3rd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

3rd 1000 Year Day

Yisra’el (Israel)
2205 AC (1807 BC) to 2336 AC (1676 BC)

’Avraham (Abraham) died at 175 years old in 2218-2219 AC (1794-1793 BC) (Gen 25:7). Yishma‘el (Ishmael) died at 137 years old in 2266-2268 AC (1746-1744 BC) (Gen 25:17). When Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 77-79 in 2283-2284 AC (1729-1728 BC), he started working 7 years for Laban to marry Rachel (Gen 29:16, 18, 19, 20). At the end of 7 years in 2290-2291 AC (1722-1721 BCwhen Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 84-86 years old, Ya‘aqov (Jacob) marries both Le’ah & Rachel, worked 7 more years for his 2nd wife, and had 12 children in that 7 year time span (Gen 29:21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28). {Click here to see a table showing how the births of the 13 children of Ya‘aqov (Jacob) by 4 wives in 7 years was figured. The text & tables will be linked to these brackets {*}} Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 85-87 years old & brought forth his son Re’uven (Reuben) {*} by Le’ah in 2291-2292 AC (1721-1720 BC) (Gen 29:32). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 86-88 years old & brought forth his son Shim‘on (Simeon) {*} by Le’ah in 2292-2293 AC (1721-1720 BC) (Gen 29:33). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 87-88 years old & brought forth his son Levi {*} by Le’ah in 2292-2293 AC (1720-1719 BC) (Gen 29:34). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 87-89 years old & brought forth his son Yehudah (Judah) {*} by Le’ah and then Dan {*} by Bilhah in 2293-2294 AC (17219-1718 BC) (Gen 29:35; 30:5, 6). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 88-90 years old & brought forth his son Naphtali {*} by Bilhah and then Gad {*} by Zilpah in 2294-2295 AC (1718-1717 BC) (Gen 30:7, 8, 10, 11). Le’ah becomes pregnant with Yisaskhar (Issachar) during the {wheat harvest} in 2294-2295 AC (1718-1717 BC) (Gen 30:14, 15, 16, 17, 18). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 89-91 years old & brought forth his son ’Asher {*} by Zilpah and then Yisaskhar (Issachar) {*} by Le’ah in 2295-2296 AC (1717-1716 BC) (Gen ). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 90-92 years old & brought forth his son Zevulun (Zebulun) {*} by Le’ah in 2296-2297 AC (1717-1716 BC). Dinah {*} was born by Le’ah in 2297-2298 AC (1716-1715 BC) (Gen 30:21). Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 91-93 years old & brought forth his son Yoseph (Joseph) {*} in 2297-2298 AC (1715-1714 BC) (Gen 29:27; 30:25). When Ya‘aqov (Jacob) was 97-99 years old in 2303-2304 AC (1709-1708 BC) and had worked 6 more years for Laban to earn his own flocks, working 20 years for Laban in total, the Lord changes the name of Ya‘aqov (Jacob) to Yisra’el (Israel) (Gen 31:41; 32:28, 29, 30). And then, Ben-’oni/ Binyamin (Benjamin) is born in the year of 2303-2304 AC (1709-1708 BC) or a few years later (he has 10 children by that enter Egypt (Gen 46:21)) (Gen 35:18) (2304 AC is a Yovel [Jubilee]). Yoseph (Joseph) is sold into slavery and enters Mitzrayim (Egypt) in 2314-2316 AC (1698-1696 BC) (Gen 37:2, 28). Yitschaq (Isaac) died at 180 years old in 2324-2325 AC (1688-1687 BC) (Gen 35:28). In prison in 2326 AC (1687-1686 BC)Yoseph (Joseph) interprets dreams of bread & wine 2 years before the 1st of 7 years of plenty (Gen 40:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23; 41:1). When Yoseph (Joseph) is 30 years during the 1st year of 7 years of plenty in 2328 AC (1685-1684 BC), he is lifted up from the death prison to save his people (Gen 41:14, 29, 30, 46; 45:5, 7, 8). Yoseph (Joseph) was 30-37 years old & brought forth Menashsheh (Menasseh) and then ’Ephrayim (Ephraim) during the 7 years of plenty in 2328-2334 AC (1684-1678 BC) (Gen 41:50, 51, 52). At the age of 130 years old during the 2nd year of famine in the 1st to 3rd Jewish month in 2336 AC (1676 BC)Yisra’el (Israel) entered Mitzrayim (Egypt) (grain is harvested in the 1st to 3rd Jewish month when they would have needed to resupply their food) (Gen 45:6; 47:9).

{The years after Yishma‘el died could be off up to -4 years without Mosheh’s (Moses’s) mom Yokheved (Jochebed) being figured into the timeline. We know from Scripture Yokheved was the daughter of Levi and gave birth to Miryam (Miriam), ’Aharon (Aaron), and Mosheh (Moses) (Ex 6:20; Num 26:59). The linked table shows that 70 named people went to Mitzrayim (Egypt) (Gen 46:27; Dt 10:22) including Ya‘aqov (Jacob), his 3 wives that were alive, & his 66 children and grandchildren (Gen 46:26). 73 people are named of the 75 people in Mitzrayim (Egypt) once the 70 were there, 2 are not named (Acts 7:14). One unnamed person was a female from Le’ah, as there are 32 named descendants and 33 counted descendants from Le’ah who were in Mitzrayim (Egypt) (Gen 46:8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Also, Dinah is the only female named, but Gen 46:15 states “daughters” (plural) (Gen 46:15). The other unnamed person had to be in Mitzrayim (Egypt) from the family of Yoseph (Joseph), an unnamed daughter. This means 1 unnamed baby, still in the womb, entered Mitzrayim (Egypt) and was born after entering Mitzrayim (Egypt) (See table).  And, the Lord stated the 4th generation of ’Avraham (Abraham) (1st: Yitzchaq [Isaac]; 2nd: Ya‘aqov [Jacob]; 3rd: Levi; 4th: Levi’s children) would return to the promise land as though they had already been there (Gen 14:17; 15:16). So, the 4th generation, Levi’s children, entered the promise land (in 2549 AC [1463 BC]) only to then wonder the desert for 40 years and then return to the promise land (Num 10:12). Those who did not enter the promise land were men 20 years and older as counted in the census, which did not include the Levites that were also not among the spies (Num 1:47, 48, 49; 14:29; 32:11; 13:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). As Yokheved (Jochebed) was a Levite woman, she could have entered the promise land. Jewish historical writings state Yokheved (Jochebed) was born to Levi as Yisra’el (Israel) entered Mitzrayim (Egypt), by miracle became young again at the age of 130 when she conceived and gave birth to Mosheh (Moses), and returned & entered into the promise land as the 4th generation (Seder Olam Rabbah 9; Bereishit Rabbah 94:9; Sotah 12a:14-15).}

Yokheved (Jochebed) was born to Levi on the same day Yisra’el (Israel) entered Mitzrayim (Egypt).

Next: Yisra’el (Israel) enters Mitzrayim (Egypt) & Cries out to the LORD
2336 AC (1676 BC) to 2548 AC (1464 BC)