3rd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

Week of Man: 3rd 1000 Year Day

Exodus of Yisra’el (Israel) from Mitzrayim (Egypt) into Kena‘an (Canaan)
2549 AC (1463 BC) to 2588 AC (1424 BC)
Table of Full Exodus from Mitzrayim (Egypt)

(The table link above gives more information than the text below.)

So, for the next 40 years, with 2549 AC counting as the 1st year, every man 20 years and older, except Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) & Caleb, died: as they stayed at Kadesh Barne‘a for 18 years until the year 2566 AC (1447-1446 BC) when they came out of Mitzrayim (Egypt) (& 480 years from 2566 AC [1447-1446 BC] Shelomoh [Solomon] begins to build the Temple in the year of 3045 AC [967 BC] [1 Kgs 6:1]) (“days” can be “years”) (Num 32:11, 12, 13; 14:24, 30; Dt 1:46; Acts 13:18) [12]; as they then traveled for 3.5+ years around the area of Mount Se‘ir without traveling in ’Edom (Gen 32:3; Dt 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5); as they then stayed in the desert at different places for the same amount of time they stayed at Kadesh Barne‘a, 18 years (about 17 years 2 months); as ’Aharon (Aaron) died on Mount Hor on the border of ’Edom sometime after Pesach (Passover) in the year of 2587 AC (1425 BC) at the age 123 (Dt 1:46; Num 20:23; 33:39); and as they then crossed the Zared (Zered) Stream in the 5th month of 2587 AC, 38 years after the spies had come back to Kadesh Barne‘a leading the Son’s of Yisra’el (Israel) in rebellion (Num 21:12; Dt 2:13, 14). (Num 33:1 states “These are the journeys of the Son’s of Yisra’el who went out of the land of Mitsrayim [Egypt].” Since this is the list of places Yisra’el stayed at as they were coming out of Mitsrayim [Egypt], Kadesh Barne‘a and the Pa’ran Wilderness are not listed between Num 33:17 & 18 as they entered Mitsrayim [Egypt] again [Num 12:16; Dt 1:46]. And, Dt 1:46 states, “And, you remained/dwelt in Kadesh [Dt 1:2, 19] many days/years like/as-many-as the days/years you remained/dwelt [there].” Jewish history states they stayed in Kadesh Barne‘a 18 years and stayed at different locations in the wilderness for the same amount of time of 18 years. This leaves the rest of the time to travel to the different locations and around the area of Mount Se‘ir with Mount Se‘ir in ’Edom [Dt2:1] [13] [14]. With the time they stayed at Kadesh Barne‘a being 18 years [about 17 years 2 months], the timing then fits the 480 years of 1 Kgs 6:1.) (Yehoshua‘ [Joshua] was a young man [13-19 years old] in the year 2548 AC but had to be 20 years old in 2549 AC to have been excluded from those who would die that were 20 years or older [Num 11:28; 32:11, 12; Ex 33:11].) Then in the 40th inclusive year of 2588 AC (1424 BC) since the evil report, Yisra’el (Israel) defeated the ’Emori (Amorites) who had defeated Mo’ab and took possession of the land from ’Arnon to Yabboq (Jabbokstarting the counting of 300 years until the 1st year Yiphtach (Jephthah) would judge Yisra’el (Israel) in the year of 2888 AC (1125-1124 BC) (Num 21:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; Jdg 11:26). Mosheh (Moses) also did not enter Kena‘an (Canaan) because of his disobedience (Num 20:8, 9, 10, 11, 12), but the Lord gave his leadership over to Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) and Mosheh (Moses) died on his 120th birthday on the 7th day of the last month (Adar) (JD 1201351; 2/13) of 2588 AC (1424 BC) on a Shabbat (Sabbath) (Dt 31:14, 23; 34:7, 8, 9) [Sotah 12b:17; Admur 292:5; Bach 292:2]. Then, the Son’s of Yisra’el (Israel) crossed over the Jordan River on dry land into Kena‘an (Canaan) on the 10th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2588 AC (1424 BC); and, for 40 years from 2548 AC (1464 BC), Yisra’el (Israel) ate the bread from heaven, man (manna), until they dwelt in Kena‘an (Canaan) at the border (Josh 3:14, 15, 16, 17; 4:19; Ex 16:35).

Table of Full Exodus from Mitzrayim (Egypt)

(The table link above gives more information than the text above.)

Destroying Nations
2588 AC (1424 BC) to 2639 AC (1374-1373 BC)

Yericho (Jericho) is destroyed in 2588 AC (1424 BC) (Josh 6:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27) {video}.

The Sun and Moon stood still for 1 whole day for Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) (Josh 10:13) as the spin of ‘Aretz (Earth) was slowed to almost a stop and then sped back to the previous speed; so, each day of the week after this event appears as they are today (day of week calculator will calculate the right day).

In the year of 2593 AC (1419 BC) when Caleb was 85 years old, 5 years after being in Kena‘an (Canaan), Yisra’el (Israel) had destroyed the 7 nations of Kena‘an (Canaan) as nephilim (GMO) were in the land genetically modifying the image of man. And, counting the year of 2593 AC (1419 BC) as the 1st year, it is 450 years from the year 2143 AC (1869 BCwhen the LORD had chosen to be GOD to ’Avraham (Abraham) and his descendants (Gen 17:7, 8), and it is 450 inclusive years until the 1st year of the reign of David’s seed (Shelomoh/Solomon) in 3042 AC (971 BC(Josh 14:10, 15; Num 13:32, 33; Acts 13:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) (See Acts 13).

Yisra’el (Israel) served the Lord all the days of Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) and the elders who had seen with understanding the plagues upon and exodus from Mitzrayim (Egypt), and Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) died at 110 years old in 2639 AC (1373 BC) (Josh 24:29, 31).

Next: Judges
2593 AC (1419 BC) to 2941 AC (1072-1071 BC)