3rd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

(AC = After Creation of Man; AD / BC = A listing of 2 Gregorian/Julian years starting from the 1st day of the Hebrew month of ha'Ethanim [Tishri] and going to the last day of the 6th Month [Elul] with Julian years used for years before 5594 AC.)

AC BC Acts13 Person Age Age/Sojourn Event/Person Years/Age Person Age Person


Person Age Person Age Person Age Person Age Person Age Person Age Person Age Person Age
2005 2008 2007 Noach (Noah) 939 940 948 Beginning of 3rd 1000 Year Day Shem 436 437 438 446 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 336 337 346 Shelach (Shelah) 300 301 311 ‘Ever (Eber) 269 270 281 Peleg died 234 235 {239} Re‘u (Reu) 203 204 217 Serug 170 171 185 Nachor (Nahor) died 139 140 Terach (Terah) 109 110 126
2006 2007 2006 Noach (Noah) 940 941 949 Shem 437 438 439 447 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 337 338 347 Shelach (Shelah) 301 302 312 ‘Ever (Eber) 270 271 282 Peleg died 235 236 Re‘u (Reu) 204 205 218 Serug 171 172 186 Nachor (Nahor) died 140 141 {148} Terach (Terah) 110 111 127
2007 2006 2005 Noach (Noah)
941 942 950 Shem 438 439 440 448 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 338 339 348 Shelach (Shelah) 302 303 313 ‘Ever (Eber) 271 272 283 Peleg died 236 237 Re‘u (Reu) 205 206 219 Serug 172 173 187 Nachor (Nahor) died 141 142 Terach (Terah) 111 112 128
2008 2005 2004 Noach (Noah)
942 943 Shem 439 440 441 449 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 339 340 349 Shelach (Shelah) 303 304 314 ‘Ever (Eber) 272 273 284 Peleg died 237 238 Re‘u (Reu) 206 207 220 Serug 173 174 188 Nachor (Nahor) died 142 143 Terach (Terah) 112 113 129
2009 2004 2003 Noach (Noah) 943 944 Shem 440 441 442 450 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 340 341 350 Shelach (Shelah) 304 305 315 ‘Ever (Eber) 273 274 285 Peleg died 238 239 Re‘u (Reu) 207 208 221 Serug 174 175 189 Nachor (Nahor) died 143 144 Terach (Terah) 113 114 130
2010 2003 2002 Noach (Noah) 944 945 Shem 441 442 443 451 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 341 342 351 Shelach (Shelah) 305 306 316 ‘Ever (Eber) 274 275 286 Peleg died
(Gen 11:18, 19)
239 Re‘u (Reu) 208 209 222 Serug 175 176 190 Nachor (Nahor) died 144 145 Terach (Terah) 114 115 131
2011 2002 2001 Noach (Noah) 945 946 Shem 442 443 444 452 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 342 343 352 Shelach (Shelah) 306 307 317 ‘Ever (Eber) 275 276 287 Re‘u (Reu) 209 210 223 Serug 176 177 191 Nachor (Nahor) died 145 146 Terach (Terah) 115 116 132
2012 2001 2000 Noach (Noah) 946 947 Shem 443 444 445 453 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 343 344 353 Shelach (Shelah) 307 308 318 ‘Ever (Eber) 276 277 288 Re‘u (Reu) 210 211 224 Serug 177 178 192 Nachor (Nahor) died 146 147 Terach (Terah) 116 117 133
2013 2000 1999 Noach (Noah) 947 948 Shem 444 445 446 454 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 344 345 354 Shelach (Shelah) 308 309 319 ‘Ever (Eber) 277 278 289 Re‘u (Reu) 211 212 225 Serug 178 179 193 Nachor (Nahor) died 147 148 Terach (Terah) 117 118 134
2014 1999 1998 Noach (Noah) 948 949 Shem 445 446 447 455 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 345 346 355 Shelach (Shelah) 309 310 320 ‘Ever (Eber) 278 279 290 Re‘u (Reu) 212 213 226 Serug 179 180 194 Nachor (Nahor) died
(Gen 11:24, 25)
148 Terach (Terah) 118 119 135
2015 1998 1997 Noach (Noah)
949 950 Shem 446 447 448 456 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 346 347 356 Shelach (Shelah) 310 311 321 ‘Ever (Eber) 279 280 291 Re‘u (Reu) 213 214 227 Serug 180 181 195 Terach (Terah) 119 120 136
2016 1997 1996 Noach (Noah) died
(Gen 9:29)
950 Shem 447 448 449 457 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 347 348 357 Shelach (Shelah) 311 312 322 ‘Ever (Eber) 280 281 292 Re‘u (Reu) 214 215 228 Serug 181 182 196 Terach (Terah) 120 121 137
2027 1986 1985 Shem 458 459 460 468 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 358 359 368 Shelach (Shelah) 322 323 333 ‘Ever (Eber) 291 292 303 Re‘u (Reu) died 225 226 239 Serug 192 193 207 Terach (Terah) 131 132 148
2028 1985 1984 Shem 459 460 461 469 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 359 360 369 Shelach (Shelah) 323 324 334 ‘Ever (Eber) 292 293 304 Re‘u (Reu) died 226 227 Serug 193 194 208 Terach (Terah) 132 133 149
2029 1984 1983 Shem 460 461 462 470 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 360 361 370 Shelach (Shelah) 324 325 335 ‘Ever (Eber) 293 294 305 Re‘u (Reu) died 227 228 Serug 194 195 209 Terach (Terah) 133 134 150
2030 1983 1982 Shem 461 462 463 471 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 361 362 371 Shelach (Shelah) 325 326 336 ‘Ever (Eber) 294 295 306 Re‘u (Reu) died 228 229 Serug 195 196 210 Terach (Terah) 134 135 151
2031 1982 1981 Shem 462 463 464 472 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 362 363 372 Shelach (Shelah) 326 327 337 ‘Ever (Eber) 295 296 307 Re‘u (Reu) died 229 230 Serug 196 197 211 Terach (Terah) 135 136 152
2032 1981 1980 Shem 463 464 465 473 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 363 364 373 Shelach (Shelah) 327 328 338 ‘Ever (Eber) 296 297 308 Re‘u (Reu) died 230 231 Serug 197 198 212 Terach (Terah) 136 137 153
2033 1980 1979 Shem 464 465 466 474 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 364 365 374 Shelach (Shelah) 328 329 339 ‘Ever (Eber) 297 298 309 Re‘u (Reu) died 231 232 Serug 198 199 213 Terach (Terah) 137 138 154
2034 1979 1978 Shem 465 466 467 475 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 365 366 375 Shelach (Shelah) 329 330 340 ‘Ever (Eber) 298 299 310 Re‘u (Reu) died 232 233 Serug 199 200 214 Terach (Terah) 138 139 155
2035 1978 1977 Shem 466 467 468 476 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 366 367 376 Shelach (Shelah) 330 331 341 ‘Ever (Eber) 299 300 311 Re‘u (Reu) died 233 234 {239} Serug 200 201 215 Terach (Terah) 139 140 156
2036 1977 1976 Shem 467 468 469 477 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 367 368 377 Shelach (Shelah) 331 332 342 ‘Ever (Eber) 300 301 312 Re‘u (Reu) died 234 235 Serug 201 202 216 Terach (Terah) 140 141 157
2037 1976 1975 Shem 468 469 470 478 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 368 369 378 Shelach (Shelah) 332 333 343 ‘Ever (Eber) 301 302 313 Re‘u (Reu) died 235 236 Serug 202 203 217 Terach (Terah) 141 142 158
2038 1975 1974 Shem 469 470 471 479 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 369 370 379 Shelach (Shelah) 333 334 344 ‘Ever (Eber) 302 303 314 Re‘u (Reu) died 236 237 Serug 203 204 218 Terach (Terah) 142 143 159
2039 1974 1973 Shem 470 471 472 480 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 370 371 380 Shelach (Shelah) 334 335 345 ‘Ever (Eber) 303 304 315 Re‘u (Reu) died 237 238 Serug 204 205 219 Terach (Terah) 143 144 160
2040 1973 1972 Shem 471 472 473 481 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 371 372 381 Shelach (Shelah) 335 336 346 ‘Ever (Eber) 304 305 316 Re‘u (Reu) died 238 239 Serug 205 206 220 Terach (Terah) 144 145 161
2041 1972 1971 Shem 472 473 474 482 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 372 373 382 Shelach (Shelah) 336 337 347 ‘Ever (Eber) 305 306 317 Re‘u (Reu) died (Gen 11:20, 21) 239 Serug 206 207 221 Terach (Terah) 145 146 162
2043 1970 1969 ’Avram (Abram) born
20th Generation
0 Shem 474 475 476 484 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 374 375 384 Shelach (Shelah) 338 339 349 ‘Ever (Eber) 307 308 319 Serug 208 209 223 Terach (Terah) 147 148 164 ’Avram (Abram) born
20th Generation
2050 1963 1962 ’Avram (Abram) 6 7 Shem 481 482 483 491 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 381 382 391 Shelach (Shelah) 345 346 356 ‘Ever (Eber) 314 315 326 Serug died 215 216 230 Terach (Terah) 154 155 171
2051 1962 1961 ’Avram (Abram) 7 8 Shem 482 483 484 492 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 382 383 392 Shelach (Shelah) 346 347 357 ‘Ever (Eber) 315 316 327 Serug died 216 217 Terach (Terah) 155 156 172
2052 1961 1960 ’Avram (Abram) 8 9 Shem 483 484 485 493 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 383 384 393 Shelach (Shelah) 347 348 358 ‘Ever (Eber) 316 317 328 Serug died 217 218 Terach (Terah) 156 157 173
2053 1960 1959 ’Avram (Abram) 9 10 Shem 484 485 486 494 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 384 385 394 Shelach (Shelah) 348 349 359 ‘Ever (Eber) 317 318 329 Serug died 218 219 Terach (Terah) 157 158 174
2054 1959 1958 ’Avram (Abram) 10 11 Shem 485 486 487 495 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 385 386 395 Shelach (Shelah) 349 350 360 ‘Ever (Eber) 318 319 330 Serug died 219 220 Terach (Terah) 158 159 175
2055 1958 1957 ’Avram (Abram) 11 12 Shem 486 487 488 496 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 386 387 396 Shelach (Shelah) 350 351 361 ‘Ever (Eber) 319 320 331 Serug died 220 221 Terach (Terah) 159 160 176
2056 1957 1956 ’Avram (Abram) 12 13 Shem 487 488 489 497 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 387 388 397 Shelach (Shelah) 351 352 362 ‘Ever (Eber) 320 321 332 Serug died 221 222 Terach (Terah) 160 161 177
2057 1956 1955 ’Avram (Abram) 13 14 Shem 488 489 490 498 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 388 389 398 Shelach (Shelah) 352 353 363 ‘Ever (Eber) 321 322 333 Serug died 222 223 Terach (Terah) 161 162 178
2058 1955 1954 ’Avram (Abram) 14 15 Shem 489 490 491 499 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 389 390 399 Shelach (Shelah) 353 354 364 ‘Ever (Eber) 322 323 334 Serug died 223 224 {230} Terach (Terah) 162 163 179
2059 1954 1953 ’Avram (Abram) 15 16 Shem 490 491 492 500 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 390 391 400 Shelach (Shelah) 354 355 365 ‘Ever (Eber) 323 324 335 Serug died 224 225 Terach (Terah) 163 164 180
2060 1953 1952 ’Avram (Abram) 16 17 Shem 491 492 493 501 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 391 392 401 Shelach (Shelah) 355 356 366 ‘Ever (Eber) 324 325 336 Serug died 225 226 Terach (Terah) 164 165 181
2061 1952 1951 ’Avram (Abram) 17 18 Shem 492 493 494 502 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 392 393 402 Shelach (Shelah) 356 357 367 ‘Ever (Eber) 325 326 337 Serug died 226 227 Terach (Terah) 165 166 182
2062 1951 1950 ’Avram (Abram) 18 19 Shem 493 494 495 503 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 393 394 403 Shelach (Shelah) 357 358 368 ‘Ever (Eber) 326 327 338 Serug died 227 228 Terach (Terah) 166 167 183
2063 1950 1949 ’Avram (Abram) 19 20 Shem 494 495 496 504 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 394 395 404 Shelach (Shelah) 358 359 369 ‘Ever (Eber) 327 328 339 Serug died 228 229 Terach (Terah) 167 168 184
2064 1949 1948 ’Avram (Abram) 20 21 Shem 495 496 497 505 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 395 396 405 Shelach (Shelah) 359 360 370 ‘Ever (Eber) 328 329 340 Serug died 229 230 Terach (Terah) 168 169 185
2065 1948 1947 ’Avram (Abram) 21 22 Shem 496 497 498 506 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 396 397 406 Shelach (Shelah) 360 361 371 ‘Ever (Eber) 329 330 341 Serug died
(Gen 11:22, 23)
230 Terach (Terah) 169 170 186
2084 1929 1928 ’Avram (Abram) 40 41 Shem 515 516 517 525 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 415 416 425 Shelach (Shelah) 379 380 390 ‘Ever (Eber) 348 349 360 Terach (Terah) died 188 189 205
2085 1928 1927 ’Avram (Abram) 41 42 Shem 516 517 518 526 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 416 417 426 Shelach (Shelah) 380 381 391 ‘Ever (Eber) 349 350 361 Terach (Terah) died 189 190
2086 1927 1926 ’Avram (Abram) 42 43 Shem 517 518 519 527 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 417 418 427 Shelach (Shelah) 381 382 392 ‘Ever (Eber) 350 351 362 Terach (Terah) died 190 191
2087 1926 1925 ’Avram (Abram) 43 44 Shem 518 519 520 528 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 418 419 428 Shelach (Shelah) 382 383 393 ‘Ever (Eber) 351 352 363 Terach (Terah) died 191 192
2088 1925 1924 ’Avram (Abram) 44 45 Shem 519 520 521 529 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 419 420 429 Shelach (Shelah) 383 384 394 ‘Ever (Eber) 352 353 364 Terach (Terah) died 192 193
2089 1924 1923 ’Avram (Abram) 45 46 Shem 520 521 522 530 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 420 421 430 Shelach (Shelah) 384 385 395 ‘Ever (Eber) 353 354 365 Terach (Terah) died 193 194
2090 1923 1922 ’Avram (Abram) 46 47 Shem 521 522 523 531 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 421 422 431 Shelach (Shelah) 385 386 396 ‘Ever (Eber) 354 355 366 Terach (Terah) died 194 195
2091 1922 1921 ’Avram (Abram) 47 48 Shem 522 523 524 532 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 422 423 432 Shelach (Shelah) 386 387 397 ‘Ever (Eber) 355 356 367 Terach (Terah) died 195 196
2092 1921 1920 ’Avram (Abram) 48 49 Shem 523 524 525 533 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 423 424 433 Shelach (Shelah) 387 388 398 ‘Ever (Eber) 356 357 368 Terach (Terah) died 196 197 {205}
2093 1920 1919 ’Avram (Abram) 49 50 Shem 524 525 526 534 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 424 425 434 Shelach (Shelah) 388 389 399 ‘Ever (Eber) 357 358 369 Terach (Terah) died 197 198
2094 1919 1918 ’Avram (Abram) 50 51 Shem 525 526 527 535 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 425 426 435 Shelach (Shelah) 389 390 400 ‘Ever (Eber) 358 359 370 Terach (Terah) died 198 199
2095 1918 1917 ’Avram (Abram) 51 52 Shem 526 527 528 536 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 426 427 436 Shelach (Shelah) 390 391 401 ‘Ever (Eber) 359 360 371 Terach (Terah) died 199 200
2096 1917 1916 ’Avram (Abram) 52 53 Shem 527 528 529 537 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 427 428 437 Shelach (Shelah) 391 392 402 ‘Ever (Eber) 360 361 372 Terach (Terah) died 200 201
2097 1916 1915 ’Avram (Abram) 53 54 Shem 528 529 530 538 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died 428 429 438 Shelach (Shelah) 392 393 403 ‘Ever (Eber) 361 362 373 Terach (Terah) died 201 202
2098 1915 1914 ’Avram (Abram) 54 55 Shem 529 530 531 539 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died 429 430 Shelach (Shelah) 393 394 404 ‘Ever (Eber) 362 363 374 Terach (Terah) died 202 203
2099 1914 1913 ’Avram (Abram) 55 56 Shem 530 531 532 540 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died 430 431 Shelach (Shelah) 394 395 405 ‘Ever (Eber) 363 364 375 Terach (Terah) died 203 204
2100 1913 1912 ’Avram (Abram) 56 57 Shem 531 532 533 541 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 431 432 Shelach (Shelah) 395 396 406 ‘Ever (Eber) 364 365 376 Terach (Terah) died 204 205
2101 1912 1911 ’Avram (Abram) 57 58 Shem 532 533 534 542 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) 432 433 Shelach (Shelah) 396 397 407 ‘Ever (Eber) 365 366 377 Terach (Terah) died
(Gen 11:32)
2105 1908 1907 ’Avram (Abram) 61 62 Shem 536 537 538 546 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died 436 437 {438} Shelach (Shelah) 400 401 411 ‘Ever (Eber) 369 370 381
2106 1907 1906 ’Avram (Abram) 62 63 Shem 537 538 539 547 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died 437 438 Shelach (Shelah) 401 402 412 ‘Ever (Eber) 370 371 382
2107 1906 1905 ’Avram (Abram) 63 64 Shem 538 539 540 548 ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died
(Gen 11:12, 13)
438 Shelach (Shelah) 402 403 413 ‘Ever (Eber) 371 372 383
2118 1895 1894 ’Avram (Abram) leaves Charan (Haran)
(Gen 12:1, 2, 3, 4)
74 75 430 The Lord makes a promise to bless ’Avram (Abram)
(Gen 12:1, 2, 3, 4; Gal 3:16, 17)
Shem 549 550 551 559 Shelach (Shelah) 413 414 424 ‘Ever (Eber) 382 383 394
2127 1886 1885 ’Avram (Abram) 83 84 421 Shem 558 559 560 568 Shelach (Shelah) died 422 423 433 ‘Ever (Eber) 391 392 403
2128 1885 1884 ’Avram (Abram) 84 85 420 Shem 559 560 561 569 Shelach (Shelah) died 423 424 ‘Ever (Eber) 392 393 404
2129 1884 1883 ’Avram (Abram) 85 86 419 Shem 560 561 562 570 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) born 0 Shelach (Shelah) died 424 425 ‘Ever (Eber) 393 394 405
2130 1883 1882 ’Avram (Abram) 86 87 418 Shem 561 562 563 571 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) born
(Gen 16:16)
0 1 Shelach (Shelah) died 425 426 ‘Ever (Eber) 394 395 406
2135 1878 1877 ’Avram (Abram) 91 92 413 Shem 566 567 568 576 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 4 5 6 Shelach (Shelah) died 430 431 {433} ‘Ever (Eber) 399 400 411
2136 1877 1876 ’Avram (Abram) 92 93 412 Shem 567 568 569 577 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 5 6 7 Shelach (Shelah) died 431 432 ‘Ever (Eber) 400 401 412
2137 1876 1875 ’Avram (Abram) 93 94 411 Shem 568 569 570 578 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 6 7 8 Shelach (Shelah) died 432 433 ‘Ever (Eber) 401 402 413
2138 1875 1874 ’Avram (Abram) 94 95 410 Shem 569 570 571 579 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 7 8 9 Shelach (Shelah) died
(Gen 11:14, 15)
433 ‘Ever (Eber) 402 403 414
2142 1871 1870 ’Avram (Abram) 98 99 406 Shem 573 574 575 583 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 11 12 13 Saray (Sarai) 88 89 90 ‘Ever (Eber) 406 407 418
2143 1870 1869 450 Lord’s Covenant with ’Avraham (Abraham) & family (Gen 17:2, 5, 24; 18:10, 14) 99 100 405 Circumcision; Sodom, Gomorrah, & area destroyed (Gen 19:28, 29) Shem 574 575 576 584 Yishma‘el (Ishmael)
(Gen 17:23, 24, 25)
12 13 14 Sarah (Gen 17:15, 17) 89 90 91 ‘Ever (Eber) 407 408 419
2144 1869 1868 449 ’Avraham (Abraham) 100 101 404 Yitschaq (Isaac) born
(Gen 18:10, 14; 21:5)
21st Generation
0 Shem 575 576 577 585 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 13 14 15 Sarah 90 91 92 ‘Ever (Eber) 408 409 420
2145 1868 1867 448 ’Avraham (Abraham) 101 102 403 Yitschaq (Isaac) 0 1 Shem 576 577 578 586 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 14 15 16 Sarah 91 92 93 ‘Ever (Eber) 409 410 421
2148 1865 1864 445 ’Avraham (Abraham) 104 105 400
(Gen 15:13, 14; 21:8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16)
Yitschaq (Isaac) weaned
(Gen 21:8)
3 4 Shem 579 580 581 589 Yishma‘el (Ishmael)
cast out of family

(Gen 21:9, 10, 14)
17 18 19 Sarah 94 95 96 ‘Ever (Eber) 412 413 424
2159 1854 1853 434 ’Avraham (Abraham) 115 116 389 Yitschaq (Isaac) 14 15 Shem died 590 591 592 600 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 28 29 30 Sarah 105 106 107 ‘Ever (Eber) 423 424 435
2160 1853 1852 433 ’Avraham (Abraham) 116 117 388 Yitschaq (Isaac) 15 16 Shem died 591 592 593 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 29 30 31 Sarah 106 107 108 ‘Ever (Eber) 424 425 436
2161 1852 1851 432 ’Avraham (Abraham) 117 118 387 Yitschaq (Isaac) 16 17 Shem died 592 593 594 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 30 31 32 Sarah 107 108 109 ‘Ever (Eber) 425 426 437
2167 1846 1845 426 ’Avraham (Abraham) 123 124 381 Yitschaq (Isaac) 22 23 Shem died 598 599 600 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 36 37 38 Sarah 113 114 115 ‘Ever (Eber) 431 432 443
2168 1845 1844 425 ’Avraham (Abraham) 124 125 380 Yitschaq (Isaac) 23 24 Shem died (Gen 11:10, 11) 599 600 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 37 38 39 Sarah 114 115 116 ‘Ever (Eber) 432 433 444
2169 1844 1843 424 ’Avraham (Abraham) 125 126 379 Yitschaq (Isaac) 24 25 Shem died 600 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 38 39 40 Sarah 115 116 117 ‘Ever (Eber) 433 434 445
2179 1834 1833 414 ’Avraham (Abraham) 135 136 369 Yitschaq (Isaac) 34 35 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 48 49 50 Sarah died 125 126 127 ‘Ever (Eber) 443 444 455
2180 1833 1832 413 ’Avraham (Abraham) 136 137 368 Yitschaq (Isaac) 35 36 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 49 50 51 Sarah died 126 127 ‘Ever (Eber) 444 445 456
2181 1832 1831 412 ’Avraham (Abraham) 137 138 367 Yitschaq (Isaac) offered as sacrifice at or before this time (Gen 22:2) 36 37 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 50 51 52 Sarah died
(Gen 23:1)
127 ‘Ever (Eber) 445 446 457
2184 1829 1828 409 ’Avraham (Abraham) 140 141 364 Yitschaq (Isaac) married Rivqah (Rebekah)
(Gen 25:20)
39 40 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 53 54 55 ‘Ever (Eber) 448 449 460
2185 1828 1827 408 ’Avraham (Abraham) 141 142 363 40 41 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 54 55 56 ‘Ever (Eber) 449 450 461
2188 1825 1824 405 ’Avraham (Abraham) 144 145 360 Yitschaq (Isaac) 43 44 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 57 58 59 ‘Ever (Eber) died 452 453 464
2189 1824 1823 404 ’Avraham (Abraham) 145 146 359 Yitschaq (Isaac) 44 45 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 58 59 60 ‘Ever (Eber) died 453 454
2190 1823 1822 403 ’Avraham (Abraham) 146 147 358 Yitschaq (Isaac) 45 46 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 59 60 61 ‘Ever (Eber) died 454 455
2191 1822 1821 402 ’Avraham (Abraham) 147 148 357 Yitschaq (Isaac) 46 47 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 60 61 62 ‘Ever (Eber) died 455 456
2192 1821 1820 401 ’Avraham (Abraham) 148 149 356 Yitschaq (Isaac) 47 48 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 61 62 63 ‘Ever (Eber) died 456 457
2196 1817 1816 397 ’Avraham (Abraham) 152 153 352 Yitschaq (Isaac) 51 52 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 65 66 67 ‘Ever (Eber) died 460 461 {464}
2197 1816 1815 396 ’Avraham (Abraham) 153 154 351 Yitschaq (Isaac) 52 53 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 66 67 68 ‘Ever (Eber) died 461 462
2198 1815 1814 395 ’Avraham (Abraham) 154 155 350 Yitschaq (Isaac) 53 54 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 67 68 69 ‘Ever (Eber) died 462 463
2199 1814 1813 394 ’Avraham (Abraham) 155 156 349 Yitschaq (Isaac) 54 55 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 68 69 70 ‘Ever (Eber) died 463 464
2200 1813 1812 393 ’Avraham (Abraham) 156 157 348 Yitschaq (Isaac) 55 56 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 69 70 71 ‘Ever (Eber) died
(Gen 11:16, 17)

AC BC Acts13 Sojourn Person Age Person/Event Age Person


Person/Event Age/Years Person/Event Years Person/Event Age Person Age
2205 1808 1807 388 343 Yitschaq (Isaac) 60 61 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) born (Gen 25:26)
22nd Generation
0 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 74 75 76 ’Avraham (Abraham) 161 162
2218 1795 1794 375 330 Yitschaq (Isaac) 73 74 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 12 13 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 87 88 89 ’Avraham (Abraham) died (Gen 25:7) 174 175
2219 1794 1793 374 329 Yitschaq (Isaac) 74 75 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 13 14 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) 88 89 90 ’Avraham (Abraham) died 175
2266 1747 1746 327 282 Yitschaq (Isaac) 121 122 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 60 61 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) died 135 136 137
2267 1746 1745 326 281 Yitschaq (Isaac) 122 123 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 61 62 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) died
(Gen 25:17)
136 137
2268 1745 1744 325 280 Yitschaq (Isaac) 123 124 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 62 63 Yishma‘el (Ishmael) died 137
2284 1729 1728 309 264 Yitschaq (Isaac) 139 140 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 78 79 Start of work 1
2285 1728 1727 308 263 Yitschaq (Isaac) 140 141 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 79 80 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) worked for Laban son of Nachor (Nahor) 1st wife (Gen 29:5, 6, 18, 19) 1 2 1
2290 1723 1722 303 258 Yitschaq (Isaac) 145 146 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 84 85 worked for 1st wife 6 7 6 23rd Generation below
2291 1722 1721 302 257 Yitschaq (Isaac) 146 147 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 85 86 worked for 1st wife
(Gen 29:20)
7 1 7 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) married Le’ah then Rachel {*} (Gen 29:21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28)
2292 1721 1720 301 256 Yitschaq (Isaac) 147 148 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 86 87 worked for 2nd wife
(Gen 29:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)
1 2 8 Re’uven (Reuben) born {*} (Gen 29:32)
2293 1720 1719 300 255 Yitschaq (Isaac) 148 149 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 87 88 worked for 2nd wife 2 3 9 Shim‘on (Simeon) {*} then Levi born {*} (Gen 29:33, 34) 0
2294 1719 1718 299 254 Yitschaq (Isaac) 149 150 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 88 89 worked for 2nd wife 3 4 10 Yehudah (Judah) {*} then Dan born {*} (Gen 29:35; 30:5, 6); Levi 0 1 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) married 3rd wife Bilhah {*}, servant/slave to Rachel & 4th wife Zilpah {*}, servant/slave to Le’ah (Gen 30:3, 4, 9)
2295 1718 1717 298 253 Yitschaq (Isaac) 150 151 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 89 90 worked for 2nd wife 4 5 11 Naphtali {*} then Gad born {*} (Gen 30:7, 8, 10, 11); Levi 1 2
2296 1717 1716 297 252 Yitschaq (Isaac) 151 152 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 90 91 worked for 2nd wife 5 6 12 ’Asher {*} then Yisaskhar (Issachar) born {*} (Gen 30:12, 13, 18); Levi 2 3
2297 1716 1715 296 251 Yitschaq (Isaac) 152 153 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 91 92 Yoseph (Joseph) born 0 worked for 2nd wife 6 7 13 Zevulun (Zebulun) born {*} (Gen 30:20); Levi 3 4
2298 1715 1714 295 250 Yitschaq (Isaac) 153 154 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 92 93 Yoseph (Joseph) born,
23rd Generation (Gen 30:25)
0 1 worked for 2nd wife
(Gen 29:30; 31:41)
7 1 14 Dinah {*} then Yoseph (Joseph) born {*} (Gen 30:21, 25); Levi 4 5
2299 1714 1713 294 249 Yitschaq (Isaac) 154 155 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) 93 94 Yoseph (Joseph) 0 1 2 worked for flock 1 2 15 Levi 5 6
2304 1709 1708 289 244 Yitschaq (Isaac) 159 160 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) name changed to Yisra’el (Israel) (Gen 32:28) 98 99 Yoseph (Joseph) 5 6 7 Ya‘aqov (Jacob) worked for Laban 20 years all together & worked 6 years for flock (Gen 31:41) 6 20 Levi;
Binyamin (Benjamin) born at this time or a few years later (Gen 35:18)
23rd Generation above
10 11
2314 1699 1698 279 234 Yitschaq (Isaac) 169 170 Yisra’el (Israel) 108 109 Yoseph (Joseph) 15 16 17 Yoseph (Joseph) sold into slavery Levi 20 21
2315 1698 1697 278 233 Yitschaq (Isaac) 170 171 Yisra’el (Israel) 109 110 Yoseph (Joseph) 16 17 18 Yoseph (Joseph) sold into slavery
(Gen 37:2, 28)
Levi 21 22
2316 1697 1696 277 232 Yitschaq (Isaac) 171 172 Yisra’el (Israel) 110 111 Yoseph (Joseph) 17 18 19 Yoseph (Joseph) sold into slavery Levi 22 23
2324 1689 1688 269 224 Yitschaq (Isaac) died
(Gen 35:28)
179 180 Yisra’el (Israel) 118 119 Yoseph (Joseph) 25 26 27 Levi 30 31
2325 1688 1687 268 223 Yitschaq (Isaac) died 180 Yisra’el (Israel) 119 120 Yoseph (Joseph) 26 27 28 Levi 31 32
2326 1687 1686 267 222 Yisra’el (Israel) 120 121 Yoseph (Joseph) interprets dreams of bread & wine (Gen 40:9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19; 41:1) 27 28 29 Levi 32 33
2328 1685 1684 265 220 Yisra’el (Israel) 122 123 Yoseph (Joseph) lifted up
(Gen 41:46)
29 30 31 Year of plenty
(Gen 41:29)
1 Levi 34 35
2329 1684 1683 264 219 Yisra’el (Israel) 123 124 Yoseph (Joseph) brought forth Menashsheh (Menasseh) and then ’Ephrayim (Ephraim)
(Gen 41:50, 51, 52)
30 31 32 Year of plenty 2 Levi 35 36
2330 1683 1682 263 218 Yisra’el (Israel) 124 125 31 32 33 Year of plenty 3 Levi 36 37
2331 1682 1681 262 217 Yisra’el (Israel) 125 126 32 33 34 Year of plenty 4 Levi 37 38
2332 1681 1680 261 216 Yisra’el (Israel) 126 127 33 34 35 Year of plenty 5 Levi 38 39
2333 1680 1679 260 215 Yisra’el (Israel) 127 128 34 35 36 Year of plenty 6 Levi 39 40
2334 1679 1678 259 214 Yisra’el (Israel) 128 129 35 36 37 Year of plenty 7 Levi 40 41 Levi brought forth his 2nd son Qehath (Kohath) at or before this time
(Gen 46:8, 11; Ex 6:16)
24th Generation
2335 1678 1677 258 213 Yisra’el (Israel) 129 130 Yoseph (Joseph) 36 37 38 Year of famine
(Gen 41:30)
1 Levi 41 42 Qehath (Kohath) 1

AC BC Acts13 Sojourn Person/Event Age Years in Egypt


Age ___Event___ Years Person/Event Age/Year Person Age Person Age
2335 1678 1677 258 213 Yisra’el (Israel) 129 130 Yoseph (Joseph) 36 37 38 Year of famine
(Gen 41:30)
1 Levi 41 42 Qehath (Kohath) 1
2336 1677 1676 257 212 Yisra’el (Israel) entered Mitsrayim (Egypt) (Gen 47:9) 130 131 1 0 Yoseph (Joseph) 37 38 39 2nd year of famine
(Gen 45:6)
2 Levi 42 43 Qehath (Kohath) 2 Yokheved (Jochebed) born (Num 26:59; Bereishit Rabbah 94:9) 24th Generation 0
2341 1672 1671 252 207 Yisra’el (Israel) 135 136 6 5 Yoseph (Joseph) 42 43 44 Year of famine 7 Levi 47 48 Qehath (Kohath) 7 Yokheved (Jochebed) 4 5
2352 1661 1660 241 196 Yisra’el (Israel) died
(Gen 47:28)
146 147 17 16 Yoseph (Joseph) 53 54 55 Levi 58 59 Qehath (Kohath) 18 Yokheved (Jochebed) 15 16
2353 1660 1659 240 195 Yisra’el (Israel) died 147 17 Yoseph (Joseph) 54 55 56 Levi 59 60 Qehath (Kohath) 19 Yokheved (Jochebed) 16 17
2407 1606 1605 186 141 Yoseph (Joseph) died 108 109 110 Levi 113 114 Qehath (Kohath) 73 Yokheved (Jochebed) 70 71
2408 1605 1604 185 140 Yoseph (Joseph) died
(Gen 50:26)
109 110 Levi 114 115 Qehath (Kohath) 74 Yokheved (Jochebed) 71 72
2409 1604 1603 184 139 Yoseph (Joseph) died 110 Levi 115 116 Qehath (Kohath) 75 Yokheved (Jochebed) 72 73
2429 1584 1583 164 119 Levi died 135 136 {137} Qehath (Kohath) 95 Yokheved (Jochebed) 92 93
2430 1583 1582 163 118 Levi died (Ex 6:16) 136 137 Qehath (Kohath) 96 Yokheved (Jochebed) 93 94
2431 1582 1581 162 117 Levi died 137 Qehath (Kohath) 97 Yokheved (Jochebed) 94 95
2464 1549 1548 129 84 ’Aharon (Aaron) born 0 Qehath (Kohath) 130 Yokheved (Jochebed) 127 128
2465 1548 1547 128 83 ’Aharon (Aaron) 0 1 Qehath (Kohath) 131 Yokheved (Jochebed) 128 129
2467 1546 1545 126 81 Mosheh (Moses) conceived ’Aharon (Aaron) 2 3 Qehath (Kohath) died
(Gen 6:18)
133 Yokheved (Jochebed)
(Bereishit Rabbah 94:9; Sotah 12a:14-15)
130 131
2468 1545 1544 125 80 Mosheh (Moses) born
(Num 26:59; Sotah 12b:17)
0 ’Aharon (Aaron) 3 4 Yokheved (Jochebed) 131 132
2548 1465 1464 45 0 Mosheh (Moses)
(Ex 7:7)
1st leader of Yisra’el (Israel)
79 80 ’Aharon (Aaron)
(Ex 7:7)
83 84 Plagues & Pesach (Passover), Yisra’el's (Israel's) Exodus & Suph (Red) Sea crossing, pharaoh & Mitsrayim (Egypt) defeated, mān (manna) given, Torah comes/Covenant of the LORD received mān (manna) given
(Ex 16:1, 13, 14, 15, 31)
0 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua)
(Num 11:28; Ex 33:11)
19 Yokheved (Jochebed) 211 212

JD M/D/Y (BC) Event/AngularSeparation of Moon Count of Event Day of Event Day of Month


Actual Day of Week Day of Week without Josh10:13
1186697 12/31/-1465 Moon seen, 15.84 4 3
1186698 01/01/-1464 New Moon 1 5 4
1186726 01/29/-1464 Moon seen, 10.14 29 5 4
1186727 01/30/-1464 New Moon; Beginning of months (Rosh Chodashim) (Ex 12:2) 1 1 6 5
1186736 02/08/-1464 Pesach (Passover) lamb brought into home (Ex 12:3) 10 1 1 7
1186740 02/12/-1464 Pesach (Passover); Lamb sacrificed at evening (Ex 12:6); Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) starts (Ex 12:18) 14 1 5 4
1186741 02/13/-1464 Pesach (Passover) ended in morning (Ex 12:10); 1st day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Ex 12:15, 16, 17); Exodus from Land of Ra‘meses (land of pharaoh) in Mitsrayim (Egypt) after sojourn of 430 years to the day (Ex 12:17, 37, 40, 41; Num 33:3) (traveled about 3 mph for 17 hours [or less] from about hour after midnight till sunset = 50 miles or less) [See Map] 15 1 6 5
1186742 02/14/-1464 2nd day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); Yom haBikkurim (Day of the First Fruits); Camped in Sukkot (Succoth: Booths) (camped sunset to sunset for Shabbat, allowing others who lived farther to reach the camp and allowing rest before long trip) (Ex 12:37; Num 33:5) [See Map] 1 16 1 7 6
1186743 02/15/-1464 3rd day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); (traveled about 3 mph for 21.3 hours with 2.7 hours of breaks = 64 mi.) [See Map] 2 17 1 1 7
1186744 02/16/-1464 4th day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); Camped at edge of Wilderness of Etham (camped 7 hours?) (Ex 13:20; Num 33:6); (traveled about 3 mph for 17 hours = 51 mi.) [See Map] 3 18 1 2 1
1186745 02/17/-1464 5th day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); Left Wilderness of Etham and turned back and camped before Pi-hachiroth (Mouth of the Gorges), between Migdol (Tower) and sea, in front (east) of Ba‘al Tsephon (Baal Zephon) [Ras Abu Rudeis] (camped 7 hours?) (Ex 14:2; Num 33:7); (traveled about 3 mph for 17 hours = 51 mi.) [See Map] 4 19 1 3 2
1186746 02/18/-1464 6th day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); (rested/camped 7 hours?); (traveled about 3 mph for 17 hours = 51 mi.) [See Map] 5 20 1 4 3
1186747 02/19/-1464 7th day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Ex 12:18); (traveled at night about 3 mph for 6 hours = 18 mi.); Camping by Sea (for around 3 hours) before Pi-hachiroth (Mouth of the Gorges) east (in front) of Ba‘al-Tsephon (Baal Zephon) [Ras Abu Rudeis] when Pharaoh and his army reach them (Ex 14:9); Suph (Red) Sea divided & Yisra’el (Israel) crossed the sea at night (Ex 14:20, 21, 22, 29; Num 33:8) (traveled at night about 3.5 mph for 2.8 hours = 10 mi.); Sea covered army of Mitsrayim (Egypt) in the morning/dawn (Ex 14:27, 28); In Wilderness of Shur/Etham for 3 days & without water (Ex 15:22; Num 33:8) [See Suph [Red] Sea Crossing] [or go to links to see Suph [Red] Sea Crossing] [See Map] 6 1st
21 1 5 4
1186748 02/20/-1464 (Rested & traveled 2.5 mph for 25 hours = 64.2+ miles total from the day before & this day.) [See Map] 7 2nd 22 1 6 5
1186749 02/21/-1464 Camped at Marah; bitter waters made sweet (Ex 15:23, 24, 25; Num 33:8); Statute of Shabbat (Sabbath) (Ex 15:25) [Sanhedrin 56b:16] [See Map] 8 3rd
23 1 7 6
1186750 02/22/-1464 Went to ’Eylim (Elim) [Tayyib al Ism] to camp (traveled 2.5 mph for 10 hours = 25.2 miles) (Ex 15:27; Num 33:9) [See ’Eylim [Elim]] [See Map] 9 24 1 1 7
1186755 02/27/-1464 Moon seen?, 4.574 14 29 1 6 5
1186756 02/28/-1464 Camping at ’Eylim (Elim[Tayyib al Ism] with 70 palm trees & 12 water wells (Ex 15:27; Num 33:9); New Moon?, Moon seen, 18.32 [See ’Eylim [Elim]][See Map] 15 1 30 2 7 6
1186757 03/01/-1464 New Moon? 16 2 Alt count 1 2 1 7
1186763 03/07/-1464 Camping at Suph (Red) Sea [Magna] (18.8 miles from Tayyib al Ism) (Num 33:10) [See Map] 22 8 7 2 7 6
1186769 03/13/-1464 (traveled 2.5 mph for 10 to 11.5 hours to go 24.9 to 28.5 miles to Wilderness of Sin from Magna) [See Map] 28 14 13 2 6 5
1186770 03/14/-1464 Entered & camping at Wilderness of Sin between ’Elim and Sinay (Sinai) (Ex 16:1; Num 33:11); complained no meat & bread; quails given at evening (Ex 16:2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 13) [See Map] 29 15 14 2 7 6
1186771 03/15/-1464 man (manna) given in morning (Ex 16:7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15) 30 16 (15) 2 1 7
1186773 03/17/-1464 (traveled 2.5 mph for 8.6 hours to go 21.5 miles to Daphqah [Dophkah]); Camping at Daphqah (Dophkah) plus 1 or minus 1 to 2 days from this point in time (Num 33:12) [See Map] 32 18 17 2 3 2
1186774 03/18/-1464 33 19 18 2 4 3
1186775 03/19/-1464 (traveled 2.5 mph for 3.8+ hours to go 9.5+ miles to Alush) [See Map] 34 20 19 2 5 4
1186776 03/20/-1464 Twice as much man (manna) given (Ex 16:5, 22, 23, 24) 35 21 20 2 6 5
1186777 03/21/-1464 Shabbat (Sabbath); Camping at Alush [Alsharaf] (Ex 16:25, 27, 28, 29, 30; Num 33:13) [See Map] 36 22 21 2 7 6
1186778 03/22/-1464 Went to Rephidim to camp (Ex 17:1; Num 33:14) (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.2 miles to Rephidim & 1st split rock) [See Map] 37 23 22 2 1 7
1186780 03/24/-1464 Camping at Rephidim called Massah & Merivah (Meribah), complained no water & 1st rock split with the LORD at Horev (Horeb) & water brought forth; ‘Amaleq (Amalek) fight 2 days (+); Yithro (Jethro) visits for 2 days (+) (Ex 17:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 18:5, 13, 27; Num 33:14); Camping on Shabbat [See 1st split rock] or [See 1st split rock] [See Map] 39 25 24 2 3 2
1186781 03/25/-1464 40 26 25 2 4 3
1186782 03/26/-1464 41 27 26 2 5 4
1186783 03/27/-1464 42 28 27 2 6 5
1186784 03/28/-1464 43 29 28 2 7 6
1186785 03/29/-1464 Traveled (about 2.5 mph for 6.5 hours = 16 miles?) around the north side of mountain going to opposite side of mountain on the east (front) (Ex 19:2; Num 33:15); Moon seen, 13.48 [See Map] 44 30 29 2 1 7
1186786 03/30/-1464 New Moon; Entered Sinay (Sinai) Wilderness (Ex 19:1; Num 33:15) [See Map] 45 1 3 2 1
1186787 03/31/-1464 (traveled about 2.5 mph for 6.5 hours = 16 miles?) [See Map] 46 2 3 3 2
1186788 04/01/-1464 (traveled about 2.5 mph for 9 hours = 22.5 miles?) [See Map] 47 3 3 4 3
1186789 04/02/-1464 Camping before Mount Sinay (Sinai); Yisra’el (Israel) washed & purified (Ex 19:10) [See Map] 48 1 4 3 5 4
1186790 04/03/-1464 Yisra’el washed & purified;
Spring equinox
49 2 5 3 6 5
1186791 04/04/-1464 Shavu‘ot (Feast-of-Weeks/Pentecost); Received the Covenant of the LORD & say “we do” in morning; mountain completely in smoke because the LORD was upon it in fire. (Ex 19:11, 16, 18; 20:18; 24:1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11) [See Mount Sinay [Sinai]] [or go to links to see Mount Sinay [Sinai]] 50 3 6 3 7 6
1186792 04/05/-1464 Mosheh (Moses) built altar & 12 pillars for 12 tribes in morning & finished covenant with blood from sacrifice with people saying “we do”; 70 elders (75 people in all) see the Lord and ate & drank (like a marriage supper(Ex 24:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) [See 12 pillars] 7 3 1 (8) 7
1186793 04/06/-1464 Mosheh called up mountain to receive stone tablets with commandments; ’Aharon (Aaron) & 70 told to stay; Mosheh starts 40 days & nights without eating or drinking; cloud covered mountain (Ex 24:1, 2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18; Dt 9:9) Night
8 3 2 1
1186794 04/07/-1464 cloud covered mountain 2 2 9 3 3 2
1186795 04/08/-1464 cloud covered mountain 3 3 10 3 4 3
1186796 04/09/-1464 cloud covered mountain 4 4 11 3 5 4
1186797 04/10/-1464 cloud covered mountain 5 5 12 3 6 5
1186798 04/11/-1464 cloud covered mountain 6 6 13 3 7 6
1186799 04/12/-1464 The LORD called Mosheh (Moses) from the cloud; The LORD is like a consuming fire on the mountain top (Ex 24:16, 17) 7 7 14 3 1 7
1186814 04/27/-1464 Cloudy day with Moon not seen, (Moon seen if not cloudy), 8.81 22 22 29 3 2 1
1186815 04/28/-1464 Moon seen,
(New Moon if not cloudy)
23 23 30 3 3 2
1186816 04/29/-1464 New Moon 24 24 1 4 4 3
1186831 05/14/-1464 People & ’Aharon (Aaron) made a golden calf they called "the LORD" to worship the next day (Ex 32:4, 5) 39 39 16 4 5 4
1186832 05/15/-1464 17th day of 4th Month (Shiv‘ah-‘Asar-B-Tammuz); Mosheh (Moses) on mountain 40 days & nights without eating or drinking; People worshiped golden calf; Mosheh entreated the LORD not to destroy them; Mosheh broke the 2 stones with commandments; Levites killed 3000 as the LORD commanded (Ex 24:18; 32:7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 26, 27, 28; Dt 9:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21) [Ta’anit 4:6] 40 40 17 4 6 5
1186833 05/16/-1464 Next day Mosheh (Moses) goes back up the mountain for 40 days & nights to make atonement for the people; The LORD gives punishment of death for sin (Ex 32:30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; Dt 9:18, 19, 20, 25) 1 1 18 4 7 6
1186872 06/24/-1464 People mourn & take off jewelry; Mosheh (Moses) cuts out 2 rock tablets & makes an ark (Ex 33:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 34:1,2; Dt 10:1, 2, 3) 40 40 28 5 4 3
1186873 06/25/-1464 Mosheh (Moses) comes up mountain in morning with 2 rock tablets; Moon seen, 8.035 (Ex 33:;Dt 10:3) 1 29 5 5 4
1186912 08/03/-1464 During the 40 day & nights without eating or drinking, the Lord wrote the commandments into the 2 stone tablets (Ex 34:28; Dt 10:4) 39 40 9 7 2 1
1186913 08/04/-1464 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement); Mosheh (Moses) comes down mountain with the 2 new stone tablets (Ex 34:29 ; Dt 10:5) 40 10 7 3 2

JD M/D/Y (BC) Event /AngularSeparation of Moon Count of Event Day of Event Day of Month


Actual Day of Week Day of Week without Josh10:13
1187110 02/17/-1463 Moon seen, 9.25 29 13 4 3
1187111 02/18/-1463 New Moon; Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting) set up (Ex 40:2, 17) 1 1 5 4
1187120 02/27/-1463 Pesach (Passover) lamb brought into home (Ex 12:3) 10 1 7 6
1187124 03/03/-1463 Pesach (Passover); Lamb sacrificed at evening (Num 9:2, 3, 4, 5); Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) starts (Ex 12:18) 14 1 4 3
1187125 03/04/-1463 Pesach (Passover) ended in morning (Ex 12:10); 1st day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) (Ex 12:15, 16, 17) 15 1 5 4
1187126 03/05/-1463 2nd day of Chag haMatstsot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); Yom haBikkurim
(Day of the First Fruits)
1 16 1 6 5
1187131 03/10/-1463 7th day of Chag haMatstsot
(Feast of Unleavened Bread)
6 21 1 4 3
1187141 03/20/-1463 New Moon; Census taken of every male 20 years or older (not the Levites) (Num 1:1, 2, 3, 18, 19, 47, 49, 50) 16 1 2 7 6
1187154 04/02/-1463 2nd Pesach (Passover); Lamb sacrificed at evening
(Num 9:9, 10, 11)
29 14 2 6 5
1187155 04/03/-1463 2nd Pesach (Passover) ended in morning (Num 9:12) 30 15 2 7 6
1187160 04/08/-1463 Yisra’el (Israel) left camp at Sinay (Sinai) to go to Wilderness of Pa’ran (Dt 1:19; Num 10:11, 12) (traveled about 2.5 mph for 12 hours = 30 miles[See Map] Day
[1.5] 20 2 5 4
1187161 04/09/-1463 (traveled about 2.5 mph for 12 hours = 30 miles) (1 days travel of 20 miles times 3 day = 60 miles or 3 days travel) [See Map] 2 [3] 21 2 6 5
1187162 04/10/-1463 3 days into journey finding resting place; At Tav‘erah (Taberah: Burning) complained of affliction/evil & fire of Lord burned among them & stopped after prayer from Mosheh (Moses); Then complained for meat they received the next day (Num 10:33; 11:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 33; 33:16) (may have traveled a Shabbat walk at beginning of this day[See Map] 3 22 2 7 6
1187163 04/11/-1463 At Qivroth Hatta’avah (Kibroth-hattaavah) Meat of quail given; Plague of Lord upon people (Num 11:18, 31, 32, 33, 34; 33:16) (traveled 2.5 mph for 8 hours =20 miles or 1 days journey[See Map] 38 [4] 23 2 1 7
1187164 04/12/-1463 People departed for Chatseroth (Hazeroth: Settlement) [Be’er Ora] (Num 11:35; 33:17) (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours = 22 miles) [See Map] 39 [5] 24 2 2 1
1187169 04/17/-1463 Camping at Chatseroth (Hazeroth: Settlement) [Be’er Ora]; Miryam (Miriam) and ’Aharon (Aaron) spoke against Mosheh (Moses) because of Kushit (Cushite) wife; Miryam (Miriam) with leprosy for 7 days (Num 11:35; 12:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15); Moon seen, 14.53 [See Map] 44 1 29 2 7 6
1187170 04/18/-1463 New Moon; Miryam (Miriam) with leprosy 45 2 / 1 1 3 1 7
1187171 04/19/-1463 Miryam (Miriam) with leprosy with camp not moving
(Num 12:15)

Shavu‘ot (Feast-of-Weeks/Pentecost)
46 3 / 2 2 3 2 1
1187172 04/20/-1463 47 4 / 3 3 3 3 2
1187173 04/21/-1463 48 5 / 4 4 3 4 3
1187174 04/22/-1463 49 6 / 5 5 3 5 4
1187175 04/23/-1463 50 7 / 6 6 3 6 5
1187176 04/24/-1463 Camping at Chatseroth (Hazeroth: Settlement) ) [Be’er Ora] 7 7 3 7 6
1187177 04/25/-1463 People departed for Wilderness of Pa’ran (Num 12:16) (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.5 miles[See Map] [6] 8 3 1 7
1187180 04/28/-1463 (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.5 miles) [7] 11 3 4 3
1187184 05/02/-1463 (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.5 miles) [8] 15 3 1 7
1187187 05/05/-1463 (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.5 miles) [9] 18 3 4 3
1187191 05/09/-1463 (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.5 miles) [10] 22 3 1 7
1187194 05/12/-1463 (traveled 2.5 mph for 9 hours to go 22.5 miles); 11 days travel from the Mountains of Chorev (Horeb) toward Mount Se‘ir to Qadesh Barne‘a (Kadesh-Barnea) [Ein El-Qudeirat] in the Wilderness of Pa’ran (Dt 1:2) [See Map] [11] 25 3 4 3
1187197 05/15/-1463 Camping at Qadesh Barne‘a (Kadesh-Barnea) [Ein El-Qudeirat] in Wilderness of Pa’ran. There are no complaints of no water. (Note: Petra is only 5 days travel from the mountains of Chorev [Horeb]. The people complained of no water while staying at Merivah Qadesh [Meribah-Kadesh] in the Wilderness of Tsin [Zin] (Num 20:1, 2; Dt 32:51).) Kena‘aniy (Canaanite) were in the valleys in this location as they had entered the promise land, but it had not been given to them (Num 14:25). Kadesh Barne‘a would be given to Yehudah (Judah) as an inheritance but belonged to the ’Emori (Amorites); so, even though the Son’s of Yisra’el (Israel) had not been given possession of the land, they had entered into their land starting the 1st year of counting the Shemiththah (Shemitah) and the 49 count Yovel (Jubilee) (Josh 15:1, 2, 3; Dt 1:19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; Lev 25:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 28 3 7 6
1187198 05/16/-1463 Spies sent to spy out Kena‘an (Canaan) (Num 13:2); Moon seen, 10.48 Spies
29 3 1 7
1187199 05/17/-1463 New Moon 2 1 4 2 1
1187215 06/02/-1463 17th day of 4th Month (Shiv‘ah-‘Asar-B-Tammuz) 18 17 4 4 3
1187228 06/15/-1463 Moon seen, 16.71 31 30 4 3 2
1187229 06/16/-1463 New Moon 32 1 5 4 3
1187237 06/24/-1463 9th day of 5th Month (Tish‘ah-B‘Av); Camping at at Qadesh Barne‘a (Kadesh-Barnea) in Wilderness of Pa’ran; 10 spies gave a bad report; People would have rather died in Mitsrayim (Egypt) or wilderness, want to go back to Mitsrayim, & start to stone Mosheh (Moses), ’Aharon (Aaron), Yehoshua‘ (Joshua), & Kalev (Caleb); Mosheh (Moses) prayed & people forgiven but given judgment; Judgment of spending 40 years in wilderness while every non-Levite male 20 years and older would die during that time started on this day (Dt 1:26, 44; Num 13:25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33; 14:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 34) [Ta’anit 4:6] 40 9 5 5 4

Years & Months & Days _______________Date_______________ ___________________Event___________________ Journey in/out


Land of Ra‘meses [Nile Delta] (Num 33:5)
15th-16th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/13-02/14) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Sukkot (Succoth) (Ex 13:20; Num 33:5, 6) Journey from/out-of Mitsrayim (Egypt)
18th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/16-02/17) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
At edge of Etham Wilderness (Ex 13:20; Num 33:6, 7)
19th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/17) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Turned back to Pi-Hachiroth (Pi-hahiroth) (Mouth of the Gorges) east of Ba’al Tsephon (Baal Zephon) [Ras Abu Rudeis] next to Migdol (Tower) (Ex 14:2; Num 33:7, 8)
21st day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/19) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Next to Pi-Hachiroth (Pi-hahiroth) (Mouth of the Gorges) east of Ba’al Tsephon (Baal Zephon) [Ras Abu Rudeis]
(Ex 14:9; Num 33:8)
21st-22nd day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/19-02/20) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Through Suph (Red) Sea (Ex 14:22; Num 33:8) 40 inclusive
(Num 33:38) (with count starting at 1)
21st-23rd day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/19-02/21) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Wilderness of Shur & Etham (Ex 15:22; Num 33:8) Journey (while) from/out-of Mitsrayim (Egypt)
23rd day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
(02/21) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Marah (Ex 15:23; Num 33:8, 9)
24th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
to 1st day of Ziv (Iyar) (+)
(02/21-02/28) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
'Eylim (Elim) [Tayyib al Ism]; 12 springs & 70 palm trees
(Ex 15:27; 16:1; Num 33:9, 10)
8th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month) (-/+)
(03/07) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
By Suph (Red) Sea [Magna] (Num 33:10, 11)
15th-16th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month) (+)
(03/14-03/15) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Wilderness of Sin (between 'Eylim (Elim) & Sinay (Sinai);
Mト] (Manna) & quail given (Ex 16:1, 13; Num 33:11, 12)
of Mト]
(Ex 16:35) (with count starting at 0)
18th-19th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month) (-/+)
(03/17-03/18) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Daphqah (Dophkah) (Num 33:12, 13)
22nd day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month) (-)
(03/21) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
'Alush [Alsharaf] (Num 33:13, 14)
23rd-29th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month) (-)
(03/22-03/28) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Rephidim no water; 1st Split Rock (Ex 17:1, 6, 7; Num 33:14, 15)
1st day of 3rd Month (Sivan)
(03/30) of 2548 AC (1464 BC)
Wilderness of Sinay (Sinai) (Ex 19:1; Num 33:15, 16)
4th day of 3rd Month (Sivan) (03/30)
of 2548 AC (1464 BC) to
20th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month) (04/08)
of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Mount Chorev (Horeb) / Sinay (Sinai) (Ex 19:2, Num 33:15, 16)
20th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month)
(04/08) of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Going to Wilderness of Pa’ran (Num 10:12)
22nd day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month)
(04/10) of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Tav’erah (Taberah) (3 days journey); LORD’s fire (Num 10:33; 11:3) Tav’erah (Taberah) is within the quail area of Qivroth Hatta’avah (Kibroth-hattaavah)
23rd day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month)
(04/11) of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Qivroth Hatta’avah (Kibroth-hattaavah); Quail about a days travel (about 20 miles) all around camp
(Num 11:31, 32, 33, 34, 35; 33:16, 17)
24th day of Ziv (Iyar/2nd month)
(04/12) to 7th day of 3rd Month (Sivan) (04/24) of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Chatseroth (Hazeroth) [Be’er Ora]; Miriam leprous
(Num 11:35; 12:10, 11, 13, 14, 15; Num 33:17)
8th day of 3rd Month (Sivan)
(04/25) of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Going to Kadesh/Kadesh-Barne’a [Ein El-Qudeirat]
in the Wilderness of Pa’ran, Mountains of ‘Emori (Amorites)
(Num 12:16; 13:2, 3, 26; Dt 1:19, 20, 21, 27, 44)
Back in land controlled by Mitsrayim (Egypt) Kadesh-Barne’a [Ein El-Qudeirat] in the Wilderness of Pa’ran is not listed in Numbers 33
Inclusive (Dt 1:46)
2 months 1 Partial Year 40 Years (Num 33:38; Dt 1:3) 38
9th day of 5th Month (Av)
of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
9th day of 5th Month (Av)
of 2587 AC (1425 BC)
(Dt 2:14)
9th day of 5th Month (Av)
(06/24) of 2549 AC (1463 BC)
Bad report from spies & would not possess land
(Dt 1:22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28)
1st day of ha’Ethanim (Tishri/7th month)
(08/14) of 2550 AC (1463 BC)
Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet Blast);
Rosh ha’Shanah (Head of the Year: New Year)
17 years
(- days)
1st day of ha’ Ethanim (Tishri / 7th month)
2550 AC (1463 BC)
1st day of ha’ Ethanim (Tishri / 7th month)
2588 AC (1425 BC)
2566 AC (1446 BC) Coming out of Mitsrayim (Egypt) from Kadesh/Kadesh-Barne’a [Ein El-Qudeirat] in the Wilderness of Pa’ran after about 17 years 2 months (Dt 1:46)
21 years:

18 Years inclusive (17 years & 2 months) camping at locations (Dt 1:46) and traveling the rest of the time of 4 years & 4 months & 10 days (+ days)
21 years
(+ days)
About 4.3 years of actual traveling around area beside Mount Se‘ir
camping at the locations listed below for 17 years 2 months
(Dt 1:46; 2:1)
Journey (while) from/out-of Mitsrayim (Egypt)
? Chatseroth (Hazeroth) [Be’er Ora] (Num 33:17, 18)
? Rithmah (Num 33:18, 19) List of locations matching the number of location in an area that match what would have been traveled: Elifaz, Samar, Yotvata, Grofit, Ktura, Lotan, Yahel, Ar-Rishah, Paran, Tsukim, Tsofar, Sapir, Ein Yahav, Qraiqreh & Feynan, Hazeva, Idan, Ir Ovot & Ein Hatseva
? Rimmon Parets (Rimmon Perez) (Num 33:19, 20)
? Libnah (Num 33:20, 21)
? Rissah (Num 33:21, 22)
? Qehelathah (Kehelathah) (Num 33:22, 23)
? Mount Shepher (Num 33:23, 24)
? Charadah (Haradah) (Num 33:24, 25)
? Maqheloth (Makheloth) (Num 33:25, 26)
? Tachath (Tahath) (Num 33:26, 27)
? Terach (Terah) (Num 33:27, 28)
? Mithqah (Mithkah) (Num 33:28, 29)
? Chashmonah (Hashmonah) (Num 33:29, 30)
? Moserah (Num 33:30, 31)
? Beney Ya’aqan (Bene-jaakan) (Num 33:31, 32)
? Hor Haggidgad (Hor hagidgad) (Num 33:32, 33)
? Yathvathah (Jotbathah) (Num 33:33, 34)
? 'Avronah (Abronah) (Num 33:34, 35)
? 'Etsyon Gever (Ezion Geber): next to ‘Eyloth (Elath) on the seashore of the Suph (Red) Sea in ‘Edom; 25 Miles to [Rama]
(Num 33:35, 36; Dt 2:8; 1 Kgs 9:26; 2 Chr 8:17)
? Kadesh / Merivah (Meribah) Kadesh [Rahma] in the Wilderness of Zin on the edge of ‘Edom: 22.5 miles from [Al Shamiyah];
Place where Miriam died
(Num 20:1, 13, 14, 16, 22; 27:14; 33:36, 37; Dt 32:51)
1st day of 5th Month (Av)
of 2587 AC (1425 BC) +30 days
Mount Hor/Charmah (Hormah) [Al Shamiyah] on edge of ‘Edom: 22.7 miles to [Rashidiyah]; place where ‘Aharon (Aaron) died (Num 20:22, 23, 24, 28, 29; 21:3; 33:37, 38, 39, 41)
1st or 2nd day of 6th Month (Elul)
of 2587 AC (1425 BC)
(or + a few days due to war with ‘Arad)
Moved toward the Suph (Red) Sea to go around ‘Edom; fiery/poisonous serpents sent among the people
(Num 21:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Jdg 11:17, 18)
? Tsalmonah (Zalmonah) [Rashidiyah]: 23.7 miles to [Ras An-Naqab] (Num 33:41, 42)
? Punon [Ras An-Naqab]: 22.3 miles to [Ma’an] ([Abu Al-Luson] & [Dabet Hanut] are very near [Ras An-Naqab]) (Num 33:42, 43)
? ’Ovoth (Oboth) [Ma’an]: 22.3 miles to [Hasemeyeh]
(Num 21:10, 11; 33:43, 44)
? 'Iyyey-Ha‘avarim/‘Iyyim (Ije Abarim/Iye-abarim/Ijim/Lyim)[Hashemeyeh]: Opposite/on-border of Mo’av (Moab) to the east; 24.7 miles to [Hasa] (Num 21:11; 33:44, 45; Dt 2:8, 9)
6th Month (Elul) of 2587 AC (1425 BC) Wadi-Zered [Hasa/Wadi al Hasa] (Num 21:12; Dt 2:13, 14) Numbers 33 does not list these cities/areas because they were controlled by Mitsrayim (Egypt).
8 months ? Other (north) side of ‘Ar/’Arnon (river/valley) border in the wilderness of ‘Emori (Amorites); Arnon (river/valley) is the border between Mo’av (Moab) and ‘Emori (Amorites); about 25 miles from [Hasa]; they went around Mo’av (Moab) (Num 21:13; Dt 2:18, 24; Jdg 11:17, 18) As soon as this area was defeated, Yisra’el (Israel) owned the area and the list of cities out-of/from Mitsrayim (Egypt) continues.
? Be’er (Num 21:16)
? Mattanah (Num 21:18, 19)
? Nachali’el (Nahaliel) (river/valley) (Num 21:19)
? Bamoth (Num 21:19, 20)
6 months &
10 days
From 1st day of ha’ Ethanim (Tishri / 7th month) to 10th day of of ha’Aviv (Nisan / 1st month)
of 2588 AC (1424 BC)
? valley in land of Mo’av (Moab) at top of Mount Pisgah east of Yericho (Jericho) (Num 21:20; Dt 34:1)
2588 AC (1425 BC) Cheshbon (Heshbon): City of Sichon (Sihon), king of ‘Emori (Amorites); by the king’s highway; by Yahats (Jahaz) where Yisra’el (Israel) fought and obtained ’Arnon (southern boarder) to the river Yabboq (Jabbok) (northern boarder of Sons of ‘Ammon) as far east as the Sons of ‘Ammon at the boarder of Ya‘azer (Jazer) then, not including the land of the Sons of ‘Ammon, as far east (does not say that I can find at this time, unless we are to assume the river Perath [Euphrates] from Ex 23:31) ; start of 300 years until the 1st year Yiphtach (Jephthah) would judge Yisra’el (Israel) in the year of 2888 AC (1125-1124 BC) (Num 21:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; Dt 1:4; 2:24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34; )
? Bashan: ‘Og was king of Bashan an ‘Emori (Amorite); Yisra’el (Israel) fought and defeated ‘Og at ’Edre‘i and obtained from river Yabboq (Jabbok) to Mount Hermon (Num 21:33, 34, 35; Dt 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10)
? Divon-Gad (Dibon Gad) (Num 33:45, 46) Journey (while) from/out-of Mitsrayim (Egypt)
? 'Almon-Divlathayemah (Almon Diblathaim) (Num 33:46, 47)
? Mountains of ‘Avarim (Abarim) before Mount Nevo (Nebo); Mosheh (Moses) comes back to these mountains to die
(Num 27:12, 13; 33:47, 48; Dt 34:1, 5, 6)
1st day of 11th Month (Shevat)
of 2588 AC (1424 BC)
Plains of Mo’av (Moab) upon the Yarden (Jordan) across from Yericho (Jericho) in the area in and between Beth Hayshimoth (Beth Jeshimoth) all the way to ‘Avl Hashshiththim (Abel Shittim); Mosheh (Moses) died on Mountains of ‘Avarim (Abarim) while Yisra’el (Israel) camped here; Camping here and at the locations listed above for about 17 years 2 months while traveling 4.3 years (Num 22:1; 33:48, 49; Dt 1:3, 4, 5, 46)
10th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month)
of 2588 AC (1424 BC)
Entered Promise Land (Ex 33:1, 2, 3; Josh 3:14, 15, 16, 17; 4:19)

AC BC 1Kgs 6:1 Acts 13


40 Years Years Dt 2:14 Person Age Person Age Event Years Person Age Person Age Person Age
2548 1465 1464 45 Plagues & Pesach (Passover), Yisra’el's (Israel's) Exodus & Suph (Red) Sea crossing, pharaoh & Mitsrayim (Egypt) defeated, mān (manna) given, Torah comes/Covenant of the Lord received 0 Mosheh (Moses)
(Ex 7:7)
1st leader of Yisra’el (Israel)
79 80 ’Aharon (Aaron)
(Ex 7:7)
83 84 mān (manna) given
(Ex 16:1, 13, 14, 15, 31)
0 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua)
(Num 11:28; Ex 33:11)
19 Yokheved (Jochebed) 211 212
2549 1464 1463 44 Yisra’el (Israel) departed Mount Sinay (Sinai) & entered Kena‘an (Canaan),
1st year of counting Shemiththah (Shemitah) & 49 count Yovel (Jubilee), evil report received, 1st year of 40 years in wilderness
(Num 10:11, 12; Dt 1:19, 20, 21; Lev 25:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Num 13:32; 14:33)
1 0 Mosheh (Moses) 80 81 ’Aharon (Aaron) 84 85 mān (manna) 1 Kalev (Caleb)
(Josh 14:6, 7)
40 41 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua)
(Num 32:11, 12)
20 Yokheved (Jochebed) 212 213
2566 1447 1446 1 27 Yisra’el (Israel) came out of Mitsrayim (Egypt) from Kadesh Barne‘a (Num 33:1, 17, 18; Dt 1:46; 1 Kgs 6:1) 18 17 Mosheh (Moses) 97 98 ’Aharon (Aaron) 101 102 mān (manna) 18 Kalev (Caleb) 57 58 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 37 Yokheved (Jochebed) 229 230
2567 1446 1445 2 26 Yisra’el (Israel) traveled for about 4.3 years to different locations they camped at for almost 18 years while traveling 3.5+ (of the 4.5 years of travel) around the Mount Se‘ir area without traveling in ’Edom (some of the 18 years camping time and the rest of the travel time are used during the 8+ months when they turned to go to the promised land)
(Dt 1:46; 2:1, 2, 3, 4)
19 1 18 Mosheh (Moses) 98 99 ’Aharon (Aaron) 102 103 mān (manna) 19 Kalev (Caleb) 58 59 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 38 Yokheved (Jochebed) 230 231
2586 1427 1426 21 7 38 17 37 Mosheh (Moses) 117 118 ’Aharon (Aaron) 121 122 mān (manna) 38 Kalev (Caleb) 77 78 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 57 Yokheved (Jochebed) 249 250
2587 1426 1425 22 6 Yisra’el (Israel) crossed the Zared (Zered) Stream 38 complete years from the evil report of 2549 AC (1463 BC) (Dt 1:46; 2:14) 39 18 38 Mosheh (Moses) 118 119 ’Aharon (Aaron) died (Num 33:39) 122 123 mān (manna) 39 Kalev (Caleb) 78 79 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 58 Yokheved (Jochebed) 250 251
2588 1425 1424 23 5 Yisra’el (Israel) defeated the ’Emori (Amorites) starting count of 300 years until 1st year of Yiphtach (Jephthah);
Yisra’el (Israel) enters & stays in their land of Kena‘an (Canaan) given by the Lord (Jdg 11:26; Num 14:33, 34; 32:13; Dt 2:7; 8:2, 4; 29:5; Josh 5:6)


(Jdg 11:26)

Mosheh (Moses) died before entering Kena‘an (Canaan) (Dt 34:7) 119 120 mān (manna) stopped
(Ex 16:35)
40 Kalev (Caleb) 79 80 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua);
2nd leader of Yisra’el (Israel)
(Dt 31:14)
59 Yokheved (Jochebed) entered Kena‘an (Canaan) [Seder Olam Rabbah 9] 251 252

Yovel# Yovel Shemitah AC


1 Kgs 6:1 Acts 13 Event/
Jdg 11:26 Person/Event Age Person Age Years Event/Person Age
52 40 5 2588 1425 1424 23 5

Yisra’el (Israel) defeated the ’Emori (Amorites) starting count of 300 years until 1st year of Yiphtach (Jephthah); Yisra’el (Israel) enters & stays in their land of Kena‘an (Canaan) given by the Lord (Num 14:33, 34; 32:13; Dt 2:7; 8:2, 4; 29:5; Josh 5:6)
Yericho (Jericho) destroyed (Josh 6:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27) {video}

40 0 Mosheh (Moses) died before entering Kena‘an (Canaan)
(Dt 34:7)
119 120 Kalev (Caleb) 79 80 40 man (manna) stopped
Yehoshua‘ (Joshua);
2nd leader of Yisra’el (Israel)

(Dt 31:14)
52 45 3 2593 1420 1419 28 0/1 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 64 5 7 nations of Kena‘an (Canaan) destroyed
(Josh 14:10, 15)
Kalev (Caleb)
(Josh 14:10)
84 85 45 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) 64
53 42 7 2639 1374 1373 74 47 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) died
(Josh 24:29)
110 51

AC BC 1Kgs6:1 Acts13 Person Years Jdg11:26 Person Years Person Years Age


Years People
2639 1374 1373 74 47 Yehoshua‘ (Joshua) died
(Josh 24:29)
110 51
2643 1370 1369 78 51 55 Yisra’el (Israel) served king of Naharayim (Mesopotamia), Kushan Rish‘athayim
(Jdg 3:7, 8)
2650 1363 1362 85 58 ‘Athni’el (Othniel),
1st judge/3rd leader

(Jdg 3:9, 10)
1 62 Kushan Rish‘athayim
(Jdg 3:8)
8 The LORD delivered Yisra’el (Israel) all the days of the judges. (Jdg 2:18, 19)
2689 1324 1323 124 97 ‘Athni’el (Othniel)
(Jdg 3:11)
40 101 Yisra’el (Israel) served the king of Mo’ab, ’Eglon
(Jdg 3:12)
2706 1307 1306 141 114 ’Ehud, 2nd judge/4th leader
(Jdg 3:15)
1 118 ’Eglon, king of Mo’ab
(Jdg 3:14)
2785 1228 1227 220 193 ’Ehud
(Jdg 3:30; 4:1)
80 197 Yisra’el (Israel) served the king of Kena‘an (Canaan), Yavin (Jabin)
(Jdg 4:1, 2)
2798 1215 1214 233 206 210 Yavin (Jabin) of Kena‘an 14 Yisra’el (Israel) served the kings of Midyan (Midian)
(Jdg 6:1)
2804 1209 1208 239 212 Devorah (Deborah),
4th judge/6th leader
with Shamgar,
3rd judge/5th leader

(no length of time for Shamgar)
(Jdg 3:31; 4:4; 5:1, 6)
1 216 Yavin (Jabin) of Kena‘an
(Jdg 4:3, 23, 24)
20 Gid‘on (Gideon),
5th judge/7th leader

(Jdg 6:11; 8:28)
1 Midyan (Midian)
(Jdg 6:1)
7 Pelishtim (Philistines)
(Jdg 3:31)
2843 1170 1169 278 251 Devorah (Deborah)
(Jdg 5:31)
40 255 ’Avimelek (Abimelech) ,
1st king of Yisra’el (Israel)
(Jdg 8:33; 9:6, 22)
1 Gid‘on (Gideon)
(Jdg 8:28, 33)
2845 1168 1167 280 253 Tola‘,
6th judge/8th leader

(Jdg 10:1)
1 257 ’Avimelek (Abimelech)
(Jdg 9:22)
3 Yotham (Jotham)
(Jdg 9:57)
2867 1146 1145 302 275 Tola‘
(Jdg 10:2)
23 279 Ya’ir (Jair),
7th judge/9th leader

(Jdg 10:3)
2888 1125 1124 323 296 Yiphtach (Jephthah),
8th judge/10th leader

(Jdg 12:7)
1 300 Ya’ir (Jair)
(Jdg 10:3, 5, 6)
22 Sons of ‘Ammon
(Jdg 10:6, 7, 8)
1 300 years from 2588 AC (1424 BC) (Jdg 11:19, 20, 21, 22, 26)
2889 1124 1123 324 297 Yiphtach (Jephthah) 2 Lord stated he would no longer deliver Yisra’el (Israel); so, they were not delivered all the days of the judges
(Jdg 10:6, 11, 12, 13, 14)
Sons of ‘Ammon 2
2893 1120 1119 328 301 Yiphtach (Jephthah)
(Jdg 12:7)
6 ’Ivtsan (Ibzan), 9th judge/11th leader
(Jdg 12:8)
1 Sons of ‘Ammon 6
2899 1114 1113 334 307 ’Ivtsan (Ibzan)
(Jdg 12:9, 10)
7 Sons of ‘Ammon 12 ’Elon, 10th judge/12th leader
(Jdg 12:11)

2902 1111 1110 337 310 ‘Eli, High Priest & 11th judge/13th leader, age 59 1 Pelishtim (Philistines)
(Jdg 10:6, 7; 13:1)
1 Sons of ‘Ammon;
Samson born
(Jdg 13:5)
15 0 ’Elon 4
2905 1108 1107 340 313 ‘Eli, age 62 4 Pelishtim (Philistines) 4 Sons of ‘Ammon
(Jdg 10:8)
18 3 ’Elon 7
2908 1105 1104 343 316 ‘Eli, age 65 7 Pelishtim (Philistines) 7 ‘Avdon (Abdon),
12th judge/14th leader

(Jdg 12:12, 13)
1 6 ’Elon
(Jdg 12:11, 12)
2915 1098 1097 350 323 ‘Eli, age 72 14 Pelishtim (Philistines) 14 ‘Avdon (Abdon)
(Jdg 12:14, 15)
8 13
2922 1091 1090 357 330 ‘Eli, age 79 21 Pelishtim (Philistines) 21 Samson,
13th judge/15th leader

(20 years old in 1st year; Num 1:3, 45)
1 20
2941 1072 1071 376 349 ‘Eli, age 98
(1 Sam 4:15, 16, 17, 18)
40 Pelishtim (Philistines)
(Jdg 13:1; 1 Sam 7:13)
40 Samson
(Jdg 15:20; 16:30, 31)
20 39
2942 1071 1070 377 350 Shemu’el (Samuel),
14th judge/16th leader

(1 Sam 7:2, 6, 13)
1 {‘Eli, Samson, & Pelishtim (Philistines) can be moved forward 1-2 years}
2943 1070 1069 378 351 Shemu’el (Samuel) 2
2958 1055 1054 393 366 Shemu’el (Samuel) 17 Yo’el (Joel), 15th judge/17th leader
’Abiyyah (Abijah), 16th judge/18th leader

(1 Sam 8:1, 2)
2961 1052 1051 396 369 Shemu’el (Samuel)
(1 Sam 7:1, 2; 8:5, 6, 7)
2962 1051 1050 397 370 {Shemu’el (Samuel), Yo’el (Joel), & ’Abiyyah (Abijah) can be moved forward 1 year} Saul , 2nd king of Yisra’el (Israel), 19th leader
(1 Sam 9:27; 10:1)
2966 1047 1046 401 374 End of 3rd 1000 Year Day Saul 5

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