3rd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

Week of Man: 3rd 1000 Year Day

Covenant & Judgment
2005 AC (2007 BC) to 2205 AC (1807 BC)

Peleg died at 239 years old in 1997-2003 or 2005-2010 AC (2016-2009 or 2008-2002 BC) (Gen 11:18, 19). Nachor (Nahor) died at 148 years old in 1998-{2006}-2014 AC (2015-{2007}-1998 BC) (Gen 11:24, 25). Noach (Noah) died at 950 years old in 2015-2016 AC (1998-1996 BC) (Gen 9:29). Re‘u (Reu) died at 239 years old in 2027-{2035}-2041 AC (1986-{1978}-1971 BC) (Gen 11:20, 21). Terach (Terah) was 164-{156}-147 years old (depending on when ’Avram, at 75 years old, left Charan [Haran] after Terach’s death at 205 years old, [205–75=130 minimum] [147-156 if ’Avram left Charan 17-26 years after Terach’s death] [164 max as limited by Scripture overall]) & brought forth his son ’Avram (Abram) on the 15th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2043 AC (1969 BC) (Gen 11:32; 12:4; Acts 7:2, 3, 4) (The day and month are known because later Scripture limits when events occur down to the very day). Serug died in 2050-{2058}-2065 AC (1963-{1955}-1947 BC). Terach (Terah) died in 2084-{2092}-2101 AC (1929-{1921}-1911 BC). ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad) died at 438 years old in 2097-{2105}-2107 AC (1916-{1908}-1905 BC) (Gen 11:12, 13). The LORD made a promise to bless ’Avram (Abram), make his name great, and make him into a great nation when ’Avram (Abram) was 75 years old on the 15th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2118 AC (1894 BC) when ’Avram (Abram) left Charan (Haran) after Terach’s (Terah’s) death and began his and his descendant’s journey/sojourn of Mitzrayim (Egypt) (Gen 12:10) for 430 years, to the very day, until the nation of Yisra’el (Israel) leaves Mitzrayim (Egypt) in 2548 AC (1464 BC) (Gen 11:32; 12:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10; Acts 7:2, 3, 4; Ex 12:40, 41; Gal 3:16, 17; Heb 7:9, 10) (also note Charan [Haran] is just outside of what will be Mitzrayim [Egypt], see map).  Shelach (Shelah) died at 433 years old in 2127-{2135}-2138 AC (1886-{1878}-1874 BC) (Gen 11:14, 15). The LORD made a covenant with ’Avram (Abram) to be his GOD at the age of 99 years on the 14th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2143 AC (1869 BC), changed ’Avram’s name to ’Avraham (Abraham) and his wife Saray’s (Sarai’s) name to Sarah (at the age of 90 years), promised to multiply ’Avraham’s seed (family) through a promised son (seed) to be called Yitschaq (Isaac), promised to make him fruitful and into nations and kings, promised to give him and his seed the land of Kena‘an (Canaan), and gave circumcision at the age of 8 days or older as a sign of an eternal covenant (Gen 17:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27).

The LORD had made promises to ’Avram (Abram) in the past, but for the first time in Gen 17:7, 8 HE states HE has chosen to be GOD to ’Avraham (Abraham) and his descendants, starting the beginning of the 450 years of Act 13:17 in the year of 2143 AC (1869 BC). (See Acts 13)

In the same year (2143 AC), nephilim (sons of ‘Anaq [Anak] / ‘Anaqim [Anakim] / ’Emim [Emites] / Repha’im [Rephaites]) are again found genetically modifying the image of man at Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding area leading to the area being destroyed with raining sulfur (meteorite/volcano shower/explosion) to destroy the corruption (GMO) and the evil in the area [12] (Num 13:33; Dt 9:2; 2:10, 11; Gen 14:1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Jude 1:6, 7) (Gen 18:16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33; 19:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29). ’Avraham (Abraham) was 100 years old &, as promised by the LORD, brought forth his son Yitzchaq (Isaac) on the 14th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2144 AC (1868 BC) (Gen 21:5; 18:10, 14; Mt 1:2; Rosh Hashanah 11a). Yitzchaq (Isaac) was weaned on the 14th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2148 AC (1864 BC) and Yishma‘el (Ishmael) was cast out of the family starting the affliction of ’Avraham’s descendants, and his seed were living in the land promised to them as strangers in a land not their own for 400 years and would go on to be enslaved & afflicted to be tested until 2548 AC (1464 BC) (40 & 400 being the time of testing: ’emet is the Hebrew word truth spelled with the 1st, 40th, & 400th letter) (Gen 15:13, 14; 21:8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16; Ex 12:18, 29, 31, 51). Shem died at 600 years old in 2159-2160 or 21672169 AC (1854-1851 or 18461843 BC) (Gen 11:10, 11). When ’Avraham was 137 years old and his only son Yitzchaq (Isaac) was 37 years old on the Pesach (Passover) of 14th day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) of 2181 AC (1831 BC), Yitzchaq (Isaac) willingly allowed ’Avraham to bind him as a sacrifice upon wood Yitzchaq (Isaac) carried up a mountain in Moriyyah (Moriah) before being redeemed from death by a substitute ram caught upon a thorn bush (’Avraham was 137 & Yitzchaq 37 according to Jewish writings [13] [14]. This can only happen if the event occurs on the 14th day of ha’Aviv.) (YESHUA was sacrificed on the Cross near Mount Moriyyah [Moriahon the 14th day of ha’Aviv (2 Chr 3:1; Heb 13:12; Luk 22:7).) (Gen 22:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Heb 11:17, 18, 19; Jhn 3:16; Zech 9:9; Mt 21:6, 7; Luk 23:32; Mt 12:40; Jhn 19:17; 10:18; Acts 10:39; Mt 28:6). Sarah died at 127 years old in 2179-2181 AC (1834-1831 BC) (Gen 23:1). At 40 years old, Yitzchaq (Isaac) married Rivqah (Rebekah) in 2184-2185 AC (1828-1827 BC) (Gen 25:20). ‘Ever (Eber) died at 464 years old in 2188-2192 or 2196-2200 AC (1825-1820 or 1817-1812 BC) (Gen 11:16, 17). Yitzchaq (Isaac) was 60 years old & brought forth his son Ya‘aqov (Jacob), the 22nd generation (Tav), in the year of 2205 AC (1807 BC) (Gen 25:26; Mt 1:2).

Previous 1000 Year Day
Next: Yisra’el (Israel)
2205 AC (1807 BC) to 2336 AC (1676 BC)