Yod     y    &    Y

The 10th ancient Hebrew letter called Yod is a picture of the arm with the hand included [1] and is related to the Hebrew word Yad (H3027; H3028) that means hand (which in Hebrew can include the arm) and can have a figurative meaning of power. This is really all about what has already been taught as far as the hand representing the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church being brought into the House/Tabernacle of the LORD in HIS presence, as represented by the arm, and to be joined with the LORD. The 1st form of the letter is the image of the arm in the right hand as shown below.

And, the final form is the image of the arm in the man in the right ear as shown below.

In the beginning after we sinned, the LORD states the Seed (one of the family) of Adam’s wife will overwhelm/crush the enemy’s head (Gen 3:15). Then, the LORD made a covenant with ’Avram (Abram) that the promised Seed would come from his family/seed (Gen 22:17, 18). We know this Seed is YESHUA from Gal 3:16. The seed that is buried and dies to bring about new life has a root that comes out first and looks like the below picture [2].

Modified image by Naturenow under CC BY-SA 4.0

YESHUA also compares HIMSELF to the bronze serpent lifted up on a wooden pole in the wilderness that brought healing to the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel (Num 21:8, 9; Jhn 3:14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21).

This is because YESHUA took upon HIMSELF our sins and its death represented as a serpent and was raised on the wooden pole of the Cross. And, in the Hebrew letter Zayin and the Tzitzit article is was shown the arm represents YESHUA.

(from the Tzitzit article)

The pharaoh’s land of Mitzrayim (Egypt) (H4714) is similar to the Hebrew word metzarim (H4712), which is the plural of pain/anguish/distress and symbolizes the unclean world full of sin and death we are to flee from with the help of the LORD as HE lifts us up out of the slavery from the world and sin to bring us to HIMSELF just as HE brought the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel out of Mitzrayim/Egypt. The LORD did this with 4 promises that are taught throughout a Pesach/Passover sedar when remembering when the LORD brought Yisra’el (Israel) out of Mitzrayim/Egypt on Pesach/Passover. They are “I will bring you out from under the burdens of Mitzrayim/Egypt,” “I will deliver/rescue you from their bondage/labor/work,” “I will redeem you with a stretched-out/spread-out arm/zero’a,” and “I will take you to ME as MY people” from Ex 6:6, 7. That word zero’a is also what is called the Pesach/Passover lamb on the Pesach/Passover seder plate. YESHUA is the Pesach/Passover Lamb WHO will/has bring/brought us out from under the burdens of the world (Jhn 15:19), will/has deliver(ed) us from the bondage of the sin of the world (Rom 7:14, 24, 25), will/has redeem(ed) us through HIS sacrifice as the Pesach Lamb on the Cross with stretched-out arm (Gal 3:13), and will/has take(n) us to HIMSELF as a People/Family-of-the-LORD (1 Pet 2:9; Rev 21:3).

Then, every time a plague is brought upon Mitzrayim/Egypt, Mosheh (Moses) or ‘Aharon (Aaron) are told to use their staff/rod/scepter and raise/stretch-out their yad/hand (Ex 7:17; 8:5, 6; 8:16, 17; 9:22, 23, 29; 10:12, 13, 21, 22). This is true until the last plague when all the people are to eat the Pesach/Passover lamb with their staff in their hand (Ex 12:11). And, Exodus 7:17 reads, “Now says the-LORD/YEHOVAH, ‘By this you will know that I (am) the-LORD/YEHOVAH; look, I will strike in/by/with (the) rod/staff/scepter which/who/that (is) in/by/with MY yad/hand upon the waters…” Mosheh/Moses is the one holding the rod/staff/scepter (Ex 7:15), but it is the LORD speaking? Then, the LORD says, “Say to ‘Aharon/Aaron, take your rod/staff/scepter and stretch out your yad/hand upon (the) waters…” (Ex 7:19). The LORD is calling ‘Aharon/Aaron HIS yad/hand and at the same time making ‘Aharon/Aaron a representation of HIMSELF. We know ‘Aharon becomes the high priest that represents YESHUA the Hand/Yad/Arm. Mosheh/Moses was a shepherd (Ex 3:1). And, the rod/staff/scepter are being spoken of as representing each other. So, the high priest and the rod/staff/scepter and the yad/hand/arm are all representing YESHUA. And, YESHUA is our Shepherd (Heb 13:20). By using the rod/staff/yad/hand to bring the plagues, the LORD delivered Yisra’el/Israel out of Mitzrayim/Egypt with a mighty arm/hand that represented HIMSELF and the Body/Church (‘Aharon/Aaron/Mosheh/Moses/Son’s-of-Yisra’el) working together. This is why when Mosheh/Moses threw the staff/rod/scepter on the ground it became a serpent (Ex 7:9, 10); because, YESHUA came down from Shamayim/Heaven(s) to the earth/ground and became like a snake. Now, if we look at all these items that are representing YESHUA, they all look similar. The seed with root looks like the snake that looks like a rod/staff/scepter that looks like the arm with a . This is why in Psalms 23:4 it is ‘YOUR Rod and YOUR Staff’ that ‘comfort me.’

What is also in the same shape is the wooden spoon used for Bedikat-Chametz (removing of leavened food from the house) that is use to pick up the 10 pieces of leaven with a (dove) feather by candle light and then the spoon, leaven, and feather are all wrapped in linen and carried out of the house to be burned on the morning of Pesach/Passover [3] (most use a paper bag which replaced the burnable linen cloth). The house/tabernacle represents ourselves, the leaven/chametz represents our sin, and the feather represents the SPIRIT (1 Cor 5:8). So, on Pesach/Passover leaven/sin is removed from the house/body by the feather/SPIRIT as the spoon/YESHUA takes upon itself/HIMSELF the leaven/sin and is wrapped in linen/a-burial-shroud and burned/destroyed/sacrificed outside the house/tabernacle-area.

Lets go back to some of the details of the tabernacle/arm/leg that were skipped. It was brought up the veil/door between the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place was 4 fingers wide. Because the 4 fingers of the hand when clenched to form a Bayit are forming the door between the holy of holies and the holy place of the hand, that door is also 4 fingers tall. The knee cap is a door and is 4 fingers tall and 4 fingers wide. The nose is a door, and it is 4 fingers tall from the tip of the nose to the top of the nose at the eyebrows. The openings of the eyes and ears were shown to be doorways framed with arms and head of an image of He(y) or YESHUA crucified. So, the ear is 4 fingers tall and the frame of the eye from the center of the nose to the edge of the face is 4 fingers wide. The heart is a 4 chambered door and is 4 fingers wide [4]. The wrist is 4 fingers wide. The ankle is 4 fingers wide from the front. The wrists and ankles are doors that we have not talked about yet.

The length of the foot is the same as the length of the elbow to the wrist, which is the same length as from the elbow to the armpit.

So, the dimensions of the foot is made in the image the dimensions of the arm that represents the Tabernacle/House of the LORD, and/or the foot representing man apart from the LORD has been raised up into the arm to represent man being brought into the presence of the LORD within the Tabernacle/House of the LORD.

The 7 ankle bones are colored in the image above by DBCLS/BodyParts3D under CC BY-SA 2.1 jp

The ankle has 7 bones that connect the foot to the leg [5]. So, the feet that represent man separated from the LORD and HIS tabernacle that are represented by the legs are connected by 7 bones of the ankle that can represent the SPIRIT or the work of the SPIRIT as shown by the 7th Hebrew letter Zayin. This matches what is read in the Scripture/Word as man was separated from the LORD once he sinned in the garden and lives only as long as the Breath-of-the-LORD/the-SPIRIT is within man. There are even 5 of the 7 ankle bones appearing in front of the leg bones

The wrist has 2 rows of 4 bones for a total of 8 bones between the hand and the arm [6].

The 8 wrist bones are colored in the image above

One of these 8 bones of the wrist called the pisiform bone (D in the image above) is a sesamoid bone [7a]. The pisiform bone of each wrist makes up 2 of the 4 main sesamoid bones in the body that are included in the bone count of the human body, because not everyone has the other sesamoid bones [8] [7b]. The other 2 sesamoid bones are the patella/knee-cap bones of each knee [7a]. So, it is like the sesamoid bone that is the patella/knee-cap representing a closed door (Dalet) between the upper-leg/holy-of-holies and the lower-leg/holy-place has in the arm moved from the elbow to the pisiform/sesamoid bone of the wrist in order to open the door between the upper-arm/holy-of-holies and the lower-arm/holy-place. This forms 8 bones with 2 rows of 4 bones representing the body/taberanacle/2/Bayit of YESHUA/4/Dalet (2 x 4 = 8). So, it is through the body-of-YESHUA the Door (wrist) that man is joined with the LORD and becomes the Church as represented by the hand.

The hand can be raised to the head that represents YESHUA (Eph 5:23; Col 1:18). When we compare the seed, snake, spoon, rod, scepter, and staff to the arm with hand, it is the hand that becomes the head of the arm. If this is true, we would expect the hand to be represented as a holy of holies. And, we find that the back of the fist does form a holy of holies. The thumb and bent little finger form the 1 unit cubed from the thumb-tip/little-finger-knuckle to wrist. Then, the length of the lower arm from the wrist to the bend in the arm is 2 units as shown in the picture below.

Showing the hand as cubed

The bend in the arm becomes an angle when the hand is turn palm down. The point where the bend in the arm always stays in the same place is shown in the picture above as the bottom of the bend. The top of the bend in the picture moves back as the palm is turned to cause the bend in the arm to become an angle. So, the bottom part of the bend in the arm includes the full length of the lower arm, even though it does not appear that way with the palm down.

The bend in the arm is straight across if the hand is palm side up as shown above.

With the palm down and the bend in the arm forming an angle, if the middle of the angle is used as our measurement, then the 1 unit of the hand extends to the knuckle of the middle finger, but the hand being cubed does not work for this scenario.

The hand being cubed without including the thumb is shown in the two pictures above. This cubed area does not seem to match a 1+2=3 two room tabernacle setup. But, the reason for showing this cubed area being shown will be explained below.

The fingers have to be bent to form the fist and the Hebrew letter Yod in the hand.

And, all the images of the ancient Hebrew writings of Yod have a Y shaped hand with both sides of the Y fingers being the same length. The only way we can have the 2 fingers of the arm/hand being the same size is if the fingers are formed into a fist as shown above.

This is also the same way the fingers need to be bent to be like the foot/hand-of-the-leg as shown above.

So really, when we see the foot and the ‘hand of the leg’ being brought into the arm, the symbolism shows the Church/Body-of-YESHUA (that is represented in the hand) being brought into not just the Tabernacle Holy Place, but into the Holy of Holies. And, when YESHUA died on the Cross, the door/veil was opened that allows a Believer to enter into the Holy of Holies (Heb 10:19, 20, 21, 22). What is a hand for? It is to do work. And, the hand can be lifted up to the head and moved within the Shamayim/Heaven(s) to do physical work, just as the Church is lifted up to YESHUA, the Head, to do the spiritual work of the LORD within our physical realm of ‘Aretz/Earth (Heb 9:14).

The LORD the SPIRIT is called the 7 fold SPIRIT and can be represented with the number 7 (Jhn 3:5, 6, 7, 8; Zec 3:9; 4:10; Rev 1:4; 5:6) (see Zayin). The LORD the FATHER is represent by the Hebrew letter Aleph which is the Hebrew number 1 (see Aleph). Since seeing the SON is like seeing the FATHER, YESHUA is also represented as 1. So, the FATHER (1), SON (1), and the SPIRIT (7) together equal 9 (1+1+7 = 9). The Church is called the Body-of-YESHUA; so, just as YESHUA is represented as 1, the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church is also represented as 1. The LORD (9) becoming one with the Church (1) can be represented as 10 (9 + 1 = 10). The hand has already been shown to represent the Church/Body-of-YESHUA. Both the right and left hands together form the full family as represented by the 10 digits/fingers. The digits/fingers on the hand of one side have 12 (13) sections and the digits/fingers on the other hand have 12 (13) sections.

One hand represents the 12 (13) tribes of Yisra’el/Israel joined with the LORD through YESHUA and the other hand represents the Church/Tabernacle/Family/Body-of-YESHUA built upon the 12 (13) Apostles of YESHUA joined with the LORD through YESHUA. But, this brings us to a question. There are hands of the legs we call feet that have 10 digits/toes. So, are the feet representing man or the Church that is separated from the LORD? And, if 10 means whoever is represented by the feet is joined to the LORD, how can they be separated from the LORD? What was man made for?

In the beginning, the LORD formed male and female birds, creatures of the water, domestic and wild animals, and creepy crawling things; we know this because they are able to ‘bring forth after their kind’ and ‘be fruitful and become-many/multiply’ (Gen 1:20, 21, 22, 24, 25). But, the LORD created man alone before HE built a female from the man (Gen 1:27; 2:18). Then right after the LORD built the female from the man we find the verse “… a man will forsake/leave his father and his mother and cling/cleave/be-joined with his wife, and they shall be to (the) flesh/body one” (Gen 2:24). We know from the Word/Scripture a groom/husband/man represents YESHUA and a bride/wife/woman represents the Church/man (Eph 5:22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32). So, man was created by the LORD in the image of the LORD, has the Breath of the LORD in him, and represents the LORD. Woman was created in the image of the LORD, was built from man, and represents man from whom she came from. As soon as the woman (who represents man/Church) comes from the man (who represents the LORD), a statement is made to join them back together again as one flesh/body (Gen 2:24). And, as soon as man was created by the LORD, a statement is made that HE made man male and female as though the man (that represents the LORD) is divided (Gen 1:27). We have from the very beginning the LORD’s intention to be one with mankind with YESHUA/the-LORD joining as one with the Bride/the-Church/man. Isaiah 54:5; 62:5, John 3:29, Revelation 19:7, 8; 21:7, 8, 9; 2 Corinthians 11:2, and Ephesians 5:31, 32 all state the Church/Body-of-YESHUA is the Bride betrothed/married to YESHUA. And, YESHUA’s prayer is that the Church is one with the LORD as the LORD HIMSELF is one (Jhn 17:21). “And/now, HE declared/said to him, ‘You shall love (the) LORD your GOD with all your heart/mind/character/will and with all your breath/life/soul/breathing-flesh and with all your understanding/intellect/mind/imagination. This is the great/greatest and first commandment/law/instruction. (The) second (is) also similar/of-equal-rank/like it. You shall love your neighbor/friend/fellow-man/person-near-by as yourself. On these two commandments/laws/instructions hangs/suspends all the Law/Divine-Law and the Prophets’ (Mt 22:37, 38, 39, 40).” This is not a new statement. Both these commandments were stated in Dt 6:5; Lev 19:18, 34. The greatest love is to lay down your life for the one you love (Jhn 15:13). In marriage between a man and a woman, both have to lay down of themselves to join together and be one body. Man was made from the beginning to be one with GOD. Mankind was to be united kings with the LORD to rule over the land and all that is alive within, upon, and over ‘Aretz/Earth (Gen 1:26, 28). Love is selfless and self-sacrificing (1 Cor 13:4, 5, 6, 7). When you love someone, you serve that person above yourself. So, man was made from the beginning to serve the LORD in love toward HIM. Before mankind was created there was an angel called Heylel (shining one; Lucifer [Isa 14:12]) that acted as a high priest to the LORD on ‘Aretz/Earth in the Garden of ‘Eden until in pride he sinned (Ezk 28:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) and was called Sathan (Satan; adversary) (Job 1:6). We know he acted as a high priest because he had 9 of the stones covering him in gold settings like the stones in gold settings that were part of the breastplate/breastpiece of the high priest, and he was on the mountain of the LORD to cover (Ezk 28:13; Ex 28:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20). In Sathan’s (Satan’s) rebellion, “… ‘Aretz (Earth) became a wasteland, empty, and (with) darkness upon (the) surface of Tehom (Abyss: below the salt sea [Gen 7:118:2Mt 25:41Rev 20:13])” (Gen 1:2). Then man was created and placed in the same Garden of ‘Eden to basically replace Sathan/Satan as the high priest to the LORD. So, now you can see why Sathan/Satan is such an enemy of mankind, as all of mankind was to take the place he once held. And, in marriage to the LORD Yisra’el/Israel was to be one with the LORD and be a Kingdom of Priest (Ex 19:6). And, the Church will rule with the LORD and be a Kingdom of Priest (Rev 1:6; 5:9, 10). So, nothing changed. The same is true of the LORD and what is holy and unholy, they never change (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8). The head and master of the household is the husband according to the Bible/Word/Scripture (Rev 5:22, 23, 24). The whole Church/Body-of-YESHUA has made YESHUA their husband/Master/Head/LORD/GOD/King. YESHUA is a Jew of royalty from the tribe of Yehudah (Judah). This means ever Believer married into a Jewish relationship and became a Jew by marriage, of WHOM YESHUA is the Head Jewish Leader of the House of the LORD. Every Jewish Instruction/Law from the Bible/Word/Scripture was to teach what is holy and unholy and has never and will never change, because holiness can not be changed just as the holy LORD does not change (Lev 10:10, 11).

Now, back to the answer to our question. The feet represent mankind who was called to be the Kingdom of Priest and the Church. Without the LORD man does not live or breath. The feet represent every Believer’s past life before they were lifted up by the ARM/YESHUA/LORD. And, the feet represent every person who is called to be with the LORD who has still rejected the LORD’s marriage proposal and are therefore separated from the LORD while still having the Breath of Life in them. YESHUA died for all mankind, and HIS offer for you to be with HIM and HIS Family still stands as long as your still breathing (Jhn 3:16).

The Moon was shown to represent the body of YESHUA in the article about the Hebrew letter Dalet. So, the Moon can also represent the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church. This is why there are 12 (or 13) months to a Year as the Moon travels around ‘Aretz/Earth 12 (or 13) times in a year. And, a year is how long it take ‘Aretz/Earth to go around the Sun that represents the SON as the LORD WHO is Light. So, in the Moon there is the representation of the 12 (13) tribes of Yisra’el/Israel and the 12 (13) Apostles of YESHUA upon which the Church is built upon (Rev 21:12, 14). And, the Moon just happens to be the same size as the New Yerushalaim (Jerusalem) that is called the Bride/the-Church (Rev 21:1, 2) (see the City of Heaven).

Now, let us look at the ear.

If you have read The Skull and The Flesh, you know there is a man with raised hands in the ear that matches the 10th Hebrew letter of Yod as shown at the very top of this page.

The outline of the person in the ear above is the same outline that is below.

And, I believe that looks like a sun above the head. YESHUA is represent as the Head and the Sun, and in Revelation YESHUA’s face/head is shining like the Sun (Rev 1:16). There also seems to be a Moon over by the hand. And, the hand and the Moon both represent the Church/Body-of-YESHUA. Also, the hand where the fingers would be are cubed just as they are on a person’s hand. Those fingers have 12 sections to represent the foundational 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel and the 12 Apostles of YESHUA. And, the length and width of that cubed area in the hand of the Moon is the same as the length of Yisra’el/Israel.

So, there really is a man in the Moon

Blessed be the LORD, our GOD, KING of the Universe, the One holy LORD to WHOM belongs praise and glory and honor forever and ever.


