
World death rate is about 153,000 people per day.  Do you have time to find out why you’re alive? Someone dies about every half second. You do not know when you will die; it could be minutes from now. Why are we alive? What is our future after we die? These are questions we need to answer and get right while you are still alive, not waiting until you are already dead and can no longer answer these questions that have infinite/eternal consequences.

Did you know it is harder to not believe in God than to believe in God? Here is the proof: Science states something can not come from nothing while stating time, space, and matter are not eternal and have a beginning, showing the need for creation to have a creator. Creation, according to science, could not have come from nothing. The fact we are here means something or someone made us. A book, buildings, cars, or computers don’t make themselves or just fall into place, you would say a person is crazy if they thought these things were not made by someone. Any one part of creation is way more complicated than anything man has made. Just the letters of human DNA placed into a book would fill 1,000,000 pages. It would be crazy to think a creator did not create all creation. Science states something is impossible if there is only 1 chance in 1050 of the event happening. The chance, according to science, that one very very simple bacteria was put together by randomness is 1 chance in 1099,999,999,879 (source: “A Skeptic’s Search for God” by Ralph O. Muncaster). So, according to science, it is completely impossible life was put together randomly, even if something could be created out of nothing without God. Also, this impossible situation only puts a dead bacteria together; it still has to be given life. The need for creation to have a creator does not mean the Creator needs a creation or was created. God is eternal, not having a beginning or end, similar to created space physically having no boundary. But, God is outside of time, space, and matter that have a beginning, which gives him no need to be created (Dt 33:27; Rom 1:20; Isa 9:6; Heb 9:14; Ex 3:14).

    With it being easier to believe in God than not to believe in God, what god is the right God? Can this be proven? If we are going to say one of the many books of all the religions was written by God telling a few men exactly what to write, then the book(s) of those writings has to be beyond man. We are talking about the God who created the Universe. It is not a little place or simple in its construction. We can spend our time studying the books of many religions (which I’ve done), or we can look at this from a different direction. The Bible states there is only one God and no others (Dt 4:35; Mrk 12:28, 29, 30). If the Bible can be shown to be beyond man, we no longer have to test the other books. Detailed 100% accurate prophecy of future events is impossible for anyone but the Lord who created the Heavens and the Earth. Over 1/4 of the Bible is detailed prophecies written hundreds to thousands of years before the prophecies occurred, of which all past prophecies have 100% accurately come true. Some of these prophecies are posted HERE and HERE, like Psalm 22 (Psa 22:1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) showing a word picture of Yeshua (Jesus) dying on the Cross a thousand years before it happened or before crucifying someone even existed as a punishment. Also, if man alone wrote the Bible, which was written 1000s of years ago, he would have written about the Earth being flat on a turtle’s back and not a sphere hanging from nothing as stated in Isaiah 40:22 and Job 26:7. This is something beyond man. This type of material is absent from other religious books. (I do not want to rewrite what others have already written. Click HERE for a website starting with science written in the Bible which a human could not have written at the time without the direction of someone beyond man.) But, could man have written about the events after they happened and said it was written in the past? The answer is the Dead Sea Scrolls. There were a lot of scrolls of the Bible found in caves in 1946 that were written as early as the 8th century BC that are nearly perfect copies of the Bible we have today.

(The name Yeshua is the Hebrew name many Bibles translate as Jesus. You can think of Jesus as the English nickname of Yeshua. Out of respect for the Lord, the name Yeshua will be used instead of Jesus, though the English translated name of Jesus is representing the same person.)

     The book of Revelation was written almost 2000 years ago and is at the end of every Bible published. The link below called The Map of the Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls Intro, shows how the events in our history are and have been fulfilling the exact words of  the book of Revelation written by the Lord/God through John. This allows us to see these writings are from the eternal God and can be trusted to be true.

The Map of Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls Intro

    Next, if you can see the Bible is from God, I would like to paint a word picture of the Bible. First, let us look at a picture of the City of Heaven.

The City of Heaven is the new Holy of Holies (place where the glory of God resides) and is called the New Jerusalem. This is a city of pure gold (Rev 21:18), with a street of pure gold (Rev 21:21), with the jeweled walls of the city being the same length, width, and height of about 1246 miles. All 8 corners of this cubed city, if placed inside the Moon, would touch the surface of the Moon. (This makes the City of Heaven about 1/2 the size of the U.S.A.) Each of its 12 doors are a single pearl (Rev 21:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21). In this city everything is holy and perfect (Rev 21:4, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27). There is a crystal clear river running from the throne of God down the middle of the gold street with the Tree of Life growing on both sides of the river, giving fruit every month, and having leaves to heal the nations (Rev 22:1, 2). God’s glory is what gives light to the city where there is never darkness (Rev 22:5). A perfect place to live.

    The Lord who created mankind is holy, and nothing unholy can be in his presence without being consumed by fire (Ex 19:18; 24:17; Lev 10:1, 2; Dan 7:9, 10, 11). When a person does anything against the Lord (or sins), the person becomes unholy. The Lord created all mankind in his image and does not want to destroy his creation or those made in his image, so all mankind will live forever (Gen 1:26, 27; Rev 20:12, 13). Sin can not be in the presence of a holy God without being burned; and, as a loving father, the Lord is going to bring all created mankind back into his presence (Dan 12:2; Mt 25:46; Rev 20:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; Dan 7:9, 10, 11). This creates a big problem for us. Our sin is like putting dirty car oil on a rag (ourselves); an oiled rag can no longer be made new again. How many sins does it take to make a person unholy? Only one. How many times does a person have to murder to be a murderer? Once. If the murderer goes to jail and gets out, goes to church, does all the good in the world, and saves other people from death, is he still a murderer? He still murdered, so yes. How many times does a person have to lie to be a liar? Once, and before a holy God there is no such thing as a good lie (Rev 21:8; Lev 19:11). The Bible states no one is good and all have fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:10, 11, 12; Psm 14:2, 3). If you say you have never sinned, then you would be calling God a liar, that would be a sin in itself. If we all have sinned and the unholiness cannot be removed from our bodies, we will be consumed by fire forever when we come into the presence of the Lord forever with our bodies never being destroyed (not a pretty picture) (Isa 66:24; Rev 14:10, 11; Mrk 9:43, 45, 47, 48). This is not what our Father in Heaven wants for our eternal lives (2 Pet 3:9). So, what does Yeshua dying on a cross have to do with this picture?

     Yeshua is both man and God and has never sinned (Jhn 1:1, 14; 14:9, 10). If he was just a man, he would have sinned and deserved to die. Since he never sinned, he did not deserve to die. He chose to die for us (Jhn 10:11, 17, 18). The easiest way to explain this is to see the Lake of Fire as the Continuous Punishment Place. In our house, someone can take the punishment of someone else and the punishment is still met. So, a person in trouble who deserves a punishment can have someone else, who volunteers, get the punishment instead.This is what Yeshua did on the Cross. He volunteered to get our punishment of death for anyone who will accept him and what he did. He is not going to force anyone to take his death as their own death. But, if a person believes Yeshua did die on the Cross for them, then that person no longer has to go to the Continuous-Punishment-Place/Lake-of-Fire/Second-Death, because Yeshua already died a death (he did not deserve to die) for the person who deserved to die the second death. All mankind has to die the first death because we sinned and pushed the Lord away, leading to our Breath of Life from the Lord being removed from us (Gen 2:17). A person does not have to die the second death, if they accept Yeshua’s death as his/her own second death (Rom 10:9, 10; 1 Jn 5:10, 11, 12, 13; Jn 3:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21).

    Not only did Yeshua have to be God in order not to sin, he had to be God to die for every past, present, and future sin. If Yeshua was just a man, he could only die for the sin of one person. Since Yeshua is the infinite/eternal God, he can die for an infinite amount of sins of an infinite amount of people for an infinite amount of time.

    Why are those who believe in Yeshua not consumed by fire since they are still sinners? All who say “I do” to a covenant relationship with Yeshua, making him their Lord/God/Savior/Family, believing God raised him from the dead, will receive a new holy body before they enter into the City of Heaven (New Jerusalem) (Phil 3:21). These new bodies do not have any sin for the Lord’s holiness to burn (1 Cor 15:50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57). But, anyone who rejects God’s offer will remain with their sin in their old bodies. Each person has a choice. The Lord will not force anyone to follow and worship him. Remember we can die at any time, and our choice can not be changed after we die. There is no reincarnation in the Bible (Heb 9:27).  (If you believe in reincarnation, you will not have a second chance to find out your wrong.) Since you do not know how much time you have left before you die, please repent and turn from your sin soon, even now, telling God you do not want to sin anymore. Tell the Lord you believe Yeshua is your God who died on the Cross for the punishment of your sins and you want him to enter into your life. Praying is just talking to God. If you now believe, your spirit is clean and holy. Find a Bible (God’s love letter to you) to read and ask God to help you understand it as you read. Also, find other believers you can meet with to build a loving relationship with the family of believers you are now part of, having patience with their unholiness while you together grow in your relationship with the Lord. You will receive a new body when Yeshua comes back for you and rules on Earth. Until then your body will still be unholy, and you will still sin. When those times come, just turn back toward Yeshua the Lord and ask for forgiveness. Ask that he deliver you from your sin in the name of Yeshua, and tell him you no longer want to sin (hurting him or others). Yeshua can help you to overcome any sin and walk in holiness freeing you from those things that you know are destroying your life. I would like to help your walk with the Lord get started overcoming sin and walking with the Lord in a relationship. So, I am directing you to a free app called MessengerX. And, as you have found great joy in the Lord, give joy to others by sharing the news of the gift of being saved and adopted into God’s family through Yeshua.