The Dates of the LORD’s Holidays

(Lev 23:2, 4)

Dates are listed below for the 2 ways the LORD’s holidays are figured for those who want to know in order to celebrate the holidays or just want to know when they are taking place. This list will be updated to stay current. There will be an article from WhyAlive about the LORD’s holidays coming soon. And, this LINK will take you to a website that does a very good job at explaining the holidays.

The holidays calculated according to the New Moon being established by the 1st sighting of its 1st light.

The first light of the Moon seen after an astronomical new moon establishes the 1st day of the month that occurs at sunset [ref]. This is how the Hebrew calendar was to be calculated according to the LORD. There is a time when the Moon is dark. The 1st day the light of the Moon is seen is considered the Rosh Chodesh (New Moon). The Danjon limit is the smallest angular separation between the Sun and the Moon when the first light of the Moon can still be seen [ref]. A Danjon limit of 7 is used in these calculations with a limit below 7 possibly seen (have to have two witness see it though) but not affecting most months. If there are 2 dates, it is because the Danjon limit is to close to predict the exact date.
A Hebrew day goes from sunset to sunset (Lev 23:32). Also, If there are 29 days in a month, the month may have 30 days if the weather does not allow for the Moon to be seen on the 29th day.

Different things can cause a leap month (13th month) to be added [ref]. Leap months are added if the 16th day of the 1st month would occur before the vernal spring equinox (3/19, 3/20, 3/21) [ref: (goto verse 8)]. But, there has to be barley ready to harvest for Yom haBikkurim (Day of the First Fruits) (Ex 9:31; 12:1; Lev 23:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), so this is the main timing event for the the first month of ha’Aviv/ha’Abib (Nisan) [ref]. We will be using observations from Yisra’el/Israel from this site and this site and this site to know if the barley is ready for the year.

(All data is figured using NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Horizons Systems with location set to Jerusalem.)

Final dates for first day of month will use observations from Yisra’el/Israel from this site and this site.

Rosh Chodesh

(Head-of-Month/New-Moon/1st-day-of-month) (Num 10:10; 28:11; Amo 8:4, 5)

1st day of 1st month: ha’Aviv/ha’Abib (Nisan):

sunset on 3/11/2024 to sunset on 3/12/2024;
sunset on 3/30/2025 to sunset on 3/31/2025

1st day of 2nd month: Ziv (Iyar):

sunset on 4/9/2024 to sunset on 4/10/2024;
sunset on 4/28/2025 to sunset on 4/29/2025

1st day of 3rd Month (Sivan):

[sunset on 5/9/2024 to sunset on 5/10/2024];

1st day of 4th Month (Tammuz):

sunset on 6/7/2024 to sunset on 6/8/2024

1st day of 5th Month (Av):

sunset on 7/6/2024 to sunset on 7/7/2024

1st day of 6th Month (Elul):

sunset on 8/5/2024 to sunset on 8/6/2024

1st day of 7th month: ha’Ethanim (Tishri):

sunset on 9/4/2024 to sunset on 9/5/2024

1st day of 8th month: Bul (Cheshvan):

sunset on 10/3/2024 to sunset on 10/4/2024

1st day of 9th Month (Kislev):

sunset on 11/2/2024 to sunset on 11/3/2024

1st day of 10th Month (Tevet):

sunset on 12/2/2024 to sunset on 12/3/2024

1st day of 11th Month (Shevat):

sunset on 12/31/2024 to sunset on 1/1/2025

1st day of 12th Month (Adar):

sunset on 1/30/2025 to sunset on 1/31/2025

1st day of 13th Month (Adar II):

[sunset on 2/28/2025 to sunset on 3/1/2025] or [sunset on 3/1/2025 to sunset on 3/2/2025]

Rosh Chodashim

(Beginning-of-Months/New-Year-of-the-Months/Beginning-of-Religious-Year/1st day of 1st month) (Ex 12:1, 2, 3):
sunset on 3/11/2024 to sunset on 3/12/2024;
sunset on 3/30/2025 to sunset on 3/31/2025

Lamb/Goat brought in home for Pesach/Passover
(10th-day-of-1st-month) (Ex 12:3, 4, 5):
sunset on 3/20/2024 to sunset on 3/21/2024;
sunset on 4/8/2025 to sunset on 4/9/2025


(Passover/14th-&-15th-of-1st-month) (Ex 12:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49; Lev 23:5; Num 9:10, 11):
[sunset on 3/24/2024 to sunset on 3/25/2024] & [sunset on 3/25/2024 to sunset on 3/26/2024];
[sunset on 4/12/2025 to sunset on 4/13/2025] & [sunset on 4/13/2025 to sunset on 4/14/2025]

1st Day of Chag haMatztzot

(Feast-of-Unleavened-Bread/15th-day-of-1st-month) (Ex 12:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; Lev 23:6, 7):
sunset on 3/25/2024 to sunset on 3/26/2024;
sunset on 4/13/2025 to sunset on 4/14/2025

Yom haBikkurim

There are 2 ways to figure this date:
{1st way} The 16th day of the 1st month which is the day after the shabbat [sabbath] of the 1st Day of Chag haMatztzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Lev 23:10, 11).
{2nd way} The day after the regular Shabbat [Sabbath] of the week of Chag haMatztzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Lev 23:10, 11):

{The date of 1st way of after the 1st Day of Chag haMatztzot}: [sunset on 3/26/2024 to sunset on 3/27/2024 (16th day)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 4/14/2025 to sunset on 4/15/2025 (16th day)]

{The date of the 2nd way of after the Shabbat of the week of Chag haMatztzot}: [sunset on 3/30/2024 to sunset on 3/31/2024 (day after Shabbat)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 4/19/2025 to sunset on 4/20/2025 (day after Shabbat)]

7th & Last day of Chag haMatztzot

(Feast-of-Unleavened-Bread/21st-day-of-1st-month) (Ex 12:18; Lev 23:6, 8):
sunset on 3/31/2024 to sunset on 4/01/2024;
sunset on 4/19/2025 to sunset on 4/20/2025



Because there are 2 different dates for Yom haBikkurim, there are 2 different dates for Shavu’ot (Lev 23:15, 16):

{Date based on 50th day from on 1st way of figuring Yom haBikkurim: the day after the shabbat of the 1st Day of Chag haMatztzot}: [sunset on 5/14/2024 to sunset on 5/15/2024 (from 16th day)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 6/2/2025 to sunset on 6/3/2025 (from 16th day)]

{Date based on 50th day from 2nd way of figuring Yom haBikkurim: the day after the regular Shabbat of the week of Chag haMatztzot.}: [sunset on 5/18/2024 to sunset on 5/19/2024 (from Shabbat of week)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 6/7/2025 to sunset on 6/8/2025 (from Shabbat of week)]

Yom Teru’ah

(Day-of-Trumpet-Blast/1st-day-of-7th-month/Rosh-haShanah/Head-of-the-Year/New-Year-of-the-Year/Beginning-of-Civil-Year) (Lev 23:24, 25; Num 29:1):
sunset on 9/4/2024 to sunset on 9/5/2024

Yom Kippur

(Day-of-Atonement/10th-day-of-7th-month) (Lev 16:29, 30, 31; 23:27, 28; Num 29:7):
sunset on 9/13/2024 to sunset on 9/14/2024

1st Day of Sukkot

(Feast-of-Tabernacles/Feast-of-Booths/15th-day-of-7th-month) (Lev 23:34, 35; Num 29:12):
sunset on 9/18/2024 to sunset on 9/19/2024

Hosha’na Rabbah

(Great-Salvation/7th-&-Last-day-of-Sukkot/21st-day-of-7th-month) (Lev 23:34, 39; Num 29:12, 32):
sunset on 9/24/2024 to sunset on 9/25/2024

Shemini ‘Atzeret

(8th-Day-of-Assembly/22nd-day-of-7th-month) (Lev 23:34, 35, 36, 39; Num 29:12, 35):
sunset on 9/25/2024 to sunset on 9/26/2024

Minor Holidays or Holidays & Fasts that were added later:

(Fast-of-4th-Month/17th-day-of-4th-month/3-week-fast-begins) (Zech 8:19):
sunset on 6/23/2024 to sunset on 6/24/2024


(Fast-of-5th-Month/9th-day-of-5th-Month/3-week-fast-ends) (Zech 8:19):
sunset on 7/14/2024 to sunset on 7/15/2024

Rosh HaShanah LeMa’sar Behemah

(Head-of-Year-[New-Year]-for-Tithing-Animals/1st-day-of-6th-Month) [ref]:
sunset on 8/5/2024 to sunset on 8/6/2024


(Hanukkah/Feast-of-Dedication/8-day-feast-starting-on-25th-day-of-9th-Month) (Jhn 10:22):
sunset on 11/26/2024 to sunset on 12/4/2025


(Fast-of-10th-Month/10th-day-of-10th-Month) (Zech 8:19; 2 Kgs 25:1):
sunset on 12/11/2025 to sunset on 12/12/2025

Tu B’Shevat

(New-Year-for-Trees/15th-day-of-11th-month) [ref]:
sunset on 1/14/2025 to sunset on 1/15/2025


(Feast-of-Lots/14th-&-15th-day-of-last-month) (Est 9:21, 22, 23):
[sunset on 3/13/2025 to sunset on 3/14/2025] & [sunset on 3/14/2025 to sunset on 3/15/2025] or [sunset on 3/14/2025 to sunset on 3/15/2025] & [sunset on 3/15/2025 to sunset on 3/16/2025]

The holidays calculated according to the New Moon being established by the astronomical new moon.

This is according to how the current Jewish leadership calculates the Hebrew calendar. They also have 2 days for some holidays. The below dates are the calculated first day (the second day would be the next day).

Rosh Chodesh

1st day of 1st month: ha’Aviv/ha’Abib (Nisan):
sunset on 4/8/2024 to sunset on 4/9/2024;
sunset on 3/29/2025 to sunset on 3/30/2025

1st day of 2nd month: Ziv (Iyar):
sunset on 5/8/2024 to sunset on 5/9/2024;
sunset on 4/28/2025 to sunset on 4/29/2025

1st day of 3rd Month (Sivan):
sunset on 6/6/2024 to sunset on 6/7/2024

1st day of 4th Month (Tammuz):
sunset on 7/6/2024 to sunset on 7/7/2024

1st day of 5th Month (Av):
sunset on 8/4/2024 to sunset on 8/5/2024

1st day of 6th Month (Elul):
sunset on 9/3/2024 to sunset on 9/4/2024

1st day of 7th month: ha’Ethanim (Tishri):
sunset on 10/2/2024 to sunset on 10/3/2024

1st day of 8th month: Bul (Cheshvan):
sunset on 11/1/2024 to sunset on 11/2/2024

1st day of 9th Month (Kislev):
sunset on 12/1/2024 to sunset on 12/2/2024

1st day of 10th Month (Tevet):
sunset on 12/30/2025 to sunset on 12/31/2025

1st day of 11th Month (Shevat):
sunset on 1/30/2025 to sunset on 1/31/2025

1st day of 12th Month (Adar):
sunset on 2/28/2025 to sunset on 3/1/2025

Rosh Chodashim
1st day of 1st month: ha’Aviv/ha’Abib (Nisan):
sunset on 4/8/2024 to sunset on 4/9/2024;
sunset on 3/29/2025 to sunset on 3/30/2025

Lamb/Goat brought in home for Pesach/Passover
sunset on 4/17/2024 to sunset on 4/18/2024;
sunset on 4/7/2025 to sunset on 4/8/2025

[sunset on 4/21/2024 to sunset on 4/22/2024] & [sunset on 4/22/2024 to sunset on 4/23/2024];
[sunset on 4/11/2025 to sunset on 4/12/2025] & [sunset on 4/12/2025 to sunset on 4/13/2025]

1st Day of Chag haMatztzot
sunset on 4/22/2024 to sunset on 4/23/2024;
sunset on 4/12/2025 to sunset on 4/13/2025

Yom haBikkurim
There are 2 ways to figure this date:
{1st way} The 16th day of the 1st month which is the day after the shabbat [sabbath] of the 1st Day of Chag haMatztzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Lev 23:10, 11).
{2nd way} The day after the regular Shabbat [Sabbath] of the week of Chag haMatztzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Lev 23:10, 11):
{The date of 1st way of after the 1st Day of Chag haMatztzot}: [sunset on 4/23/2024 to sunset on 4/24/2024 (16th day)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 4/13/2025 to sunset on 4/14/2025 (16th day)]
{The date of the 2nd way of after the Shabbat of the week of Chag haMatztzot}: [sunset on 4/27/2024 to sunset on 4/28/2024 (day after Shabbat)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 4/19/2025 to sunset on 4/20/2025 (day after Shabbat)]

7th & Last day of Chag haMatztzot
sunset on 4/28/2024 to sunset on 4/29/2024;
sunset on 4/18/2025 to sunset on 4/19/2025

Because there are 2 different dates for Yom haBikkurim, there are 2 different dates for Shavu’ot (Lev 23:15, 16):
{Date based on 50th day from on 1st way of figuring Yom haBikkurim: the day after the shabbat of the 1st Day of Chag haMatztzot}: [sunset on 6/11/2024 to sunset on 6/12/2024 (from 16th day)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 6/1/2025 to sunset on 6/2/2025 (from 16th day)]
{Date based on 50th day from 2nd way of figuring Yom haBikkurim: the day after the regular Shabbat of the week of Chag haMatztzot.}: [sunset on 6/15/2024 to sunset on 6/16/2024 (from Sabbat of week)]; the next year it will be on [sunset on 6/7/2025 to sunset on 6/8/2025 (from Sabbat of week)]

Yom Teru’ah
sunset on 10/2/2024 to sunset on 10/3/2024

Yom Kippur
sunset on 10/11/2024 to sunset on 10/12/2024

1st Day of Sukkot
sunset on 10/16/2024 to sunset on 10/17/2024

Hosha’na Rabbah
sunset on 10/22/2024 to sunset on 10/23/2024

Shemini ‘Atzeret
sunset on 10/23/2024 to sunset on 10/24/2024

Minor Holidays or Holidays & Fasts that were added later:

sunset on 7/22/2024 to sunset on 7/23/2024

sunset on 8/12/2024 to sunset on 8/13/2024

Rosh HaShanah LeMa’sar Behemah
sunset on 9/3/2024 to sunset on 9/4/2024

sunset on 12/25/2024 to sunset on 1/2/2025

sunset on 1/8/2025 to sunset on 1/9/2025

Tu B’Shevat
sunset on 2/13/2025 to sunset on 2/14/2025

[sunset on 3/13/2025 to sunset on 3/14/2025] & [sunset on 3/14/2025 to sunset on 3/15/2025]