
Site is under construction, so much more is to come. This site is trying to bring together resources from all over to help you to know the LORD & grow. You can use this site:
To find out why you are alive, to find out with science, math, prophecy, & archaeology there is a GOD beyond a shadow of doubt, & to find out who GOD is;
to show you the Bible/Scriptures are true with science, math, prophecy, & archaeology;
to find Christian music, movies, & international news;
to equip yourself with witnessing material to always be prepared to give an answer for the Hope that you have or can have because the LORD loves you (1 Pet 3:15);
to have discipling material for yourself and to share with others.

Alphabetical Index of WhyAlive.com

A clickable alphabetical index of WhyAlive.com. Categories “Discipling Material,” “Christian Music,” & “Christian Movies & Shows” are not indexed. Index of the Bible Timeline by WhyAlive.com Called “The Week of Man” is also not finished.

World death rate is about 153,000 people per day.  Do you have time to find out why you’re alive? Someone dies about every half second. You do not know when you will die; it could be minutes from now. Why are we alive? What is our future after we die? These are questions we need to answer and get right while you are still alive, not waiting until you are already dead and can no longer answer these questions that have infinite/eternal consequences.
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Newly Added

“Ending Sin” part 1 and part 2 in the Video Section.

Proving the
Bible is True

The link above contains material proving the existence of God and proving the Bible to be true using: Science, Math, Prophecy, & Archaeology.

Opinions get placed into teaching that is not according to the Bible/Scriptures, and those teachings are believed as truth because they were not tested against Bible/Scripture. But, if we wait until everything is perfect that someone produces, we will never be able to learn & grow from each other’s work. Just remember to test ideas against the Bible/Scripture.

God’s Radical Love

This section is not for everyone. Enter at your own risk. The risk is many opinions will be challenged. There is nothing new under the Sun in this section, and all material will be backed by Scripture. Why would we add a controversial section? Because there are ways in which the LORD has shown HIS Love for us that are very radical. And, we love HIM because HE first loved us (1 Jhn 4:19). Which means the more we can learn about how HE has loved us, the more we can by and through the SPIRIT love HIM. (The Ancient Hebrew from the old site is going into this section.)

WhyAlive Youtube Videos

(6 min)
(2.5 min)

The Weekly Word

(The link above contains archived verses.)

This is WhyAlive’s retranslation/commentary (which is what every translation is of the original language) of verses of the Word/Bible as close to the original words of the Scripture as possible. 1-2 verses have been added weekly. If you feel one of these verses have been translated wrong, please send an email to whyalive@live.com

This Weeks Verse:

Therefore, do not be-anxious/worry/be-distracted/care-for/take-thought, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear/be-clothed-in?’ For, all these things the pagans/people/world/Gentiles desire/seek-after/search-for/crave; for, your heavenly FATHER knows/is-aware that you need all these things. However, first seek/search-for/worship/demand/desire the kingship/authority/rule/Kingdom of GOD and HIS divine-righteousness/justice, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be-anxious/worry/be-distracted/care-for/take-thought about the next-day/tomorrow; for, next-day/tomorrow will be-anxious/worry/be-distracted/care-for/take-thought (for/of) itself. The-day/each-day (has/is) sufficient/enough evil/badness/trouble itself.
Mt 6:31, 32, 33, 34

Discipling Material

The link above contains discipling material with links to videos showing how to turn from sin and walk with the Lord in a loving relationship with Him and those around us & to grow in those relationships.

Material to Help Study the Word (Bible)

The above link contains material to study the Bible in the original language it was written in along with maps & material giving the historical and cultural context to the Word.

Witnessing Material

The link above has witnessing tools such as the Wordless Book/Bracelet, Free Tract to print, Roman’s Road, 10 Commandments, and a link to videos of a Christian with 40+ years experience in this area.

Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls of Revelation

In the year 2021, I noticed the “Guardian for International Peace and Security” in front of the UN looked like an image from Revelation 13. I don’t know if or how it might fit into that picture, but at the time I asked the Lord where we are on the timeline for this to show up, if it has anything to do with Rev 13. He brought to mind something I read online about the 5th Trumpet many years ago by Irvin Lee Baxter Jr., though I didn’t remember his name. I looked it up and told the Lord it was interesting but had a few holes in it. He led me to fill in the holes. What has been finished and is listed below and in the shop/store is called the Map of Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls. The book of Revelation was written almost 2000 years ago and is at the end of every Bible published. The seals and trumpets of Revelation have been taking place throughout the last 220 years. The link below is the seals and the trumpets that have taken place and how the events in our history have been fulfilling the exact words of the book of Revelation written by the Lord/God through John. This allows us to see these writings are from the eternal God and can be trusted to be true. The seals have been opened by our Kinsman Redeemer, Yeshua (Jesus), to redeem the land. And, the trumpets are announcing the land has been liberated and the King is coming. I thank the Lord for revealing how he has perfectly prophesied over 200 years of current history through the book of Revelation.

Continue with the Main Article: Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls of Revelation

(6 minute video)

Christian Music

Christian Movies & Shows


News from a Christian in Israel covering Israel and the surrounding area (including the current wars) can be found on Amir Tsarfati’s Twitter page: @beholdisrael

Amir Tsarfati can also be found on Telegram (the one with 512.5K subscribers).
(As always, we may not agree with all material released. He sends out good news from that area of the world mixed with his advertisements. He has been sending out a 100 +/- post a day since Hamas attacked Israel; and, his post have been more emotional, which makes sense; he is living with his family in the middle of the war.)


The above link goes to links this site supports that are not part of this site. If you want to invest in the Kingdom for eternal rewards that will not fade (Mt 6:19, 20, 21), these are ministries you can help support physically, financially, or with prayer to further the Kingdom.