Exodus of Yisra’el (Israel) from Mitsrayim (Egypt) into Kena‘an (Canaan)

(AC = After Creation of Man; Sh = a count of 7 years with the 7th year being a year of rest called a Shemiththah [Shemitah]; Yov = a count of 49 years with the 1st year also being the 50th year called a Yovel [Jubilee]; Yov 50 = a count of 50 years with the 50th year being called a Yovel [Jubilee]; Yov # = the number [#] of Yovels that have occurred since the Creation of man; Yov #E = the number [#] of Yovels that have occurred since the Exodus; AD / BC = A listing of 2 Gregorian/Julian years starting from the 1st day of the Hebrew month of ha'Ethanim [Tishri] and going to the last day of the 6th Month [Elul] with Julian years used for years before 5594 AC.)

Yov Sh AC BC 1
Kgs 6:1
Acts 13


40 Years Years Dt 2:14 Person Age Person Age Event Years Person Age Person Age Person Age
51 49 7 2548 1465 1464 45 Plagues & Pesach (Passover), Yisra’el's (Israel's) Exodus & Suph (Red) Sea crossing, pharaoh & Mitsrayim (Egypt) defeated, mān (manna) given, Torah comes/Covenant of the Lord received 0 Mosheh (Moses)
(Ex 7:7)
1st leader of Yisra’el (Israel)
79 80 ’Aharon (Aaron)
(Ex 7:7)
83 84 mān (manna) given
(Ex 16:1, 13, 14, 15, 31)
0 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua)
(Num 11:28; Ex 33:11)
19 Yokheved (Jochebed) 211 212
0 52 1 1 2549 1464 1463 44 Yisra’el (Israel) departed Mount Sinay (Sinai) & entered Kena‘an (Canaan),
1st year of counting Shemiththah (Shemitah) & 49 count Yovel (Jubilee), evil report received, 1st year of 40 years in wilderness
(Num 10:11, 12; Dt 1:19, 20, 21; Lev 25:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Num 13:32; 14:33)
1 0 Mosheh (Moses) 80 81 ’Aharon (Aaron) 84 85 mān (manna) 1 Kalev (Caleb)
(Josh 14:6, 7)
40 41 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua)
(Num 32:11, 12)
20 Yokheved (Jochebed) 212 213
0 52 2 2 2550 1463 1462 43 2 1 Mosheh (Moses) 81 82 ’Aharon (Aaron) 85 86 mān (manna) 2 Kalev (Caleb) 41 42 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 21 Yokheved (Jochebed) 213 214
0 52 3 3 2551 1462 1461 42 3 2 Mosheh (Moses) 82 83 ’Aharon (Aaron) 86 87 mān (manna) 3 Kalev (Caleb) 42 43 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 22 Yokheved (Jochebed) 214 215
0 52 4 4 2552 1461 1460 41 4 3 Mosheh (Moses) 83 84 ’Aharon (Aaron) 87 88 mān (manna) 4 Kalev (Caleb) 43 44 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 23 Yokheved (Jochebed) 215 216
0 52 5 5 2553 1460 1459 40 5 4 Mosheh (Moses) 84 85 ’Aharon (Aaron) 88 89 mān (manna) 5 Kalev (Caleb) 44 45 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 24 Yokheved (Jochebed) 216 217
0 52 6 6 2554 1459 1458 39 6 5 Mosheh (Moses) 85 86 ’Aharon (Aaron) 89 90 mān (manna) 6 Kalev (Caleb) 45 46 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 25 Yokheved (Jochebed) 217 218
0 52 7 7 2555 1458 1457 38 7 6 Mosheh (Moses) 86 87 ’Aharon (Aaron) 90 91 mān (manna) 7 Kalev (Caleb) 46 47 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 26 Yokheved (Jochebed) 218 219
0 52 8 1 2556 1457 1456 37 8 7 Mosheh (Moses) 87 88 ’Aharon (Aaron) 91 92 mān (manna) 8 Kalev (Caleb) 47 48 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 27 Yokheved (Jochebed) 219 220
0 52 9 2 2557 1456 1455 36 9 8 Mosheh (Moses) 88 89 ’Aharon (Aaron) 92 93 mān (manna) 9 Kalev (Caleb) 48 49 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 28 Yokheved (Jochebed) 220 221
0 52 10 3 2558 1455 1454 35 10 9 Mosheh (Moses) 89 90 ’Aharon (Aaron) 93 94 mān (manna) 10 Kalev (Caleb) 49 50 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 29 Yokheved (Jochebed) 221 222
0 52 11 4 2559 1454 1453 34 11 10 Mosheh (Moses) 90 91 ’Aharon (Aaron) 94 95 mān (manna) 11 Kalev (Caleb) 50 51 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 30 Yokheved (Jochebed) 222 223
0 52 12 5 2560 1453 1452 33 12 11 Mosheh (Moses) 91 92 ’Aharon (Aaron) 95 96 mān (manna) 12 Kalev (Caleb) 51 52 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 31 Yokheved (Jochebed) 223 224
0 52 13 6 2561 1452 1451 32 13 12 Mosheh (Moses) 92 93 ’Aharon (Aaron) 96 97 mān (manna) 13 Kalev (Caleb) 52 53 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 32 Yokheved (Jochebed) 224 225
0 52 14 7 2562 1451 1450 31 14 13 Mosheh (Moses) 93 94 ’Aharon (Aaron) 97 98 mān (manna) 14 Kalev (Caleb) 53 54 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 33 Yokheved (Jochebed) 225 226
0 52 15 1 2563 1450 1449 30 15 14 Mosheh (Moses) 94 95 ’Aharon (Aaron) 98 99 mān (manna) 15 Kalev (Caleb) 54 55 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 34 Yokheved (Jochebed) 226 227
0 52 16 2 2564 1449 1448 29 16 15 Mosheh (Moses) 95 96 ’Aharon (Aaron) 99 100 mān (manna) 16 Kalev (Caleb) 55 56 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 35 Yokheved (Jochebed) 227 228
0 52 17 3 2565 1448 1447 28 17 16 Mosheh (Moses) 96 97 ’Aharon (Aaron) 100 101 mān (manna) 17 Kalev (Caleb) 56 57 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 36 Yokheved (Jochebed) 228 229
0 52 18 4 2566 1447 1446 1 27 Yisra’el (Israel) came out of Mitsrayim (Egypt) from Kadesh Barne‘a (Num 33:1, 17, 18; Dt 1:46; 1 Kgs 6:1) 18 17 Mosheh (Moses) 97 98 ’Aharon (Aaron) 101 102 mān (manna) 18 Kalev (Caleb) 57 58 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 37 Yokheved (Jochebed) 229 230
0 52 19 5 2567 1446 1445 2 26 Yisra’el (Israel) traveled for about 4.3 years to different locations they camped at for almost 18 years while traveling 3.5+ (of the 4.5 years of travel) around the Mount Se‘ir area without traveling in ’Edom (some of the 18 years camping time and the rest of the travel time are used during the 8+ months when they turned to go to the promised land)
(Dt 1:46; 2:1, 2, 3, 4)
19 1 18 Mosheh (Moses) 98 99 ’Aharon (Aaron) 102 103 mān (manna) 19 Kalev (Caleb) 58 59 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 38 Yokheved (Jochebed) 230 231
0 52 20 6 2568 1445 1444 3 25 20 2 19 Mosheh (Moses) 99 100 ’Aharon (Aaron) 103 104 mān (manna) 20 Kalev (Caleb) 59 60 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 39 Yokheved (Jochebed) 231 232
0 52 21 7 2569 1444 1443 4 24 21 3 20 Mosheh (Moses) 100 101 ’Aharon (Aaron) 104 105 mān (manna) 21 Kalev (Caleb) 60 61 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 40 Yokheved (Jochebed) 232 233
0 52 22 1 2570 1443 1442 5 23 22 1 21 Mosheh (Moses) 101 102 ’Aharon (Aaron) 105 106 mān (manna) 22 Kalev (Caleb) 61 62 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 41 Yokheved (Jochebed) 233 234
0 52 23 2 2571 1442 1441 6 22 23 2 22 Mosheh (Moses) 102 103 ’Aharon (Aaron) 106 107 mān (manna) 23 Kalev (Caleb) 62 63 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 42 Yokheved (Jochebed) 234 235
0 52 24 3 2572 1441 1440 7 21 24 3 23 Mosheh (Moses) 103 104 ’Aharon (Aaron) 107 108 mān (manna) 24 Kalev (Caleb) 63 64 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 43 Yokheved (Jochebed) 235 236
0 52 25 4 2573 1440 1439 8 20 25 4 24 Mosheh (Moses) 104 105 ’Aharon (Aaron) 108 109 mān (manna) 25 Kalev (Caleb) 64 65 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 44 Yokheved (Jochebed) 236 237
0 52 26 5 2574 1439 1438 9 19 26 5 25 Mosheh (Moses) 105 106 ’Aharon (Aaron) 109 110 mān (manna) 26 Kalev (Caleb) 65 66 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 45 Yokheved (Jochebed) 237 238
0 52 27 6 2575 1438 1437 10 18 27 6 26 Mosheh (Moses) 106 107 ’Aharon (Aaron) 110 111 mān (manna) 27 Kalev (Caleb) 66 67 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 46 Yokheved (Jochebed) 238 239
0 52 28 7 2576 1437 1436 11 17 28 7 27 Mosheh (Moses) 107 108 ’Aharon (Aaron) 111 112 mān (manna) 28 Kalev (Caleb) 67 68 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 47 Yokheved (Jochebed) 239 240
0 52 29 1 2577 1436 1435 12 16 29 8 28 Mosheh (Moses) 108 109 ’Aharon (Aaron) 112 113 mān (manna) 29 Kalev (Caleb) 68 69 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 48 Yokheved (Jochebed) 240 241
0 52 30 2 2578 1435 1434 13 15 30 9 29 Mosheh (Moses) 109 110 ’Aharon (Aaron) 113 114 mān (manna) 30 Kalev (Caleb) 69 70 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 49 Yokheved (Jochebed) 241 242
0 52 31 3 2579 1434 1433 14 14 31 10 30 Mosheh (Moses) 110 111 ’Aharon (Aaron) 114 115 mān (manna) 31 Kalev (Caleb) 70 71 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 50 Yokheved (Jochebed) 242 243
0 52 32 4 2580 1433 1432 15 13 32 11 31 Mosheh (Moses) 111 112 ’Aharon (Aaron) 115 116 mān (manna) 32 Kalev (Caleb) 71 72 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 51 Yokheved (Jochebed) 243 244
0 52 33 5 2581 1432 1431 16 12 33 12 32 Mosheh (Moses) 112 113 ’Aharon (Aaron) 116 117 mān (manna) 33 Kalev (Caleb) 72 73 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 52 Yokheved (Jochebed) 244 245
0 52 34 6 2582 1431 1430 17 11 34 13 33 Mosheh (Moses) 113 114 ’Aharon (Aaron) 117 118 mān (manna) 34 Kalev (Caleb) 73 74 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 53 Yokheved (Jochebed) 245 246
0 52 35 7 2583 1430 1429 18 10 35 14 34 Mosheh (Moses) 114 115 ’Aharon (Aaron) 118 119 mān (manna) 35 Kalev (Caleb) 74 75 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 54 Yokheved (Jochebed) 246 247
0 52 36 1 2584 1429 1428 19 9 36 15 35 Mosheh (Moses) 115 116 ’Aharon (Aaron) 119 120 mān (manna) 36 Kalev (Caleb) 75 76 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 55 Yokheved (Jochebed) 247 248
0 52 37 2 2585 1428 1427 20 8 37 16 36 Mosheh (Moses) 116 117 ’Aharon (Aaron) 120 121 mān (manna) 37 Kalev (Caleb) 76 77 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 56 Yokheved (Jochebed) 248 249
0 52 38 3 2586 1427 1426 21 7 38 17 37 Mosheh (Moses) 117 118 ’Aharon (Aaron) 121 122 mān (manna) 38 Kalev (Caleb) 77 78 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 57 Yokheved (Jochebed) 249 250
0 52 39 4 2587 1426 1425 22 6 Yisra’el (Israel) crossed the Zared (Zered) Stream 38 complete years from the evil report of 2549 AC (1463 BC) (Dt 1:46; 2:14) 39 18 38 Mosheh (Moses) 118 119 ’Aharon (Aaron) died (Num 33:39) 122 123 mān (manna) 39 Kalev (Caleb) 78 79 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 58 Yokheved (Jochebed) 250 251
0 52 40 5 2588 1425 1424 23 5 Yisra’el (Israel) defeated the ’Emori (Amorites) starting count of 300 years until 1st year of Yiphtach (Jephthah);
Yisra’el (Israel) enters & stays in their land of Kena‘an (Canaan) given by the Lord (Jdg 11:26; Num 14:33, 34; 32:13; Dt 2:7; 8:2, 4; 29:5; Josh 5:6)


(Jdg 11:26)

Mosheh (Moses) died before entering Kena‘an (Canaan) (Dt 34:7) 119 120 mān (manna) stopped
(Ex 16:35)
40 Kalev (Caleb) 79 80 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua);
2nd leader of Yisra’el (Israel)
(Dt 31:14)
59 Yokheved (Jochebed) entered Kena‘an (Canaan) [Seder Olam Rabbah 9] 251 252


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