Week of Man Timeline Intro

This timeline takes every verse of Scripture as true. I noticed most timelines just state there was a mistake or copying error to make the timeline fit. So, for the 5+ scriptures that line up the Exodus, some of them must be wrong. I don’t believe that. So, this timeline has established a way to satisfy all 5+ verses. And, many other areas where scripture is ignored by other timelines, this timeline will not ignore them. So, if you find a scripture that is not in this timeline that you feel we missed, please let us know to allow us to add it to the timeline. And, please make sure you read the verse links that you scroll over to show you the verse and read [the references in brackets] before you decide this timeline is not for you. If the verse does not scroll over, than they are links to an interlinear Bible that shows the original language of Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek along with the English. Hebrew and Aramaic are read from right to left, so you will read the interlinear English phrases from right to left. This is a text timeline linked to a spreadsheet/table timeline for each section. Creation starts at the top with the current year toward the bottom. Below is an Index to the timeline.

Timeline Index is below on this page. The Index will send you to a page with a text timeline having links to a full complete table timeline linked together. If you press on a link in a box [x], these are references. Videos will be linked with {video} (in process). If you press on a link other than a boxed link [__] or {video}, you will be sent from the text timeline to the table timeline. The table timeline link will then take you back to the text timeline. There is a link for each 1000 years that sends you to a condensed table timeline. The links in those tables will take you to the text timeline. Multiple dates for a singular event, such as a birth, are dates the event could take place with the bold event being the date selected by WhyAlive.com for reasons that may be explained later.

This Timeline will be going up slowly online and is not finished as posted right now & video will be added to areas that have been finished. This Timeline when finished will cover Creation to today. Right now it goes from Creation to the Captivity. I have a finished outline at this time, so it should go up fairly quickly. If you feel we missed a verse or made a mistake, please send a message, thank you.


(Wait for page to fully load after clicking on links below or you will not be taken to the right location.)

1st 1000 Years after the creation of man

Before the creation of man

The 1st days of the creation of man

131 AC (3882-3881 BC) to 882 AC (3131-3130 BC):
1st Generations: ‘Adam, Sheth (Seth), ‘Enosh, Qeynan (Cainan/Kenan), Mahalal’el, Yered (Jared), Chanokh (Enoch), Methushelach (Methuselah), Lemekh (Lamech)

End of 1000 Years

1st 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

2nd 1000 Years

988-994 AC (3025-3018 BC) to 1658-1667 AC (2355-2345 BC):
The Flood & Rainbow: Noach (Noah), Shem, Nephilim, Covenant of Rainbow

1658-1668 AC (2355-2344 BC) to 1878-1895 AC (2135-2117 BC):
The Dragon: ’Arpakhshad (Arphaxad), Shelach (Shelah), ‘Ever (Eber), Nimrod, Tower of Babel/Bavel (Babylon), Peleg, Many Languages, Re‘u (Reu), Serug, Nachor (Nahor), Terach (Terah)

End of 2nd 1000 Years

2nd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

3rd 1000 Years

2005 AC (2007 BC) to 2205 AC (1807 BC):
’Avram (Abram), Yitzchaq (Isaac), Ya‘aqov (Jacob); Lord’s covenants with ’Avram (Abram) and his descendants (with circumcision); Judgment on Sodom, Gomorrah, & the surrounding area

2205 AC (1807 BC) to 2336 AC (1676 BC):
Yisra’el (Israel): Re’uven (Reuben), Shim‘on (Simeon), Levi, Yehudah (Judah), Dan, Naphtali, Gad, ’Asher, Yisaskhar (Issachar), Zevulun (Zebulun), Yoseph (Joseph), Ben-’oni/ Binyamin (Benjamin), Yoseph (Joseph) is sold into slavery & lifted up, Menashsheh (Menasseh), ’Ephrayim (Ephraim); Yisra’el (Israel) entered Mitzrayim (Egypt)

Pharaoh of Mitzrayim (Egypt) & Mitzrayim (Egypt):
1st Head of Dragon & 1st Head of Beast of Babylon

2336 AC (1676 BC) to 2548 AC (1464 BC):
Yisra’el (Israel) enters Mitzrayim (Egypt) & Cries out to the LORD

2548 to 2549 AC (1464 BC):
Exodus of Yisra’el (Israel) from Mitzrayim (Egypt) to Mount Sinay (Sinai);
The LORD’s Covenant with Yisra’el (Israel) while at Sinay (Sinai)

Map of Yisra’el’s (Israel’s) Journeys

2549 AC (1463 BC):
Yisra’el (Israel) enters the Promised Land; Spies give a Bad Report; The Start of the Shemiththah (Shemitah) and the Yovel (Jubilee); & The Start of the 40 Years in the Wilderness

2549 AC (1463 BC) to 2588 AC (1424 BC):
Exodus of Yisra’el (Israel) from Mitzrayim (Egypt) & Yisra’el (Israel) enters Kena‘an (Canaan)

2588 AC (1424 BC) to 2639 AC (1374-1373 BC):
Destroying the nations of Kena‘an (Canaan)

2593 AC (1419 BC) to 2941 AC (1072-1071 BC):

2962 AC (1051-1050 BC) to 2966 AC (1046 BC):
Saul & End of 3rd 1000 Years

3rd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

4th 1000 Years

2967 AC (1046 BC) to 3081 AC (931 BC):
Kings of Yisra’el (Israel), Single Kingdom

3081 AC (931 BC) to 3425 AC (587 BC):
Kings of Yisra’el (Israel) & Yehudah (Judah), Divided Kingdom

(This section has to be redone, I have learned from this video from Expedition Bible that the Assyrian timeline is considered to be highly accurate. This means this section only is off by maybe 1 year at the beginning and end, and the other areas toward the middle are off by maybe 8 years. I’m working on the fix, but it may take a little time. I did notice when doing this section there are parts that are not locked in, you have to kind of guess where they go. Adding the Assyrian timeline will probably lock in everything.)

Foreign Kings over Yisra’el (Israel) & Yehudah (Judah)

End of 4th 1000 Years & King of kings Conceived

5th 1000 Years

6th 1000 Years

7th 1000 Years

8th 1000 Years