4th 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

Week of Man: 4th 1000 Year Day

Kings of Yisra’el (Israel) & Yehudah (Judah), Divided Kingdom
2967 AC (1046 BC) to 3425 AC (587 BC)

The 22nd leader of Yisra’el (Israel) since Mosheh (Moses), Shelomoh (Solomon), marries many foreign wives turning his heart away from the Lord and leading him to do evil before the Lord in his last days of reigning as king, causing the Lord to divide Yisra’el (Israel) and place another ruler over 10 of the 12 tribes during the time of the son of Shelomoh (Solomon) (1 Kgs 11:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36). While the kings of Yehudah (Judah) continued to count their reign from Yom Teru‘ah (1st day of 7th month), the rebellious kings of Yisra’el (Israel) counted their reign from the 1st day of ha’Aviv (Nisan/1st month) like the Babylonians & Assyrians [11] [12] [13]. (Even though the reigns of kings are counted as inclusive or exclusive with overlap, there is only one way to line up every Scripture of both the kings of Yehudah [Judah] and the kings of Yisra’el [Israel].) Shelomoh’s son Rechav‘am (Rehoboam) was the 6th king of Yehudah, starting in 3081 AC (931 BC) (like his father, this year was counted for Shelomoh and the next year started his 1st year), 17 years from 3082 AC (931 BC) to 3098 AC (914 BC) (1 Kgs 11:43; 14:21, 22, 23, 24; 1 Chr 3:10; 2 Chr 9:31; 12:13, 14; Mt 1:7). Shelomoh’s warrior Yarav‘am (Jeroboam) was made the 6th king of the 10 tribes of Yisra’el by the Lord and reigned 22 years from 3081 AC (931 BC) to 3103 AC (910 BC) (1 Kgs 12:20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33; 14:20). In Yarav‘am’s (Jeroboam’s) 18th year, 3098 AC (914 BC), Rechav‘am’s (Rehoboam’s) son ’Aviyyam/’Aviyyah (Abijam/Abijah) (Just as Hoshea‘ was called Yehoshua‘ [Joshua], some kings had a common name & a royal name [Num 13:16]) became the 7th king of Yehudah for 3 years from 3099 AC (914 BC) to 3101 AC (912 BC) (1 Kgs 14:31; 15:1, 2, 3; 1 Chr 3:10; 2 Chr 12:16; 13:1, 2; Mt 1:7). In Yarav‘am (Jeroboam) 20th year, 3101 AC (912 BC), ’Aviyyam’s/’Aviyyah’s (Abijam’s/Abijah’s) son ’Asa’ became the 8th king of Yehudah for 41 years from 3102 AC (911 BC) to 3142 AC (871 BC) (1 Kgs 15:8, 9, 10, 11, 14; 22:43; 1 Chr 3:10; 2 Chr 14:1; Mt 1:7). In the 2nd year of ’Asa’, 3103 AC (910 BC), Yarav‘am’s (Jeroboam’s) son Nadav (Nadab) became the 7th king of Yisra’el for 2 years from 3103 AC (910 BC) to 3104 AC (909 BC), the 3rd year of ’Asa’ (1 Kgs 15:25, 26, 28). In the 3rd year of ’Asa’, 3104 AC (909 BC), Ba‘sha’ (Baasha) killed Nadav (Nadab) and became the 8th king of Yisra’el for 24 years from 3104 AC (909 BC) to 3127 AC (886 BC) (1 Kgs 15:27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34; 16:8, 13). In the 26th year of ’Asa’, 3127 AC (886 BC), the son of Ba‘sha’ (Baasha), ’Elah, became the 9th king of Yisra’el for 2 years from 3127 AC (886 BC) to 3128 AC (885 BC) (1 Kgs 16:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13). In the 27th year of ’Asa’, 3128 AC (885 BC), the servant of ’Elah, Zimri, reigned as the 10th king of Yisra’el for 7 days after killing ’Elah; and then, he killed himself after the people of Yisra’el made the commander of Ba‘sha’ (Baasha), ‘Amri (Omri) who built Shomron (Samaria), to start to reign over Yisra’el 12 years from 3128 AC (885 BC) to 3139 AC (874 BC), the 38th year of ’Asa’ (1 Kgs 16:9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29). Then, Yisra’el also made Tivni (Tibni) to reign in Yisra’el in the year of 3128 AC (885 BC) forming a divided kingdom for 6 years while ‘Amri (Omri) reigned from Tirtsah (Tirzah) until Tivni’s (Tibni’s) death in the 31st year of ’Asa’, 3132 AC (880 BC), allowed ‘Amri (Omri) to ruler from Shomron (Samaria) over Yisra’el (1 Kgs 16:21, 22, 23). In the 36th year of ’Asa’, 3137 AC (876-875 BC), the commander of the army of Ba‘sha’ (Baasha), ‘Amri (Omri) who had not been made king by the Lord but by the people, came against Yehudah testing ’Asa’, who does not seek the Lord but the enemy for deliverance (1 Kgs 16:16; 2 Chr 16:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). In the 38th year of ’Asa’, 3139 AC (874 BC), ‘Amri’s (Omri’s) son ’Ach’av (Ahab), who married ’Izevel (Jezebel), reigned in Yisra’el from Shomron (Samaria) for 22 years from 3139 AC (874 BC) to 3159 AC (854 BC) and was recognized as the 11th king of Yisra’el after he humbled himself before the Lord and Yehu’ (Jehu) was not anointed as king of Yisra’el by ’Eliyyah/’Eliyyahu (Elijah) at this time (Chr and even many verses in Kgs do not recognize ‘Amri [Omri] or ’Ach’av [Ahab] as king until 1 Kgs 21:29 [1 Kgs 22:4; 2 Chr 18:3]) (1 Kgs 16:28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33; 19:16; 21:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29; 22:1, 2, 3, 4, 51). After ’Asa’ died in his 41st year in the 4th year of ’Ach’av (Ahab), 3142 AC (871 BC), the son of ’Asa’, Yehoshaphath (Jehoshaphat), became the 9th king of Yehudah for 25 years from 3143 AC (870 BC) to 3167 AC (846-845 BC) (1 Kgs 15:24; 22:41, 42, 43; 1 Chr 3:10; 2 Chr 16:13; 20:31; Mt 1:8). After ’Ach’av (Ahab) dies in the 17th year of Yehoshaphath (Jehoshaphat), 3159 AC (853 BC), his son ’Achazyah (Ahaziah) becomes the 12th king of Yisra’el for 2 years from 3159 AC (853 BC) to 3160 AC (852 BC) (1 Kgs 16:29; 22:40, 51; 2 Kgs 3:1). After ’Achazyah (Ahaziah) died in the 18th year of Yehoshaphath (Jehoshaphat) and 2nd year of Yehoshaphath’s (Jehoshaphat’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) being an ambassador/crowned-prince of Yehudah the year of 3160 AC (852 BC), ’Ach’av’s (Ahab’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) became the 13th king of Yisra’el for 12 years from 3160 AC (852 BC) to 3171 AC (841 BC), when he was killed by Yehu’ (Jehu) (1 Kgs 22:50; 2 Kgs 1:17; 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; 8:16; 9:24; 1 Chr 3:10, 11; 2 Chr 21:1). In the 22nd year of Yehoshaphath (Jehoshaphat) and 5th year of ’Ach’av’s (Ahab’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram), 3164 AC (848 BC), Yehoshaphath’s (Jehoshaphat’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) became a coregent king for 4 years until Yehoshaphath’s (Jehoshaphat’s) death in 3167 AC (846-845 BC) when Yehoshaphath’s (Jehoshaphat’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) continued as the singular 10th king of Yehudah, reigning overall 8 years from 3164 AC (848 BC) to 3171 AC (842 BC) (2 Kgs 8:16, 17, 18; 1 Kgs 22:50; 2 Chr 21:1, 5, 6, 7, 20; 1 Chr 3:10, 11; Mt 1:8). In the 12th year of ’Ach’av’s (Ahab’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) and the 1st year of ’Achazyah (Ahaziah), 3171 AC (841 BC), Yehu’ (Jehu) is anointed 14th king of Yisra’el through ’Elisha‘ to reign for 28 years from 3171 AC (841 BC) to 3199 AC (814 BC), the 23rd year of Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash), and commanded to bring an end to the house of ’Ach’av’s (Ahab’s) (2 Kgs 9:1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 27; 8:25, 26; 10:30, 31, 36; 13:1). 42 years after ‘Amri (Omri) was made a ruler, in the 11th year of ’Ach’av’s (Ahab’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) in 3171 AC (842 BC), the 22 year old son of Yehoshaphath’s (Jehoshaphat’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) and the son of ‘Amri’s (Omri‘s) daughter ‘Athalyah (Athaliah), ’Achazyah (Ahaziah), became the 11th king of Yehudah after the death of his father and reigned until killed by Yehu’ (Jehu) for the 1 year of 3171 AC (842-841 BC), the 12th year of ’Ach’av’s (Ahab’s) son Yehoram/Yoram (Jehoram/Joram) (1 Chr 3:11; 2 Chr 22:1, 2, 3, 4; 2 Kgs 8:24, 25, 26; 9:27, 28, 29) (The Hebrew word for “daughter” and “granddaughter” is the same. ‘Achazyah (Ahaziah) was born only 20 years from when ‘Amri (Omri) became king. So, ‘Athalyah (Athaliah) was more likely a daughter than a granddaughter as some translations suggest). After ’Achazyah’s (Ahaziah’s) death in 3171 AC (841 BC), his mother ‘Athalyah (Athaliah) ruled over Yehudah for 6 years from 3171 AC (841 BC) to 3177 AC (835 BC), the 7th year of Yehu’ (Jehu), when at the age of 7 Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash), son of ’Achazyah (Ahaziah), becomes the 12th king of Yehudah for 40 years from 3177 AC (835 BC) to 3216 AC (797-796 BC) (1 Chr 3:11; 2 Chr 22:2, 11, 12; 23:1; 2 Kgs 11:2, 3, 4, 21; 12:1). In the 23rd year of Yo’ash (Joash), 3199 AC (814 BC), Yehu’s (Jehu’s) son Yeho’achaz (Jehoahaz/Joahaz) became the 15th king of Yisra’el for 17 years from 3199 AC (814 BC) to 3214 AC (or 3215 AC) (798 BC) (2 Kgs 10:35, 36; 13:1, 2). In the 37th year of ’Achazyah’s (Ahaziah’s) son Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash), 3213 AC (799 BC), Yeho’achaz’s (Jehoahaz’s/Joahaz’s) son Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash) became a coregent king for 2 years while he reigned overall as the 16th king of Yisra’el for 16 years from 3213 AC (799 BC) to 3228 AC (784 BC) (2 Kgs 13:1, 2, 10; 2 Chr 25:17). In the 2nd year of Yeho’achaz’s (Jehoahaz’s/Joahaz‘s) son Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash), 3214 AC (798 BC), ’Amatzyahu (Amaziah), son of ’Achazyah’s (Ahaziah’s) son Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash), became a coregent king for 3 years while he reigned overall as the 13th king of Yehudah for 29 years from 3214 AC (798 BC) to 3242 AC (770 BC), the 15th year after the death of Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash) son of Yeho’achaz (Jehoahaz/Joahaz) in 3228 AC (784 BC) (2 Kgs 12:1, 20, 21; 14:1, 2, 3, 17, 21; 1 Chr 3:12; 2 Chr 24:1, 27; 25:1, 2, 25). In 3216 AC (796 BC), Yarav‘am (Jeroboam), son of Yeho’achaz’s (Jehoahaz’s) son Yeho’ash/Yo’ash (Jehoash/Joash), became a coregent king of Yisra’el for 13 years until Yeho’achaz’s (Jehoahaz’s) son Yeho’ash’s/Yo’ash’s (Jehoash/Joash’s) death in 3228 AC (784 BC), the 15th year of ’Amatzyahu (Amaziah), when Yarav‘am (Jeroboam) continued as the singular 17th king of Yisra’el, reigning overall 41 years from 3216 AC (796 BC) to 3256 AC (756 BC) (2 Kgs 13:10; 14:16, 23). In 3219 AC (794-793 BC), ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah), son of ’Amatzyahu (Amaziah), became a coregent king of Yehudah for 24 years until ’Amatzyahu’s (Amaziah’s) death in 3242 AC (770 BC), the 27th year of Yarav‘am (Jeroboam), when ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah) continued as the singular 14th king over Yehudah, reigning overall 52 years from 3219 AC (794-793 BC) to 3270 AC (743-742 BC) (2 Kgs 14:1, 2, 21; 2 Kgs 15:1, 2, 3; 1 Chr 3:12; 2 Chr 26:1; 2 Chr 26:3) [2 Chr 26:1 and 2 Kgs 14:21 in the Hebrew read: “…he (was) 16 years old, and made him to reign under his father ’Amatzyahu (Amaziah).” The meaning of the word “instead” is “under” in the Hebrew]. After Yarav‘am (Jeroboam) died in his 41st year in the 38th year of ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah) in 3256 AC (756 BC), his son Zekaryah (Zechariah), the 4th generation of Yehu’ (Jehu), became the 18th king of Yisra’el for 6 months until the 39th year of ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah) in 3257 AC (755 BC) when Shallum killed him, bringing the word of the Lord to past, and became the 19th king of Yisra’el for 1 month (being king after 1st day of ha’Aviv [Nisan/1st month]); Menachem (Menahem) then killed Shallum and became the 20th king of Yisra’el in 3257 AC (755 BC) for 10 years from 3258 AC (754 BC) to 3268 AC (745 BC) and, king of ’Ashshur (Assyria), 1000 talents of silver (2 Kgs 10:30; 14:23, 29; 15:8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20; 1 Chr 5:26). After Menachem (Menahem) died in 3268 AC (745 BC), his son Peqachyah (Pekahiah) became the 21st king of Yisra’el for 2 years from the 50th year of ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah), 3268 AC (745 BC), to 3270 AC (743 BC) when his officer, Peqach (Pekah), killed him and became the 22nd king over Yisra’el for 20 years from the 52nd year of ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah), 3270 AC (743 BC), to 3289 AC (724 BC) (2 Kgs 15:23, 24, 25, 27, 28). After ‘Azaryah/‘Uzziyyah (Azariah/Uzziah) died in his 52nd year in the 2nd year of Peqach (Pekah), 3270 AC (742 BC), his son Yotham (Jotham) (who had been a judge: 2 Chr 26:21) became the singular 15th king of Yehudah for 16 years from 3270 AC (742 BC) to 3285 AC (727 BC), the 17th year of Peqach (Pekah), when Yotham (Jotham) then became a subdued king of Yehudah by his son, Achaz (Ahaz) (1 Chr 3:12, 13; 2 Kgs 15:1, 2, 30, 32, 33, 34, 38; 16:1; 2 Chr 26:21, 23; 27:1, 2, 8, 9; Mt 1:9).Achaz (Ahaz) then reigned as the 16th king of Yehudah for 16 years from the 17th year of Peqach (Pekah) in 3285 AC (727 BC) to 3300 AC (713-712 BC) while paying Tiglath-Pil’eser/Pul, king of ’Ashshur (Assyria), in 3285 AC (727 BC) to go up against Yisra’el (Israel), leading to part of Yisra’el being brought into Assyrian captivity during the 22nd king of Yisra’el after 22 Yovels (Jubilees) since the birth of Yisra’el (Israel)/Ya‘aqov (Jacob) (2 Kgs 15:29, 38; 16:1, 2, 7, 8, 9; 2 Chr 27:9; 28:1, 27) [14]. After Peqach (Pekahwas killed in his & Yotham’s (Jotham’s) 20th year in 3289 AC (724 BC), Hoshe‘a became the 23rd king of Yisra’el for 9 years from 3289 AC (724 BC) to 3296 AC (716 BC(2 Kgs 15:30; 17:1; 2 Kgs 17:2) (2 Kgs 17:1 in Hebrew reads: “In year 12 (of) ’Achaz (Ahaz) king of Yehudah (Judah), king Hoshe’a (the) son of ‘Elah, in Shomron (Samaria) over Yisra’el nine years.”). In the 3rd year of Hoshe‘a, 3291 AC (722 BC), ’Achaz’s (Ahaz’s) son Chizqiyyah/Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah) became coregent king of Yehudah for 10 years until ’Achaz’s (Ahaz’s) death in 3300 AC (713-712 BC) when Chizqiyyah/Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah) continued as the singular 17th king over Yehudah, reigning overall 29 years from 3291 AC (722 BC) to 3319 AC (694-693 BC) (2 Kgs 16:20; 18:1, 2, 3; 1 Chr 3:13; 2 Chr 29:1, 2; Mt 1:9) (You may note ’Achaz (Ahaz) had to be 10 years old when he had Chizqiyyah/Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah). And, it is possible for a boy 8 years and older to bring forth a child). In 3294 AC (718 BC) in the 5th year of Shalman’eser (V), the king of ’Ashshur (Assyria), & the 7th year of Hoshe‘a & the 10th year ofAchaz (Ahaz) & the 4th year of Chizqiyyah/ Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah), Yisra’el was placed under siege by Shalman’eser (V) (2 Kgs 17:3, 4, 5; 18:9) [15][15-2]. After 3 years under siege, in the year of 3296 AC (716 BC), the 12th year ofAchaz (Ahaz) 9th year of Hoshe‘a & 6th year of Chizqiyyah/ Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah)Yisra’el was defeated by the Assyrian king (Sargon II) and taken into captivity (2 Kgs 17:1, 5, 6, 7, 8; 18:10, 11, 12) [16][16-2]. In 3304 BC (709-708 BC), the 14th year of Chizqiyyah/ Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah), the king/ashur of ’Ashshur (Assyria), Sancherib (Sennacherib), laid a siege against Yehudah and was defeated by the Lord, causing Sancherib (Sennacherib) to return home to be killed some time later and be replaced as king of ’Ashshur (Assyria) by his son ’Esar-haddon (2 Kgs 18:13; 19:35, 36, 37; 2 Chr 32:1, 20, 21, 22) [17] [18] {video}. Ashur/king of ’Ashshur (Assyria), who thought he was greater than GOD, & ’Ashshur (Assyria) are the 2nd head, king & mountain (kingdom), of the Dragon and the 2nd head of the beast of Babylon (2 Kgs 18:32, 33, 34, 35; Rev 13:1, 2; 17:9) [19]. The LORD added 15 years to the life of Chizqiyyah/ Chizqiyyahu (Hezekiah) starting in the year of 3304 BC (709-708 BC) until he died in his 29th year in 3319 AC (694-693 BC) when his son Menashsheh (Manasseh) became the 18th king of Yehudah for 55 years from 3319 AC (694-693 BC) to 3373 AC (640-639 BC) (1 Chr 3:13; 2 Kgs 18:1, 2; 20:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 21; 21:1, 2; 2 Chr 29:1; 32:33; 33:1, 2; Mt 1:10). After Menashsheh (Manasseh) died in 3373 AC (640-639 BC), his son ’Amon became the 19th king of Yehudah for 2 years from 3373 AC (640-639 BC) to 3374 AC (639-638 BC) (1 Chr 3:13, 14; 2 Kgs 21:1, 18, 19, 20; 2 Chr 33:1, 21, 22; Mt 1:10). After ’Amon died in 3374 AC (639-638 BC), his son Yoshiyyahu (Josiah) became the 20th king of Yehudah for 31 years from 3374 AC (639-638 BC) to 3404 AC (609-608 BC) (1 Chr 3:14; 2 Kgs 21:19, 26; 22:1, 2; 2 Chr 33:21, 25; 34:1, 2; Mt 1:10). Ashshur (Assyria) fell to the rule of Babel/Bavel (Babylon) in the next few years after losing the Battle of Nineveh in 3400 AC (612 BC) [20]. After Yoshiyyahu (Josiah) went up against Pharaoh of Mitzrayim (Egypt), Neco (Nekhoh) / (Necho II), at Megiddo and was killed in 3404 AC (609-608 BC), his 3rd son Shallum/Yeho’achaz (Jehoahaz [Joahaz]) became the 21st king of Yehudah for 3 months in 3404 AC (609-608 BC) (1 Chr 3:15; 2 Kgs 22:1; 23:29, 30, 31, 32; 2 Chr 34:1; 36:1, 2; Jer 22:11, 12) [21]Pharaoh of Mitsrayim (Egypt), Neco (Nekhoh) / (Necho II), then took Yeho’achaz (Jehoahaz [Joahaz]) into captivity within Mitzrayim (Egypt) and replaced him with his brother Elyaqim/Yehoyaqim (Eliakim/Jehoiakim), the 2nd son of Yoshiyyahu (Josiah), who became the 22nd king of Yehudah for 11 years from 3404 AC (608 BC) to 3415 AC (598 BC) (1 Chr 3:15; 2 Kgs 23:31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37; 2 Chr 36:2, 3, 4, 5). In the 3rd year of ’Elyaqim/Yehoyaqim (Eliakim/Jehoiakim), 3407 AC (605 BC), Nebukhadnetztzar (Nebuchadnezzar II), as crown prince of Babel/Bavel (Babylon), laid siege against Yehudah and took part of Yehudah into captivity, including Daniyyel (Daniel), starting the 1st year of  captivity within Babel/Bavel (Babylon) ending 70 years later in 3476 AC (536 BC) (Jer 25:11, 12; 29:10; Dan 1:1, 2; 2 Chr 36:5, 6, 7, 21; 2 Kgs 24:1) [22a]. The Captives did not participate in the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) of 3408 AC (605 BC) & ended the “perpetual,” starting the 1290 year count of Daniyyel (Daniel) that ended in 4699 AC (687 AD) (Dan 12:11). King of Babel/Bavel (Babylon), Nebukhadnetztzar (Nebuchadnezzar II) who in pride thought himself greater than GOD, & Babel/Bavel (Babylon) are the 3rd head, king & mountain (kingdom), of the Dragon and the 3rd head of the beast of Babylon (2 Kgs 18:32, 33, 34, 35; Rev 13:1, 2; 17:9; Dan 2:31, 32, 38; 3:1, 4, 5, 6; 4:30). After ’Elyaqim/Yehoyaqim (Eliakim/Jehoiakim) died in 3415 AC (598 BC), his son Yehoyakhin/Yekanyah/Kanyahu (Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah) became the singular 23rd king of Yehudah for 3 months in 3415 AC (598 BC) after being a coregent king since the year 3405 AC (607 BC) (1 Chr 3:16; 2 Kgs 23:36; 24:6, 8, 9, 10; 2 Chr 36:5, 8, 9; Jer 24:1). Nebukhadnetztzar (Nebuchadnezzar II), king of Babel/Bavel (Babylon), laid a 2nd siege against Yehudah in the 9th Month of his 8th year, 3415 AC (598 BC), and took Yehoyakhin/Yekanyah/Kanyahu (Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah), along with part of Yehudah, into captivity within Babel/Bavel (Babylon) in the 12th month of 3415 AC (597 BC) {video} (Moving the year recorded in Wikipedia forward 1 year shows the alignment with this timeline. Different nations had different ways of counting the reign of a king leading to what looks like a years difference but is really the same time period. Nebuchadnezzar’s ascension year was counted in Scripture for 578 BC to be his 8th year but was not counted in the Babylonian record that calls the year his 7th year) (2 Kgs 24:8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) [22b]. Nebukhadnetztzar (Nebuchadnezzar II) then replaced Yehoyakhin/Yekanyah/Kanyahu (Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah) with his uncle Mattanyah/Tzidqiyyahu/Tzidqiyyah (Mattaniah/Zedekiah), the 4th son of Yoshiyyahu (Josiah), who became the 24th king of Yehudah for 11 years from 3415 AC (597 BC) to 3425 AC (587 BC) (2 Kgs 24:17, 18, 19; 2 Chr 36:10, 11, 12) (Yehoyakhin/Yekanyah/Kanyahu [Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah] had a son called Tzidqiyyah [Zedekiah] who never became a king [1 Chr 3:16; Jer 22:24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30].). On the 10th day of the 10th Month (Tevet) of the 9th year of Mattanyah/Tzidqiyyahu/Tzidqiyyah (Mattaniah/Zedekiah), 3423 AC (590 BC), Nebukhadnetztzar (Nebuchadnezzar II) laid siege against Yehudah a 3rd time for 3 years until the 9th day of the 4th Month (Tammuz) of the 11th year of Mattanyah/Tzidqiyyahu/Tzidqiyyah (Mattaniah/Zedekiah) & the 19th year of Nebukhadnetztzar (Nebuchadnezzar II), 3425 AC (587 BC), when on the 7th day to the 10th day of the 5th month (Av) he destroyed the Temple & Yerushalaim (Jerusalem) and took all but the poorest of Yehudah into captivity within Babel/Bavel (Babylon) (2 Kgs 24:20; 25:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 21; 2 Chr 36:18, 19, 20; Jer 52:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) [22c].

Next: Foreign Kings over Yisra’el (Israel) & Yehudah (Judah)