The Weekly Word

This is WhyAlive’s retranslation/commentary (which is what every translation is of the original language: a commentary) of verses of the Word/Bible as close to the original words of the Scripture as possible. The verses are translated straight from the original languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek, which are the languages the Old & New Testament are written in. A slash in the translation like “love/kindness” is giving different meanings of the same original word. Dashes may be used to-link-together a phrase defining a single word in the original language. Any words italicized words in parentheses are not part of the original language of the Bible and are added for clarification. (The name YESHUA is the Hebrew name many Bibles translate as JESUS. You can think of JESUS as the English nickname of YESHUA. Out of respect for the LORD, the name YESHUA will be used instead of JESUS, though the English translated name of JESUS is representing the same person. Even the “A” on the end of YESHUA is a gutteral sound that does not exist in English. Full article here.) 1-2 verses have been added weekly. If you feel one of these verses has been translated wrong, please send an email to

YESHUA is called the Alpha & Omega. In Hebrew this would be the Aleph-Tav. It is in the Old Testament, but never translated; but, in all the translations I will be doing, it will be left in as [Aleph-Tav] so it can be seen.

You may notice we changed how we are translating YHWH. The reason for this is explained in the video link called God’s name is not Yahweh – Proof from Jewish Rabbis (Nehemia Gordon is a Karaite Jew who is from a family line of Rabbis. Like any Orthodox Jew, he still believes the Messiah is to come and that YESHUA is not the Messiah. This is in contrast to a Messianic Jew that believes YESHUA is the Messiah.)
All these verses are under copyright by WhyAlive, but you may freely use these verses without asking as long as you do not change the verse.

Genesis 3:17-18; Exodus 24:12; Leviticus 19:2; Numbers 14:9; Deuteronomy 6:4-5; 30:15-16; 31:8; Joshua 1:9; 1 Chronicles 28:20b; 2 Chronicles 7:13-14; Psalms 9:9-10; 18:1b-3; 19:7; 23:1-6; 23:1-6; 27:1; 32:5-7, 8; 34:1b-3; 37:3-6, 23-24; 50:23; 78:40-41; 84:11-12; 100:1-5; 102:16-17; 103:1-5; 10-12; 105:4-7; 133:1-3; 139:17-18; Proverbs 3:5-6, 13-15; 18:10; Song of Songs 1:3-4; Isaiah 26:3; 28:16; 40:3-5, 28-31; 41:10, 13; 44:3-4; 45:7; 46:9; 53:4-6; 54:9-10; 57:14-45; 59:2; 61:3; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Ezekiel 33:12; Daniel 8:13-14; 12:11-12; Joel 2:25-27; Nahum 1:7; Habakkuk 3:17-19; Malachi 3:10-12: Matthew 5:18; 6:31-34; 11:28-30; 22:37-40; Mark 11:23-25; John 3:16; 6:35; 8:34-36; 14:1-3; 16:33; Acts 1:8; 13:16-23; Romans 3:23; 5:3-5; 6:23; 8:11-14, 28; 10:9-13; 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 1:4-9; 3:10-15, 16-17; 5:7-8; 9:24-25; 15:49-52; 2 Corinthians 1:20-22; 6:16-7:1; 10:3-6; 12:9-10; Galatians 2:20; 5:16-17, 22-23; Ephesians 1:11-14; 2:8-10, 17-22; 3:16-19; 5:23; 6:10-18; Philippians 3:10-11; 4:6-7, 19-20; Colossians 3:2-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews 6:10-12; 10:35-39; 11:6; James 1:12-17, 19-20; 1 John 3:1; 4:16-19; 5:14-15, 18-20; 2 John 1:6; 3 John 1:11; 1 Peter 1:3-7, 2:24; 2 Peter 1:2-3, 4-7; Revelation 2:26-28; 3:10-12; 5:9-10; 11:3-6 12:1-5; 21:3-4

112th Day:
Therefore, do not be-anxious/worry/be-distracted/care-for/take-thought, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear/be-clothed-in?’ For, all these things the pagans/people/world/Gentiles desire/seek-after/search-for/crave; for, your heavenly FATHER knows/is-aware that you need all these things. However, first seek/search-for/worship/demand/desire the kingship/authority/rule/Kingdom of GOD and HIS divine-righteousness/justice, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be-anxious/worry/be-distracted/care-for/take-thought about the next-day/tomorrow; for, next-day/tomorrow will be-anxious/worry/be-distracted/care-for/take-thought (for/of) itself. The-day/each-day (has/is) sufficient/enough evil/badness/trouble itself.
Mt 6:31, 32, 33, 34

111th Day:
Which our sins HIMSELF takes-up/carries-up/offers-up in/on/by/with HIS body on/against the tree/wood/trunk-of-tree-used-to-support-the-Cross, in order that the sins/guilt/missing-the-mark/failures having been dead/removed/made-absent that (in/to) divine-righteousness/justness we might live/be-alive; (by) WHOSE bruise/stripe/wound you have been made-whole/healed-physically-and-spiritually.
1 Pet 2:24

110th Day:
From-now-on, be filled-with-power/empowered/strong/strengthened in (the) LORD/MASTER/GOD and in/by/with the strength/dominion/power/might of HIS power/strength/force/ability/might. Be clothed with the full/complete armor (of) GOD to be-able/be-powerful/have-the-power (for) you to-stand/to-make-a-stand/stand-ready/stand-firm/be-established toward/against the methods/trickeries/craftiness/schemes (of) the Slanderer/Devil. Because our wrestling/fight/struggle is not toward/against blood and flesh/body/human-nature, but toward/against the chiefs/rulers, toward/against the powers/authorities, toward/against the demonic-rulers-of-this-world (of) the darkness, toward/against these spiritual/supernatural depraved/wicked in the spiritual-realm/celestial-realm. Because of this, receive-up/pick-up/take-up the complete/full armor of GOD, in order that you will have-power/be-powerful/be-able to oppose/withstand/resist in the hurtful/bad/wicked/malicious/evil day/time, and having achieved/labored-to-produce/done all things to make-a-stand/stand-firm/be-steadfast. Therefore stand-firm/make-a-stand/be-steadfast, having girded/put-a-belt-around your waist/loins in/with/by divine-truth/reality/sincerity, and having clothed with the breastplate (of) divine-righteousness/justice/character, and having bound-under-your-feet/put-on-shoes in/by/with/on (the) foundation/preparation of the good-news/gospel of peace/shalom; with/in everything, having received/picked/taken up the large-shield (of) the faith/belief/trust/moral-conviction/confidence with/by/in/on which you will have-power/be-powerful/be-able to extinguish/thwart/quench/suppress all the flaming/burning missiles/darts/spears/arrows of the wicked/hurtful/bad/malicious/evil. And, received/take/accept the helmet (of) the salvation/saving, and the sword/dagger/machete of the SPIRIT, which is (the) Word/Bible (of) GOD. Through every-kind-of/all prayer and request/entreaty/supplication/petition, praying in/at all opportunities/seasons/times in/by/with the SPIRIT, and to this, keeping-awake/watching in/with/by all perseverance/steadfastness/persistence and request/entreaty/supplication/petition around/about/concerning all the saints/holy-ones/those-set-apart-for-GOD;
Eph 6:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

109th Day:
“Bring [Aleph-Tav] all/the-whole (of) the tithe/tenth-part into/to the storehouse/treasury-house/household-treasury and there will be torn-food/sacrifice in MY house, and please will you examine/prove/test/investigate ME in this,” says the-LORD/YEHOVAH of-armies/of-hosts, “if not I will open-wide for you [Aleph-Tav] the openings/windows (of) the Heaven[s] and the pouring-out/drawing-out to/for you blessing/prosperity until wearing-out/failure (of) enough/sufficient; and, I will rebuke/reprove for you the Devourer/Consumer, and he will not destroy/ruin/corrupt your [Aleph-Tav] fruit/reward/produce (of) the ground/land; and, the vine in (the) field will not fail-to-bear/miscarry for/to you,” says the-LORD/YEHOVAH of-armies/of-hosts; “and, will go-straight/advance/be-blessed/be-called-blessed [Aleph-Tav] you (by) all the nations/people; for, [Aleph-Tav]/you will be/become (a) delightful/pleasureful land/earth,” says the-LORD/YEHOVAH of-armies/of-hosts.
Mal 3:10-12

(Notes: YESHUA is called the First Fruit, and so the first Aleph-Tav above is related to the first fruit of the whole tithe. The 2nd Aleph-Tav is related to the openings of Heaven as though referring to the pierced openings of YESHUA. The 3rd Aleph-Tav relates YESHUA to the fruit again. The 4th Aleph-Tav is related to the blessed-you/Church/the-Body-of-YESHUA that does not exists without YESHUA. We are made of the earth/dirt and so could be said to be living earth/dirt. The 5th Aleph-Tav is joined with the you/Church and seems to refer to YESHUA becoming a man/living-dirt while this statement at the same time makes the you/Church delightful/pleasureful, for it is through YESHUA the Church is made delightful/pleasureful. The Hebrew word “please” is usually translated as “now” in most translations, not sure why. From Isa 5:7 & Jhn 15:5, the vine can be seen to represent the Church with Christ.)

108th Day:
I will bless/kneel-to [Aleph-Tav] the-LORD/YEHOVAH in all times continually (with) HIS praise/song-of-praise/hymn in my mouth. In the-LORD/YEHOVAH my soul will shine/boast/rave/praise/glory/celebrate in the LORD; the humble/afflicted/poor/meek/depressed will hear/listen/heed/obey and will be glad/brightened-up/rejoiceful. They will magnify/exalt/expand-honor to/for the-LORD/YEHOVAH with me, and we will exalt/lift-up HIS name together/being-united.
Psm 34:1b-3

107th Day:
For, this (is) like to ME (the) waters (of) Noach/Noah, which I have sworn from passing over (the) waters (of) Noach/Noah upon the Earth again; So, I have sworn from anger/wrath on/upon you and from rebuke with you. “For, the mountains will depart/be-removed and the hills will waver/shake/totter, and MY goodness/kindness/mercy/favor will not depart/be-removed from you, and MY peace covenant will not waver/shake/totter,” says your LORD/YEHOVAH of/out-of love/compassion/mercy.
Isa 54:9, 10

106th Day:
For, I the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD, your Right Hand of strength/courage/firmness, say to you, “(Do) not fear/be-afraid/be-frightened, I will help/surround/protect/assist you.”
Isa 41:13

105th Day:
And/now, we know/are-aware that to those loving/taking-pleasure-in/esteeming/longing-for GOD, GOD works together all-things/everything into/for good to/of/for those being called/invited/summoned/appointed according-to/by-way-of (HIS) setting-forth/purpose/predetermination.
Rom 8:28

The last part of the verse could also say: “called/invited/summoned/appointed (as) daily/day-by-day show-bread.”

104th Day:
Be-weighty-in-relationship-with/honor/glorify/be-rich-toward (Aleph-Tav) your father and (Aleph-Tav) your mother, for (the) purpose/intent your days will be prolonged/lengthened/extended upon the land/ground which the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD/ELOHIM is bestowing/giving to/for you.
Ex 20:12

(There is a promise of a blessing here of long life in this lifetime. Remember Aleph-Tav is like Alpha-Omega, which represents YESHUA. It is like the LORD is asking us to love our parents who gave us life just as YESHUA gives us life.)

103rd Day:
… I will love/have-compassion-for YOU, LORD/YEHOVAH, my Strength/help. The-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) my Rock/crag/cliff/fortress and my Defense/net/fortress/strong-hold and my Deliverer/escape, my GOD, my Rock/cliff, in WHOM I will flee-for-protection/seek-refuge/put-my-trust/confide-in, my Shield and Horn of my salvation/Yesha, my Stronghold/secure-height/cliff/retreat. From praise/making-to-shine/celebrating, I will call/proclaim the-LORD/YEHOVAH, and from my enemies I will be saved/rescued/delivered.
Psm 18:1, 2, 3

102nd Day:
Did you not know? If you did not hear, (the) eternal/everlasting GOD/ELOHIM, the-LORD/YEHOVAH, Creator of the ends/coasts (of) the earth/land, HE will not weary/faint nor tire/be-exhausted; nothing (is) to-deep/unsearchable for HIS understanding/skillfulness. HE bestows/grants/gives to (the) faint/weary power/strength/ability; and to (those) without effort/vigor/strength/ability, HE will increase/multiple might/power/strength/abundance. And (though) boys/youths faint/weary and will tire/be-exhausted and young men will stagger/stumble/totter (and) stagger/stumble/totter; they (that) will wait/tarry/gather-together (for) the-LORD/YEHOVAH, they will change/renew/slide-by/pass-through/spring-up/sprout/strike-through (with) power/strength/ability; they will ascend/climb/mount/arise (with) wings like vultures/eagles; they will run and they will not be tired/exhausted/weary; they will go/walk and they will not be weary/faint.
Isa 40:28, 29, 30, 31

101st Day:
Put-confidence/trust in the-LORD/YEHOVAH and do good; dwell/rest/settle-down (in the) land/Earth and shepherd/pasture/tend/cultivate faithfulness/steadfastness. And, make-soft/make-pliable/delight yourself upon the-LORD/YEHOVAH; and, HE will give to you (the) requests/petitions/desires of your heart/mind/will. Roll/trust/commit upon the-LORD/YEHOVAH your way/road/journey and trust/put-confidence upon HIM, and HE will do it. HE will bring forth like light your righteousness/prosperity and your verdict/judgment/justice like (the) middays/(light-of-the)-noon-times.
Psm 37:3, 4, 5, 6

100th Day:
In/with/by HIM, in/by/with WHOM also we have obtained/been-alloted a privilege/inheritance, having been foreordained/determined-beforehand/predestined according-to/by/in/with (the) purpose/setting-forth-like-showbread/intention (of) the (ONE) being effective/active/working (in) all things according-to/by/in/with the counsel/deliberate-wisdom/decree of HIS will/pleasure/desire for us to be for (the) approval/commendation/praise of (the) glory/honor/splendor of HIM, the (ones) having first hoped/trusted in/on/with the CHRIST/MESSIAH; in WHOM, you also, having heard/understood the Word, the Truth, the good-news/gospel of your salvation/deliverance/rescue, in WHOM/which also having believed/trusted/had-faith (in), you were sealed/stamped -with-a-mark, the HOLY SPIRIT of the Promise; WHO is (the) guarantee/earnest-money/pledge of our inheritance, to (the) redemption/release-by-ransom of the acquired possession, to (the) approval/commendation/praise of HIS glory/honor/splendor.
Eph 1:11, 12, 13, 14

99th Day:
Now/and, not only/merely (this), we also glory/exult/boast in the tribulations/persecutions/afflictions/burdens/troubles, aware/knowing that tribulation/persecution/affliction/burden/trouble brings-about/achieves/produces perseverance/endurance/steadfastness/patience; and perseverance/endurance/steadfastness/patience (produces) tested/proven worth/character; and tested/proven worth/character (produces) hope/expectation/confidence; and hope/expectation/confidence does not dishonor/shame/disgrace (us), since/because the love (of) GOD has been poured out in/on our hearts/minds/will/character through (the) HOLY SPIRIT, the (ONE) having been given (to) us.
Rom 5:3, 4, 5

98th Day:
And, I will bestow/give (to) the two witnesses of ME, and they will prophesy (for) one thousand two hundred sixty days clothed/dressed in sackcloth/(mourning). These are the two olives/olive-branches/olive-trees and the two lampstands standing/set-up/established in-the-presence-of/before the LORD (of) the earth. And, if anyone intends/wishes/desires (socially or physically) to-be-unjust-to/harm/injure them, fire goes-forth/proceeds/flows-out of/from their mouth/speech/weapon’s-front-or-edge and eats-up/devours their enemies; and, if anyone intends/wishes/desires (socially or physically) to-be-unjust-to/harm/injure them, in this way it is necessary/inevitable (for) him to be killed/put-to-death/abolished. These have the power/authority to close/shut-up the heaven(s)/sky so that no rain will rain-down (in) the days of their prophesying; and, they have power/authority over the waters to turn/change them into blood and to strike/afflict the earth with every wound/affliction/plague, as many-times/often as they intend/wish/desire. Rev 11:3, 4, 5, 6

(These verses directly refer back to Zechariah chapter 4. The word olive can be olive, olive branch, or olive tree in both Hebrew and Greek. Zech 4:12 states the “olives” are 2 olive branches. In Zechariah there is only 1 lampstand (Zech 4:2, 11). Some believe the 2 witnesses are Moses and Elijah. If that is true, why are there 2 lampstands in Revelation and only one in Zechariah? Shouldn’t there be 2 lampstands in Zechariah, since both Moses and Elijah are from the Old Testament? Some believe the 2 witnesses are the Old Testament and the New Testament. If that is true, why is there one lampstand and 2 olives in Zechariah? Shouldn’t there only be 1 olive branch? In Romans 11:17-24, we learn there are 2 olive branches on one olive tree representing the Church. The natural olive branches symbolize the Jews and the wild olive branches symbolize the Gentiles. Then in Rev 1:20, we find that a “lampstand” symbolizes a church. If the two witnesses are the Jewish and Gentile Believers, then Zechariah having only one lampstand in the Old Testament makes sense because though the Gentiles existed at that time (which is why there are 2 olive branches), the Gentile Church (lampstand) did not exist. This would mean the LORD will sometime in the future “give/outpour” HIS SPIRIT upon both HIS witnesses (of the Jewish and Gentile Believers) for 3 1/2 years, which goes with what is stated in Zech 4:6 of what the olive branches and lampstand are for, “…not by strength/an-army/wealth, nor by power/ability/strength, but by MY SPIRIT.”)

97th Day:
(Do) you not know that those running in-a-race/on-the-race-course all indeed run, but/however one receives/takes/lays-hold-of the prize? So, run that you attain/obtain/overtake/capture (it). Now, everyone/all striving/struggling in all things controls/restrains himself that they then indeed receive/take/lay-hold-of a perishable/corruptible crown/wreath/honor/glory, but we an imperishable/incorruptible/immortal (one).
1 Cor 9:24, 25

(Question: Am I running in and with obedience, discipline, self control, passion, desire, enthusiasm, and strength with the LORD in HIS perfect will, or have I started losing heart, complaining, losing desire and enthusiasm and in turn am jogging or walking the race?)

96th Day:
And, I heard one holy (one) speaking, and said one holy (one) to that certain (holy one) who was speaking, “How long will the vision (of) the continual/daily (sacrifice) and the transgression/rebellion/sin of desolation be given (the) holy (place) and army/host (to) trample down?” And, he said to me, “Until 2,300 evenings and mornings and we will justify/cleanse (the) holy (place).”
Dan 8:13, 14

(The question is how long is the vision? The vision starts at the beginning of chapter 8 with a goat [who we are told in Dan 8:21 represents Alexander the Great of Greece] attacking a two-horned ram [who we are told in Dan 8:20 represents Media and Persia] (Dan 8:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). This attack first happened in the Battle of Granicus in the 2nd/3rd Hebrew months [May] of 334 BC. We know a day can represent a year [Gen 29:27; Num 14:34; Ezk 4:5, 6; Dan 9:24, 25, 26, 27]. So, exactly 2300 years to the very month [and probably day] the Six-Day War occurred in the 2nd/3rd Hebrew months [June] of 1967. During the Six-Day War, Yisra’el/Israel pushed the Arab army out of Yerushalaim/Jerusalem and took over the Temple Mount. The trampling of the Holy Place was at this time vindicated/justified. And, even though this prophecy was fulfilled in years, it can still be fulfilled in days in the future. The fulfilment of verses like these gives us hope and confidence the LORD’s promises are true and can be trusted.)

95th Day:
And say, “Build-up/lift-up/exalt, build-up/lift-up/exalt, turn-to/prepare (the) Way/road/journey, they have raised/lifted-up/exalted (the) Stumbling Block from/of (the) Way/road/journey (of) MY people.” For, thus says (the) High/Exalted and Lifted-up/Exalted (ONE) WHO dwells/inhabits forever/perpetuity, and Holy (is) HIS name; “I dwell/inhabit with (the) contrite/crushed and low/depressed/humble spirit to make-alive/revive (the) low/depressed/humble spirit and to make-alive/revive (the) heart of the contrite/crushed.”
Isa 57:14, 15

94th Day:
And, from (the) time (of) the departure/removal (of) the continual/regular/daily (sacrifice) and to (the) set up (of the) desolating/astonishing/appalling detestable/abomination: 1,290 days/(years)/(times). Blessed/happy is he (who) waits and will reach/come to 1,335 days/(years)/(times).
Dan 12:11, 12

(Verses of prophecy can and have been fulfilled more than one time. A Hebrew year is from fall time to the next fall time. Daniyyel/Daniel, who wrote the above verse, went into Babylonian captivity at the end of the Hebrew year of 606-605 BC [ref]. This means the regular sacrifice was removed/stopped for the next Hebrew year of 605-604 BC for everyone who went into captivity including Daniyyel/Daniel [ref]. Exactly 1290 years later, the Dome of the Rock was set up on the Temple Mount in the Hebrew year of 687-688 AD [ref: It was started in 688 AD and finished in 691-692 AD]. The inscription on the Dome of the Rock considered the date it was finished states AH 72, which is 691 AD to 692 AD [ref]. The Dome of the Rock fits the description of desolating/astonishing/appalling detestable/abomination. The Hebrew year we are currently going through, the year of 2023-2024 AD, is the 1335 year from when the building of the Dome of the Rock started. If this prophecy is fulfilled in years, this year before the Hebrew fall feast are over, will be a year a Believer in YESHUA/JESUS will be made blessed/happy. And, this prophecy can still be fulfilled in the future according to 1290/1335 days, instead of 1290/1335 years. There is the possibility the 1335 years starts after the Dome of the Rock was finished in the year of 691-692 AD. If this is the case, the 1335 year would be during the year of 2026-2027 AD.)

93rd Day:
And/now, HE declared/said to him, “You shall love (the) LORD your GOD with all your heart/mind/character/will and with all your breath/life/soul/breathing-flesh and with all your understanding/intellect/mind/imagination. This is the great/greatest and first commandment/law/instruction. (The) second (is) also similar/of-equal-rank/like it. You shall love your neighbor/friend/fellow-man/person-near-by as yourself. On these two commandments/laws/instructions hangs/suspends all the Law/Divine-Law and the Prophets.”
Mt 22:37, 38, 39, 40

92nd Day:
Clean/purge out the old leaven so that you might be a new/youthful/fresh/regenerated lump (of dough), just as you are also unleavened/uncorrupted; because our Passover/Passover-Lamb, CHRIST, has been sacrificed so that we might observe/keep/celebrate the feast/festival, not with old leaven, nor with leaven (of) malice/evil/wickedness/spite and depravity/wickedness/iniquity, but with the unleavened (bread of) sincerity/clearness/purity and truth/divine-truth.
1 Cor 5:7, 8

(Easter is this coming week of 2024, but Passover is next month on the calendar this year. Usually they are at the same time of the year. So, if you are wanting to celebrate the day YESHUA died on Passover and the day HE arose from the grave on First-Fruits/Resurrection-Sunday on the actual Passover and First-Fruits, you will have to wait a month. This happened because Easter is not the same as Passover. To learn more about Passover go here: this is a very good website. And, may the LORD’s blessings be upon you and your family in YESHUA, our LORD and KING WHO arose from the dead.)

91st Day:
For, all/everyone has sinned/miss-the-mark/offended-GOD/made-a-mistake/trespassed-against-GOD.
Rom 3:23
For, the wages/salary/reward (of) sin/missing-the-mark/offending-GOD/making-a-mistake/trespassing-against-GOD (is) physical-death/spiritual-death; however, (the) gift/undeserved-favor (of) GOD (is) eternal/perpetual/unending physical-life/spiritual-life in/by/with MESSIAH/CHRIST YESHUA/JESUS our LORD/MASTER/GOD.
Rom 6:23
That if you confess/make-a-promise/publicly-declare with your mouth/speech YESHUA/JESUS (is) LORD/MASTER/GOD, and have-faith/believe/trust in/by/with your heart/mind/inner-self/character that GOD raised HIM from/out-of (the) dead, you will be saved/rescued/made-whole/healed; for (in/by/with) the heart/mind/inner-self/character (is) faith/trust/belief into/onto divine-righteousness/justification, and/now (in/by/with) the mouth/speech (is) confession/a-promise-made/public-declaration into/onto salvation/deliverance/being-rescued. For the Scripture/Bible/Holy-Writing says, “All/everyone believing/having-faith/trusting upon/in/on HIM will not be (put-to) shame/disgraced/dishonored.” For there is no separation/difference/distinction whether Jew or Gentile/Greek; for HE (is) LORD/MASTER/GOD (of) all/everyone, being rich to all/everyone that call (on/upon) HIM; for all/everyone that should call on/upon the Name of (the) LORD will be saved/rescued/made-whole/healed.”
Rom 10:9, 10, 11, 12, 13

90th Day:
Since you have kept/watched-over/guarded the Word of MY endurance/perseverance/patience, I also will keep/watch-over/guard you from the hour/season of trial/testing/temptation/affliction/adversity, being about to come upon the whole world, to test/temp/examine those dwelling upon the earth. I am coming quickly/soon/suddenly; be-strong/be-mighty/hold-fast (to) what you have/possess, so that no-one/nothing will take/seize your crown/honor/glory. The (one) overcoming/being-victorious/prevailing, I will make him a pillar/support in the temple of MY GOD, and he will not go out (of it) any-longer; and, I will write on him the name/fame/character of MY GOD, and the name of the city/inhabitants -of-the-city of MY GOD, the new Jerusalem coming-down/descending of/out-of Heaven from MY GOD and MY new name.
Rev 3:10, 11, 12

89th Day:
One (thing) I have asked/inquired/requested from the-LORD/YEHOVAH, Aleph-Tav, I will seek/strive-after/beg/search-out/enquire/desire: (that) I will sit/dwell/remain in the house/family/tent (of) the-LORD/YEHOVAH all the days (of) my life to behold/see in/with/by delightfulness/pleasantness/beauty/splendor/grace the-LORD/YEHOVAH, and to inquire/seek/inspect/admire in HIS temple/palace. For, HE will hide/treasure/protect me in HIS lair/thicket/hut in (the) day (of) evil/bad/trouble/disaster, HE will hide/conceal me in/with/by HIS covering tabernacle; in (the) Rock/rock/cliff, HE will raise/exalt me.
Psm 27:4, 5

88th Day:
For/to David: The-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) my light/illumination and my deliverance/welfare/safety/rescue/salvation; whom will I fear/dread? The-LORD/YEHOVAH (is the) strength/place-of-safety/means-of-safety/protection/fortified-place/rock/defense (of) my life; of whom will I fear/dread?
Psm 27:1

87th Day:
(A) song/melody/psalm to/for David: The-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) my Shepherd/pasturing, I will not lack/need/fail/want. In herb/grass pastures/homes, HE makes me lie-down/stretch-out; upon/over resting/still/quiet waters, HE sustains/refreshes/guides/leads me. My soul/breathing-flesh, HE turns/returns; HE guides/leads me in ways/paths (of) rightness/righteousness for (the) purpose (of) HIS name/honor/fame. Also, when I go/walk in (the) valley (of) death-like-shadow, I will fear no evil/affliction/adversity, for YOU (are) with/by me; YOUR stick/club/Staff/Rod/Scepter and YOUR walking-stick/Staff, they comfort/console me. YOU put/arrange a table/meal before me in-front-of/in-the-sight-of my cramped/affliction/tied-up/enemy; YOU fatten/anoint my head/Head with oil; My cup runs-over/is-saturated/is-enriched. Surely, good/pleasant things and goodness/kindness/favor/mercy will pursue/chase me all (the) days (of) my life; and, I will sit/dwell/remain in (the) House of the-LORD/YEHOVAH to (the) length/forever (of) days.
Psm 23:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

86th Day:
Now, my GOD will satisfy/complete/fill/cram/fulfill/finish/supply every-one-of/all your need/business/necessity/requirement according-to/by/with HIS physical-wealth/spiritual-wealth/possessions/riches/abundance in/by/with glory/honor/splendor in/by/with MESSIAH/CHRIST YESHUA/JESUS. Now, to our GOD and FATHER (be) the glory/honor/splendor to the ages/perpetual/eternal/eternity of the ages/perpetual/eternal/eternity, amen!
Phil 4:19, 20

85th Day:
Have not I commanded/ordered you, “be strong/firm/repaired/fortified/strengthened and courageous/bold/steadfast/alert/strong; do not tremble/be-afraid/dread/be-oppressed nor be prostrate/dismayed/broken-down/discouraged, for the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD/ELOHIM (is) with you in all/everything/anything wherever you will go/walk/come-to.”
Josh 1:9

84th Day:
A song of elevations/steps/journeys-up/ascents to/for David: Behold! How good/pleasant/agreeable/precious and how sweet/pleasant/delightful (when) brothers gather together/in-unity! Like/as the good/pleasant/agreeable/prescious olive-oil upon the head/Ruler, coming-down/descending upon the beard, (the) beard of ‘Aharon/(Aaron), that has come-down/descended upon (the) collar/mouth/edge (of) his/HIS garments; like/as dew of Chermon/(Hermon) that has come-down/descended upon the mountains (of) Zion/(Jerusalem); for there the-LORD/YEHOVAH commanded/ordered, Aleph-Tav, the blessing/present/gift, Life until/as-far-as forever.
Psm 133:1, 2, 3

(YESHUA/JESUS is called the Alpha & Omega. In Hebrew this would be the Aleph-Tav. It is in the Old Testament, but never translated. As you can see in the above verse, it probably should be translated.)

83rd Day:
Amen/truly, I say to you that whoever says to this mountain/hill, ‘Be lifted-up/taken-away/removed and be thrown/cast into the sea,’ and does not hesitate/waver/doubt in his heart/mind, but trusts/has-faith/believes that which he says has come to-past/into-being, it will be (done) for him. Because (of) this, I say to you, ‘as-many-as/how-great all you pray and you ask, believe/trust/have-faith that you are receiving, and it will be (done) for you.’ And, when you stand-firm/persevere (in) praying, release/forgive if you hold/have anything against anyone, so that also your FATHER, WHO (is) in the Heaven(s), (will) release/forgive you of your trespasses/slips/falling-away/errors/sins.
Mark 11:23, 24, 25

82nd Day:
To/for David. My body/soul/breathing-flesh Kneel-to/bless the LORD/YEHOVAH, and all that is within me (Kneel-to/bless) HIS holy name. My body/soul/breathing-flesh kneel-to/bless the LORD/YEHOVAH, and (do) not forget all HIS rewards/lifting-up/recompense; WHO pardons/forgives all your iniquities/dwelling-in-sins, WHO heals/repairs/makes-whole/cures all your diseases/sicknesses; WHO redeems your life from destruction/the-pit, WHO surrounds/crowns you (with) goodness/beauty/kindness and compassions/tender-loves/mercies; WHO by good/pleasant (things) satisfies your adornment/ornament, HE will renew/repair your youth, like (the) eagle/vulture.
Psm 103:1, 2, 3, 4, 5

81st Day:
And, an exceedingly-great sign/miracle seen in Heaven: a woman/wife clothed/wrapped/dressed with the Sun/Sun-light and/also the Moon under her feet and/also upon/over her head a crown of twelve stars and/also was with child and/also she cried-out/screamed, having-birth-pains and in-pain/being-tormented to give birth. And, was seen another sign in Heaven, and look/behold a great/exceedingly-large red/fire-colored dragon/serpent having 7 heads and 10 horns, and upon/over his heads (were) 7 royal-crowns/head-wreaths. And/also his tail drags a third of the stars of Heaven and cast/threw them to/into the earth; and/also the dragon/serpent stands in-the-presence-of the woman/wife being about to give birth, so that when she is giving birth, he can devour. And, she brought-forth a male child, WHO is-about/is-intended to shepherd/rule/govern all the nations/tribes/people with a rod/staff/scepter of iron; and her child was seized/caught/carried up to GOD and to HIS throne.
Rev 12:1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(The story of our SAVIOR’s birth to be the KING of kings and the battle against the enemy in Revelation.)

80th Day:
I will restore/make-complete/pay/make-restitution to you (for) the years which has eaten the increasing/swarming locust, the crawling/devouring locust, and the ravaging/consuming locust, and the devouring/chewing locust, MY great/mighty army which I sent among you. And, you will eat (and) eat and be filled/satisfied and praise/boast-in/celebrate the name (of) the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD, WHO has made/done/accomplished with you to be surpassing/extraordinary/wonderful and MY people/tribe/flock not ashamed/delayed/disappointed for eternity/forevermore. You will know that I (am) in the-midst/among Yisra’el/Israel and I (am) the LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD, and (there are) not-any more (GODs/gods); and MY people/tribe/flock will not/never be ashamed/delayed/disappointed for eternity/forevermore.
Joel 2:25, 26, 27

(This is the LORD’s promise a Believer can claim to redeem the time and fruit stolen by sin and the enemy.)

79th Day:
And, the (one) subduing/overcoming/conquering/prevailing and keeping/watching-over/guarding MY works/deeds/tasks until (the) end/goal, I will give/bestow/grant strength/power/authority over the nations/pagan-tribes/gentiles; And, he will shepard/rule/govern/tend them with a staff/rod/scepter of iron like The vessels of the potter are crushed/broken (Psm 2:9; Isa 30:14; Jer 19:10, 11), as I also/like-wise have received from MY FATHER; and, I will give/bestow/grant (to) him the morning star.
Rev 2:26, 27, 28

78th Day:
And, HE said to me, “MY grace/gift/blessing/power/favor/graciousness/kindness assist/satisfies/suffices/is-enough-for you, for the power/force/miraculous-power is fulfilled/completed/perfected in/by frailty/illness/suffering/calamity/weakness.” With great pleasure, therefore, I will rather/even-more boast in my frailties/illnesses/sufferings/calamities/weaknesses, so that the power/force/miraculous-power of CHRIST/MESSIAH/the-ANOINTED-ONE may dwell/rest/tabernacle/raise-a-tent upon me. Therefore I am pleased/resolved/take-pleasure in/with frailties/illnesses/sufferings/calamities/weaknesses, in/with insults/injuries/disasters, in/with constraints/distresses/hardships, in/with persecutions, in/with calamities/great-distresses/anguishes/difficulties, for CHRIST/MESSIAH; for when I am weak/sick/feeble, then I am strong/powerful/mighty.
2 Cor 12:9, 10

77th Day:
And, the-LORD/YEHOVAH will will be (a) cliff/secure-height/refuge/retreat/defense/stronghold to/for the afflicted/crushed/injured/oppressed, (a) cliff/secure-height/refuge/retreat/defense/stronghold for times in distress/adversity/trouble/affliction/tribulation; And, they will put-trust/hope/be-confident/be-bold in YOU, those who know/acknowledge YOUR name/authority/character/fame; for, YOU have not left/failed/rejected/forsaken those who seek/inquire/worship YOU, the-LORD/YEHOVAH.
Psm 9:9, 10

76th Day:
Come to ME all who are growing-weary/toiling/laboring/fatigued and heavy-laden/burdened, and I will refresh/give-rest to you. Take/lift-up MY yoke/burden/service upon you and learn from ME, for I AM gentle/mild/humble and humble/lowly (in) the heart/mind, and you will find/learn/discover rest/recreation/refreshment (for) your lives/souls. For, MY yoke/burden/service (is) useful/better/easy/gentle/kind/pleasant and MY burden/task/load is light/easy/not-burdensome.”
Mt 11:28, 29, 30

75th Day:
Trust/be-sure/be-confident toward the-LORD/YEHOVAH in/with all your heart/mind/will; and toward your understanding, (do) not lean/support-yourself. In all your roads/ways/journeys know/appoint/acknowledge HIM, and HE will make smooth/straight/right your roads/paths/ways.
Prov 3:5, 6

74th Day:
I will instruct/teach/prosper you (in wisdom/intelligence/skills/understanding/knowledge) and teach/point-out-to you in (the) way/manner/road/journey which you should/will walk/go; I will advise/counsel over/upon you (with) MY eye/fountain/(SPIRIT).
Psm 32:8
[The (in wisdom/intelligence/skills/understanding/knowledge) is part of the word for instruct/teach/prosper.]

73rd Day:
A voice of one calling-out in speech/the-wilderness/the-desert, “turn-toward (the) way/road/journey of the-LORD/YEHOVAH; Make smooth/straight/right in (the) desert a highway/path to/for our GOD. Every valley HE will lift-up/exalt, and every mountain and hill HE will make-low/humiliate, and the deceitful/crooked shall become upright/level/a-plain/straight and the mountain-ridge/rough-places like a valley/plain. And we will uncover/reveal the glory/splendor (of) the-LORD/YEHOVAH, and all flesh/bodies will together see; For, the mouth of the-LORD/YEHOVAH has spoken.”
Isa 40:3, 4, 5

(This verse is usually seen as the verse for John the Baptist, but it has not been fully fulfilled. So I pray we are a voice calling out and the Lord blesses us and increases our shalom/peace, faith, holiness and fruit while walking with HIM in preparing for the coming of our Lord the King. Yes, Damascus will no longer be a city (Isa 17:1). Yes, Psalm 83 and the war today sound the same. And, Ezek 38 war is similar to this war? And, this is an article I wrote showing the Biblical significance of the Hamas attack.) (But, as David, the king of Judah, said to his son, and so YESHUA, the King of Judah, says to HIS sons and daughters)

…”Be strong and courageous/bold/strengthened, and do (your calling); do not fear nor be shattered/dismayed/broken-down/beat-down/discouraged, for the-LORD/YEHOVAH GOD, my GOD, (is) with you; HE will not leave/fail you nor forsake/leave/refuse you as-far-as/even-till you finished/accomplished all (the) work (of) service/labor (of/for the) House/Family (of) the-LORD/YEHOVAH.”
1 Chr 28:20b

72nd Day:
I acknowledged my sin to YOU, and my iniquity/evil/fault/sin I did not cover/hide/conceal; I said, “I confessed/threw/casted my transgressions/rebellion/sins upon/to the-LORD/YEHOVAH”; and YOU carried/bore/took/lifted/forgave the iniquity/punishment/guilt of my sin. Selah. Upon this, all/everyone kind/good/godly will pray/intreat/make-supplication to YOU for a time (YOU are) found/attained/present; but, for-a/(during-a) flood of great waters they will not touch/reach toward HIM. YOU (are) my hiding-place/covering/secret-place; YOU keep/guard me from the-narrow-place/trouble/distress/tribulation/the-enemy; with (a) crys/songs of-deliverance, YOU will surround me.
Psm 32:5, 6, 7

71st Day:
And, the-LORD/YEHOVAH, HE (is) the-one-who-goes to-your-face/before-you/in-front-of-you; HE will be with you; HE will not leave/fail/forsake/be-weak-for you nor forsake/leave/refuse/reject you; do not fear/be-afraid nor be-discouraged/break-down/be-dismayed/be-shattered/be-beat-down.
Dt 31:8

70th Day:
“For, the wages/salary/reward/pay (for/of) sin/guilt/failure/missing-the-mark (is) physical-death/spiritual-death; however, (the) gift/undeserved-favor (of) GOD (is) age-long/unending/perpetual/eternal physical-life/spiritual-life in/on/by/with CHRIST/MESSIAH YESHUA/JESUS, the LORD/MASTER/SUPREME-AUTHORITY/GOD (of) us.”
Romans 6:23
For by grace/power/favor/pardon you are saved/healed/rescued/made-whole through faith/belief/trust/faithfulness; and this not of yourselves, (it is) the gift/sacrifice of GOD; not from/because-of works/labor/deeds/actions, so that not anyone (can) boast/glory-proudly.
Eph 2:8, 9

69th Day:
And, I heard a loud/great voice from the throne, saying, “Behold/See, the tabernacle/tent/booth/dwelling (of/from/for) GOD (is) with the human-race/man, and HE will tabernacle/encamp/dwell with them, and they will be HIS people, and with them GOD HIMSELF will be their GOD. And, HE will wipe-away/blot-out/erase every teardrop from their eyes; and, death will not be any-more/henceforth/hereafter, nor mourning/sorrow/sadness/grief, nor an outcry/clamoring/crying-out, nor toil/pain/anguish/distress/suffering; they will not be any-more/henceforth/hereafter, because the first/former things have gone-away/departed.”
Rev 21:3, 4

68th Day:
And, having come HE declared/announced/preached the good-news/gospel (of) shalom/peace to the (ones) far-away/alien/at-a-distance and peace/shalom to the (ones) near/at-hand; that through HIM we both have/process the access, by/in/with one SPIRIT, to the FATHER. So therefore, you are no longer strangers/foreigners and aliens/sojourners/exiles but are fellow-citizens (of/with) the holy/set-apart-for-GOD/saints and the household/family of GOD, having been built upon the foundation of the apostles/messengers/delegates and prophets, CHRIST/MESSIAH YESHUA HIMSELF being (the) chief-corner/corner-stone, in/on/with/by WHOM the whole building/edification/structure, being fitted/joined together, is increasing/growing/enlarging into a holy/set-apart-for-GOD/sacred temple in/on/by/with (the) LORD, in/on/with/by WHOM also you are being built/built-up/constructed together into a habitation/abode/dwelling-place (from/for/of/to) GOD in/by/with the SPIRIT.
Eph 2:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

67th Day:
‘For, I will pour water upon/in (the) thirsty and streams/floods upon/in (the) dry/dry-ground; I will pour MY SPIRIT upon/in your seed/descendants and MY blessing/present/gift upon/in your offspring/children/produce. And, they will sprout/spring/grow up in between the grass/herbage like willow-trees upon/in streams (of) water.’
Isa 44:3, 4

(May the LORD’s SPIRIT pour in and upon you in streams like floods that there be no evil or unholy hunger/thirst/desire but only a desire for HIM that will multiply HIS presence, blessings, and fruit in you, in the name of YESHUA the KING and LORD.)

66th Day:
For, a sun and shield (is) the-LORD/YEHOVAH GOD; the-LORD/YEHOVAH gives/will-give grace/favor and glory/honor/splendor; HE will not withhold/restrain/deny good to those who walk uprightly/perfectly/without-blemish/complete. The-LORD/YEHOVAH of hosts/armies, blessed/happy (is) the man who trusts/has-confidence in YOU!
Psm 84:11, 12

65th Day:
And, as we have borne/worn the statue/image/likeness/representation of the dust/earth/earthy, we will also bear/wear the statue/image/likeness/representation of the heavenly/celestial. Now, I say/declare this, brothers/fellow-Christians, that flesh and blood is not able to inherit/acquire the kingdom/kingship/royalty of GOD; nor can the corruption/decay/perishable inherit/acquire the incorruptibility/immortality/imperishable. Behold, I tell you a secret/mystery; we will not all sleep/die, everyone/all however will be changed/altered/transformed, in a moment/instant, in (the) twinkle/glance/blink of-an-eye, on/at/with the last/final trumpet/trumpet-sound; for, the trumpet will sound/blast, and the dead/corpses will be raised-up/lifted-up/woke-up imperishable/indestructible/incorruptible/immortal, and we will be changed/altered/transformed.
1 Cor 15:49, 50, 51, 52

64th Day:
Worthy-of-praise/Blessed (be) the GOD and FATHER of our LORD YESHUA (the) CHRIST, the (ONE) by HIS great mercy/compassion caused us to be reborn into hope/expectation/confidence, alive through (the) resurrection from (the) dead of YESHUA (the) CHRIST, to an imperishable/incorruptible/indestructible and undefiled/untainted and unfading/perpetual inheritance kept/guarded in (the) Heavens for you, who by (the) power/force/might of GOD (are) being guarded through faith/faithfulness/belief/trust for (the) salvation/deliverance ready/prepared to-be-revealed in the final time/season, in/by which you greatly-rejoice/jump-for-joy (even) if now briefly it is necessary/inevitable (for you) to have been distressed/grieved by various trials/temptations/calamities/afflictions so-that the proof/genuineness of your faith/belief/trust, more precious/valuable than gold perishing through fire, now is being refined/tested/approved (and) found/discovered as praise and glory/splendor and honor/preciousness in/by/with (the) appearing/revealing/revelation of YESHUA (the) CHRIST;
1 Pet 1:3, 4, 5, 6, 7

63rd Day:
For, as many (are the) promises of GOD, by/with/in HIM they (are) truth/sure/yes; therefore, also through HIM the amen to GOD for (the) glory/honor/splendor through us. Now, the (ONE) establishing/confirming/strengthening us with you in CHRIST and anointing us (is) GOD, the (ONE who) also sealed us and offered/gave the pledge of the SPIRIT in our hearts.
2 Cor 1:20, 21, 22

62nd Day:
Now, apart-from/without faith/confidence/belief (it is) impossible to please (HIM), for it is necessary for the (one) coming-to/worshipping/drawing-near-to GOD that HE is/exist; and, to those diligently-seeking-out/craving/worshipping HIM, HE became/becomes a Rewarder/the-One-who-pays-wages.
Heb 11:6

61st Day:
And, they are singing a new song, saying, “Worthy are YOU to take/receive the scroll and to open its seals; because YOU were slain/killed/slaughtered, and YOU purchased/bought/redeemed for/to GOD with/by YOUR blood of every tribe/race and tongue/language and people and nation/gentile. And, YOU have made them, to our GOD, a Kingdom and Priests; and, they will rule/reign upon the earth.”
Rev 5:9, 10

60th Day:
And, this is the confidence/freedom/boldness/openness which we have/possess before/toward/because-of HIM, that if we ask/desire/beg/petition/request anything according to the will/desire of HIM, HE hears/listens-to us. And, if we know that HE hears/listens-to us, whatsoever that we ask/desire/beg/petition/request, we know that we have the requests/petition which we have asked/desired/begged/petitioned/requested from HIM.
1 Jhn 5:14, 15

59th Day:
Through which HE has given/bestowed to us the precious/honorable and greatest/magnificent promises, that through these you might become partners/partakers of (the) divine nature/kind/origin, having escaped/fled the decay/corruption/destruction in the world (that is) by desire/lust. And now, for this reason, (with) all speed/diligence/earnestness/enthusiasm, smuggle/bring (and) supply/add by/in/with your faith: virtue/goodness/excellence, and by/in/with virtue/goodness/excellence, knowledge, then by/in/with knowledge, self-control/self-restraint, then by/in/with self-control/self-restraint, patience/endurance/steadfastness, then by/in/with patience/endurance/steadfastness, godliness/holiness, then by/in/with holiness/godliness, brotherly love/kindness, then by/in/with brotherly love/kindness, love.
2 Pet 1:4, 5, 6, 7

58th Day:
Grace/Spirit’s-power/favor be to you and shalom/peace/rest be increased/multiplied in the knowledge/discernment of GOD and YESHUA our LORD; as to us has been given/bestowed all HIS divine power, to life and godliness/holiness, through the knowledge/discernment of the (ONE) who called/invited us (in/by HIS) own glory/honor/splendor and goodness/uprightness/excellence.
2 Pet 1:2, 3

57th Day:
Beloved/loved-by-GOD, do not imitate/follow what is evil/bad/wicked, but what is good. The (one) doing good is of GOD; the (one) doing wrong/sin/evil/harm has not seen/experienced/perceived GOD.
3 Jhn 1:11

56th Day:
I have been crucified with CHRIST, I now live no more (as) me, now CHRIST lives in me; which even now I live in the flesh/body in/by/with faith I live, that (of) the SON of GOD, the (ONE) loving me and having given HIMSELF for me.
Gal 2:20

55th Day:
See, I have set/put to your face this day life & good/the-best/prosperity and death & bad/evil/adversity/affliction; because I appoint/command/lay-charge-upon you today to love the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD, to go/walk in HIS journeys/ways and to take-heed/keep/preserve/observe HIS instructions/commandments and HIS statutes/ordinances and HIS judgments/decrees/justice and live and multiply/become-great, and the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD will bless you in (the) land which you come/go there to possess/inherit.
Dt 30:15, 16

54th Day:
Let not be stirred-up/troubled/disturbed/agitated your heart/mind/character; believe/trust/have-faith in/upon GOD and believe/trust/have-faith in/upon ME (YESHUA). In the house of MY FATHER are many dwelling-places/rooms; if not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place/opportunity for you. And, If I go and prepare a place/opportunity for you, I am coming again and will receive/take you to MYSELF, that where I am/exist, you also will be/exist.
Jhn 14:1, 2, 3

53rd Day:
I thank my GOD continually concerning you for the grace/power/favor of GOD which was given you in CHRIST YESHUA, that in all/everything you were made-rich in/by/with HIM, in/by/with all word/speech and all knowledge, as the testimony/witness/proof/evidence of the CHRIST was confirmed/secured/established/guaranteed in you, so that you are not suffering-need/lacking/falling-short in/by/with any/not-one gift, eagerly-awaiting the revelation/revealing/uncovering/unveiling/appearing of our LORD YESHUA CHRIST, who also will confirm/secure/guarantee/establish you until/even-to (the) end/purpose/goal, blameless in the day of our LORD YESHUA CHRIST. GOD is faithful/trustworthy, through WHOM you were called/invited into partnership/fellowship with HIS SON, YESHUA CHRIST our LORD.
1 Cor 1:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

52nd Day:
Now, I say/tell/command walk/live by the SPIRIT, and you will not finish/fulfill/accomplish the desire/lust/passion of the flesh/body/human-nature. For, the flesh/body/human-nature desires/covets/lusts against the SPIRIT, and the SPIRIT against the flesh; For, these oppose/are-adversaries-of one another, so-that which you do not desire/wish/will (to do) those things you do.
Gal 5:16, 17

51st Day:
Therefore I exhort/beg/invite/encourage/pray you, brothers, through the compassions/mercies of GOD, to prove/bring/present your flesh/bodies a living holy/set-apart sacrifice acceptable/pleasing to GOD, the reasonable/rational service/worship of you. And, be not conformed/fashioned to this present-age/world, but be transformed by the change-of-heart-&-life/renewing of your mind/understanding/reasoning, to test/prove by-you what is the will of GOD, the good and acceptable/well-pleasing and complete/perfect.
Rom 12:1, 2

50th Day:
For GOD is not unjust to neglect/forget your work/labor and the love that you have shown/proved toward HIS name/reputation, having served/ministered and ministering/serving the {saints}/{holy}/{ones set apart by/for the LORD}. Now, we desire/long each one of you show/prove the same diligence/speed/haste/enthusiasm to the full-assurance/conviction/confidence of the Hope until the end/goal, so that you will not be sluggish/slothful/lazy/stupid, but imitators/followers of those (who) through faith/belief/trust/confidence/faithfulness and patience/long-suffering inherit/acquire/obtain the promises.
Heb 6:10, 11, 12

49th Day:
Perceive what love the FATHER has given to us, that we should be called children of GOD, and we are. On-account-of this, the world does not know/understand us because it never knew/understood HIM.
1 Jhn 3:1

48th Day:
Therefore, do not throw-away/lose your openness/freedom/boldness/confidence, which has a great/large reward. For you have need of endurance/patience, so that having done the will of GOD, you may bring/receive the promise/message. “For, yet in a very little while, the (ONE) coming will come and will not delay. Now/however, MY righteous one will live/be-alive by faith; and if he shrinks-back/withdraws, MY soul/breath-of-life takes no pleasure/delight in him.” Now/however, we are not of those who shrink-back/withdraw to destruction/loss/ruin, but of faith to preserve (the) soul/breath-of-life.
Heb 10:35, 36, 37, 38, 39

47th Day:
“… but you will take-hold-of/get/receive miraculous-power when the HOLY SPIRIT comes upon/in/to you; and you will be MY (judicial)-witnesses in also Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends/farthest-parts of the earth.”
Acts 1:8

46th Day:
For GOD has not called/invited/summoned us for impurity/uncleanness/unholiness, but into sanctification/becoming-holy. So, the (one) rejecting (this is) not rejecting man but GOD, the (ONE) also giving the HOLY SPIRIT of HIM to you.
1 Thes 4:7, 8

45th Day:
For, I know the plans/cunning-work/thoughts/purposes that I have devised/invented/woven upon you,’ said the-LORD/YEHOVAH, ‘plans/cunning-work/thoughts/purposes of peace/shalom and not for bad/evil/disaster, to make/give to you a future/reward and a cord-of-hope/expectation. And you cry/call to ME and you go/come/walk and pray to ME, and I will hear/listen to you. And, You seek/strive-after ME and find/attain (ME) when you will inquirer-of/pursue/worship/follow/seek ME with all your heart/mind.
Jer 29:11, 12, 13

44th Day:
For by grace/favor/power/pardon you are saved/healed/rescued/made-whole through faith/belief/trust/faithfulness; and this not of yourselves, (it is) the gift/sacrifice of GOD; not as a result of works/actions/deeds, so that no one may boast/glory-proudly. For we are HIS workmanship/work, created in/by/with CHRIST YESHUA for good works/actions/tasks/deeds/labor, which GOD prepared-beforehand/predestined that we should walk/live in them.
Eph 2:8, 9, 10

43rd Day:
that (HE) bestow/give to you, according-to/by the riches/abundance of HIS honor/glory, to be strong/strengthened with power/ability/miraculous-works through HIS SPIRIT into the inner/inward person for CHRIST to dwell in your hearts/minds/wills/characters/intentions/thoughts through faith/belief/trust; being-rooted/established and foundational/being-founded in love (so) that you-may-be-perfectly-able to attain/obtain/comprehend with all the saints what (is) the breadth/width and length and height and depth, to then know the love of CHRIST (that) surpasses/is-beyond knowledge/science/doctrine, that you may be filled/complete in all the completion/fullness of GOD.
Eph 3:16, 17, 18, 19

42nd Day:
… now every/all men/humans be quick/swift/ready to hear/listen/understand, slow to speak/talk, (and) slow to anger/vengeance/passion/punishment/wrath; for man’s anger/vengeance/passion/punishment/wrath does not work/perform/practice/produce the justice/righteousness of GOD.
James 1:19, 20

41st Day:
Blessed/happy (is) the man (who) finds/attains wisdom, and the man who brings-out/draws-out/gets understanding/reasoning/discretion. For her profit/merchandise/gain (is) more-beautiful/more-pleasant/better than the profit/gain from silver and her gain/increase/fruit (than) from fine-gold. She (is) more precious/rare/splendid than pearls of pearls (piles of pearls); and all you desire/delight-in, they will not compare/be-equal with her.
Proverbs 3:13, 14, 15

40th Day:
that (I) know/understand HIM and the miraculous-power/might of the resurrection of HIM and the fellowship/partnership/participation of the sufferings/affections/afflictions of HIM, being assimilated/conformed to the physical-death/spiritual-death of HIM; that I may perhaps/somehow/by-any-means attain/inherit to the resurrection out-of/from death/lifelessness.
Phil 3:10, 11

39th Day:
Truly/surely our sickness/disease/grief HE lifted/carried/took-up, And our pain/grief/sorrow HE carried/bore; and we thought/devised/considered (HIM) struck/beat/punished, struck/killed/slaughtered from GOD, and afflicted/bowed-down. And, HE (was) bored-through/slain/profaned/pierced for our transgression/sin/rebellion, HE (was) crushed/bruised/beat-to-pieces for our iniquities/guilt/sins; (the) discipline/correction/rebuke for our peace/shalom (was) upon HIM, And by/in HIS stripes/bruises/blows/scourging, for us, we will be healed/made-whole. All of us like sheep/a-flock have wondered/erred/went-astray, (each) man has turned to his own way/road/journey; and the-LORD/YEHOVAH has struck/cause-to-fall in HIM all our iniquity/guilt/punishment.
Isa 53:4, 5, 6
(Hebrew verbs are either completed/perfect or incomplete/imperfect. If the verb is completed, it translates into English as past; and if the verb is incomplete, it translates into English as present and future. So, Hebrew is not about time but whether or not an action is competed or not. In the above verses the verb is complete but will happen in the future [Or if we are speaking of today, the action is complete but happen in the past].)

38th Day:
Direct-your-mind/think-on the things above, not the things on the earth. For, you have died, and your life is hidden/concealed with CHRIST in GOD. When CHRIST, the life of you, is revealed/manifested/made-visible, then you also with HIM will be revealed/manifested/made-visible in glory.
Col 3:2, 3, 4

37th Day:
When I restrain the heavens and there is no rain, and when I command over the locust to eat/consume the earth, and if I will send pestilence/plague among MY people; and if MY people will humble/subdue/subject themselves (to ME) who will call/proclaim MY name upon their selves and will pray/intervene/intreat/make-supplication and will seek/beg/desire MY face and will turn/return from their bad/evil/wicked ways/journeys/roads, and I will hear from the heavens and I will forgive/pardon for their sin/offense and I will heal/cure/make-whole their earth.
2 Chr 7:13, 14
(“Their earth” can refer to their bodies made from the earth.)

36th Day:
When/whether the fig tree doesn’t blossom, and no fruit (is found) in the vines, (and the) work of the olive-tree deceives/lies, and the fields make no food, (and the) flock from the fold be cut-off/cut-down/snatched, and no herd/oxen in the stables/stalls; and I will rejoice/exult/jump-for-joy in the-LORD/YEHOVAH, I will be-glad/be-joyful in the GOD/ELOHIM of my salvation/deliverance. The-LORD/YEHOVAH LORD/ADONAY is my strength/might/power (of an army), and HE has put/placed/set my feet like deers’/does’ (feet), and upon my high-places/heights HE will make me tread/march/walk…
Hab 3:17, 18, 19

35th Day:
For the-LORD/YEHOVAH has built up Zion/the-mountain-of-Jerusalem; {He has appeared}/{we will see} by/with/in HIS glory. HE has regarded/turned/faced toward the prayer of the stripped/destitute/poor and has not despised their prayers.
Psm 102:16, 17

34th Day:
According-to/by/in the grace/gift/favor/benefit/(power) of GOD given to me as a learned/cultivated/wise architect, I have placed/set/established a foundation; and/now, another is building upon it. And/now, each take-heed/perceive/discern how to build upon it. For, none can/is-able to place/set/establish a foundation besides/alongside the (one) appointed/placed, which is YESHUA MESSIAH/CHRIST. And/now, if anyone builds upon the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each (Believer’s) work/actions will become known/apparent/clear; for the day will show/declare/reveal it, because with fire it is revealed; and what kind/sort each (Believer’s) work/actions are, the fire itself will test/prove/examine. If the work/actions of anyone remain which he has built up, he will receive a reward/wages. If the work/actions of anyone is burned-up/consumed, (they) will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved/rescued, thus however as-like through fire.
1 Cor 3:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

33rd Day:
Be anxious/concerned about nothing, but in all/everything by earnest-prayer and supplication/request/prayer with thanksgiving let your requests/petitions be made known to GOD. And, the peace/shalom of GOD which is-higher-than/surpasses all understanding/reasoning, will guard/keep your hearts/minds/character and your minds/thoughts/purpose/feelings in MESSIAH/CHRIST YESHUA.
Phil 4:6, 7
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not depart/be-dismayed, for I am your GOD, I strengthen/give-courage-to you; also, I help/aid/protect you; also, I sustain/support you with MY righteous right hand.
Isa 41:10
(There are many things happening and to come. Mankind says it is natural to have fear. Did David have fear when he went up against Goliath; did Daniel have fear when thrown to hungry lions; did Stephen have fear when he was stoned to death? So, it must be godly unnatural for a believer in Yeshua to stand firm by the Power of the SPIRIT against fear/doubt/anxiety and tell the fear/doubt/anxiety to leave and be gone in the name of Yeshua. Praise to our Lord.)

32nd Day:
The-Lord/YEHOVAH is good/beautiful/bountiful/best/pleasant, a stronghold/rock/fortress in the day of trouble/distress/adversity/affliction/tribulation, and HE knows/is-acquainted-with/cares-for those who seek-refuge/trust in HIM.
Nahum 1:7
(This is a promise to claim with our mouth in faith!)

31st Day:
A Psalm of thanksgiving: Raise-a-shout/make-a-joyful-noise/blow-an-alarm to the-LORD/YEHOVAH, all the Earth. Be-bound-to/worship/work-for/serve the-LORD/YEHOVAH with joy/gladness/pleasure; come before HIS face/presence with joyful- singing/shouts-of-joy. Know that the-LORD/YEHOVAH, HE is GOD; HE made us, and we HIS people, the sheep/flock of HIS pasture, did not (make us). Come-in/enter HIS gates in/with thanksgiving/sacrifice-of-praise (and) HIS courts/enclosure/village with praise/song-of-praise; Give thanks/praise/confession to HIM, kneel-down-before/bless HIS name. For the-LORD/YEHOVAH is good/beautiful/bountiful/best/pleasant; forever/everlasting (is) HIS mercy/favor and to generation to generation HIS faithfulness/steadfastness.
Psalm 100:1, 2, 3, 4, 5

30th Day:
But the fruit of the SPIRIT is love/benevolence, joy/gladness, peace/shalom, patience/forbearance/longsuffering, goodness/uprightness/kindness/gentleness, kindly-goodness/virtuousness, faith/belief/trust/confidence/faithfulness/assurance, humility/gentleness, self-restraint/self-control/temperance; against such things there is no law.
Gal 5: 22, 23

29th Day:
(Whose) mind/purpose/intent (is) stayed/supported/established/laid (on) YOU, YOU will keep/guard/preserve him in shalom-shalom/perfect-peace/the-peace-that-surpasses-all-understanding, for in YOU he trusts.
Isa 26:3

28th Day:
“For truly I say to you, ‘even-until the Heaven and Earth pass-away/pass-by/come-forth/become-vain/are-rendered-void, not one jot/smallest-part or one-letter-stroke/(punctuation) will pass away from the Law even-until all/everything happens/comes-to-passed.”
Mt 5:18
(The word “even-until” above has a meaning: to/as-far-as/even-to/even-until/unto/while/up-to/until)

27th Day:
Speak to all/the-whole assembly/congregation (of the) Sons of Yisra’el (Israel) and say to them, “Holy you will/shall be, for holy (am) I the-LORD/YEHOVAH your GOD.”
Lev 19:2

26th Day:
From the-LORD/YEHOVAH a man’s steps are firm/established/prepared/ordered and his way/path he will delight/be-pleased. For when he will fall, he will not be thrown/cast down/out, For the-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) supporting/upholding (him by) HIS hand.
Psm 37:23, 24
(The hand is the same hand that brought Israel out of Egypt in Ex 7:5)

25th Day:
These I have spoken to you, so that in ME you may have peace/shalom. In the world you will have tribulation/trouble/persecution/distress, but take-courage/be-of-good-cheer; I have overcome/conquered/prevailed-over/subdued/become-victorious-over the world.”
Jhn 16:33

24th Day:
Blessed is the man who endures trial/temptation; because being made approved/acceptable, he will receive the Crown of Life that HE has promised to those loving HIM.
No one being tempted/tested/enticed say, ‘I am being tempted/tested/enticed because-of/by GOD; for GOD is unable-to-be-tempted by-evils, and HIMSELF tempts/tests/entices no one; however everyone is tempted/tested/enticed by their own desire/lust/passion, being drawn-away/enticed and allured/entrapped/enticed; then, having conceived desire/lust/passion, sin/missing-the-mark/failure is brought-forth/born; and sin/missing-the-mark/failure accomplished/completed/fully-grown brings-forth physical-Death/spiritual-Death. Do not be deceived/misled/led-astray, my beloved brethren. Every good act of giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the FATHER of lights, with whom there is no change/variation or shifting/changing shadow.
James 1:12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
(Praying the LORD’s desires are our desires and he leads us and empowers us by the SPIRIT to overcome any bait by keeping us in the light of his presence, in YESHUA’s name.)

23rd Day:
For your aromic/fragrant oils are very-good/pleasant/beautiful, your name is oil poured-out/emptied upon therefore virgins/maidens love-you. Draw me after you, we will run, the King brought me to his room/chambers, we will be glad and rejoice in you, We will remember your love of/from wine, (they are) uprightly to-love-you.
SS 1:3, 4
(I can not put commas in the last part of the 1st sentence because the meaning slightly changes of which each meaning is true. CHRIST/MESSIAH means Anointed One [with oil]. Oil represents the SPIRIT and wine represents blood in Scripture. And, normally I would capitalize what points toward the Lord, but the meaning is two fold.)

22nd Day:
A strong castle/tower/fortress is the name of the-LORD/YEHOVAH; to it run the righteous and are exalted/safe/strong/set-up-on-high.
Prov 18:10

21st Day:
“I will dwell in/with them and walk among them; and I will be their GOD, and they will be to ME a people.” (Lev 26:11, 12) “Therefore, depart out the midst of them and be separate,” says the LORD. “and lay hold of nothing unclean/impure; and I will receive you.” (Isa 52:11, 12) “And I will be for you a Father, and you will be for ME sons and daughters,” says the LORD Almighty (Isa 43:6, 7). Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all pollution/defilement/staining of flesh and spirit, to complete/accomplish holiness in the fear of GOD.
2 Cor 6:16, 17, 18; 7:1

20th Day:
YESHUA said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who accompanies/comes with/to ME will not hunger, and he who believes/has-faith/trust in ME will never thirst.
Jhn 6:35
(So, the opposite is true, if we do not come to in faith and trust and accompany the LORD, we will hunger and thirst for everything not of HIM that is evil)

19th Day:
Do you not know that you are a temple of GOD and the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of GOD, GOD will destroy him, for the temple of GOD is holy, and that is what you are.
1 Cor 3:16, 17
(So, you who have the SPIRIT of the LORD, creator of everything who has all wisdom and knowledge and never speaks a lie, is calling you holy.)

18th Day:
I (the LORD) form/fashion light and create/shape darkness, I make Shalom/peace and create/shape evil/disaster, I the-LORD/YEHOVAH do all these.
Isa 45:7
(In and with the LORD is his created light and perfection he created. Without the LORD is imperfection, darkness, disaster that has been brought forth for those who do not want to be in the light, perfection, the LORD’s very presence. Seek the LORD and love him with all your heart in obedience to his Word to be with the LORD in the light before the darkness.)

17th Day:
Like why are they rebellious against HIM in the wilderness, they grieve/hurt HIM in the wasteland/desert. And, they turn back to HIM and they test GOD {and was made wounded the HOLY ONE of Yisra’el (Israel)} / {and holy Yisra’el (Israel) mocked-HIM-with-a-peg/vexed-HIM/marked-HIM}.
Psm 78:40, 41

16th Day:
We have come to know and have believed the love which GOD has in us. GOD is love, and the one who abides in love remains/dwells in GOD, and GOD dwells/remains in him. In this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as HE is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love throws out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because HE first loved us.
1 Jhn 4:16, 17, 18, 19

15th Day:
And, toward/to/for me how prized/precious are YOUR thoughts/purposes GOD! How great/vast/numerous/mighty is their height/sum/Head/Chief! (If) I should count them, their number/abundance would be much more (than) of sand; I arise/awake and I am-still/continue with YOU.
Psm 139:17, 18
(1 billion grains of sand fit inside a box 1 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot)

14th Day:
And you, son of man, say to the sons of your people, ‘The righteousness of a righteous man will not deliver him in the day of his transgression; and as for the wickedness of the wicked, he will not fall because of it in the day when he turns from his wickedness; whereas a righteous man will not be able to live in/by/because-of his righteousness in the day he sins.’
Ezek 33:12
(“son of man” could be “SON of man”)

13th Day:
Hear/obey Israel the LORD our GOD the LORD, (the) ONE. And, to love the LORD your GOD in all your heart/mind and in all your soul/breathing-fresh and in all your strength/force/muchness.
Dt 6:4, 5

12th Day:
And this is love, that we live/walk according to HIS commandments. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should live/walk in it.
2 John 1:6

11th Day:
Now, if the SPIRIT of the (ONE) having raised YESHUA from (the) dead dwells/cohabitates in/with you, the (ONE) having raised from the dead YESHUA the MESSIAH/CHRIST will also give life to your mortal bodies/flesh through the indwelling/inhabiting (of) HIS SPIRIT in/with you. So then, brothers/fellow sinners/debtors, we are not of the flesh/body/human-nature to live according to the flesh/body/human-nature; for, if you are living according to the flesh/body/human-nature, you intend to-be-dying/to-decay/to-wither; but, if by (the) SPIRIT you put-to-death/kill the works/deeds/acts of the body/flesh, you are/will living/alive/live/be-alive. For, as many being led/guided/brought/carried by (the) SPIRIT of GOD, these are sons of GOD.
Rom 8:11, 12, 13, 14

10th Day:
Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people of the land, for they (are) our bread/food (mission); their protection has departed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them.”
Num 14:9

9th Day:
Therefore, thus says the LORD/ADONAY YEHOVAH/the-LORD, “Behold, a foundation STONE/stone in Zion, a tried STONE/stone, a precious CORNERSTONE/cornerstone, an established FOUNDATION/foundation, the believer will not be-hasty/rash/impatient/in-a-hurry.
Isa 28:16

8th Day:
He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving, they will honor ME and appoint the way I will show them in GOD’s deliverance/rescue/safety.”
Psm 50:23

7th Day:
YESHUA answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the SON/son does remain forever. So if the SON makes you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:34, 35, 36

6th Day:
The law of the-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the-LORD/YEHOVAH (is) sure, making wise the simple.
Psm 19:7

5th Day:
HE has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, (so) great is HIS lovingkindness toward those who fear HIM. As far as the east is from the west, (so) far has HE removed our transgressions from us.
Psm 103:10, 11, 12
(There is no east or west poles, so those directions go around infinitely.)

4th Day:
To console to mourners of Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the-LORD/YEHOVAH, to glorify/beautify HIMSELF.
Isa 61:3

3rd Day:
We know that whoever is born of GOD doesn’t sin, but he who was born of GOD keeps himself, and the evil one doesn’t touch him. We know that we are of GOD, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. We know that the SON of GOD has come, and has given us an understanding, that we know HIM who is true, and we are in HIM who is true, in HIS SON YESHUA ha’MASHIACH/MESSIAH/CHRIST. This is the true GOD and eternal life.
1 John 5:18, 19, 20

2nd Day:

For, (though) walking in (the) flesh/body/human-nature, we do not wage-war/fight according-to/by-the-way-of the flesh/body/human-nature; for, the weapons/tools/instruments of our warfare/military-service (are) not fleshly/bodily/temporal, but Godly powerful for (the) demolishing/destroying/making-extinct of strongholds/fortresses, tearing-down/destroying reasoning/imagination/arguments and every barrier/high-thing/bulwark/elevated-place lifted-up/raised-up/exalted against the knowledge/doctrine/wisdom of GOD and taking-captive/subduing/ensnaring every thought/purpose/scheme/mind/heart/feeling captive into the obedience/compliance/submission of MESSIAH/CHRIST and by having (us) prepared/ready to avenge/vindicate all disobedience/inattention, when might have been fulfilled your obedience/compliance/submission.
2 Cor 10:3, 4, 5, 6

1st Day:
Seek the-LORD/YEHOVAH and HIS strength; Seek HIS face continually. Remember HIS wonders which HE has done, HIS marvels and the judgments uttered by HIS mouth, SEED/seed of Abraham, HIS servant, sons of Jacob, HIS chosen ones! HE (is) the-LORD/YEHOVAH our GOD; HIS judgments (are) in all the earth.
Psm 105:4, 5, 6, 7

And, to Adam HE said, ‘Because you heard/obeyed/heeded to (the) voice (of) your wife/woman and have eaten/burned-up/consumed from the tree which I commanded you saying you shall not consume/burn-up/eat from it; cursed (is) the ground/soil/’adamah on your account; in toil/pain/sorrow you will eat/burn-up/consume (of) it all the days your alive/living.
Gen 3:17
And, thorn and thistle it will bring-forth/bear/sprout/spring-up for you; and, you will eat/burn-up/consume the herb/vegetation (of) the field/land.
Gen 3:18

For, thus/in-this-manner GOD loved the inhabitants-of-the-world/world, that HE gave/offered the SON, the only-born/sole/only-child/one-and-only, so that all/everyone believing/trusting/having-faith in HIM will not be-destroyed/perish but will have eternal/unending/perpetual/everlasting life.
Jhn 3:16

For man/husband is head/ruler/corner-stone of the woman/wife as also CHRIST/MESSIAH/ANOINTED-ONE (is) head of the Church/Assembly/Congregation; HE HIMSELF SAVIOR/DELIVERER/PRESERVER of the Body/(Church).
Eph 5:23

Remember (the) first/former/chief (things) from/of forever/everlasting/always/perpetual, for/because I (am) GOD and (there is) no other GOD and (there is) none like ME.
Isa 46:9

For truly your iniquity/sin will-be of dividing/separating between you (and) for between your GOD/ELOHIM, and your offence-and-its-penalty/punishment have made concealed/hidden (HIS)-face-from-you/(the)-face-of-you from hearing.
Isa 59:2

And, said the-LORD/YEHOVAH to Mosheh/Moses, “Arise/ascend/climb-up to/into/toward MY mountain and be there and I will bestow/give/appoint/assign to you Aleph-Tav/the slabs/tablets (of) the stone and the Torah/Instruction/Word and the Mitzvah/Commandment/Law/Instruction which I have written to teach/point-out-to them.”
Ex 24:12

Who will pay-the-penalty/suffer eternal/perpetual/unending/everlasting ruin/doom/destruction/death/punishment from/away-from (the) face/appearance (G4383) (of) the LORD and from/away-from the glory/honor/splendor (of) the strength/might/power/ability of HIM.
[Interlinear ref: 2 Thes 1:9]