New Yerushalaim/Jerusalem- The City of Heaven

Rev 21:1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
This is the New Yerushalaim (Jerusalem), the City of Heaven, which is the final Holy of Holies on Earth that is the same length, width, and height of 1246.4 miles. If you could open up the Moon like a hollow ball and place the cubed New Yerushalaim/Jerusalem inside and close the ball/Moon, the 8 corners would touch the surface of the ball/Moon. This is if the stadia is equal to 182.8 yards (548.4 feet) [ref].

If the stadia is bigger and equal to 223.9 yards (671.7 feet) [ref], the New Yerushalaim/Jerusalem would then have a length, width, and height of 1526.5 miles. If the cubed New Yerushalaim/Jerusalem was then placed inside the hollow Moon/ball, the edges of the cubed New Yerushalaim/Jerusalem would touch the surface of the Moon/ball with the corners sticking out of the Moon/ball.