2nd 1000 Years Condensed Timeline

Week of Man: 2nd 1000 Year Day

The Flood & Rainbow
988-994 AC (3025-3018 BC) to 1658-1667 AC (2355-2345 BC)

Chanokh (Enoch) did not die, but at 365 years old, he walked with the Lord and was taken in 988-994 AC (3025-3018 BC) (Gen 5:23, 24). Seth died at 912 year old in 1043-1044 AC (2970-2968 BC) (Gen 5:8). Lemekh (Lamech) was 182 years old & brought forth his son Noach (Noah) (Gen 5:28, 29) in 1057-1065 AC (2956-2947 BC). ’Enosh died at 905 years old in 1141-1143 AC (2872-2869 BC) (Gen 5:11). Qeynan (Cainan/Kenan) died at 910 years old in 1236-1293 AC (2777-2773 BC) (Gen 5:14). Mahalal’el died 895 years old in 1291-1295 AC (2722-2717 BC) (Gen 5:17). Yered (Jared) died at 962 years old in 1423-1428 AC (2590-2584 BC) (Gen 5:20). Noach (Noah) was 500 years old and brought forth his son Yapheth (Japheth) born in 1557-1566 AC (2456-2446 BC) (Gen 5:32; 9:22, 23, 24). Noach (Noah) brought forth his son Shem in 1559-1568 AC (2454-2444 BC) (Gen 7:6; 11:10).  Lemekh (Lamech) died at 777 years old in 1652-1660 AC (2361-2352 BC) (Gen 5:31). Methushelach (Methuselah) died at 969 years old in 1657-1664 (2356-2348 BC) (Gen 5:27). Fallen angels joined with women to have children called nephilim (1st GMO) [Nephilim:6] (Gen 6:4). This genetically modified the image of man, who is made in the image of the Lord (Gen 1:26, 27). This led to flooding of all of ‘Aretz (Earth) to destroy the corruption (GMO) and the violence brought upon ‘Aretz (Earth) [The Flood:7] (Gen 6:11, 12, 13). (For the next part, the Flood was narrowed down to 2 years shown at this link. The 5 months in the Scripture with 150 days [Gen 7:11; 8:3, 4] is only possible during these 2 years. This link will show you the how only the years of 1658 & 1666 AC work out of all the years that could be possible. And, during the winter is the only time of year there are 30 day months back to back. This means the first month of the year when ‘Adam was born in the fall time was the 1st month. This 1st month was changed after Yisra’el [Israel] left Mitzrayim [Egypt] to be the 7th month of ha’Ethanim [Tishri], with the 1st month moved to the spring time of the barley harvest. But, notice below the number of the month still matches the future feast. It is like the LORD moves all the feast when HE moved the months of the year. So, below will have the civil year month as listed in the Bible, but in [x] will be the religious year month.) So, as the lamb is brought in on the 10th, when Noach (Noah) was 600 years old on the 10th day of the 2nd [8th] month in 1658 AC (2355 BC) or 1666 AC (2347 BC), Noach, his wife, and his 3 sons and their wives, 8 people, started entering the Ark they built along with two, male and female, of all the unclean animals and everything that creeps on the ground (1 male & 1 female), and by sevens of all birds and the clean animals, a male with his female (7 males & 7 females) (Gen 7:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Then, just as the Pesach (Passover) & Chag haMatztzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) are celebrated a 2nd time in the 2nd month, on the 17th day of 2nd [8th] month, the Lord brought forth the flood judgment upon ‘Aretz (Earthduring the 2nd 1000 year day of the Week of Man and returned ‘Aretz (Earth) to being covered with water as it was during the 2nd Day of Creation while the Lord passed over all who were in the Ark [Noah’s Ark:8] (Gen 7:6, 10, 11, 12; Num 9:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 2 Chron 30:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22). Just as the Sons of Yisra’el (Israel) are to dwell in tabernacles on Arets (Earth) during the time of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles/Booths), on the 17th day of the 7th [1st] month of 1658 (2354 BC) or 1666 AC (2346 BC), the Ark rested upon mountains of ’Ararath (Ararat) (Gen 8:4; Lev 23:39, 40, 41, 42, 43). Just as Chanukkah (Hanukkah) brings hope seen, on the 1st day of the 10th [4th] month, the tops of mountains became visible [9] (Gen 8:5). Then, just as life comes forth in the spring & Rosh Chodashim (Beginning of Months), on the 1st day of the 1st [7th] month when Noach (Noah) was 601 years old, the water was removed from the surface of the land for vegetation to spring forth (Gen 8:13; Ex 12:1, 2). On the 27th day of the 2nd [8th] month, the land was dried up (Gen 8:14; 2 Chron 30:23). And, on the 3rd [9th] Month, the rainbow was given as a sign of the Lord’s covenant with Noach (Noah) and his seed (family) (which is all of mankind who were born out of his family) and all that has the Breath of Life in them, just as the covenant of the Word was 1st given upon the Believers’ hearts on Shavu‘ot (Feast-of-Weeks/Pentecost) in the 3rd month (Gen 8:20, 21, 22; 9:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; Jer 31:33; Acts 2:1, 2, 3).

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1658-1668 AC (2355-2344 BC) to 1878-1895 AC (2135-2117 BC)