GOD’s Radical Love

This section is not for everyone. Enter at your own risk. The risk is many opinions will be challenged. There is nothing new under the Sun in this section, and all material will be backed by Scripture. Why would we add a controversial section? Because there are ways in which the LORD has shown HIS Love for us that are very radical; and, we love HIM because HE first loved us (1 Jhn 4:19), which means the more we can learn about how HE has loved us, the more we can by and through the SPIRIT love HIM. (The Hebrew from the old site will go into this section.)

I see you didn’t heed the warning. Pick a subject below.
(This area will be quite large but is unfinished.)


(Coming Soon)

Heaven & Hell

(This is still being edited for grammar and will be made into a video as soon as possible.)

The Vulture, Virgin, & Pharaoh

The Skull

Part 2 of The Skull: The Flesh


Ancient Hebrew

Y x h z U E D G B A
R Q J P O S N m L K

YESHUA’s (JESUS’s) Lineage

The above link doesn’t really go in this section, but I really like it.

2024 Solar Eclipse

(35 minute video; A warning from the LORD signed by the LORD; you need to see this. This article will remain listed here and remain unchanged since 5/2/2024. There is one more update as of 6/10/2024 due to a very big mistake on my part which will be explained in the update in the article.) (An article that goes along with this article is Ending Sin.)