
(You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 10th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Now, we need to move on to something the Moon has a big affect upon, water. The Hebrew word mym/mayim (H4325) is the plural form and means waters. The Hebrew word my/mey (H4325) is the singular form meaning water and is used less in Scripture than mym/mayim. A Hebrew word spelled the same as my/mey is my/mi (H4310) that is an interrogative pronoun like “who?”. The Hebrew letter “m” can be a prefix meaning “from/of/out-of” [ref]. The “y” in my/mey is a Yod. So, the Hebrew word my/mey could be looked at as “from/of/out-of Yod.” And, with my/mey and my/mi being spelled the same, this gives water a representation of “who?”. Water is representing a person (a who) with waters representing people/mankind (Rev 17:15). Just as the land was raised up out of the sea on the 3rd day of Creation (Gen 1:9, 10), Yisra’el/Israel was raised up out of Mitzrayim/Egypt from out of the sea (Ex 14:29, 30). Whereas Mitzrayim/Egypt was covered/buried by the sea (Ex 14:28). Man was made from the earth and raised up out of the sea to be a Kingdom of Priest. And, Yisra’el/Israel was raised out of the sea to be a Kingdom of Priest. Even during the judgement of the Flood of Noach’s (Noah’s) time, Noach/Noah was raised from out of the sea to continue the line that would be the Kingdom of Priest while mankind was covered/buried by the sea (Gen 7:19, 20, 21, 22, 23). The land that is separated from the sea/waters is representing the Kingdom-of-Priest/the-Church. The sea is representing a place of death. but Isn’t water good because it cleans? The water was cleaning evil mankind from ‘Aretz/Earth during the flood and when the army from Mitzrayim/Egypt was covered over by the sea/salt-water (Gen 6:5, 6, 7). But, there is a water that is different than the sea that represents death. Not just land was separated from the sea/salt-water. Water of the sky was also separated from the salt-water/sea on the 2nd Day of Creation (Gen 1:6, 7). With the light of Day One of Creation heating up ‘Aretz/Earth and causing the water on ‘Aretz/Earth to evaporate from the sea, the evaporated water of the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) leaves behind the salt and impurities of the sea [ref]. And, the water/water-vapor/clouds/rain in the sky have the wind in/upon them and moving them. The Hebrew word chay (H2416) means “living” and can also mean “flowing/moving.” The clean water of the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) is moving/flowing water that is called living water. Even after the water rains down as moving/living water, it remain fresh moving/living water of streams and rivers that are above the sea. Moving/living water is different than the salt sea that is below the surface on ‘Aretz/Earth and moves nowhere but within itself. The wind represents the SPIRIT. The water in the sky is still representing man, but it is representing man that has left mankind/the-world (represented by the sea) behind to enter into Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky and be filled and moved by the SPIRIT (represented by the wind). The LORD the SPIRIT is called the Living Water given from the Rock, that is YESHUA (1 Cor 10:4: Jhn 4:10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 7:37, 38, 39). So, a Believer’s baptism represents their death and burial under the water, that represents the world of man they are leaving behind, and they are raised out from the water into the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s), that represents the home and family of the LORD. Then, the Believer who enters the Family of the LORD is filled and moved by the SPIRIT/Living-Water who they welcomed within themselves (Eph 5:15). The Believer becomes one with the SPIRIT; and so, they become a part of the Living-Water.

Water is made with 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen. Hydrogen was shown to represent the LORD the FATHER. YESHUA said, “…The (one) seeing ME sees the FATHER…” (Jhn 14:9). So, the other hydrogen of water is representing the LORD the SON, YESHUA. And, it was shown the 8th element of oxygen is representing man with the LORD, more specifically man with the LORD the SPIRIT (7+1 = 8) (see Chayet). Hydrogen being the first element represents 1, where oxygen is the 8th element representing 8. So, water equals 10 (1+1+8 = 10). With the water representing man joined with the LORD like the 10th Hebrew letter of Yod is representing, the water (10) of the sea below being separated from water (10) of the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) above is like the feet/hands-of-the-legs with 10 digits below separated from the hands of the arms with 10 digits above. The hands and the water are representing the same thing; so, even in the Hebrew the word for water (my/mey) means “from/of/out-of Yod.” With the water representing man, the water was separated from water to point toward the separation of man from man as wheat will be separated from the tares or as the sheep will be separated from the goats (Gen 1:6; Mt 13:30; 25:31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 46). This separation of waters, occurring on the 2nd Day of Creation, formed 2 houses with the house below being the holy place and the house above being the holy of holies (of the Heaven[s]); the expanse in the middle of these 2 houses is Shamayim (Heaven[s]) or the Door (see Dalet) (Gen 1:8; Luk 11:20; 17:20-21; Mt 10:7). This is just as the head of the body has two houses: the area of the mind/brain (that represents the LORD the FATHER) being a house representing the Holy of Holies, and the area of the mouth being a house, representing the Holy Place below where there is continuous sacrificing by the gnashing of teeth. Then as was learned in Hebrew letter Zayin, there is an expanse/triangular-door between the two houses of the head called the nose that has air/sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s) within it. So, again we have the same pattern designed into our head.

The LORD is holy (Lev 11:45). When HE is near unholiness/uncleanness, fire comes forth to remove the unholiness. Unholiness just can not be before the LORD without burning. A few examples of the LORD’s holiness burning unholiness in Bible/Word/Scriptures are Nadav/Nadab and ‘Avihu’/’Abihu’ (Lev 10:1, 2) and the example we can still see today in the top of Mount Sinay (Sinai/Jabal-Maqla) being burned from the holy presence of the LORD [ref] (Ex 19:16, 17, 18, 19, 20; Dt 5:2, 22, 23). How unholy can a mountain be? Once ‘Adam sinned the whole created world was “subjected” to the sin and became unclean with the ground being cursed (Gen 3:17; Rom 8:20, 21, 22). So, even the mountain burned. In science, this burning reaction is called combustion reaction [ref]. The combustion reaction also occurs within our bodies but is not called a combustion reaction; it is call cellular respiration [ref]. The main chemical reaction of the break down of food with oxygen is C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy to form ATP [ref]. That C6H12O6 is sugar that is obtained from our food [ref]. Water is H2O. So, there are 6 waters in the sugar. Carbon is the 6th element representing the 6th Hebrew letter Wav that represents the flesh-of-man/man; there are 6 carbons in the sugar. We know water represents man. And, we get sugar from chewing/sacrificing food in the mouth, that represents the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death (see The Flesh). Altogether, the sugar is representing the flesh-of-a-man (6 H2O/waters) carrying upon HIMSELF the death of man (6 carbons) as HE was sacrificed with the Hell (the-mouth/teeth) of death/continuous-sacrificing. This sugar/food is representing YESHUA WHO is GOD and died in the flesh as a man to carry upon HIMSELF the Death/Hell of man. After the food/sugar is sacrificed in the mouth as YESHUA was sacrificed on the Cross, the sugar/food is swallowed down a dark bottomless pit called the throat. Food that is meat then takes about 72 hours (3 days) to process through the body [ref]. Man was made from ‘Aretz/Earth; so, a man can represent ‘Aretz/Earth. And, like the meat sacrifices of lambs and goats that represented YESHUA, the meat a person eats is representing YESHUA buried 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of ‘Aretz/Earth (Mt 12:40).

The other part of cellular respiration that is needed for the reaction to occur is 6 oxygen (6 O2). The eighth element of oxygen was shown to represent the body/Body of YESHUA (see CHayet). This oxygen is part of the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s). The 6 is still representing a man. So, we can look at these 6 oxygen as representing the resurrected body of YESHUA. In order for a person’s bodily cells to live, each cell has to accept the sugar (representing YESHUA’s death on the Cross for our sins) and the oxygen (representing YESHUA’s resurrection from the dead). This is just as the Body-of-YESHUA/Believer has to believe in and accept YESHUA’s death and resurrection as their own in order to live/be-saved (Jhn 3:16; Rom 10:9). Then it is the oxygen (representing YESHUA’s resurrection) that carries away the carbon (representing sin and its death) out of the body to cleanse the body. This is just as YESHUA’s carried our sin and HIS resurrection from the dead defeated death giving the Body-of-YESHUA life from death (Isa 53:4, 5, 6, 12; Rom 6:5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Then what is left in the body after cell respiration is finished is 6 clean waters (6 H2O) and energy stored in the form of ATP [ref]. So, just as the person/body who becomes clean and one with the LORD as the Body-of-YESHUA, the 6 waters represent a body/man/(water) made made clean and alive by the body-of-YESHUA/the-6-waters.

How is the energy stored to repair and give life to the body? By adding a phosphate group to ADP to make ATP [ref] [ref] (or AMP to ADP). So, what is a phosphate group? 4 of the 8th element of oxygen representing the body-of-YESHUA (oxygen) the Door (Dalet/4) that are upon a phosphorus (P). Phosphorus is the 15th element represented by the 15th Hebrew letter of Samekh shown below that represents the 3 crosses upon Golgotha (the Skull) (Jhn 19:17) (see The Flesh).

Samekh on its side representing the 3 crosses of Golgotha/the-Skull

So, YESHUA’s (O) sacrifice upon the Cross (P) is represented as giving life and energy to the body.

Blue Fire from burning sulfur by Thomas Fuhrmann under CC BY-SA 4.0

The cellular respiration reaction is also a exothermic reaction [ref]. This means heat is produced during the reaction. Above was shown when the LORD is near unholiness/uncleanness, fire comes forth to remove the unholiness. This heat from LORD removing un-holiness (C/carbon) is being represented in the cellular respiration of a cell. The sacrifice/eating of food is used in every cell of a man’s body to give life to the body and cleanse the body of death. This brings heat from each life changing sacrifice to warm the body. The heat within a living body continues the sacrificial removal of death/sin. Heat is created in the presence of death/sin. The Fahrenheit scale was based on the 0º F being the freezing point of salt water [ref]. At 32º F water freezes, and at 212º F fresh water boils [ref]. This means there are 180º from the point water freezes to the point it boils (212º – 32º = 180º). If we change the starting point of the Fahrenheit scale and subtract 32º from both the freezing and boiling point of fresh water, 0º F would be the freezing point of fresh water with 180º F being the boiling point of fresh water. This change in the scale would mean a person’s regular body temperature of 98.6º F [ref] would be 66.6º F (98.6º – 32º = 66.6º). So interestingly, even the Fahrenheit scale points to the heat being related to sin and its death. The added heat is representing the one infinite sacrifice of the LORD cleansing the Body. If a body was made completely clean without death, it would no longer require any more sacrifices. This also means no more heat/fire would be produced.

Now, back to the water that represents man. Water also represents man’s heart/mind because his heart/mind is who his character is (Pro 21:1; 27:19). The Sun’s light (that represents the-SON/the-Light-of-the-world) heats up the water at the surface (the water closest to the Sun) of the sea and evaporates it while moving it away from the salt and impurities of the sea into the sky/Shamayim/Heaven(s). This is like the LORD’s fire/heat/the-SPIRIT removing from man his uncleanness and making him to be moved by the SPIRIT as living/moving water as the LORD/SPIRIT/Living-Water becomes one with the Believer and makes him a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven (Acts 1:3, 4; Jhn 7:38, 39; 17:21; Heb 10:22; Eph 2:19). The clean water rises to the sky/Shamayims/Heaven(s) to cool and collect around dust in the sky forming clouds that are moved by the wind [ref]. Just as man was made from dust, so too are clouds made from dust (Gen 2:7). So, the clouds are representing man-with-the-LORD-in-the-Heaven(s)/the-Church (moving-water) filled and moved by the SPIRIT (wind). The cooling of the water that forms clouds form small ice crystals called snow [ref].

Snowflake by Janeklass under CC BY 4.0

Each and every snow flake is different but have one thing in common, they have 6 sides [ref]. The shape of the snowflake is even representing the water as symbolizing man/6.

Water by itself is not harmed by fire/heat, it is only the impurities that burn. So, the LORD’s family will not be harmed by HIS presence, even though HE is a consuming fire (Dt 4:24).

YESHUA is represented as the trunk/vine with the Church represented as the branches (Gen 49:22; Isa 11:1; Jhn 15:1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The YESHUA and the Church joined together as the Body-of-YESHUA are represented as a tree/vine (Jer 11:16, 17; Rom 11:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; Luk 3:9; 13:5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Mt 24: 32; Psm 80:8; Isa 5:1; Jer 2:21; Mt 21:33; 25:46). With the trunk representing YESHUA, the branches representing the Church are being raised from ‘Aretz/Earth into the Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky just like the water representing the Church was raised into the Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky. The Angel of the LORD (YESHUA, see Tzitzit) spoke to Mosheh (Moses) while standing in the midst of a thorny-bush/tree showing the tree to represent HIS body (Ex 3:2). Just as the Church/Body-of-YESHUA will not burn before the LORD, the bush/tree that represents the Body-of-YESHUA was not consumed by fire (Ex 3:2). But, salty water with sulfur in the Deep/Abyss/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur under great pressure can inflict great searing on the impurities (sin) in the water without destroying the water; just as the unbelieving man who remains in his physical flesh full of sin does not die in the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur but will have great burning/searing inflicted upon his un-holiness by being in the presence of a holy GOD (Rev 14:10, 11; Isa 66:24; Mrk 9:47, 48; Mt 25:46). This is why a Believer filled and walking by the SPIRIT is given a task to fish for men in helping the LORD to pull men from the Deep/Abyss to be forever with the LORD after the City of Heaven(s)/Shamayim comes down upon an ‘Aretz/Earth with salt no longer upon the surface of ‘Aretz/Earth (fresh water only on the surface of ‘Aretz/Earth) (Mt 4:19; Mrk 1:17; Mt 28:18, 19, 20; Acts 1:8; Rev 21:1, 2, 4).