crucified in the flesh is the foundation for the cross image below. For the nose, the cross is at the angle of lower part of the nose.

Except for the nose, crosses of the face seem to remain uniform across different people. But, the cross of nose varies with a few different variations from one person to the next.

There are no crosses that can be found in the skull itself to line up with the crucifixion images in the skull. Without the flesh, the measurements for the Cross do not exist. This is because YESHUA the foundation, represented by the skull, is not the Cross/Death/darkness, but HE is the Light/LORD/GOD (Psm 27:1; Jhn 8:12; 14:9; 1 Jhn 1:5). But, YESHUA did take on our sin and its punishment of death (1 Pet 2:24), so the image of YESHUA crucified can be seen in the flesh of the ears & nose.

There is another image of YESHUA crucified in the flesh, not mentioned in “The Skull,” that can only be seen when a person smiles there biggest smile.

This image looks like it has a cross, as the proportions of the cross are there. But as shown below, the horizontal beam is moved toward the nose and upper lip, while the top of the cross is separated from the cross. This is the 1st image of YESHUA crucified in the lower jaw without a cross. Why? (to be explained below)

Here is another picture to show the cross with the teeth more together.

The cross above in the woman and below in the man that goes through the arms of the smile image of YESHUA crucified is not exact. The horizontal beam is 2 units long with the vertical top of 1.08 units and a vertical bottom of 1.8 units. the 1.08 to 1.8 is the 1:1.666 ratio, but is not matching the 2 unit horizontal beam. So, this cross really is not right, but it is the same in different people. Basically there is no cross in the jaw for the smile image of YESHUA crucified. Why? (to be explained below)

In the flesh of our head, there is a cross that lines up to every image in the skull except the image above of the image of YESHUA crucified with the hands in the chin of the jaw bone. Why? (to be explained below) You may have noticed that particular image was made differently than the other images.

And, above is a cross in the flesh at the mouth without an image of YESHUA crucified in the skull. Why? (to be explained below)

This is the explanation below:

YESHUA is the Head of the Body (Col 1:18). But, the jaw is separate from the rest of the head. The mouth is a dark bottomless pit of death that is used to continuously sacrifice food (that was once alive) in order to give life to the body. Several times the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death is called the Place of Gnashing of Teeth (Rev 20:14; 21:8; Mt 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luk 13:28). The mouth then represents the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death, a place of continuous suffering/sacrificing. It is even located under the head. If we are with YESHUA, the Head, in Heaven, then the jaw is where the enemy is crushed under our feet as Rom 16:20 states, “Now, the GOD of peace/shalom will crush/shatter/break Satan under/by your feet…” So, the mouth that represents death is represented with a cross that represents death. But, there is no image of YESHUA crucified because the enemy has rejected the LORD, HIS love, and HIS gift of a sacrifice for the punishment of our sins. This explains why there is a cross at the mouth without an image of YESHUA crucified, but what about the image in the jaw of YESHUA crucified that has no cross? “For, thus/in-this-manner GOD loved the inhabitants-of-the-world/world, that HE gave/offered the SON, the only-born/sole/only-child/one-and-only, so that all/everyone believing/trusting/having-faith in HIM will not be-destroyed/perish but will have eternal/unending/perpetual/everlasting life” (Jhn 3:16). So, YESHUA died for the punishment of everyone, but not everyone lays their cross/flesh/death upon HIM. Those represented in the jaw do not want the LORD or HIS sacrifice, but HE loves them anyway and was willingly crucified for them. Their sin and punishment is just not upon HIS sacrifice, because they rejected it. Those who will be in Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death, represented by the mouth, want to suffer the enteral punishment on their own; so, there is an image of YESHUA crucified in the jaw that has no cross of flesh upon it.

This is extra and explains which cross style YESHUA was crucified upon (1-2-3 or 1:1.666).

I believe that every right side up cross on the face is in the ratio of 1-2-3, while every cross that is upside down uses the 1:1.666 ratio. In “The Skull” article, the dove and the ram that were in the skull were both upside down. The right side up perspective is looking at everything from man’s perspective, from the earth up to the sky/Heaven(s). The upside down perspective is looking at everything from the LORD’s perspective, from the Heaven(s) to the earth. So, in the head that represents our LORD YESHUA, the dove and the ram look upside down to us. The Tabernacle on earth was made with a 1-2-3 ratio. So, all the crosses from man’s perspective of right side up are in the 1-2-3 ratio. The earthly tabernacle was only a pattern of the heavenly tabernacle (Heb 8:1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The upside down cross from the LORD’s perspective has the 1:1.666 ratio. It seems reasonable to say that the LORD sees the Cross/thorn-tree as Death from the evil sin of man. Given the Cross YESHUA died on was on the earth, it also seems reasonable to say it was a 1-2-3 cross.

