
Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA/JESUS

(If the verses as translated are hard to follow, just hover over or tap the Scripture link, and a box with the verse in NASB should pop up.)

You may also want to read the Tzitzit Design showing how the tzitzit design of YESHUA’s time (shown above) was discovered.

Remember as you read this, the tzitzit has been around since 1464 BC, almost 1500 years before YESHUA (JESUS).

The LORD told Yisra’el (Israel) not to wear clothing made of wool & linen mixed together (Dt 22:11; Lev 19:19). But, material with wool & linen mixed together was used in the Tabernacle and in the Temple as shown in the Scripture/Word and Talmud [Yevamot 4b:10] (Ex 26:1, 31, 36; 27:16; 28:4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 33; Dt 22:11, 12; Lev 19:19) [Kilayim 9:1] [Menachot 8a:4-40a:7]. And, like the holy perfume (Ex 30:34, 35, 36, 37, 38), the LORD did not want the mixed wool & linen material to be used for regular use. But, the LORD also said, “Speak to the sons/children of Yisra’el (Israel), and tell them to make for themselves tzitzit/locks-of-hair/blossoms/wings/tassels upon the wings/flaps/corners (of) their coverings/garments/clothes throughout their generations, and to put upon the tzitzit/tassels (of) the corners/flaps/wings a tekheleth-wool/blue-wool cord/thread/string” (Num 15:38). Clothing made of white-linen has tzitziot/tassels made of white-linen with the cord/thread/string of blue being made of wool; so, this command is going against Dt 22:11 & Lev19:19 to not mix linen and wool together. Why? What is this cord of blue for? “And, be to you, to tzitzit/tassel, to see it and remember, Aleph-Tav, all instructions/Word/commandments (of) the-LORD/YEHOVAH and do them and not spy-out/seek-out/explore/search after your-own heart/mind and after your-own eyes, which you commit harlotry/idolatry after” (Num 15:39). “For-the purpose/intent you remember and do/keep, Aleph-Tav, all MY Instructions/Word/Commandments and be holy/sacred to your GOD” (Num 15:40). YESHUA (JESUS) calls HIMSELF the Alpha & Omega (Rev 22:13), which in Hebrew would be the Aleph & Tav. And, in John 1:1 & John 1:14 the Word/Scripture that became flesh is YESHUA. The Hebrew word Aleph-Tav is written right before the Hebrew word for Commandments/Word/Instructions in both Num 15:39 & Num 15:40. The blue wool cord then points to remembering and keeping the-Word/YESHUA. So, let us find out how this blue wool string points to YESHUA.


We need to start with the white-linen strings first:

Num 15:39 starts off with “…to you, to tzitzit/tassel…” as though the white-linen tassel represents the people. And, in Rev 19:7, 8 we find the Bride/Church clothed in bright white-linen, because through YESHUA they and all their sins were made white as snow (Psm 51:7; Isa 1:18). The tzitzit is made with 3 white-linen strings and 1 tekheleth/blue wool string. The 3 white-linen strings are placed through the corner of a piece of clothing and folded over so they become 6 strings. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is also a number. So, the number 6 is the same as the 6th Hebrew letter called Wav. From the Hebrew letter Wav (note: this enters the Ancient Hebrew alphabet section in which you may what to start HERE to understand what you are reading as the alphabet builds on itself), we know 6 relates to the body/flesh/man. Every priest wore white-linen garments (Ex 28:39; 39:27, 28, 29) [1]. And, the Body-of-YESHUA/Church/Bride is called a Kingdom of Priests (Rev 1:6; 5:10; 20:6). So, the 6 white-linen strings are representing the clean-Body/holy-Body/Church/Kingdom-of-Priests of YESHUA.

Tabernacle by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0

The Tabernacle is the earthly House of the LORD that represents the heavenly House of the LORD where the Church/Body meets/fellowships/lives with the LORD (Heb 8:1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The first fabric layer (hanging/curtain/drape) of the earthly Tabernacle along with all 3 entrance curtains (doors), the courtyard entrance curtains (door), the covering for the articles in the tabernacle, and the priest clothing were all made with white-linen embroidered with tekheleth-wool (blue-wool), ‘argaman-wool (Tyrian-purple-wool), and tola’at-shani-wool (scarlet/crimson/red wool) (Ex 26:1, 31, 36; 27:16; 28:4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 33). So, when a person wears a naturally white-linen covering with tzitzit at the corners having a blue-wool string, it is like placing yourself under a covering that represents the Tabernacle where the Church/Body-of-YESHUA meets/fellowships/lives with the LORD.

“The next day, he sees YESHUA (JESUS) coming to him and says, ‘See/look/behold, the sacrificial-Lamb (of) GOD lifting-up/taking-away/removing the sin of the world'” (John 1:29). And, YESHUA is called the “Passover” Lamb in 1 Cor 5:7. So, we can link the wool in the Tabernacle and the tzitzit to representing YESHUA as the sacrificial Passover Lamb of GOD. How do the colors point to YESHUA?

One of the 3 colors used in the Tabernacle covering has the Hebrew word tola’at (H8438) in it, which is the Hebrew word for worms. A worm is in the earth, blind and does not hear [2], just as also a dead body is in the earth, cannot see and cannot hear. And like a worm, a person who is not part of the family of GOD is moving in the darkness of death from their sin; they listen but do not discern/understand as though they were deaf, and they look but do not know/perceive as though they were blind (Prv 2:13; 4:19; Psm 82:4, 5; Luk 1:79; Jhn 3:19, 20; Isa 6:9, 10; Mt 13:13, 14, 15; Acts 28:24, 25, 26, 27, 28). And, every person who rejects YESHUA as their LORD and dies the 2nd death by being thrown into the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur, has a body called a worm that does not die (Rev 20:15; 21:8; Isa 66:24; Mrk 9:43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48). Their bodies are like worms that are in/under the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur under the earth, blind due to not knowing the LORD WHO is Light while they are in complete darkness, and deaf due to they will never hear or understand the LORD while they listen to torment forever, being separated from any blessings of music and joyful sounds upon the earth (2 Thes 1:8, 9; Jude 1:4, 11, 12, 13; Rev 14:10, 11).

How does this point to YESHUA?

YESHUA took upon HIMSELF the punishment of Death upon the Cross for our sins (1 Pet 2:24; 3:18; 2 Cor 5:21). HE took upon HIMSELF the 2nd-death/Hell/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur we deserve for our sin. HE became a worm for us. This is why Psalm 22, which is a picture of YESHUA on the Cross, says in verse 6, “And, I (am) worms/tola’at and not man…” (Psm 22:6). Why is the word worm plural if YESHUA is one person? It is because HE placed HIMSELF in the position of every sinner whose bodies are worms. HE became worms for us.

Two Kermes-Ilicis by Bernard DUPONT under CC BY SA 2.0

The above image is a picture of the tola’at shani, which in Hebrew means the scarlet/crimson worms. This worm’s modern name was coccus-ilicis and now is kermes-ilicis or kermes-vermilio [3]. It is this worm that is crushed to dye wool the color of tola’at-shani, translated as scarlet or crimson [4]: page 61]. The kermes ilicis is actually an insect that lives in an evergreen oak tree [3] [5]. The males have wings, and the females do not [6]. The female looses its legs when it is time for it to give birth to its children [7]. Then, the female builds a hard shell around herself to attach herself to the oak tree so that nothing, including herself, can remove her body from the tree without killing her [4]: page 61]. So, it is an insect that becomes a worm. The worm’s children are born under her hard shell and feed on her body to live as the mother sacrifices herself to give life to her children [4]: page 61] [6]. The worm then dies while permanently staining her children and staining the wood under her with the scarlet/crimson dye from her body [4]: page 61]. Her white wax-like body falls off the tree to the ground 3 days after she dies, then molds a fuzzy white to look like snow [6].

Compare the above paragraph with the below paragraph.

YESHUA came from Heaven as the male tola’at-shani/kermes-ilicis flies in the sky/heaven (Jhn 6:41, 42). YESHUA was willingly attached to a tree (Cross) like a worm(s) to take the place of HIS Bride the Church, whose bodies were like female worms of the earth (Gal 3:9; 1 Pet 2:24; 2 Cor 5:21). A Believer symbolically eats the body & drinks the blood of YESHUA when they eat the bread & drink the wine that represents HIS body & blood in communion to remember YESHUA’s death on the Cross for our sins (Jhn 6:48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58; Mt 26:26, 27, 28; Mrk 14:22, 23, 24; Luk 22:19, 20). YESHUA sacrificed HIMSELF and died on a tree/Cross to give life to HIS children, staining the tree/Cross with HIS blood and permanently symbolically covering HIS children with HIS scarlet/crimson blood and establishing a permanent covenant through HIS blood (Mt 26:28; Mrk 14:24; Luk 22:20; Heb 9:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; 12:24; 13:20; 1 Cor 5:7; Eph 1:5; Rom 4:7; Rev 7:13, 14, 15, 16, 17). YESHUA died on the tree, arose from the grave after 3 days and 3 nights, and has an appearance like snow in Revelation; and, HE purifies and cleanses Believers to be white as snow from all their scarlet/crimson sin (Mt 12:40; 28:6; Rev 1:14; Isa 1:18).

And, the color of tola’at shani is obtained by crushing the worm, just as YESHUA was “…crushed/bruised/beat-to-pieces for our iniquities/guilt/sins…” (Isa 53:5). Also, in verse 4 we read, “Truly/surely our sickness/disease/grief HE lifted/carried/took-up, And our pain/grief/sorrow HE carried/bore…” (Isa 53:4). And, Isaiah 1:18 states, “…if your sins (are) like shani/scarlet/crimson, like snow they will be white; if they are red/’adom like (a) worm/tola’, like wool they will be.” So, YESHUA carried/bore our sin and its punishment that is represented by the scarlet/crimson color. This means the crimson/scarlet robe, colored by the kermes-ilicis worm, that was placed upon YESHUA by the Roman soldiers represented YESHUA carrying and bearing our sin and its punishment (Mt 27:28, 31).

Hexaplex Trunculus by Holger Krisp under CC BY 3.0

The next 2 colors of tekheleth/blue & ‘argaman/Tyrian-purple are from the same sea-worm, a rock snail with a modern name of Hexaplex Trunculus [8] [9] [10] [11]. YESHUA is called the Rock and more specifically the Cornerstone (1 Cor 10:4; Psm 118:22; Isa 8:14; 28:16; Mt 21:42; Acts 4:11). The tekheleth/blue is coming from a rock snail to dye a wool string, representing YESHUA, that is then placed in each of the 4 corners of a garment, like the 4 corners of a building, coming together to point to YESHUA as being the Cornerstone (Dt 22:12). The Hebrew word kanaph (H3671) that is translated as corner can also be translated as wing, corner, hem, extremity, edge, flap, pinnacle, and ends (of the Earth), with 4 corners having a meaning of ‘visible from everywhere’ or ‘everywhere’ (Ezk 7:2, Isa 11:12). Ever since the time the Sons of Yisra’el (Israel) left Mitzrayim (Egypt), they have worn a 4 corner garment that is more like a rectangular tent covering [12]. With tzitzit in 4 corners, the tzitzit can be seen while standing in any direction around the person wearing the tzitzit. Four is directly related to the 4th Hebrew letter of Dalet pointing to YESHUA as the Door, which is also why there are 4 strings to each tzitzit (see Dalet from Ancient Hebrew; Jhn 14:6). The 4 corners having a meaning of everywhere points to YESHUA as being the LORD/GOD WHO is everywhere (Psm 139:7, 8, 9, 10; Jhn 14:8, 9). As for the corners being wings, Malachi 4:2 states, “And, will arise/come-forth to you who fear MY Name (the) Sun (of) Righteousness/Justice and healing/a-cure/health in HIS wings…” This is why the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years touched YESHUA’s corner/wing/edge/flap/tzitzit/extremity/ends of HIS garment and was healed (Mt 9:20, 21, 22; Luk 8:43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48). And, even other people were reaching for HIS corner/tzitzit to be healed (Mrk 6:56). We know from John 1:1, 14 that the Word that became flesh was YESHUA WHO is the Cornerstone. Exodus 24:12 states, “And, said the-LORD/YEHOVAH to Mosheh (Moses), ‘Arise/ascend/climb-up to/into/toward MY mountain and be there and I will bestow/give/appoint/assign to you Aleph-Tav/the slabs/tablets (of) the stone and the Torah/Instruction/Word and the Mitzvah/Commandment/Law/Instruction which I have written to teach/point-out-to them.'” What is “the stone” the LORD is talking about? At this point in time in the verse, 75 people, including Mosheh/Moses, are with the LORD on top of pavement/bricks of blue/sapphire stones (Ex 24:10). The 1st time the Word/Scripture/Bible was given to man was when the LORD took 2 blue/sapphire stones from the pavement/bricks that were under the LORD’s feet and with HIS Finger wrote/pierced into the slabs/tablets of stone the Ten Commandments/Words and gave them to Mosheh/Moses (Ex 24:9, 10, 11, 12; 31:18). So, the Word, that represents YESHUA the Cornerstone, is written into blue heavenly stone. Also, the sky/expanse/Heaven(s) and the throne of the LORD both appear as blue/sapphire (Ex 24:10; Ezk 1:26, 10:1). Shamayim means Heaven(s) and is the Hebrew name for both the blue sky and the Heaven(s) (Gen 1:8) [H8064]. All this blue is representing the heavenly/spiritual-realm and man’s intended home/tabernacle where the LORD WHO is Light resides (Isa 60:19; Psm 27:1; 1 Jhn 1:5; Rev 22:5) (see Bayit & He(y)). This is why when they obtain tekhelet/blue dye from the rock snail, Hexaplex Trunculus, the dye is brought into the Sun’s light to make the dye turn blue [8].

Wool Tzitzit String dyed Tekheleth/Blue
(The color here is very close to actual color. Photos will never give you the exact color.)

The blue-wool string is also called the shamash [Kitzur Shulchan Arukh 9:5], like the shamash/servant candle that is used to give light to the other candles of the candelabrum for Hanukkah/Feast-of-Dedication. It was also the time of the Feast-of-the-Dedication/Hanukkah (Jhn 10:22) when YESHUA stated, “I AM the Light of the inhabitants-of-the-world/world, the (one) following/accompanying/in-the-same-Way-with ME shall not ever walk/live in/with/by the darkness, but will have/possess the Light of the Life/spiritual-life/physical-life” (Jhn 8:12). Hebrew is written with consonants only while being read with memorized vowels. Different vowels read into the same consonants of a word can give the word a different meaning with the context of the writing pointing toward the correct meaning to be read. Using different vowels depending on the context of the sentence, Shmsh is the Hebrew word for the Sun (Shemesh) (H8121) and the Hebrew word for a servant/helper (Shamash) (H8120) [13]. YESHUA, WHO is represented as the Sun (Mal 4:2; Isa 60:19, 20; Luk 23:45; Mt 17:2; Mrk 16:2; Rev 21:23), is also called the “Servant” WHO came to “serve and to give HIS Life (as) a-ransom/redemption-price for/in-the-place-of many” (Mt 12:18, 20:27, 28).

YESHUA is our Hight Priest (Heb 3:1, 14). And, the high priest is the only one who wore a tekheleth-wool (bluewool) robe every day except on Yom-Kippur/Day-of-Atonement when he wore only white-linen (Ex 28:2, 31; Lev 16:2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17). The tekheleth-wool (blue-wool) string is representing the tekheleth-wool (blue-wool) robe that is representing the High-Priest/YESHUA.

(This section between the dividers is from ‘The Flesh‘ article and is needed to continue this article. If you have read ‘The Flesh’ already, you can skip the next section.)

“For, the wages/salary/reward/pay (for/of) sin/guilt/failure/missing-the-mark (is) physical-death/spiritual-death; however, the gift/undeserved-favor (of) GOD (is) age-long/unending/perpetual/eternal physical-life/spiritual-life in/on/by/with CHRIST/MESSIAH YESHUA/JESUS, the LORD/MASTER/SUPREME-AUTHORITY/GOD (of) us.”
Rom 6:23

“And, to Adam HE said, ‘Because you heard/obeyed/heeded to (the) voice (of) your wife/woman and have eaten/burned-up/consumed from the tree which I commanded you saying you shall not consume/burn-up/eat from it; cursed (is) the ground/soil/’adamah on your account; in toil/pain/sorrow you will eat/burn-up/consume (of) it all the days your alive/living.”
Gen 3:17
“And, thorn and thistle it will bring-forth/bear/sprout/spring-up for you; and, you will eat/burn-up/consume the herb/vegetation (of) the field/land.”
Gen 3:18

So, Cross = Death = wages of sin = thorn & thistle.

The 15th Hebrew letter called Samekh shown above, means to lean/lay upon, transferring of self, and to-sustain/bring-renewal (make clean[14]. Samekh is what is done when an unclean person (sinner) lays his (her) hand upon the head of an innocent perfect sacrifice and transfers himself along with the burden (punishment) of his sin to the sacrifice, bringing death to the sacrifice and renewed innocent life to the person (Lev 1:4; 3:2, 8, 13; 4:4, 15, 24, 29, 33). The image of Samekh is of a thorn/thistle growing up from the ground. And, if you have ever leaned against a thorn or thistle, you are aware of how they transfer themselves to you. After ‘Adam and Chavvah (Eve) sinned, thorn trees and thistles grew up as a result of their sin (Gen 3:17, 18). Samekh is the image of the thorn and the thistle growing up from the ground as man took upon himself the uncleanliness of sin and was sent away from the Tree of Life in the Garden of the Lord (Gen 3:18). Now, if Samekh is turned on its side, like below, then it is the image of the three crosses together upon Golgotha (the Skull) (Jhn 19:17). YESHUA (JESUS) not only had a crown of thorns to represent carrying our sin, but HE also laid HIS body upon the Thorn/Thistle/Cross to have our death/wages-of-sin, which the Cross represents, transferred to HIMSELF to bring renewed innocent life to the person who turns from their sin and lays their trust & belief in/on YESHUA, the LAMB of GOD (Jhn 19:5; Isa 53:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Jhn 1:29; 3:16; Act 2:38; Rom 10:9).

The bronze altar in the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word was made of a thorn tree, called shittim (acacia), just as the Cross was part of 3 crosses looking like a fallen thorn tree, as shown above with the Hebrew letter Samekh (Ex 27:1, 2) [15]. The bronze altar was also a 4 corner square of 5 ‘ammah x 5 ‘ammah (5 cubits x 5 cubits) with a height of 3 ‘ammah/cubits, had 4 horns at each of the 4 corners, and is where the blood of the sacrifice was poured out (Ex 27:1, 2). The Cross is where the blood of YESHUA, the sacrificial Lamb of GOD, was sacrificed/pierced with spikes/horns at 4 locations (both hands & both feet) and HIS blood poured out (Jhn 20:25, 27; Luk 24:39, 40; Jhn 19:34) (see The Altar).


After man sinned, thorns and purple flowered thistles were brought forth (Gen 3:18) (see The Flesh). Remember above that YESHUA carried/bore our sin and its punishment (Isa 53:4). So, besides the crimson/scarlet robe being placed upon YESHUA, a purple robe, colored by the crushed rock sea snail/worm, was also placed upon YESHUA by the Roman soldiers and represented YESHUA carrying and bearing our sin and its punishment (Mrk 15:20; Jhn 19:1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [16]: reference for 2 robes].

Tyrian-purple from Hexaplex-Trunculus rock-snail by U.Name.Me under CC BY 4.0 (cropped)

The purple represents our sin and its death. This is why when they obtain the ‘argaman/Tyrian-purple dye from the rock-snail/Hexaplex-Trunculus the dye has to be kept in darkness and has a bad sulfur smell, which points to judgement and the 2nd-Death of the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur/Brimstone (Gen 19:24; Psm 11:6; Rev 21:8) [8]. More evidence that the tekhelet dye came from the rock-snail/Hexaplex-Trunculus can be found HERE.

Now, there is an argument that the coccus-ilicis/kermes-ilicis and Hexaplex Trunculus are unclean according to the Scripture/Word/Bible and therefore can not be what was used to dye the wool of the Tabernacle & Temple (Dt 14:10, 19; Lev 11:9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 23, 24, 25, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47). The coccus-ilicis/kermes-ilicis and Hexaplex-Trunculus are very unclean to crush and dye the wool with. YESHUA took our uncleanness of sin and its death, represented by both these unclean worms, upon HIMSELF (the wool) so our every past, present, & future sin would be punished and we would be made clean and free from the slavery of sin and death (Jhn 8:34, 35, 36). Praise be to our LORD and KING!

Remember above, the 1st time the Word/Scripture/Bible was given to man was when the LORD took 2 heavenly blue/sapphire stones from the pavement/bricks that were under the LORD’s feet and with HIS Finger wrote/pierced into the slabs/tablets of stone the (10)-Commandments/Word and gave them to Mosheh/Moses (Ex 24:9, 10, 11, 12; 31:18). Mosheh/Moses then threw and broke these 2 covenant tablets, made by the LORD, which the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel had already broken symbolically by making and worshiping a golden calf they called by the LORD’s name (Ex 24:12; 31:18; 32:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29). This foreshadowed the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel coveting their own evil desires and breaking the 1st covenant by becoming a harlot and committing adulteries with other gods, leading to the LORD giving Yisra’el (Israel, including Judah) a scroll of divorce (Jer 3:8). After the 1st tablets were broken, 2 new tablets were cut-out/brought-forth by Mosheh/Moses, a Levite, from regular earthly stone at the bottom of the mountain, with the writing of the same covenant written into the 2 new stone tablets by the Lord on top of the mountain (Ex 2:1, 10; 34:1, 4, 29; Dt 10:1, 2; 1 Chr 6:1, 2, 3). These 2 new finished covenant stone tablets were brought down Mount Sinay (Sinai) by Mosheh/Moses on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) [Bava Batra 121a:6] and were placed with the other 2 broken stone tablets inside the Ark of the Covenant (singular) (Dt 10:1, 2, 3, 4, 5). These 2nd earthly stone tablets foreshadowed YESHUA/the-Word/the-Cornerstone would be a man of the earth formed/born through a Levite, Miriam/Mary, and come from Shamayim/Heaven(s) to ‘Aretz/Earth to become a new and better unbroken/eternal covenant (Luk 1:2, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36; Heb 13:20). Man is made from the earth, but each tribe of Yisra’el/Israel is represented as an earthly stone in the High Priest choshen/breastpiece/breastplate, and Believers in YESHUA are called stones (Ex 28:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; 1 Pet 2:5). The new unbroken covenant was written on stones of ‘Aretz/Earth representing the body of YESHUA; so, this also foreshadowed the Covenant/Word would be written on the hearts/minds of the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church/Stones who are one through the marriage covenant with YESHUA, the Cornerstone (Jer 31:31, 32, 33; Psm 118:22; Acts 4:10, 11, 12; Jhn 17:20, 21; Rev 19:7, 8). The white-linen strings of the Tabernacle/Temple were 6-ply to represent man who would be joined to the LORD YESHUA (see Wav). The dyed wool strings of the Tabernacle/Temple were 12 ply strings to represent YESHUA as the Shepherd WHO would come from the 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel [17] (see Lamed). The unity and oneness of YESHUA and the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Chruch is one reason why the blue-wool string of the tzitzit that is representing YESHUA is an 8-ply string (not 12-ply), and each of the 6 white-linen strings on the tzitzit that are representing the Body-of-YESHUA/Church are also 8 ply strings (not 6-ply), with the 8-ply also pointing to the 8th Hebrew letter that represents the Body of YESHUA [Menachot 42a:11] [18: see reference 15 & 16 in this article] (see CHayet).

Gevil by EhavEliyahu under CC BY-SA 3.0, (cropped)

The Scripture/Word was first written on gevil, which is the Hebrew word for a kosher animal skin of a sheep, goat, or calf, with cow hides being used less often due to being thicker [19] [20]. All these animals were also the animals sacrificed to the LORD that foreshadowed/represented YESHUA and HIS sacrifice on the Cross (Lev 1:2, 3, 5, 10; Heb 10:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). The gevil/ram’s-skin was treated with barley flour [19a], which is the grain used as the wave offering on Yom-HaBikkurim/Day-of-First-Fruits/Resurrection-Sunday that represents YESHUA as our First Fruit from the grave, as this is the day YESHUA arose from the grave [21] (Lev 23:10, 11, 12; Ex 23:16, 19; 1 Cor 15:20, 21, 22, 23). And, the skin was tanned with oak gallnuts [19a], which will be explained below. This gevil/ram’s-skin and all that was used on it represented YESHUA, just as the 1st blue/sapphire tablets represented YESHUA.

Man is represented in the Bible as a plant/grass/herb [H2682] (Psm 103:15; Isa 51:12; Jam 1:10, 11). The Scripture/Word then moved from being written on ram’s skins to being written on the plant based materials of papyrus [22] and wood/paper. So, we have the same representation as the 2 broken blue/heavenly tablets of the 1st broken covenant (like ram’s skins representing YESHUA) being replaced with 2 new unbroken earthly tablets of the 2nd same unbroken/eternal covenant now written on the hearts of men (like paper). Also, there is a movement of the Scripture/Word being written on stone to being written on paper as though we are moving from hearts of stone to hearts of flesh as the LORD said HE would change our hearts of stone to make them hearts of flesh and write HIS Word in our hearts of flesh by the SPIRIT (Ezk 11:19, 20; 36:26, 27; Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10). Now, we know the tzitzit is representing YESHUA, WHO is the Word/Scripture/Bible become flesh. And, the white-linen is like the pages of the Bible with the Words being like the blue-wool string. The white page and white-linen is representing the Church of YESHUA. Linen is a plant called flax [23]. So, the tzitzit is representing the final stage of the Scripture/Word being written on hearts of flesh. We can gather from the blue-wool string of the tzitzit, the writing of the words in the Bible are representing the sacrificial Lamb of GOD, YESHUA. So, the first tablets of stone were pierced to form the words. And, the Bible was written on the ram’s skin and paper with an oak gall ink, carbon black ink, or both (Jer 36:18) [24] [25] [26].

Carbon Black

The carbon black ink uses the ash remains of a burnt living organism, pointing to the burnt sacrifices that YESHUA represented in HIS death on the Cross.

Now for the oak gall ink. The Hebrew words ‘allah (H427) and ‘allon (H437) are considered words for the oak tree [27] and are similar to the Hebrew words ‘eloah (H433) meaning GOD, ‘elah (H424) meaning the terebinth tree, and ‘alah (H422/H423) meaning swear/curse/oath. John 8:58 states YESHUA was before Avraham (Abraham) because HE is the LORD GOD (Jhn 14:9; 17:21). And, man can not see the LORD and live (Ex 33:20). Yet, in the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word the Angel of the LORD is also called the LORD and men see HIM and do not die, just as men saw YESHUA and did not die (Gen 16:7, 9, 10, 11, 13; 22:11, 14, 15, 16). If the Angel of the LORD was just an angel, the angel would have stopped the person from worshiping HIM (Dan 10:10, 11; 8:17, 18; Rev 19:10; 22:9). But, the Angel of the LORD does not stop anyone from worshipping HIM (Jdg 13:9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20). The Angel of the LORD is the LORD GOD and was seen by men just as YESHUA is the LORD GOD and was seen by men who did not die. This is why the Angel of the LORD in the midst of the burning bush is called GOD, because the Angel of the LORD is GOD (Ex 3:2, 3, 4). So, the Angel of the LORD is YESHUA. It is the Angel of the LORD, WHO is GOD, WHO comes bringing blessing or curses and swears an oath and covenant of relationship next to the ‘allah/’allon/oak tree starting with Avraham (Abraham) (Gen 13:18; 14:13, 19, 20; 15:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 18:1, 10; Gen 35:1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Josh 24:26, 29; Jdg 2:1, 8). It is from an oak tree we find the tola’at-shani/scarlet-worms, and it is from an oak tree we find the oak gall/gallnut.

Oak Galls and Iron Sulfate by  bluefootedbooby under CC BY 2.0, (cropped)

The oak tree leaf produces an oak gall that rises up from the leaf after the leaf is attacked by a wasp that lays its eggs in the leaf; the wasp larva/worms survive off the oak gall [28]. The oak gall is then crushed to make dye for the ink used to write the words of the Bible [24] [28]. The leaf of the tree can be shown to represent YESHUA as the leaf is attached to the tree like YESHUA was attached to the Cross. The leaf takes upon itself carbon dioxide which is the death that a man breaths out; the leaf then gives forth oxygen which is life for the man, just as YESHUA took upon HIMSELF the death of man and gives forth life to the man through HIS death and resurrection (which can also be seen in the leaf’s death in the fall and resurrection in the spring) (see Dalet). The oak gall is the same symbolism as the scarlet worm, with both being crushed to form a dye that is used to represent the sacrifice of YESHUA upon the Cross. The oak gall mixture also has gum arabic in it, which is gum/sap from the shittim (acacia) thorn tree that represents the Cross, as shown above with the Hebrew letter Samekh [24] [26] [28] [29]. Then either ferrous sulfate or copper sulfate is added to the oak gall mixture to turn it black [24] [26]. The sulfur/sulfate is once again pointing to the judgement and 2nd-Death of the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur/Brimstone. The copper points to the bronze altar that was made with copper and represents the Cross. The ferrous is iron and represents judgement, war, slavery, and death: Mitzrayim/Egypt is called an iron furnace (Dt 4:20); locks/shackles are iron and bronze (Dt 33:25); weapons are made of iron (Jdg 4:3; 1 Sam 17:7; 2 Sam 12:31); the final beast is represented with iron (Dan 2:33; 2:40; 7:19); YESHUA rules with an iron rod in judgement (Psm 2:9; Rev 2:27); nails are made of iron (1 Chr 22:3); and YESHUA was crucified with nails (Jhn 20:25). So, the ink is representing the permanent sworn oath of GOD to take upon HIMSELF, as a crushed/burnt/tormented sacrifice nailed to the Cross, every sin and its slavery/war/blackness/darkness/death/2nd-death/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur of anyone who will commit to an eternal covenant relationship with HIM/YESHUA.

Image by Dietmar Rabich under CC BY-SA 4.0

We know the Angel of the LORD is YESHUA. The Hebrew word keruv (cherub) is singular for a type of angel with keruvim (cherubim) being the plural for that type of angel [H3742]. YESHUA being the Angel of the LORD is why the tekheleth-wool (blue-wool), ‘argaman-wool (Tyrian-purple-wool), and tola’at-shani-wool (scarlet/crimson/red wool) that represents YESHUA was used to embroider keruvim/cherubim/angels into the white-linen covering of the Tabernacle and the white-linen veil/door between the 2 rooms of the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies (Ex 26:1, 31; 36:8, 35).

Ark of the Covenant by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0, (added text)

And, 2 keruvim/cherubim/angels are one piece with the hakkapporeth (the mercy seat), which is the lid for the Ark of the Covenant, with the keruvim/cherubim/angels on both ends of the Ark of the Covenant (Ex 25:19, 20; 37:8, 9). The hakkapporeth is the singular form of the Hebrew word translated in English as propitiatory/the-mercy-seat (H3727) with the Hebrew word hakkippurim (H3725) being the same Hebrew word with different vowels in the plural form meaning atonements. ‘Yom Hakkippurim’ is the Hebrew phrase for the ‘Day of Atonements’ (Lev 23:27). So, this lid of the Ark of the Covenant can be called the-propitiatory/the-atonement/the-covering-over/the-mercy-seat and is where the blood from the Yom-Hakkippurim/Day-of-Atonements sin offering/sacrifice was sprinkled to make atonement for all of the people (Lev 16:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). Also remember, the 2nd set of unbroken/eternal new covenant stone tablets were brought down the mountain by Mosheh/Moses to the people on Yom-Hakkippurim/The-Day-of-Atonement. And, YESHUA is called the Propitiation/Atonement/covering-over of our sin (1Jhn 2:2; 4:10; Rom 3:25;). “The wages/salary/reward of sin/missing-the-mark/failure is death” (Rom 6:23). YESHUA paid the wages of our sin to redeem us from death and cover-over our sin. This means the lid of the Ark of the Covenant is representing YESHUA. But, this also means the 2 angels that are one piece with the lid/mercy-seat are also representing YESHUA. Does this mean YESHUA is an angel? All the Bible/Scripture/Word speaks of YESHUA as the one LORD GOD; so, YESHUA can not be an angel. So, what is going on? The Hebrew word for angel is mal’ak (H4397) and literally means messenger. The Hebrew word for king is melek (H4428). The difference between the two words is the word for king has its vowels changed from ‘e’ to ‘a’ and an Aleph (‘) is added. Both of these changes are moving the word for king toward Aleph, as the Aleph is used as the vowel of ‘a’. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and represents the LORD (see Aleph). So, we could translate mal’ak as the messenger-of-the-LORD/king-from-the-LORD. This makes sense with angels and the Angel of the LORD. But, in Hebrew there is not an “of the” in the phrase “Angel of the LORD.” So, the phrase “Angel of the LORD” could be translated as LORD-Messenger-YEHOVAH/LORD-KING-YEHOVAH, which is very fitting for our LORD KING YESHUA. So, why the keruv/cherub (H3742)? In Hebrew words can be broken down into a sentence/statement. If you look up the first word of the Bible in Hebrew on YouTube, you will find many 15 minute to 1 hour discussions about this one word (very good material if you have never looked that up, but there are opinions dropped into the discussions that might not be biblical. So, always test what is said in light of the Scripture. That is true of even WhyAlive. That is why we have placed all the references in our material.) If you take the first part of kerub, the kr, this can be the Hebrew word kar (H3733) meaning a ram/he-lamb. If you take the rb of kerub, this can be the Hebrew word rab (H7227) meaning chief/captain/mighty. But, we always have 2 keruvim/kerubim/cherubim. The ru_m of keruvim is the Hebrew word rum (H7311) that means to lift-up/rise-up/be-exalted. The ‘b/v’ by itself can mean in/with/by, and the Hebrew letter has a meaning of a tabernacle/tent/house/family/body (see Bayit) [30]. The ‘b/v’ is in the middle of the word rum/rise-up; so, ‘b/v’ is ‘in’ the lifting-up or the tabernacle/body is in the lifting-up/rising-up/being-exalted. So, altogether in the word kerub/cherub/kerubim/cherubim we have the Chief/Mighty Ram WHO is lifted-up/rising-up/being-exalted. The Hebrew word for ark, as in Ark of the Covenant, is ‘aron (H727) and means ark/chest/coffin. This Ark/coffin is made out of wood from the shittim (acacia) thorn tree (Ex 25:10). And, both the broken and unbroken stone tablets of the Word/Torah/Scripture were buried in this Ark/coffin that has a name that is similar to the first high priest, ‘Aharon (Aaron) (H175) (Ex 30:30). But, the Lid/Covering-Over/Mercy-Seat is made of pure gold (Ex 25:17).

Image by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0

Gold increases in amount as you move from the courtyard to the Holy of Holies toward the place to meet the LORD on top of the pure gold Covering-Over/Mercy-Seat between the pure gold wings of the keruvim/cherubim/angels (Ex 25:1-27:21; 30:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 25:20, 21, 22). The LORD refines and purifies a Believer like gold; so, they might be like vessels of gold, highly lifted up, and produce works of gold (Zech 13:9; Mal 3:3; 1 Cor 3:12; 2 Tim 2:20, 21). And, the final cubed Holy-of-Holies/New-Yerushalaim/New-Jerusalem/The-City-of-Heaven has a city and street of pure gold where the LORD lives/dwells with HIS people and nothing unholy will ever enter into it (Rev 21:1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 21, 22, 23, 27; 22:3, 4, 5).

Image by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0
This Image is not complete: There should be 2 broken stone tablets inside the Ark. And, the stone tablets are the wrong shape as explained below in article.

So, the Word on stone tablets, the manna/bread-of-heaven, and the rod of ‘Aharon (Aaron) the high priest with his name on the rod were all buried in a coffin/ark/’aron, named after the high priest ‘Aharon, as these items were placed upon and in the thorn tree coffin representing our sin (Ex 16:33; Num 17:2, 3, 10; Heb 9:4). This is just as YESHUA/the-Word/the-Bread-of-Heaven/the-Rod/the-Staff/the-High-Priest took upon HIMSELF our sin and its death and died as a sin offering/sacrifice upon the Cross (representing our sin as a fallen thorn tree, S) and was buried in a cave/ark (Jhn 1:1, 14; 6:35, 38, 41, 51; Psm 23:4; Heb 3:1). (Showing how YESHUA is the Rod/Staff will have to be another article.) Then as shown from the above writing, the keruvim/cherubim/angels are tabernacles/bodies lifted-up/rising-up/being-exalted that are part of the gold lid/mercy-seat.

Ark of the Covenant by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0, (added text)

As part of the gold lid/mercy-seat there is one gold keruv/cherub/angel above/over the 1st two broken covenant stone tablets inside the Ark-of-the-Covenant/coffin. And, also as part of the gold lid/mercy-seat there is another gold keruv/cherub/angel above/over the 2nd two unbroken covenant stone tablets that are also inside the Ark-of-the-Covenant/coffin. This is as YESHUA, the Angel-of-Gold/Mal’ak-YEHOVAH/Angel-of-the-LORD/LORD-Messenger-YEHOVAH/LORD-KING-YEHOVAH being the Cherub/Mighty-Chief-Ram was a golden-cherubim/tabernacle-body-lifted-up/tabernacle-body-arisen-from-the-dead/tabernacle-body-exalted and is our gold-mercy-seat/Atonement/Propitiation/Covering-Over-of-our-sin-and-its-death (over the Ark/coffin) as HE redeemed our lives by paying in full the wages of sin and its death for both the Body-of-YESHUA of the 1st broken old covenant and for the Body-of-YESHUA of the 2nd new eternal covenant (Heb 9:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; 10:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Rom 4:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 1 Cor 11:25, 26). Since a Believer in YESHUA is the Body-of-YESHUA and dies to their old sinful self in YESHUA’s death and is resurrected a new creation in YESHUA’s resurrection, the stone tablets of the Word also represent the burying in death of the heart of stone of the Body-of-YESHUA/Believers while they are also being lifted-up/arisen-from-the-dead/exalted as new creations in YESHUA, being refined and purified like the gold of the Mercy-Seat to be like vessels of gold, highly lifted up and produce works of gold (Rom 6:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 2 Cor 5:17; 2 Tim 2:20, 21).

So, what does all this have to do with the tzitzit?

We know each of the 4 corners the tzitzit is attached to is called a wing. In Jer 48:9, the Hebrew masculine word tzitz (H6731) is translated as wing (singular). The Hebrew word tzitzit (H6734) is like the (feminine) plural of tzitz, giving tzitzit a meaning of wings. But, wings of what? Every string of the tzitzit is 8-ply. Every corner has a tzitzit with 4 strings folded over to form 8 strings per corner. This makes the tzitzit in each corner to have 64 threads (8 x 8 = 64) and all four corners to have total of 256 threads (64 x 4 = 256). The Jewish writings say this is because there are 64 words in the commandment to put tzitzit on a garment [31]: see 15 in the references at the bottom of the page]. This is a true statement that there are 64 Hebrew words about the tzitzit from Numbers 15:38 to 15:41. The Jewish writings also say there are 256 threads because it equals the Hebrew statement “wings of the angels” [31: see 16 in the references at the bottom of the page]. Hebrew letters are also numbers, so we can add the letters together of a Hebrew word to get a number value for that word. After adding the phrase together, I found 256 can only be the phrase “wings of the angel” or “wing of the angels.” The last phrase does not make sense. So, in this case the words are hamal’ak (the angel), which equals 96 (5+40+30+1+20 = 96), and kenaphayi (wings), which equals 160 (20+50+80+10 =160), and adding them together equals 256 (96+160 = 256) for the phrase “kenaphayi-hamal’ak/wings-of-the-angel”. But, why? There are 1000s of phrases that would equal 256. This phrase is not used anywhere in the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word. I believe this phrase was handed down through time; and, the wings are not just wings of anything, but they are the wings of the messenger/angel called the Angel-of-the-LORD/YESHUA. As far as the 64 threads of each corner being spoken of in the Jewish writings as important, we know the tzitzit is representing the joining of man in a covenant relationship with the LORD in and through YESHUA. From the Hebrew letter Wav, we know 6 relates to the body/flesh/man; and from the Hebrew letter Dalet, we know 4 points to YESHUA as the Door, the Way through to the LORD. The 6 of 64 is really 60 or like making the 6 plural. So, this is not about just one man, but about men. The 64 is joining men with the LORD YESHUA through YESHUA just as the tzitzit represents. This is also why there are 8 strings to a single tzitzit to represent the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church (see CHayet).

Olive Blossoms by Sputnikcccp under CC BY-SA 3.0, (cropped)

The Hebrew masculine word tzitz (H6731) that was translated as wing (singular) one time usually means blossom/flower and is also related to the Hebrew word tzitzah (H6733) that also means blossom/flower. The Hebrew word tzitzit (H6734) is like the (feminine) plural of tzitz, giving tzitzit a meaning of blossoms/flowers. Why? The flower/blossom is the 1st of what? It is the 1st of the fruit of a plant or tree. And, YESHUA is the First Fruit from the grave WHO arose on Yom-HaBikkurim/Day-of-First-Fruits/Resurrection-Sunday [21] (Lev 23:10, 11, 12; Ex 23:16, 19; 1 Cor 15:20, 21, 22, 23). But, the word tzitzit is feminine plural? The Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church/the-Bride that is feminine plural, that is represented as being one with YESHUA in the tzitzit, is also called the First Fruits of GOD from men (Jam 1:18; Rev 14:4).

One of the reasons the tzitziot were placed in the four corners of a garment is given in Num 36:41, the last verse of the tzitzit commandment. This verse links the tzitzit to the LORD bringing Yisra’el/Israel out of Mitzrayim/Egypt. The verse Ex 19:4 states, “You have seen what I did to Mitzrayim/Egypt, and I carried/lifted-you-up on eagles’/vultures’ wings and brought you to MYSELF.” (see The Vulture, Virgin, & Pharaoh). The word wings in this verse is the Hebrew word kanaph that can also mean corners. We understand how the corners are wings from the writing above. The pharaoh is spoken of as a great dragon/monster/serpent in Ezk 29:3, making him in the likeness of Satan and his land, the land of the adversary. The pharaoh’s land of Mitzrayim (Egypt) (H4714) is similar to the Hebrew word metzarim (H4712), which is the plural of pain/anguish/distress. Mitzrayim/metzarim symbolize the unclean world full of sin and death we are to flee from with the help of the LORD as HE lifts us up out of the slavery from the world and sin to bring us to HIMSELF just as HE brought the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel out of Mitzrayim/Egypt. The LORD did this with 4 promises that are taught throughout a Pesach/Passover Seder when remembering when the LORD brought Yisra’el (Israel) out of Mitzrayim/Egypt on Pesach/Passover. They are “I will bring you out from under the burdens of Mitzrayim/Egypt,” “I will deliver/rescue you from their bondage/labor/work,” “I will redeem you with a stretched-out/spread-out arm/zero’a,” and “I will take you to ME as MY people” from Ex 6:6, 7. That word zero’a is also what is called the Pesach/Passover lamb on the Pesach/Passover seder plate. YESHUA is the Pesach/Passover Lamb WHO will-bring/has-brought us out from under the burdens of the world (Jhn 15:19), will/has deliver(ed) us from the bondage of the sin of the world (Rom 7:14, 24, 25), will/has redeem(ed) us through HIS sacrifice as the Pesach Lamb on the Cross with stretched-out arm (Gal 3:13), and will/has take(n) us to HIMSELF as a People/Family-of-the-LORD (1 Pet 2:9; Rev 21:3). There is a non-mandatory reinforcement piece of square material placed at each of the 4 corners before a tzitzit is placed into a hole, with the hole being placed a certain distance from the side and bottom of the corner (see Tzitzit Design). This square material has the width of YESHUA’s palm with the specific distance of the hole being the center of HIS palm (see Tzitzit Design). The foot is also the width of the palm. So, we have 4 pierced palms (2 hands and 2 feet) represented in the corners of the garment with the tzitzit (representing YESHUA/the-Worm crucified on a Cross) placed through each hole. Through the 4 sacrificial piercings of YESHUA our Pesach/Passover Lamb, represented by the 4 corners of the pierced garment, YESHUA is establishing the 4 Pesach/Passover promises with a Believer: to bring them out, deliver/rescue them, redeem them, and take them to be HIS People.

Why use the colors red, blue, and purple? This question has been partially answered above for blue and purple, but not for red. The Hebrew word for red is ‘adom (H122/H119). The Hebrew words related to red are: ‘adam/’Adam (H120/H121), which means man and is the first man’s name; ‘adamah (H127), which means ground; ‘Edom (H123), which mean a red-food and is another name for ‘Esav (Esau) and the land of his relatives (Gen 25:30); ‘odem (H124), which is a name for a different color of red translated carnelian; ‘Adma (H126), which was a city that was destroyed along with Sedom (Sodom) and ‘Amorah (Gomorrah) (Dt 29:23). From this we can see that man/’Adam was made from the reddish ground/’adamah as Gen 2:7 states. ‘Esav (Esau) was hated by GOD (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13); some of the other words seem related to sin and its death, as in the phrase from Isaiah 1:18 that states, “…if your sins (are) like shani (scarlet/crimson/red)…” But, red blood in our arteries with oxygen gives us life, as the Word states ‘the life of flesh is in the blood’ (Gen 9:4; Lev 17:11, 14; Dt 12:23; 19:6). And, purple represents sin and its death as shown in the writing above; so, reddish purple deoxygenated blood in your veins is transporting the death of carbon dioxide out of your body [32]. If a person dies, all they will have in all their blood vessels is reddish purple blood. Another red that gives life is the red heifer/cow, whose ashes purify a person from contact with death (Num 19:2, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19). The priest cannot even begin to come into the Tabernacle/Temple or start to do the work of the Tabernacle/Temple without this red heifer/cow [33].

(You can skip this section between the grey lines if you have read the Hebrew letter Aleph.)

The animals sacrificed upon the altar are the ox, ram/lamb/goat, and the dove/pigeon (Lev 1:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). The dove is a type of pigeon representing the LORD the HOLY SPIRIT, which can be understood from John 1:32 when the HOLY SPIRIT comes upon YESHUA like a dove. The LORD’s festival of Pesach (Passover) has a sacrifice called the Pesach/Passover (Ex 12:3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11). The Hebrew word for the Pesach/Passover sacrifice is singular even though that sacrifice includes many lambs and goats (Ex 12:5). YESHUA/JESUS, the LAMB of GOD called our Pesach/Passover, was sacrificed on the Cross on the day of Pesach at the same time as the lambs and goats were being sacrificed as the Pesach/Passover, showing the lambs and goats are representing YESHUA (Jhn 1:29; 1 Cor 5:7; Jhn 18:39; 19:14). The ox being the only sacrifice left represents the LORD the FATHER.

GOD is light (1 Jhn 1:5). How can we further define light? Our light comes from the Sun. The Sun produces white light [34]. The rainbow was given as a sign of the LORD’s covenant with Noach (Noah), with his seed/family (which is all of mankind who were born out of his family), and with all that has the Breath of Life in it (Gen 9:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). This rainbow reveals the colors of the white light representing the LORD, starting with red on the top [35].

There are 3 colors of light, called the primary colors of light, that can be mixed to form all other colors, including white; these 3 primary colors of light are red, green, and blue [36]. So, just as the LORD/GOD the FATHER, the LORD/GOD the SON, and the LORD/GOD the SPIRIT are all the one LORD/GOD; red, green, and blue light are all the white light (Isa 45:6). The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph, is an ox/cow and represents the LORD the FATHER (see Aleph). Red is the 1st color of the rainbow. And, it is a red heifer/cow that brings about life from death, just as nothing lives without light. So, the LORD the FATHER is being represented as the red color of light. So, why does red represent sin if it represents the FATHER?

Colors of Light

The colors of light in the Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky are different than the colors on ‘Aretz/Earth [36]. As shown in the above picture: the colors of red light mixed with green light produces a secondary color of yellow light; the colors of green light mixed with blue light produces a secondary color of cyan light; and, the colors of blue light mixed with red light produces a secondary color of magenta light. The color of magenta/purple does not exist in the rainbow, because red and blue are separated from each other in the rainbow with the red at the top and the blue toward the bottom [37]. So, the purple that represents sin and its death is not in the light of the Shamayim/Heaven(s).

Colors of pigment/dye/paint
(Image: Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 3.0)

But, the primary colors of pigment/dye/paint on ‘Aretz’/Earth are yellow, cyan, and magenta/purple [36]. These primary colors of ‘Aretz/Earth are the secondary colors of the Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky. Red, green, and blue become secondary colors on ‘Aretz/Earth. So, there are 2 reds; the primary one of Shamayim/Heaven(s) and the secondary one of ‘Aretz/Earth. GOD made man/mankind in HIS image (Gen 1:26, 27); and, man has red life giving blood, that came from reddish dirt, and is even named ‘adam/man after the color ‘adom/red. But, when ‘adam/man wants to be GOD/the-primary-red-of-the-Heaven(s), his sins are truly scarlet/crimson/the-secondary-red-of-the-earth.

Why use red, blue, and purple together in the Tabernacle/Temple? The red dye came from a worm in an oak tree as though coming from the Heaven(s). The purple/’argaman/Tyrian-purple represents our sin and its death and is coming from the crushing of the rock-snail/Hexaplex-Trunculus that brings forth clear “blood” (like water) that turns into the purple/’argaman/Tyrian-purple dye/blood when it is kept in darkness with a bad sulfur smell, pointing to judgement and the 2nd-Death of the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur/Brimstone (Gen 19:24; Psm 11:6; Rev 21:8) [8]. The blue/tekhelet is representing the heavenly/spiritual-realm and man’s intended home/tabernacle where the LORD WHO is Light resides (Isa 60:19; Psm 27:1; 1 Jhn 1:5; Rev 22:5) (see Bayit & He(y)) and is obtained from the same crushing of the rock-snail/Hexaplex-Trunculus that brings forth clear “blood” (like water) that turns into blue/tekhelet dye/blood when it is brought into the Sun’s light to make the dye turn blue [8]. The blue and purple are coming from the salt sea representing our sin and its Death. Before the earth was born out of the sea, it was buried in the sea (Gen 1:2; 9). The judgement of the Flood of Noach’s (Noah’s) time was that all life with the Breath of Life in it died in the sea that covered ‘Aretz/Earth like it was covered with the sea before the creation of man (Gen 7:19, 20, 21, 22, 23). The LORD defeated the Pharaoh of Mitzrayim (Egypt), and all his army was brought under the sea (Ex 14:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31) [See the Suph [Red] Sea Crossing] [or go to links to see the Suph [Red] Sea Crossing]. A baptism into the water represents a person’s death, in YESHUA, to their old selves (Rom 6:4). And, the 2nd-death/Hell/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur is the only salt sea left in ‘Aretz/Earth in the end (Rev 21:1, 8; Mrk 9:49). Blue and purple are coming from the same rock-snail/sea-worm within the salt sea representing the death of sin upon/within the earth. Our sins are represented with the purple that represents death. How do we change to the blue representing life and the Shamayim/Heaven(s) of our LORD?

Colors of pigment/dye/paint of ‘Arets/Earth
(Image: Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 3.0)
Colors of Light of Shamayim/Heaven(s)

Notice the mixing of blue and red gives us magenta/purple in both Shamayim/Heaven(s) and ‘Aretz/Earth. But, on ‘Aretz/Earth magenta/purple/death is the primary color. The purple/magenta/death on ‘Aretz/Earth can not be changed to blue/Shamayim/Heaven(s). But, if purple is in the Shamayim/Heaven(s) or it is taken on by the LORD from the Shamayim/Heaven(s) and the Red/LORD takes on sin and dies with the Red-Light/LORD going dark, what color is left? Blue. So, the LORD/RED had to take on the sin of the purple/man-in-sin-and-its-death and die/go-dark to make the purple/man-in-sin-and-its-death become blue/with-life/in-the-Heaven(s) and be with the LORD. Why red when it was the LORD the SON WHO died on the Cross? YESHUA said, “…The (one) seeing ME sees the FATHER…” (Jhn 14:9). So, YESHUA/LAMB-of-GOD being one with the FATHER/Red died and took upon HIMSELF an eternal death on the Cross as a worm(s)/snail as represented by the purple dye found under the sea used to dye the ram’s/sheep’s wool purple. But, YESHUA arose from the dead and is eternally alive in the Shamayim/Heavens while still having died an eternal death; this is represented in the blue dye that is from under the sea but is brought into the light to be blue dye used to dye the ram’s/sheep’s wool blue. So, in the same crushing of a rock-snail representing YESHUA there is being represented the eternal death of the LORD/GOD and the eternal life that comes from HIM. And, this is the blue of the tzitzit, praise be to the LORD!

The Jewish-writings/Mishnah/Oral-Torah states to use your teeth, not an (iron) knife, to cut the tzitzit strings to the proper length [Berurah 11:61] [38]. The mouth with teeth is a dark bottomless pit of death that is used to continuously sacrifice food (that was once alive) in order to give life to the body. Several times the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death is called the Place of Gnashing of Teeth (Rev 20:14; 21:8; Mt 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luk 13:28). The mouth & teeth then represent the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death, a place of continuous suffering/sacrificing (see The Flesh). So, the crushing of the Place-of-Gnashing-of-Teeth/2nd-death/Hell/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur is being represented with our teeth crushing the tzitzit, that symbolizes YESHUA receiving our eternal crushing death finished on the Cross (Jhn 19:30). But, no iron is used on the tzitzit because YESHUA and the Church are being represented in the tzitzit together as one in the Kingdom-of-Heaven (blue) where there is no judgement, war, slavery, and death that the iron represents (Jhn 17:21; Rev 5:9; 21:3, 4). A Believer’s 2nd-Death/punishment is eternally satisfied through the blood (blue of the tzitzit) of the Lamb/YESHUA sacrificed on the Cross/Altar, with a Believer spending eternity as a citizen of Heaven (blue of the tzitzit) with YESHUA as their LORD/GOD/KING (Phil 3:20).

Knots & Wrappings

Now, we start with the knots and wrappings. The article showing the above pictured tzitzit design was being used during the time of YESHUA (JESUS) is HERE. There are 5 square knots in the tzitzit. Why knots? A knot joins all the strings together as one. So, YESHUA/the-LORD/the-blue-string is joined with the Church/the-white-strings. And, “YESHUA says to him, ‘I AM the Way/Road/Journey/Path and the Truth/Divine-Truth/Reality and the Life/Spiritual-Life/Physical-Life; no-one/none comes to/toward/near-to the FATHER if not through ME.’” (Jhn 14:6). It is only though the-Word-that-has-become-flesh/YESHUA that a person can join with the LORD as one, as represented with the knot (Acts 4:12). After Yisra’el/Israel came out of Mitzrayim/Egypt, the LORD made a marriage covenant with Yisra’el/Israel to take them as HIS people and to make them a holy nation and a kingdom of priests (Ex 19:5, 6). Yisra’el/Israel said “we do” to the Covenant (Ex 19:8; 24:7). In Dan 10:21, the Scripture is called the ‘Writing/Scripture of Truth.’ The Hebrew word used for the Writing is kethav/kathab (H3791) and means a writing. A Hebrew word similar to kethab is kethubah/ketubah which is a marriage contract and literally means ‘the-writing’ [39]. It was the Torah/Kethab/Ketubah/the-Writing/the-Word/the-Marriage-Contract that Yisra’el/Israel received from the LORD after they said “we do.” The joining of the LORD and Yisra’el/Israel through the marriage contract of the 5 books of the Torah are being represented in the 5 knots of the tzitzit [40]. The Torah is the 1st 5 books of the Bible and the foundation for all Scripture. YESHUA is called the WORD and our Foundation (1 Cor 3:11). After “…you confess/promise/publicly-declare the words/saying, with your mouth, YESHUA (as) LORD/MASTER/GOD and have-faith/trust/believe in your heart/character/mind that GOD raised HIM from (the) dead, you will be saved/healed/made-whole/rescued” (Romans 10:9). YESHUA states HE is the Bridegroom in Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19, and Luke 5:34, 35, with John confirming this in John 3:29. YESHUA left HIS FATHER and the SPIRIT and joined as one with the Church, HIS Bride, just as it is written of marriage in Genesis 2:24, “… a man will forsake/leave his father and his mother and cling/cleave/be-joined with his wife, and they shall be to (the) flesh/body one”. Isaiah 54:5; 62:5, John 3:29, Revelation 19:7, 8; 21:7, 8, 9; 2 Corinthians 11:2, and Ephesians 5:31, 32 all state the Church/Body-of-YESHUA is the Bride betrothed/married to YESHUA. YESHUA/JESUS is a Jew of royalty from the tribe of Yehudah (Judah), and in a Jewish betrothal/engagement the groom and the bride are legally married (2 Sam 3:14; Mt 1:18, 19; Luk 1:27, 31, 34). The bride is also the wife, and the groom is also the husband. When you have said “I do” to the LORD YESHUA’s proposal of marriage of HIM being your HUSBAND, you are betrothed/married to the LORD (Eph 5:23; 2 Cor 11:2). All this is represented in a knot; so, the saying that you “tie the knot” in marriage is true. The knot is also like joining the ink/words/blue-wool-sacrificed-ram-string to the paper/page/white-plant-string. This gives us the union of ink/writing and paper to form the Bible/Word.

Square Knot creates a mirror image

Why use a square knot and no other knot? Many knots go backward on themselves, like an overhand knot. We do not want to go backward because: “No one having laid the hand upon (the) plow, but looks on the things behind, is useful for the Kingdom of GOD” (Luke 9:62). The square knot turns to the side and then turns back before moving forward again. To turn to the right or to the left symbolically is to sin against the LORD (Dt 17:11, 20; Prv 4:27). The Hebrew word shuv/shub (H7725) means to turn back, but is also translated as repent; because, as a person turns back to the LORD away from their sin and death, they are repenting (Ezk 18:30). In Greek repentance is a turning-of-one’s-mind/change-of-mind (G3341). Repenting is to not wanting to sin anymore, which leads to salvation (2 Cor 7:10) [41]. You have to turn/change-your-mind about the sin of not believing in YESHUA/JESUS as your LORD/GOD and SAVIOR in order to make HIM your LORD/GOD/KING and SAVIOR and be saved from the death of sin (Acts 2:38; Rom 10:9). The LORD/GOD does not need to repent, because HE never sins, and there is no evil or darkness in HIM (Num 23:17; 1 Jhn 1:5). But, the LORD/GOD did take upon HIMSELF our sin and died on the Cross; and, then HE turned back toward life and the Shamayim/Heaven(s) in HIS resurrection that gives us life from our death (Rom 6:8, 9, 10, 11). So, the blue wool’s 1st turn in a tzitzit square knot is just as YESHUA willing took our turning toward death represented in the white linen’s 1st turn in the square knot; then, the blue wool’s 2nd turn in the square knot is just as the LORD arose from death that also allows us to turn from our sin and death toward the LORD in salvation as represented by the white linen’s 2nd turn in the square knot. (See Wordless Book) One blue wool string and 3 white linen strings of the tzitzit on one side of the garment’s corner brought together with one blue wool string and 3 white linen strings of the tzitzit on the other side of the garment’s corner using a square knot forms a mirror image that other knots can not achieve [42]. This gives unity to the knot that represents the unity and oneness of a marriage. A square knot, as the name suggest, does form a square-like knot. All the broken & unbroken stone tablets the LORD wrote on and gave to Mosheh (Moses) were 1 ‘ammah x 1 ‘ammah x 1/2 ‘ammah (1 cubit x 1 cubit x 1/2 cubit), forming a square by themselves and forming a cube when the 2 stone tablets of the complete (10)-Commandments/Word where placed together (the 2 tablets together form a cube [Bava Batra 14a:9[43]). So, the square knot is representing the squared/cubed Word. (There is more symbolism in just the square knot that will not be covered at this time.)

The Jewish writings add the 5 knots to the 8 strings to the tzitzit word number value of 600 (tz+i+tz+i+t=600; 90+10+90+10+400=600) to get 613 (5+8+600=613), while stating this represents the 613 commandments/mitzvot in the Torah/Word [Rashi on Numbers 15:39] [Nedarim 25a:11] [Makkot 23b:18]. This would point to the tzitzit representing the Torah/Word/YESHUA.

There are 4 sections between the 5 knots that have wrappings that point to YESHUA/the-Door/4/Dalet. So, these sections have the blue wool string representing YESHUA wrapped around and creating circles around the whole tzitzit. This forms a circle around the tzitzit. The circle has no beginning or ending point; just as, the LORD/GOD has no beginning or ending (Psm 90:2). The circle can be seen as having 1 side or an infinite amount of sides; just as, the LORD/GOD/YESHUA is called the Aleph (Alpha) and Tav (Omega), the First and the Last (Isa 44:6; 48:12; Rev 22:13) (see Symbolism of Shape). But, why would the white linen strings that represent the Believers in YESHUA wrap around the tzitzit forming a circle? The tzitzit is representing a marriage of YESHUA and the Church/Believers-in-YESHUA. They are one with each other as the LORD calls the Believer into eternity with HIM (1 Jhn 5:11, 12, 13); so the Believers/Church become one with the circle representing the LORD.

If we number the 4 sections of the tzitzit from the top down: the 1st section has 7 wrappings, the 2nd section has 8 wrappings, the 3rd section has 11 wrappings, and the 4th section has 13 wrappings (see Tzitzit Design). The first thing to notice is the wrappings add up to 39 (7+8+11+13 = 39), which is equal to the 39 books of the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word of today’s Bible. But, the design of the tzitzit was made when there were only 5 books/scrolls of the Bible. The Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word being 39 books did not occur until the Tanakh/Word/Bible writings were translated into the Greek Septuagint about 200 years before YESHUA [44]. At that time, the Bible was composed of 22 scrolls; and, when they were translated into Greek, books like Samuel were split into 2 or more books/sections [45] [Against Apion: 8th paragraph]. The Bible continued to be seen as 22 Scrolls even up to YESHUA and after as shown through the writings of Josephus who lived after YESHUA [Against Apion: 8th paragraph] [46]. The tzitzit was literally prophetic in how the LORD designed it, with all the prophecies of the tzitzit design coming-true.

YESHUA is our High Priest (Heb 3:1; 4:14). And, the high priest wore white-linen breeches/drawers and a white-linen tunic to cover his nakedness and a tekheleth/blue-wool robe on top of that every day except on Yom-Kippur/Day-of-Atonement (Ex 28:2, 31, 39, 42) [1] [1b: at the bottom of the page]. Since the 5 knots represent the Torah/Word/YESHUA, white-linen wrappings on the tzitzit are found on both sides of the knots, as though the knots are clothed with white-linen; and, then tekheleth/blue-wool is found after the white-linen, as though blue-wool is on top of white-linen clothing the knot. The way the white-linen and blue-wool are wrapped around the knots are representing the knots being clothed liked a high priest. So, even the clothing of YESHUA as our High Priest is being represented in the tzitzit.

There are 2 designs of the tzitzit. Both designs are exactly the same except for how much blue is used for the wrappings at the top of the tzitzit. There is one design for the poor, because it has less tekheleth/blue-wool, which is expensive; and, there is one design for the rich that has the most tekheleth/blue-wool (see Tzitzit Design). The rich tzitzit has 27 total wrappings of blue-wool, which is equal to the 27 books of the New-Testament/Word of today’s Bible. This shows the rich tzitzit is representing the Bible/Word/Scripture of today after YESHUA’s death & resurrection; and, the poor tzitzit is representing the Bible/Word/Scripture of the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word before and up to the time of YESHUA’s death & resurrection. This makes sense because after YESHUA arose, the LORD the SPIRIT comes upon the Church and within Believers, making the Church/Believers richer in the spirit as they have the LORD the SPIRIT within them and the Word written on their hearts; so, the tzitzit representing them shows more tekheleth/blue-wool. Where as the poor tzitzit is representing a time when YESHUA is still there, as HE was seen and called the Angel of the LORD and HE lived on ‘Aretz/Earth for 32 years before HIS death and resurrection from the dead, but the Believers at that time were spiritually poorer; so, the tzitzit representing them shows less tekheleth/blue-wool (I have not completed the reference for the 32 years yet, it is in note form). You could even say Believers of today are the ones with 5 talents and those Believers before YESHUA’s death & resurrection only received 1 to 2 talents (Mt 25:15). So, the 39 books + 27 books format of the Bible/Word we have today is being represented by the rich tzitzit that was made 1600+ years before this format even existed. Then, as we are looking at the blue wool thread as representing the New-Testament/Word, the 1st section has 4 blue-wool wrappings like the 1st four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; the next 2 sections have 13 blue-wool wrappings (5+8 = 13) like the 13 books written by Paul [47]; and, there are 10 final blue-wool wrappings representing the final books of the Bible/Word (with Acts included as it was not written by Paul). So, even the design of the New-Testament/Word is in the design of the tzitzit.

Both the rich and the poor tzitzit designs have the 7+8+11+13 = 39 total wrappings. According to Jewish writings, the 39 equals the Hebrew statement the “LORD/YEHOVAH (is) one” [48] (Dt 6:4). The Hebrew name of the LORD that is YEHOVAH (H3068) has a word number value of 26 (10+5+6+5 = 26), while the Hebrew word ‘echad (H430) that means ‘one’ equals 13 (1+8+4 = 13); together they equal 39 (26+13 = 39). The 4th and last section of the tzitzit has 13 wrappings for the word ‘echad/one. This means the 1st 3 sections are representing the LORD’s name of YEHOVAH. This is just as the LORD the FATHER (1st section), the LORD the SON/YESHUA (2nd section), and the LORD the SPIRIT (3rd section) are all the One LORD. This is something the Jews who do not believe in YESHUA (as opposed to the Jews who do) would never teach or want their tzitzit to represent.

Why does the poor tzitzit have 21 total blue-wool wrappings? As shown in the writing above, the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word was 22 scrolls; so, that doesn’t match. But we wouldn’t expect it to match as the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word is already being represented with the 39 total wrappings. The blue-wool of the rich tzitzit is representing the New-Testament/Word. So, how can 21 represent something that has not yet happened? The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters with the last letter being Tav, which looks like the picture below.


Each letter of the Hebrew Alphabet has its own meaning, making the alphabet itself a story (see Ancient Hebrew). The story of the Hebrew alphabet is the salvation message starting with the 1st letter representing the LORD the FATHER and finishing with the last letter of Tav, which looks like the Cross. Since the poor tzitzit is representing YESHUA and the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church/Yisra’el before YESHUA’s death & resurrection, the poor tzitzit is representing the completion of the Cross has not yet occurred, 22 has not been reached. Even the fullness of the Word/Tanakh/Old-Testament/Scripture was represented as 22 scrolls. The fullness of the WORD/YESHUA had not been reached yet; so, there are only 21 blue-wool wrappings on the poor tzitzit.

At this point and below, the article will be more math-like and will be looking at the representation of numbers in the tzitzit as compared to the Hebrew letters that are themselves numbers. Ancient Hebrew is a suggested article to read before you continue this article (at least up to the 10 letter of Yod).

No man could or can be one with the LORD without YESHUA’s death on the Cross & resurrection from the dead (Heb 10:4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). If we compare the rich tzitzit with the poor tzitzit, 4 blue-wool wrappings are in the 1st section of the rich tzitzit with 4 white-linen wrappings in the 1st section of the poor tzitzit. As the 1st 3 sections represent the LORD and HIS name YEHOVAH, the 1st section is representing the LORD the FATHER. YESHUA said, “…The (one) seeing ME sees the FATHER…” (Jhn 14:9). From the above writing, we know the 4 wrappings represent YESHUA as the Door, the Way to the FATHER (see Dalet). So, in the 1st section of both the rich and the poor tzitzit we find YESHUA/4 represented with the FATHER/1st-section. But, in the rich tzitzit YESHUA is being represented as the 4 blue-wool wrappings that symbolize YESHUA’s finished sacrifice in death & resurrection giving life. And, the poor tzitzit has 4 white-linen wrappings in the 1st section showing the sacrifice of YESHUA has not yet occurred and is even hidden, as linen is clothing or a tent covering that can hide something.

The 2nd section is for the LORD-the-SON/YESHUA. We know YESHUA is the Word/Torah/Scripture represented by the 5 knots from the above writing. Now, we find 5 blue-wool wrappings representing YESHUA as the Word/Torah/Scripture that gives life in the 2nd section (see He(y)). And, in the poor tzitzit, YESHUA is represented in the 2nd section, representing HIMSELF, as the Word/Torah/Scripture with 5 white-linen wrappings. So, once again the rich tzitzit has the 5 blue-wool wrappings representing YESHUA’s finished sacrifice on the Cross, while the poor tzitzit has 5 white-linen wrappings showing the sacrifice has not yet occurred and is even hidden, as what YESHUA would be coming to do the 1st time on ‘Aretz/Earth was hidden from many Jews (Mt 13:14, 15; Luk 10:23, 24).

The 3rd section that represents the LORD the SPIRIT could be looked at in two different ways, from the perspective of the LORD YESHUA or from the perspective of man. YESHUA will be the 1st way presented. The poor tzitzit has 6 blue-wool wrappings representing the man of YESHUA (see Wav). YESHUA did walk around as a man called the “Angel of the LORD” during the time before HE was even born. The rich tzitzit has 8 blue-wool wrappings representing the body of YESHUA (see CHayet). So, both the rich & the poor tzitzit are representing YESHUA’s fleshly body. But, the rich tzitzit is representing the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church as being one with YESHUA through HIS sacrifice on the Cross. Whereas, the poor tzitzit is representing YESHUA without being united with the Church/Yisra’el.

The 2nd way to look at the 3rd section that represents the LORD the SPIRIT is from the perspective of man. The Hebrew word ruach (H7307) can mean wind, breath, or spirit. So, the LORD the SPIRIT can be represented by wind or breath (Jhn 3:8). It is the Breath of the LORD that gives a man physical life (Gen 2:5). And, the LORD states HIS SPIRIT will not always be with man, which leads to man’s death (Gen 6:3). So, it is the Breath-of-the-LORD/the-SPIRIT that is giving physical life to a man. We know 6 is representing man as shown with the 6th Hebrew letter Wav that was explained above. During the time period that the poor tzitzit represents before the death and resurrection of YESHUA, man/Wav/6 is alive and living because of the Breath-of-the-LORD/the-SPIRIT is giving man physical life while man still moves toward a day of death when the Breath of the LORD is removed from him (see Ha(y) & Zayin). This is represented in the poor tzitzit with the 6 blue-wool wrappings being in the 3rd-section/the-SPIRIT-section; man/Wav/6 is shown as bodily/6/physically alive (Ha(y)/blue) by the SPIRIT. But, in the rich tzitzit the 8 wrappings of blue-wool representing the Body-of-YESHUA/man-with-the-LORD are in the 3rd-section/the-SPIRIT-section because it is through the SON by the LORD the SPIRIT that the Body-of-YESHUA/man-with-the LORD is given eternal physical & spiritual life (Ha(y)/blue) (Jhn 3:8; 16:7, 8; 6:63; Eph 1:13, 14).

The 4th section is about unity/oneness as shown in the picture above. The LORD the SPIRIT is called the 7 fold SPIRIT and can be represented with the number 7 (Jhn 3:5, 6, 7, 8; Zec 3:9, 4:10; Rev 1:4, 5:6) (see Zayin). The LORD the FATHER is represent by the Hebrew letter Aleph which is the Hebrew number 1 (see Aleph). Since seeing the SON is like seeing the FATHER, YESHUA is also represented as the number 1. So, the FATHER (1), SON (1), and the SPIRIT (7) together equal 9 (1+1+7 = 9). So, the oneness of the LORD is represented with the 9 wrappings of blue-wool in the 4th-section/oneness-section of the poor tzitzit. The Church is called the Body-of-YESHUA; so, just as YESHUA is represented as the number 1, the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church is also represented as the number 1. The LORD (9) becoming one with the Church (1) can be represented as 10. So, the rich tzitzit represents, in its 10 blue-wool wrappings, the LORD being one with HIS people (Jhn 17:20, 21). Even the 10th Hebrew letter has this meaning of the LORD being one with HIS people (see Yod). The Hebrew name of the LORD that is YEHOVAH (H3068) has a word number value of 26 (10+5+6+5 = 26). And, even the One LORD, represented as 26, has the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church, represented as 1, added to HIS oneness in the 27 (26+1 = 27) blue-wool circle wrappings of the rich tzitzit that represent the LORD adding the Church to HIMSELF through the blood of the sacrificial Lamb-of-GOD/YESHUA.

In the design of the tzitzit, every 3 wrappings is considered a set even if there is a knot in the middle of the set. If the set has 3 white-linen wrappings, it is a white set. If the set has 3 blue-wool wrappings, it is a blue set. If the set has 1 blue-wool wrapping and 2 white-linen wrappings, it is a blue set and a white set at the same time (see Tzitzit Design). The poor tzitzit has 7 sets of completely blue wrappings. The Jewish writings call the 7 sets of blue-wool wrappings the seven firmaments [Menachot 39a:10]. From the writing above, we know the blue-wool represents Shamayim/Heaven(s)/firmament/sky which is the place where the wind resides that represents the LORD the SPIRIT. The 7 sets being completely blue-wool and no white-linen is showing only the LORD is being represented. The LORD refers to HIMSELF as US and states HE is One (Gen 1:26, 3:22; Dt 6:4; Isa 45:21; Mrk 12:29; Gal 3:20; 1 Tim 2:5). The LORD the FATHER, the LORD the SON, and the LORD the SPIRIT are all the ONE great, loyally loving, merciful, slow to anger, holy, just LORD ALMIGHTY; WHOM with all love, wisdom, power, knowledge, and understanding created Shamayim/Heaven(s) and ‘Aretz/Earth and all that is above and within and below them (Isa 48:16; Psm 110:1; Mt 22:42, 43, 44, 45; Jn 14:7, 8, 9). The FATHER, YESHUA, and the SPIRIT are all the One LORD. We have 3 in 1. Each blue-wool wrapping is representing YESHUA the LORD. So, at the same time each blue-wool wrapping is also representing the FATHER and the SPIRIT WHO are one with YESHUA. Each 1 set of 3 blue-wool wrappings is representing the LORD WHO is 3 in 1. Then, the 7 sets of completely blue wrappings are representing the 7 fold SPIRIT of the LORD, which is why all of them are completely blue-wool. As expected, man being joined with the LORD is missing in the blue-wool wrappings of the poor tzitzit representing the time before YESHUA’s death & resurrection. The rich tzitzit is always adding the Church/man-with-the-LORD with its wrappings. The rich tzitzit has 13 sets of blue-wool wrappings. When we add 6 for man to the 7 for the SPIRIT, we get the 13 sets of blue-wool wrappings. But in the rich tzitzit, each of the 6 sets of blue-wool wrappings (that were added to the 7 sets of blue-wool wrappings) only has one blue-wool wrapping in each set. Why only 1 blue-wool out of 3 in the set? The 6 sets are representing man/mankind that are Believers joined with the LORD. A man is made in the image of the LORD (Gen 1:26, 27). The one LORD is the FATHER, SON/YESHUA, and SPIRIT. The SON/YESHUA has a body that we can see. The FATHER is unseen, but is seen by seeing the SON. The SPIRIT/RUACH is unseen. A man has a body like the SON. A man has an unseen mind/heart that is seen in the man’s body, this is like the FATHER (mind and heart are the same word in Hebrew (H3824)). And, man has an unseen spirit/ruach like the LORD the SPIRIT/RUACH (Zech 12:1). But, a man is not 3 people; he is one person, just as the LORD is the one and only GOD. It is the SPIRIT that completely cleanses a Believer’s spirit, while the SPIRIT is joined with the Believer’s spirit within their body (Jhn 14:16, 17, 20; Acts 2:38); the mind/heart & body of a Believer are clean before the LORD, as the white-linen represents, but they are not completely clean and holy until the Believer receives a new body at the rapture/resurrection (Heb 10:22; Rom 7:23; 8:6; 12:2; 2 Cor 10:5; Gal 5:17; Phil 3:21; 1 Jhn 3:2). Just as one set of 3 blue-wool wrappings represented the LORD the FATHER, SON, and SPIRIT; one set of white-linen wrappings represents a man with the 2 white-linen wrappings representing the Believer’s mind and body, while the 1 blue-wool wrapping represents his holy/clean spirit joined with the LORD the SPIRIT. But, the poor tzitzit has 6 sets of completely white-linen wrappings representing a clean Believer that was not yet joined completely with the LORD. In both the rich and the poor tzitzit, there is a white-linen set at the beginning and the end of the tzitzit wrappings with the 7 completely blue-wool sets, representing the SPIRIT, inside the 6 white-linen sets. This shows the LORD the SPIRIT among the Believer but not truly joined within the Believer in the poor tzitzit, which can be seen in the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word when the SPIRIT came upon and even within a Believer (Ex 31:3; Num 11:15, 25; Luke 1:15, 41). While the rich tzitzit shows the LORD the SPIRIT is truly within the Believer, which is stated and seen in the New-Testament/Word (Ezk 36:27; Acts 2:38; 1 Cor 12:13; Acts 13:52).

Which direction is going forward on the tzitzit?

(You can skip this section between the grey lines if you have read The Flesh.)

First, we need to know what the Cross looked like. There is an article HERE about what we can gather from the New Testament books and time period. But, in the Ancient Hebrew section of GOD’s Radical Love, we have how the Cross was represented in the last letter of Tav, shown below. The top piece is the same length as each horizontal piece. The bottom piece is 2 times longer than the top piece. This makes the horizontal beam 2 units in length, while the vertical beam is 3 units in length.

The Scripture also gives us the dimensions of the Cross in ratio form in the Old Testament. A tabernacle/temple/house/tent made according to the Scripture has 2 rooms/houses: the cubed inner room/house called the “Holy of Holies” and the outer room/house called the “Holy Place” being twice as long as its width (1 Kgs 6:2, 16, 17, 20).

The Holy of Holies (where the LORD’s Presence is: Ex 25:21, 22; 26:34) was placed to the west, which in Hebrew culture is considered behind you toward the LORD, with the Holy Place placed to the east away from the Lord in front. This is why the Hebrew word ‘achar (H310), that means behind, can mean west; and, the Hebrew word qedem (H6924), that means front, can mean east.

The bronze altar in the Old Testament was made of a thorn tree called shittim (acacia) just as the Cross was part of 3 crosses looking like a fallen thorn tree, as shown above with the Hebrew letter Samekh (Ex 27:1, 2) [15]. The bronze altar was also a 4 cornered square of 5 cubits x 5 cubits with a height of 3 cubits, had 4 horns at each of the 4 corners, and was where the blood of the sacrifice was poured out (Ex 27:1, 2). The Cross is where the blood of YESHUA, the sacrificial Lamb of GOD, was sacrificed/pierced with spikes/horns at 4 locations (both hands & both feet), and HIS blood poured out (Jhn 20:25, 27; Luk 24:39, 40; Jhn 19:34) (see The Altar). The Cross is the heavenly altar for the Sacrifice of GOD to establish through the blood of YESHUA the redemption of the house/family of GOD of the broken old covenant before YESHUA died on the Cross and the house/family of GOD of the new eternal covenant after YESHUA died on the Cross (Heb 9:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; 10:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Rom 4:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 1 Cor 11:25, 26). As shown in the letter Bayit/Bet, in Hebrew the house/tent/home can refer to the family who lives in the house.

Now, let us see how the above applies to the Cross. If the Cross is the heavenly altar, then that is why the 4 corners of the altar of the Cross are made with the Heaven(s)/sky as seen in the picture below.

We know from Rom 6:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 2 Cor 5:17 that Believers in YESHUA/JESUS die to themselves and their sin through YESHUA’s death and are resurrected in HIS resurrection as new creations/creatures. And, since YESHUA died for both the family/house/tabernacle of the broken old covenant and for the family/house/tabernacle of the new eternal covenant, this is why we see the 2 houses represented in the Cross in the picture below. And, the Holy of Holies is at the top facing the Heaven(s) toward the LORD with the Holy Place at the bottom facing the earth and man.

The cross above uses 1 unit + 2 units = 3 units.

The one LORD is represented at the top of the tzitzit within the wrappings. The wrappings of both the rich and the poor tzitzit are a distance of 4 thumb widths from the 1st knot to the 5th knot; and then, the length of the string under the 5th knot is 8 thumb widths (see Tzitzit Design). If the 4 thumb widths is made to be 1 unit, the strings under the 5th knot being 8 thumb widths would be 2 units. This means the tzitzit has the same design of 1 unit + 2 units = 3 units that are represented in the Tabernacle, Temple, and the Cross. But, the tzitzit design is up and down like the Cross. And like the Cross, the family/house/tabernacle of the broken old covenant is represented by the poor tzitzit, and the family/house/tabernacle of the new eternal covenant is represented by the rich tzitzit. So, both sides of the Cross are being represented in the poor and rich tzitzit. The Hebrew word ‘Immanu’el (H6005) means ‘GOD with us’ (Mt 1:23). YESHUA is called ‘Immanu’el (Isa 7:14; Mt 1:22, 23). Our bodies are referred to as tents/tabernacles in 1 Cor 6:19 and 2 Cor 5:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and, YESHUA called HIS body a Temple (Jhn 2:19, 20, 21, 22). The tzitzit that represents the Word/YESHUA also represents HIM as the Tabernacle/Temple of GOD. And, Rev 21:3 states, “Behold, the tabernacle/dwelling/tent of GOD (is) with man/mankind, and HE will encamp/dwell/tabernacle with them and they will be HIS people and GOD HIMSELF will be with them (as) their GOD.”

The first 9 sets of three wraps (shown by the underlined 9 above) occur within the 1st 3 sections representing the LORD; the FATHER (1), SON (1), and the SPIRIT (7) together equal 9 (1+1+7 = 9). There is 1 white-linen wrap in the 4th section that belongs to the first 9 sets of wraps. This 1 white-linen wrap is also right next to the 4th knot. The 4th section and knot is related to the 4th Hebrew letter Dalet, representing YESHUA the Door & Way to the LORD. And, the 4th section has 13 wraps that can be represented as 1+12 = 13, representing the 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel joined with the LORD (1) through YESHUA the Door (4) in the poor tzitzit or representing the Church/Tabernacle/Family/Body-of-YESHUA built upon the 12 Apostles of YESHUA joined with the LORD (1) through YESHUA, the foundational Door (4) in the rich tzitzit. Another way to look at the 13 wraps in the 4th section is to represent the whole section, all 13 wraps, as the Body-of-YESHUA because of the 4th section’s representation as YESHUA the Door and HIS body. When Yoseph (Joseph) was joined together with his 11 brothers with him as the leader/head, 13 tribes were established. Ephraim and Manasseh (Yoseph’s/Joseph’s sons from his Gentile bride) were adopted into the 12 sons of Yisra’el/Israel to make 13 tribes in all, of which Ephraim mixed with the Gentiles (Gen 48:5; Hos 7:8). YESHUA, the Apostle and Head, called together the 12 apostles to establish 13 apostles including HIMSELF (Heb 3:1). After YESHUA’s ascension into Shamayim/Heaven(s), 11 apostles remained and a 12th apostle was added to the 11 (Acts 1:26). Once the LORD the SPIRIT baptized the Church, a 13th apostle to the Gentiles was recognized as one of the 12 (Acts 15:22; Rom 11:13). No matter which direction is used on either the poor or the rich tzitzit, the 4th section is about the Body-of-YESHUA joining with the LORD, represented by the 1st 3 sections. This joining the people (12) to the LORD is accomplished by the One standing at the Door (One white-linen wrap at the 4th knot), WHO is the Door/Way/LORD-YESHUA. So, YESHUA says, “Behold, I stand at/upon/in/for the door and knock, if anyone hears MY voice and opens the door, then I will come/enter/go-in to him and will eat/dine with him and he with ME” (Rev 3:20).

The Hebrew word ‘ammah (cubit) (H520) is a length of measurement from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger [49] [50]. ‘Ammah is similar to the Hebrew word ‘ummah (H523) that means a nation/people/tribe. In 2 Chron 3:3, Shelomoh (Solomon) uses a harishonah ‘ammah/cubit to build the Temple. The Hebrew word harishonah (H7223) means the-chief/the-first/the-beginning. This chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit is the length of an ‘ammah/cubit plus a thophach (handbreadth) (H2948) of 4 ‘etzba’ (fingerbreadth) (H676) (Ezk 43:13; 2 Chron 3:3) [49] [50]. So, 4 fingers widths are added onto a regular ‘ammah/cubit. The 4 fingers width is related to the 4th Hebrew letter Dalet representing YESHUA, the Door & Way to the LORD, as being added to the regular cubit that represents the people (see Dalet). So, the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit is representing YESHUA and the Church/Body-of-YESHUA joined together, was the ‘ammah used to build the Temple that existed during the time of YESHUA [51], and will be the cubit used to build the future Temple (Ezk 43:13). An ‘ammah/cubit has 24 fingers while the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit has 28 fingers (4+24 = 28) [49] [50]. If the width of the 4 fingers of the hand is made to be like an ‘ammah/cubit, then the full palm width of the hand with the thumb included is like the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit. The thumb that is added to the 4 finger hand with is like the 4 fingers that are added to an ‘ammah/cubit to form the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit. This also means the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit is 24 thumb widths in length (which is important as we continue).

If we look at the 4 fingers by themselves, they are divided into 12 sections as shown in the picture below.

The thumb (that is added to the 4 fingers to form the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit of the hand) adds a 13th section to the 4 fingers. Since the thumb is like the 4 fingers that represent YESHUA that are added to an ‘ammah/cubit, the thumb also represents YESHUA. This is also similar to how the 4th section of the tzitzit has 13 wrappings (1+12) as explained above. A thophach/handbreadth/hand-width can be 2 different widths: the width of the 4-fingers or the width of the full palm of the hand with the thumb included, which is 4 thumb widths wide [52]. So, the full palm width that represents the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit is representing YESHUA and the Church/Body-of-YESHUA joined together and is also 4 thumb widths representing YESHUA the Door and Way to the LORD. This is why the 4 sections of the tzitzit wrappings are a full-palms-width/4-thumb-widths in length with each section between the knots being the width of the thumb. The full tzitzit length is 12 thumb widths representing the Body-of-YESHUA/Church that includes the 4 thumb widths representing YESHUA. If the chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit is 24 thumb widths in length, then the tzitzit being 12 thumb widths is half a chief/royal ‘ammah/cubit in length. Half a cubit is a zereth/zeret/span. So, the tzitzit length is like a chief/royal zereth/zeret/span. And, the length of the zereth/zeret/span is 12 finger widths. The 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel joined with the LORD are being represented in the poor tzitzit length, and the Church/Tabernacle/Family/Body-of-YESHUA built upon the 12 Apostles of YESHUA joined with the LORD are being represented in the rich tzitzit length. So, the tzitzit is once again representing the LORD being joined to HIS people through the symbolism of the Chief/Royal ‘Ammah/Cubit. This all represents the fact that the Church, who is joined in marriage with the Chief/Royal YESHUA/LORD of the tribe of Yehudah/Judah, will reign forever with YESHUA, the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords WHOSE Kingdom and reign will endure forever. Praise be to the name above all names YESHUA/JESUS, the KING/LORD/GOD.

There is actually much more that could be taught, but this article has come to its end for now. If you think all this is just coincidence, I pray the LORD blesses you with increased wisdom, understanding, & knowledge in the name of YESHUA/JESUS the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords.