THyt     x    &    X

(If the references seem lacking, it is because the material has already been established by previous Hebrew letters.)

The 9th ancient Hebrew letter, THyt, is an image of a cross and a circle and looks similar to the English/Roman ‘t’ & ‘O’ but sounds like ‘TH’ [ref]. The difference between the 1st form and the final form is the ‘t’ is in the circle. Thyt is like the feminine plural form of the Hebrew word THavah (H2901) that means ‘to-spin’ (spinning material). The Aramaic word THevath (H2908) is related to Thavah and means ‘to-fast/fasting’. Both these words have the same basic meaning of turning; one is the turning of thread as it is spun and the other is the turning away from something and fasting.


The 1st form of THyt is a ball of material being spun into thread on a cross like spindle.

Spindles by Pschemp under CC BY-SA 3.0

Then, as the tread is finished and wrapped around the spindle as it appears below, it forms the final form of THyt.


The circle has no beginning or ending just as the LORD YESHUA, who is the Aleph/Alpha and Tav/Omega, has no beginning or ending (see Symbolism of Shape). And, man is like the line. In Genesis, we were with the LORD in the beginning in the garden until we turned toward sin and its death, turning away from the LORD and beginning to have an end in death. With the cross representing death as shown in the previous letters, the 1st form of THyt shows a circle of material (us with the LORD) being changed as the material (us) turns/spins into the thread/line with an end looking like a cross. So, how is man joined with the LORD once again, or to put it another way, how is the line joined back into the circle. In this illustration, the line is turned and wrapped around the cross as the line changes and is formed into the circle through the cross. So, man is also brought back into being one with the LORD and joining the LORD’s family by turning/repenting and wrapping themselves around the Cross and dying to themselves while turning toward the LORD, like a line being changed into a sphere/ball-of-material.

THyt being the 9th Hebrew letter points toward the 3 sets of 3 (3×3=9). Gimel being the 3rd Hebrew letter points to 3 being a birth or resurrection (see Gimel). YESHUA said a Believer must be born again of the SPIRIT to enter into Heaven (Jhn 3:3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The birth/rising of ‘Aretz/Earth (what man is made of) from the water is the first birth/resurrection; man’s birth from the water of the womb is the 2nd resurrection; and the baptism of the SPIRIT (represented by the baptism of water) is the 3rd birth/resurrection into the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Family-of-the-LORD through YESHUA’s finished work on the Cross. The final image of THyt, representing the 3rd resurrection, shows how the line becomes a circle. If we are a line or the diameter of a circle, how does the line become a circle. Math states 3.14159… (Pi) times as many lengths of the diameter will form the circle. Gimel defines the number 3 of Pi (3.14159…) as a birth/resurrection with the numbers following after 3 explaining in never ending text (numbers are equal to letters) the account of 3. So, the math is even showing the birth/resurrection of the line into the circle. It is the message of how we, a diameter, can become one with the Circle’s circumference (the LORD’s family) (Circle circumference = diameter x Pi).

Bronze Basin by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0

This is also why the bronze basin of water was circular (1 Kgs 7:23). The hands and feet (that represent the Body-of-YESHUA) were washed before the priest could enter the Tabernacle/House of the LORD in order not to die (Ex 30:17, 18, 19, 20, 21). This represents the baptism of the SPIRIT represented in the water baptism that represents a Believer’s death & resurrection/birth in YESHUA’s death & resurrection (Col 2:12; 3:1). Water baptism is called the baptism of repentance/turning (Mrk 1:4; Acts 19:2, 3, 4, 5). So, the Body-of-YESHUA/Believers/Children-of-the-LORD are symbolizing in water baptism their willingness to turn from sin toward the LORD YESHUA, WHO they are making to be their LORD and KING, while representing in the baptism their dying to self and their belief in the resurrection from death to life to be forever in the presence of the LORD (Rom 6:8). Each Hebrew letter has a number value; so, each letter of a word can be added together to give a Hebrew word a number value. A word for word translation of 1 Kings 7:23 from the Hebrew would read, “He made [Aleph-Tav] the sea casting/metal-cast ten in ‘ammah/cubit from its lips/borders/edges until/as-far-as its lips/borders/edges round/circular | (this mark is in the Hebrew) all-around-sides and five in cubit its heights and line (this is the Hebrew word “qaveh” [H6961] meaning ‘line’ and has an added word value of 111) and line (this is the same Hebrew word for line but it is missing the ‘h’ and is spelled “qav” having an added word value of 106) thirty in cubit surrounding [Aleph-Tav] it around-all-sides,”- (1 Kgs 7:23). The verse basically means: The lavatory metal cast is 10 cubits in diameter and 5 cubits high and 30 lines of 111:106 ratio cubits in circumference. The ratio of the two lines is 111:106 (111/106). Thirty of these lines equals 31.415 cubits (111/106 x 30=31.415). This is the number Pi times ten (the diameter), which is the circumference of the circle. So, the math that is showing the birth/resurrection of the line into the circle is written right into the verse representing the same thing through baptism.


The 1st form of THyt is on its side because it is matching what is found in the hand with the cross in the holy of holies of the Bayit of the hand of clenched fingers on the palm.

Like spinning string, the lower arm and hand is able to turn palm up or palm down, unlike the foot that stays palm down. The hand at the end of the arm is the only part of the human body that can move through 360 degrees of movement (normally). The lower arm gives the hand 180 degrees of movement and upper arm together with the lower arm gives the hand 360 degrees of movement through the shoulder. The clinched part of the palm creates darkness, while the back side of the hand only has light. The hand by itself can not bend to create darkness on the back of itself (on the back of the hand). This spinning of the hand is like ‘Aretz/Earth spins from light to darkness and from darkness to light. The spindle cross shape is in the bent fingers. The upper arm is in the holy of holies of the tabernacle/house of the arm as shown in the 7th Hebrew letter Zayin. The top of the humerus bone in the shoulder is more like a sphere [ref]. We know the sphere represents YESHUA from the Hebrew letter Dalet. Then, the fist forms another sphere/ball at the end of the arm with the fist/ball wrapped around the cross/spindle. So, the final form of THyt that represents the ball of material wrapped around the cross/spindle can be seen in the fist in the holy of holies of the Bayit of the hand.

The whole imagery written above about the spinning of material is being shown in the arm and hand. Even the shaft of the humerus bone has a twisted appearance as though it is thread spun from material or 2 threads (radius & ulna bone) plied together [ref: posterior surface]. It was shown how bent fingers represented the body of YESHUA taking on the Believers’/Body-of-YESHUA’s sin in the Hebrew letter Wav. The arm is a tabernacle representing the Tabernacle/House of the LORD. And, YESHUA is call the Tabernacle of the LORD. So, the arm that is straight is like a line/string representing sinless YESHUA coming from Shamayim/Heaven(s) (represented by the circular end of the humerus bone in the shoulder) to ‘Aretz/Earth represented in the hand. Then, if the arm representing YESHUA is bent to represent HIM take on our sin, the round fist representing the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church is raised to the round sphere of the humerus bone in the shoulder representing the LORD. This same concept can not be done with the foot. The foot can not form a ball/fist or a cross and if the leg is bent the foot ends up at the place of continuous waste.

The LORD the FATHER is represent by the Hebrew letter Aleph which is the Hebrew number 1 (see Aleph). Since seeing the SON is like seeing the FATHER, YESHUA is also represented as 1. The FATHER (1), SON (1), and the SPIRIT (7) together equal 9 (1+1+7 = 9). So, the circle of the final form of the 9th Hebrew letter THyt is not just representing YESHUA but is representing the LORD the FATHER, SON, & SPIRIT together as the one GOD.

In Hebrew if you add a prefix ‘N’ to a word you are adding the statement ‘we will’ to the beginning of the word. Adding an ‘N’ to THyt would be ‘we will THyt.’ There is a Hebrew word though spelled naTHah (H5186) that means to ‘stretch out.’ This stretching out is exactly what is being done with the material as it is being spun into a line that is stretched out. The Cross is a door frame as written in previous writings. This makes the Cross the Way through into the House. Notice the 2 diameters of the the final form of THyt also form 4 radii. With the 4 related to the Dalet/Door, the Cross is being represented even though it is not in the regular Cross shape. And, YESHUA WHO became a line/man was stretched out upon the Cross to become the Door and Way to the House of the LORD.


And, there are 2 diameters, not just the 1 diameter representing us in the final form of THyt. YESHUA the LORD represented by the circle became like a line and was born a man. As a man, YESHUA never sinned and did not deserve to die (Jhn 8:46). YESHUA then became like a diameter, a line with an end/death, as HE took our death upon HIMSELF for us, so we would not have to die the 2nd-death/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur. YESHUA is like the vertical line as HE came from Shamayim/Heaven(s) to ‘Aretz/Earth to die for us. We are like the horizonal line that knows right/good/clean/holy from left/evil/unclean/unholy and must repent and turn from sin toward the LORD (Acts 3:19). This can been seen in the final form of THyt that is represented in the face.

The eyebrows are in the middle of the circular head and form the horizonal line of the cross. The vertical line is in line with the nose. The 8th Hebrew letter showed the hair of the head is representing the tent covering that represents the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church. So, the eyebrows along with the horizontal eyes below them point toward the Church that knows right from left. The vertical triangular nose represents YESHUA, the Door, as previously shown. The vertical nose is forming the vertical line that represents YESHUA WHO came down from Shamayim/Heaven(s) to ‘Aretz (Earth) to die and remove death out of the Body; just as, we breath down our nose the death/CO2 of the body out our nostrils. YESHUA was then resurrected in life to Shamayim to give life to the Body; just as, we breath up our nostrils life/O2 to give life to the body.

The 4 chamber heart is also formed like the final THyt.

4 Chamber Human Heart by Wapcaplet under CC BY-SA 3.0

With the 2 top smaller atrium on top of the 2 lower ventricles that are almost twice the size, we see the 2 side by side tabernacles of the Cross that were explained in The Flesh article. And, as THyt is meaning to turn, the heart has blood with death/carbon/C/carbon-dioxide/CO2 on its right side that is turned to blood with life/oxygen/O2 on its left side. If death is on the right side, why is the right side considered the place of favor and where you want to be (1 Pet 3:22). Everything is moving from right to left and from death to life. YESHUA took upon HIMSELF our sin/uncleanness and died on the Cross and remained with that death for 3 days and 3 nights while HE was buried in ‘Aretz/the-Earth in She’ol/Hades (Mt 12:40). Then YESHUA told Mary not to touch because HE had not ascended to the FATHER (Jhn 20:17). Why was it ok for the disciples to touch YESHUA after HE went to the FATHER (Luk 24:39)? A person was not to touch something unclean (Lev 5:2). Before YESHUA went to the FATHER HIS work had not been completely finish and HE was unclean. YESHUA then went to the FATHER to sit at HIS righthand (Eph 1:20; Heb 10:12). This places the FATHER on the left of the SON. YESHUA is the only one of the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT that became unclean. The FATHER on the left has always been and will always be clean/holy. The righthand becomes a position of favor because YESHUA showed the greatest love by becoming unclean and dying for those loves (Jhn 15:13; Heb 1:3, 4). A priest never sits because there work is never done (Heb 10:11). But, YESHUA, our High Priest, sat down to show HIS work was finished (Heb 10:12, 13, 14). A person who is a sinner/unholy/unclean on the right side will become clean through YESHUA/the-Door represented as the 4-chambered-heart (see Dalet) as they are moved through the Door/heart to the clean left side. This is why Psalm 109:31 states the needy/poor/destitute person who is saved is placed to the left while the LORD is at the right. A person who says they are not a sinner, thinking they are clean/holy/sinless, is placing themselves on the left clean side. The LORD says everyone has sinned and all their works are like filthy rags (Rom 3:23; Isa 64:6). The only time the left side of the the heart has death/carbon/C/carbon-dioxide/CO2 is when a person is dead and the heart is not pumping. So, a person who is a sinner/unholy/unclean on the left side is truly dead because there is no other direction for them to go except toward uncleanliness/death (Ecc 10:2). The person placing themselves to the left is calling GOD a liar and has no salvation from their sin (1 Jhn 1:10). A person must understand and admit they are unclean/unholy/sinful and they belong on the right side in need of a MASHIACH/MESSIAH/SAVIOR WHO sits at the right hand of the LORD waiting for all who will come to HIM that HE might make them clean through HIS death on the Cross (seen in the heart as you go from right to left) & resurrection from the dead (CO2 blood moving to O2 blood while going from the right to the left); then, YESHUA will stand at their right hand/side (putting them on the left clean/holy/sinless side) after having made them clean and truly alive (Heb 10:12; Psm 109:31).

‘Aretz/Earth lined up with east at the top

In the article “The Flesh,” it was shown front is east and back is north. This means south toward the Sun is right and north is left. And, this is true in Hebrew as the Hebrew word yamin (H3225) can mean right or south, and the Hebrew word sem’ol (H8040) can mean left or south. The Sun/Shemesh that represents YESHUA the LORD is to the south. Wouldn’t that be the wrong side? As shown in letters before this, ‘Aretz/Earth represents man and is in a fallen state just as man is. This is why creation and Believers groan until everything is fully redeemed (Rom 8:22, 23). This would also be why ‘Aretz/Earth has been placed as though it is to the left of the Shemesh/Sun with ‘Aretz/Earth having the Sun on its right/south side. It is on the left/north side of ‘Aretz/Earth that YESHUA poured out HIS cleaning blood from the Cross in Yerushalaim/Jerusalem; this is just as the clean blood is on the left of a man’s heart. I find it interesting that in English the only difference between heart and Earth is where the ‘h’ is located. 1 John 1:9 states, “If we confess/publicly-declare our sins, HE is faithful/trustworthy and just/righteous that HE will release/suffer-for/forgive us our sins and make us clean from all iniquity/unrighteousness.” “HE has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, (so) great is HIS loving kindness toward those who fear HIM. As far as the east is from the west, (so) far has HE removed our transgressions from us” (Psm 103:101112). There is no east or west poles, so those directions go around an infinite circle. The LORD is represented as the infinite circle; so, it makes sense that east would be in front so if we line up with the east we are lining up with the infinite circle. It also makes sense not to turn right/north or left/south away from the LORD (represented by the eternal circle) toward sin, or in this case dead ends, as the north ends at the north pole and the south ends at the south pole. And, a line that ends represents death. The back being west toward the LORD makes sense because as ‘Aretz/Earth spins right to left as you face the Sun to the south/right, the west becomes the future/tomorrow and the east becomes the past/yesterday. So, this is why the tabernacle was laid out with the entrance/front toward the east and the presence of the LORD to the west.

Then, the eternal circle going into the east/yesterday and into the west/tomorrow represents the eternal LORD WHO was, is, and will be forever.

Holy, holy, holy is the One LORD with no beginning or end. Praise the LORD who gives life among the dead to live with HIM forever in the name above all names, YESHUA our LORD.

