The Skull

“And, GOD/ELOHIM said, “(Let) US make man in OUR image, like/as OUR resemblance/likeness …”
(Gen 1:26).

“For man/husband is head/ruler/corner-stone of the woman/wife as also CHRIST/MESSIAH/ANOINTED-ONE (is) head of the Church/Assembly/Congregation; HE HIMSELF SAVIOR/DELIVERER/PRESERVER of the Body/(Church)” (Eph 5:23).
So, YESHUA/JESUS is the HEAD of the Body.

The Hebrew word Gulgoleth means skull. Golgotha is the Place of the Skull where YESHUA/JESUS was crucified
(Mt 27:33; Mrk 15:22; Jhn 19:17). The location looked like a skull [1] [2].

A person raising their hands in praise or for help is also raising their hands in a fashion in which YESHUA/JESUS had HIS hands raised as HE was nailed to the CROSS.

Now, on the head in the ear, there is an image of the back of half a person raising their hands in praise or the image of YESHUA raising HIS hands at the ‘place of the skull’. Of course, the other half of the person is on the other ear.

other half
both halves together to show the full person raising their hands

I took a pair of calipers and measured this ‘person of the ear’. The measurements are proportional to a shrunk down person.

Before I could show you the next set of pictures, I had to get the skeleton out of my closet. We call him B.o.b., Aka Box-of-bones. He is plastic and so is not formed completely right (will point this out later). As a nurse, I can tell you the real skull gives a better representation of the images I’m about to show you. And, yes one of my patients felt like B.o.b.’s head should be used like a ball. B.o.b was thrown through the air and was relieved of a few teeth.

The skull has many images of a person’s back showing the neck, shoulders, arms, and raised hands without the head. All the images work together. You can also click on the pictures to make them bigger.

Notice there are holes at the shoulders and the hands in each image.

The lower jaw of this plastic model is missing the holes. But, you can see them below in a real skull.

The lower jaw is a little out of proportion, but the image is there. The next 5 images will all be showing different parts of the same image that will be called Image X. The “Hole X” is inside the jaw bone.

The lower jaw joint looks like a hand with a thumb & fingers. And, the width of the area for the fingers (as shown below) is 4 times wider than the thumb width to represent the 4 fingers in the area.

On the back side of the jaw bone hand, a hole goes into the hand where the spike would have gone through the hand of YESHUA.

Someone might say the hand should/can-not be that big on the lower jaw. The Hebrew word “yad” that means “hand” can include not only the hand but also the wrist & lower arm all the way to the elbow. This is why Gen 24:30 states bracelets were on the yad/hand. This is also why Tefillin, that are to be bound to the yad/hand as stated in Dt 6:8 & Dt 11:18, are tied to the “hand” as shown in the picture below.

Click on picture for reference of picture

So, the hand of the lower jaw bone can extend to the elbow and still represent the hand.

Now to the images on the bottom of the skull without the lower jaw.

There are spikes going though the hand next to the location of the hole that is by (or in) the hand in one image but in the shoulder of the image above/below it. From this correlation we can understand that the holes at the shoulders/hands at the other locations on the skull are pointing to where the spike should be next to the hole.

The next 3 images are for Image Z.

There is an image of a ram’s head on the bottom of the skull.

It looks kind of like this ram.
The horns are curved like this ram.

The spike even lines up with the hole in the hand of the jaw bone.
(The plastic model is not perfect: the 2 spikes are different heights from the plastic sagging in one area.)

There is also a image of a dove inside the top of the skull where the brain would sit on top of it. The real skull below shows the dove feet and beak better. The plastic feet got torn off the legs of the plastic model above. This dove that is inside the skull is exactly on top of the ram head on the bottom of the skull. As the ram represents YESHUA (Jhn 1:29; Gen 22:13), these two images of the ram & dove seem to parallel Mt 3:16 with the HOLY SPIRIT represented by a dove coming upon YESHUA and residing within YESHUA from that point on (Mt 4:1; 12:18).

Below are pictures of a real or plastic skull without drawings on them in order to see the images without the lines. If you can get access to a real skull, that would be better to see the images, as it is hard to show a 3D image in 2D pictures. So, YESHUA is literately the HEAD of the Body. Praise be to our LORD and KING who was sacrificed as the Lamb/Ram of GOD at the Place of the Skull to purchase/buy/redeem for GOD, with HIS blood, every tribe/race and tongue/language and people and nation/gentile. And, HE has made them, to our GOD, a Kingdom and Priests; and, they will rule/reign upon the earth (Rev 5:9-10).

This is a real skull. The feet of the dove are a different color and are curved like feet.
Inside the top of the plastic model.
The plastic model is above without the holes in lower jaw with the real skull below.
A real skull above.
Side view of B.o.b.
Bottom of plastic model without lower jaw.
Bottom of plastic model.
Another side view without the jaw bone.

Bonus: You may have noticed the pair of holes in the head form the space between the neck and the arms. So, the other pair of holes in the head are the nostrils.

This page is part of the “Ancient Hebrew” section of “Radical Love

Part 2: The Flesh