Zayin     z    &    Z

The LORD rested on the seventh day from the work of creating a physical creation (Heaven[s] & Earth) for man, mankind being the LORD’s creation in HIS own image (Gen 2:1, 2, 3). This is why no regular work is to be done on the 7th-day-of-the-week/Shabbat/Sabbath, but sacrifices can be made and given to the LORD on the Shabbat/Sabbath (Ex 20:8, 9, 10, 11; 35:2, 3; Lev 23:27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32). For the LORD, WHO is spirit and LORD of the Shabbat, is always at work (Jhn 4:24). The 7th day is a day of rest from physical work while spiritual work is continued (Jhn 4:24; Psm 68:19; Luk 13:14, 15, 16; Jhn 5:15, 16, 17). But, priest onto the LORD do the spiritual work of the LORD accomplished through physical work that remains holy/clean even if done on the Shabbat (Num 28:9, 10; Mt 12:5). And, as the Body-of-Yeshua/Church are priest of the LORD filled with the SPIRIT to accomplish the good works of the LORD, it is always good and holy at any time for the Body-of-Believers/Church to work with the LORD in accomplishing the will of the LORD by the SPRIRIT of the LORD (1 Pet 2:5, 9). And, a day is like a thousand years (Psm 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8). This 7th-day-of-the-week/Shabbat/Sabbath is also a holiday that celebrates when man and ‘Aretz/Earth will be at rest from being ruled and deceived by the enemy while the LORD YESHUA reigns for a 1000 years during the time that is 7 thousand years after the Creation of man (Rev 20:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).


Zayin is similar to the Hebrew words zan (H2177) that means “every/all kinds/sorts of produce” (Psm 144:13); or ziyz/ziz (H2123/H2123b) that means “abundance.” So, how is the 7th Hebrew letter of Zayin related to this ‘fruitfulness’?

Zayin is the 7th Hebrew letter and sounds like an English/Roman ‘Z’ with its final form looking like an English/Roman ‘Z.’ The beginning form looks like Z [ref], which is a picture of the wind moving upon ‘Aretz (Earth, water/land) and having an effect upon the earth. The Hebrew word ruach has the meaning of wind and also of spirit (H7307). As shown in the Hebrew letter Wav, the dirt/earth can represent man. So, the picture of Zayin can also be the SPIRIT (wind) moving upon man (earth) and having an effect upon him (Jhn 3:8). It is the LORD the SPIRIT WHO convicts a person of their unclean sin and causes them to turn from their sin toward the LORD, like wind blows upon the dirt of ‘Aretz/Earth causing it to change direction (Jhn 16:7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 15:16; Eph 1:4).

The Hebrew word for the index finger is ‘etzba’ which is also a length measurement in Hebrew that is the width of the index finger (ref; H676; Jer 52:21). ‘Etzba’ is also the Hebrew word used for the Finger/’etzba’ of the LORD used to write the 10 Commandments in the 2 stone tablets (Dt 9:10). It was the Finger of GOD that impowered Mosheh (Moses) to bring the plagues upon Mitzrayim/Egypt (Ex 8:16, 17, 18, 19). And, it is the Finger of the LORD that YESHUA used to cast out demons (Luke 11:20). This Power-of-the-LORD is the power of the SPIRIT (Luk 1:35; 4:14; 4:32; 5:17; Isa 63:11, 12, 13, 14). So, the Finger-of-the-LORD/’etzba’/index-finger is representing the LORD the SPIRIT.

In a translation by WhyAlive, any words italicized and in parentheses are not part of the original language of the Bible and are added for clarification. In 2 Cor 12:9, the “Grace/Favor” of the LORD is called the “Power” of the LORD. In Rev 1:4, “Grace/Favor/Power-of-the-LORD and shalom/the-peace-of-the-LORD” are “from the 7 (fold) SPIRIT(s) before/in-the-presence-of/in-the-Eyes-of HIS throne/power/dominion.” The Grace/Power of the LORD and HIS shalom/peace can not be given by anyone other than the One LORD; it is HIS to give. The Hebrew name for GOD of ‘Elohim (H430) is the plural form meaning gods, but when it is used for the One GOD, ‘Elohim is singular meaning the One GOD(s). This is why GOD calls HIMSELF “US” and “OUR” in Gen 1:26, 27. Rev 5:6 states the “7 EYES, which is the 7 (fold) SPIRIT(s) (of) GOD, having been sent-forth into all the earth.” This is referring back to Zechariah 4:10, “…these 7 EYES of the-LORD/YEHOVAH, they (are) from going-about/roving-about in all the ‘Aretz/Earth.” These are the same “7 EYES” of Zechariah 3:8, 9 that states, “Shema/hear/obey now/I-pray/please/I-beseech Yehoshua/Joshua, the high priest, you and your brothers/friends/neighbors/companions who sit/dwell to-face/before you, for men (as) a miracle/sign/wonder to-them; for behold, from/of/out-of (you) (is) coming, Aleph-Tav, MY Servant Branch/Sprout. For behold, the Stone which I have put/set to-face/before Yehoshua/Joshua, upon (the) one Stone (are) 7 EYES; behold, from/out-of opening/carving (of) engraving/inscription, says the-LORD/YEHOVAH (of) armies/hosts, I will remove/take-away/withdraw/depart, Aleph-Tav, iniquity/guilt/fault/punishment-of-iniquity/sin (of/from) this land/’Aretz/Earth in one day.” YESHUA (JESUS) calls HIMSELF the Alpha-Omega (Rev 22:13), which in Hebrew would be the Aleph-Tav. YESHUA is the one called “MY Servant Branch/Sprout” that Aleph-Tav is representing, WHO comes from a Levite, Miriam/Mary, as the High Priest (Luk 1:30, 31; Heb 3:1). Yehoshua (Joshua) means the “LORD is Savior.” YESHUA comes from the name Yehoshua and means “SAVIOR/MESSIAH/CHRIST” or literally “the saving part of salvation” (see YESHUA/JESUS). So, Yehoshua is a sign of YESHUA; and, the Stone is being linked to YESHUA through Yehoshua. The Stone, representing YESHUA, has the 7 EYES, representing the SPIRIT, upon it just as the SPIRIT was upon YESHUA during HIS ministry (Luk 4:1, 14). And, the names of the 7 of the SPIRIT are listed in Isa 11:2. So, just as the One LORD is the 3 as the FATHER, SON, and the SPIRIT, the one SPIRIT is the 7. Zayin is the 7th Hebrew letter and the LORD the SPIRIT is the 7 fold SPIRIT of the LORD with both being represented by the ‘etzba’/index-finger/7th-digit.

When counting the fingers, if you start from the right (Hebrew is read right to left) with your palms down, the 7th finger is the left index-finger/’etzba’ next to the 6th digit that is your left thumb. If you look at your feet, they look like hands coming out from the ankle with their palms down with the 7th digit on the left foot next to the big toe, the 6th digit.

Foot Looks like Hand

There are even the same amount of 19 bones in the hand of the leg and in the hand of the arm.

The 6th digit can represent man as shown by the Hebrew letter Wav. And, since the unseen SPIRIT is represent by the unseen wind in the sky, the spaces surrounding the 7th digit between the 6th, 7th, and 8th digits are used as the image of Zayin. The first letter form of Zayin is seen in the spaces between the 6th, 7th, & 8th digits of the feet, while the final letter form of Zayin is seen in the spaces between the 6th, 7th, & 8th digits of the open hands (fingers extended).

First letter form of Zayin
Final letter form of Zayin

This gives an image of the wind/SPIRIT (space between 8th & 7th toe) acting upon the spirit of man (space between the 6th & 7th toe) and seeming to act upon the 6th-digit/big-toe/thumb and push it back into the hand.

Every digit of the hands & feet, except the thumbs of the hands, is formed like a tabernacle/2-room-house with the holy place in place of the two sections away from the hand/foot and the holy of holies located as the first section close to the hand/foot. A tabernacle/temple/house/tent made according to the Scripture has 2 rooms/houses: the cubed inter room/house called the “Holy of Holies” and the outer room/house called the “Holy Place” being twice as long as its width (1 Kgs 6:2161720). So, the Holy of Holies is like 1 unit in length with the Holy Place having 2 units in length.

Every digit of hand & foot in the form of a tabernacle/house except thumb of hand

With the fingers of the hands closed on themselves as though closing the door of the Bayit/Tabernacle/House of the hand, the fingers are the same length as the toes; and, the beginning letter form can also be seen in the spaces beside the clinched ‘etzba’/index-finger of the left hand.

Bayit/Tabernacle/House with closed door of closed hand
First form of Zayin on clenched/closed hand

Then when the fingers are opened/extended as though opening the Bayit of the hand, an open mouth shape appears at the knuckles where the door would be between the holy of holies and the holy place of each finger with a tabernacle. This open mouth shape does not occur at the toes of the feet.

This open mouth shape is in the shape of the 17th ancient Hebrew letter Pe’ that basically means an opening. So, as the Bayit/tabernacle/house of the hand is opened, opening the door to the holy of holies of the Bayit/house of the hand, the door to the holy of holies of each digit’s tabernacle/house is also opened. The thumbs of the hands do not need an opening to the holy of holies as they are already behind all the open doors/mouths/knuckles when the hands are open/extended.

The final letter form of Zayin is seen in the spaces beside the opened/straightened/extended left ‘etzba’/index-finger, with the open mouth/door as part of the letter’s form. It is the SPIRIT that convicts a person of their sin and opens up the veil/curtain over their heart/mind that they might understand the love of our LORD through YESHUA and repent, believe, and be saved (Jhn 3:8; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 2 Cor 3:14, 15, 16, 17).

Tabernacle by Jeremy Park at under CC BY 4.0, (added text);
The Veil/Curtain/Door above was what was torn from top to bottom when YESHUA died on the Cross.

And, it was the SPIRIT that tore the curtain/veil/door, that was between the Holy of Holies and Holy Place in the Temple, in half from top to bottom when YESHUA died on the Cross to allow us into the presence of the LORD within the Holy of Holies (Mt 27:50, 51; Mrk 15:37, 38; Luk 23: 44, 45, 46; Heb 10:19, 20). This is why from the time YESHUA/the-Door died on the Cross, the Wind/SPIRIT tore/opened the door/curtain/veil of the Temple and kept the Temple doors open daily for the next 40 years until the Temple was destroyed to give us access to the Temple of the LORD (Mrk 15:37, 38; Luk 23:44, 45, 46; Yoma 39b:5-6). Even though the door will always be open to the Holy-of-Holies/New-Jerusalem, nothing unholy will ever enter into the Holy of Holies (Rev 21:25, 26, 27).

All the above writing is showing how the 7th Hebrew letter of Zayin is representing the moving/work of the wind/SPIRIT upon earth/man, opening the door/Pe’/mouth to move the-6th-digit/big-toe/man into the presence of the LORD behind-the-door (thumb is behind the Pe’/open-mouth/door of the fingers).

The ancient plow looks like the final form of Zayin with the bottom line of Zayin being the earth.

This is also why the final 7th Hebrew letter form can also be seen as an image of the plow upon the earth. The plow represents the SPIRIT of the LORD opening and working upon the hearts of mankind represented by the earth/dirt. The oxen (letter Aleph) pulls/directs the plow (SPIRIT) with the man following behind. The plow is joining the man to the ox just as the SPIRIT/plow joins man to the FATHER/Aleph/Ox with the man following behind. The man is to look straight ahead toward the oxen (FATHER) so the plow is not broken upon rocks separating the man (Body) from the ox (LORD), as would happen if the man looked to the left or to the right (looking away from the LORD toward sin) (Prv 4:25, 26, 27; Luk 9:62).

The Door (see Dalet) that is opened by the LORD the SPIRIT is YESHUA (Heb 10:20). The opening of this Door allows an unholy/unclean man to enter into the spiritual Face of the LORD Almighty within the Holy of Holies by the blood of the Lamb which sanctifies/cleans/makes-holy (Rev 3:20).

The Door/YESHUA bridges the gap between GOD/Heaven(s)/Shamayim and man/Earth/’Aretz, as seen in the final form of Zayin, when the space between the 8th & 7th finger, above the left ‘etzba’/index finger, is joined to the space between the 6th and 7th digits of the hands by the opening of the door/Pe’/mouth of the left index-finger/’etzba’.

We now need to look a little at the 17th ancient Hebrew letter before moving on.

Pe’     p    &    7    &    P

The eyes of man were opened after eating from the Tree of Understanding Good and Evil and can comprehend good-from-evil/right-from-left/clean-from-unclean (Gen 2:17; 3:6, 7). A human’s head has 7 openings in which there are 3 pairs of united right & left openings. The eyes are 1 pair; the ears are a 2nd pair; and the nostrils are the 3rd pair. If you have read ‘The Skull‘ and ‘The Flesh‘, the head is like a tabernacle/2-room-house with the top part of the head where the brain is located represented as the Holy of Holies with the mouth representing the Holy Place. The 3 pairs of opening are within the holy of holies of the head (above the upper lip) and are able to comprehend good-from-evil/right-from-left/clean-from-unclean; the eyes, ears, and nostrils see, hear, and smell good from bad and right from left. Each one of these openings is located as a space/sky between the arms and head of the image of YESHUA crucified or the image of He(y) (see The Skull & He(y)).

Eyes are where sky is between head and arms
Ear canal is where the sky is between arms and head
Nostrils are where sky is between head and arms

So, each of these pairs of openings can represent Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky/a-place-with-the-LORD. And, each one of these pairs of openings comprehends things that are part of the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) like smells that are carried by the wind and light & sound waves that are carried through the sky/Heaven(s)/Shamayim. The air/sky/Heaven(s)/Shamayim is even filled with 78.1% nitrogen, which is the 7th element pointing back to the 7th Hebrew letter Zayin [ref]. (The 8th element makes up 20.8% and points to the 8th Hebrew letter that will be discussed next [ref].) It is this nitrogen (and oxygen) that is carrying the waves of light, of sound, and of fragrance to the openings of the eyes, ears, and nose found in the image of the 5th Hebrew letter He(y). So, it is the united openings of the physical eyes, ears, and nose that can comprehend the spiritual representations of Shamayim/Heaven(s)/air and see the Light or darkness, hear the sound of the Good or evil, and smell the fragrance of the Clean or unclean (Psm 19:8; Isa 29:18; 32:3; Job 13:1; 2 Cor 2:16). This makes Isa 6:10 make sense, “…lest they see with/by their eyes and with/by their ears hear/obey and their hearts/minds discern/understand and turn-back/return/repent and be healed/cured/made-whole…”

The body of man was formed from dust/earth and the Breath of Life blown into the openings of his nostrils that are made in the shape of YESHUA upon the Cross with raised arms (see The Skull) (Gen 2:7).

The openings for the eyes are in the same shape as the opening for the mouth. After being given life, man sinned against the LORD through the openings in the shape of the mouth; man/he/she looked & desired with the eyes and ate with the mouth; and then, man/he/she was brought down to the dust in death as each person is dying even while alive as they move toward a day of death (Gen 3:6, 19). So, man exhales out carbon-dioxide/CO2/death down his nose as death is always represented as going down and into the earth (buried). But, the LORD gives life through YESHUA-on-the-Cross/the-shape-of-the-nostrils as the LORD breathed up man’s nostrils giving him life, and man inhales oxygen/O2/life up through the image of YESHUA-crucified-on-the-Cross/the-nostrils to take within himself life and live (Isa 64:6-7; Rom 3:10-11; Mt 16:24; 1 Pet 2:24-25).

Though the nostrils we received life, but through the mouth we received death.

This part is from The Flesh: YESHUA is the Head of the Body (Col 1:18). But, the jaw is separate from the rest of the head. The mouth is a dark bottomless pit of death that is used to continuously sacrifice food (that was once alive) in order to give life to the body. Several times the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death is called the Place of Gnashing of Teeth (Rev 20:1421:8Mt 8:1213:425022:1324:5125:30Luk 13:28). The mouth then represents the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death, a place of continuous suffering/sacrificing. It is even located under the head/brain. If we are with YESHUA, the Head, in Heaven, then the jaw is where the enemy is crushed under our feet as Rom 16:20 states, “Now, the GOD of peace/shalom will crush/shatter/break Satan under/by your feet…”

The rest of the Hebrew letter Pe’ will be looked presented at a latter time.

Dalet     d

We need to go back to the 4th Hebrew letter Dalet/the-Door. The final form of Dalet is a triangular form [ref]. A persons arms and legs are also formed like tabernacles/houses with the Holy of Holies represented closer to the body as was seen in the digits of the hands & feet. The upper leg from the crotch to the knee is one unit (like the Holy of Holies) and from the knee to the ankle is 2 units (like the Holy Place).

The upper arm from the armpit to the elbow is one unit (like the Holy of Holies) and from the elbow to the middle fingertip is 2 units (like the Holy Place).

The feet walk upon the dirt of ‘Aretz/Earth getting dirty and the feet are out in front away from the tabernacle/house of the leg. The Holy of Holies (where the LORD’s presence is: Ex 25:212226:34) was placed to the west in the Bible/Word, which in Hebrew is considered behind you toward the LORD, with the Holy Place placed to the east away from the Lord in front. This is why the Hebrew word ‘achar (H310), that means behind, can mean west; and, the Hebrew word qedem (H6924), that means front, can mean east. So, what is in front like the feet is moving away from the LORD. This is also why we breath out/forward carbon-dioxide/CO2/death as we breath away from the LORD symbolically, and we breath in/back oxygen/O2/life as we breath toward the LORD symbolically. It was shown in the Hebrew letter Wav that the hand represents the Body-of-YESHUA/the-Church in the 12 sections of the fingers as representing the 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel or representing the Church/Tabernacle/Family/Body-of-YESHUA built upon the 12 Apostles of YESHUA. There are also 12 sections to the toes of the feet that can also represent the Church/Tabernacle/Family/Body-of-YESHUA. The Hebrew word ‘ammah (cubit) (H520) is a length of measurement from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger [49] [50]. ‘Ammah is similar to the Hebrew word ‘ummah (H523) that means a nation/people/tribe.

With the leg bent at the knee, the length from the top of the knee to the outside ankle is a cubit. It is like the foot/hand-of-the-leg has moved into the holy-place/tabernacle of the lower leg and was lifted up like an arm where the hand and arm are joined as one. So, the foot/hand-of-the-leg that walks on the earth getting dirty and was not joined with the LORD within the tabernacle is raised up as the hand-of-the-arm that can move freely in the sky/Heaven(s)/Shamayim. The hand can move any direction unlike the foot that only faces forward. What does this have to do with Dalet? In the lower leg where the foot/hand-of-leg is not in the tabernacle, there is a solid closed door between the holy-place/lower-leg and the holy-of-holies-of-the-leg/upper-leg. It is in the triangular final form of Dalet. It is called your kneecap.

Picture of kneecap

But, in the arm where the hand-of-arm is in the tabernacle, the location between the holy-place-of-the-arm/lower-arm and the holy-of-holies-of-the-arm/upper-arm does not have a closed door. The humerus-bone/upper-arm-bone is triangular in shape at the elbow like a Dalet/door, but the door is open with a Pe’/opening/open-mouth/open-door shape found in the middle of the triangular end of the bone.

The pharaoh is spoken of as a great dragon/monster/serpent in Ezk 29:3, making him in the likeness of Satan and his land, the land of the adversary. The pharaoh’s land of Mitzrayim (Egypt) (H4714) is similar to the Hebrew word metzarim (H4712), which is the plural of pain/anguish/distress and symbolizes the unclean world full of sin and death we are to flee from with the help of the LORD as HE lifts us up out of the slavery from the world and sin to bring us to HIMSELF just as HE brought the Sons of Yisra’el/Israel out of Mitzrayim/Egypt. The LORD did this with 4 promises that are taught throughout a Pesach/Passover sedar when remembering when the LORD brought Yisra’el (Israel) out of Mitzrayim/Egypt on Pesach/Passover. They are “I will bring you out from under the burdens of Mitzrayim/Egypt,” “I will deliver/rescue you from their bondage/labor/work,” “I will redeem you with a stretched-out/spread-out arm/zero’a,” and “I will take you to ME as MY people” from Ex 6:67. That word zero’a is also what is called the Pesach/Passover lamb on the Pesach/Passover seder plate [ref]. YESHUA is the Pesach/Passover Lamb WHO will/has bring/brought us out from under the burdens of the world (Jhn 15:19), will/has deliver(ed) us from the bondage of the sin of the world (Rom 7:142425), will/has redeem(ed) us through HIS sacrifice as the Pesach Lamb on the Cross with stretched-out arm (Gal 3:13), and will/has take(n) us to HIMSELF as a People/Family-of-the-LORD (1 Pet 2:9Rev 21:3). YESHUA is the arm that has lifted up the foot/hand-of-the-leg to bring HIS people to HIMSELF within HIS tabernacle with the door wide open (Isa 53:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; 52:10). So, the door is open to the tabernacle that represents the Body-of-YESHUA/Church/Hand joined with the LORD/the-arm as one, just as the door was always open to the tabernacle after YESHUA died on the Cross and arose from the dead.

Now, back to Zayin

The regular smile above is a little shorter in width than the width of the 2 eyes. A big fake smile is the same width.

The final letter form of Zayin is seen in the openings of the face. The LORD the SPIRIT is represented as eyes as shown in the writing above and points to a person’s eyes representing the LORD in the spiritual Shamayim/Heaven(s). The eyes make up the top part of Zayin. Every part of the nose is in a triangular shape of a Dalet/Door, even the skull opening to the nose.

Final triangular Dalet form in nose of skull.

The nose makes up the door joining the LORD/Heaven(s) to the earth/man. And, it was also shown how the mouth can represent a place of death within ‘Aretz/Earth/earth. So, the mouth forms the bottom line of Zayin. The LORD breathed life into man’s body through his nostrils and then pronounced a time of rest (Gen 1:27; 2:7, 2). So, life/air/oxygen enters through the door/nostrils of our nose bringing life to our flesh/bodies and rest from the death we have inside us (we breath out death/CO2); just as, the LORD the SPIRIT (symbolized by wind) enters a man’s body (man/woman) through YESHUA the Door to give everlasting life to the Body/Church/Family-of-the-LORD (Believer(s)-in-YESHUA/LORD/SAVIOR) and rest/Shabbat/Sabbath from the death (sin) we have inside us.
Praise be to the LORD and KING, YESHUA.

