
(We are working on a movie of this material that should be done Fall of 2024!)

(If the verses as translated are hard to follow, just hover over or tap the Scripture link, and a box with the verse in NASB should pop up. Some of the verse links go to an interlinear Bible with Hebrew or Greek. The Hebrew has English under each Hebrew word, you just have to read it from right to left. If you have any questions, replies, suggestions, or complaints, please email them to

How do we know the description below of Heaven and Hell is real/true? The complete description of Heaven & Hell below is as described in the Scripture/Word. The description is found in both the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word and in the New-Testament/Word. How do we know the Bible/Word is true or if there is a GOD? If you believe GOD does not exist, you are saying everything (you and everything around you) was made from nothing and the nothingness made everything. That goes against logic or science. Do you really believe that? The first law of thermodynamics states something can not be made from nothing [ref]. The fact you and everything else is here and exists is a testimony to GOD’s existence. Which GOD is the right GOD? The Bible states, “… I (am) GOD and (there is) no other GOD and (there is) none like ME” (Isa 46:9). If the Bible can be shown to be true, then there is no need to look beyond the Bible for a different GOD. For proof that the Bible/Scriptures are 100% true with science, math, prophecy, & archaeology, CLICK HERE. Once you know the Bible is true, you know that Heaven and Hell as described by the Bible are true.

One question that comes up with this topic is what is the definition of life and death? Some of the dictionary definitions of death lead us to believe death is a concept of ceasing to exist. Merriam Webster Dictionary states death is “a permanent cessation of all vital functions: the end of life” [ref]. If death was simply ceasing to exist, why was ‘Adam still existing after the LORD said he would die after eating the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 2:17; 3:6, 7)? According to the Bible, “… the wages/salary of sin (is) physical-death/spiritual-death” (Rom 6:23). Death is what a person earns for their sin. Death entered into the world through sin (Rom 5:12). Life can not be earned, but is a gift. In the beginning, the LORD breathed the gift of the Breath of Life into man, and he had life (Gen 2:7). A baby does not do anything to receive his or her life; it is a gift. And, “… the free-gift of GOD is eternal/unending physical-life/spiritual-life…” (Rom 6:23). This gift of life is from the LORD, as we can understand from the Breath of Life and eternal life coming from the LORD (Gen 2:7; Rom 6:23). The LORD/GOD calls HIMSELF the Life, the Light, and Love (1 John 1:5; 4:8; 5:11, 12; Jhn 14:6; 11:25). As soon as ‘Adam or we sin, we push GOD/the-Life/the-Light/Love away from us and enter a place/existence away from GOD in death/darkness/selfishness-&-exalting-of-self. “For truly your iniquity/sin will-be of dividing/separating between you (and) for between your GOD/ELOHIM, and your offense-and-its-penalty/punishment have made concealed/hidden (HIS)-face-from-you/(the)-face-of-you from hearing” (Isa 59:2). This helps us to understand ‘Adam really did die by entering into death, its darkness, and all the evils of this world. The Hebrew word chay (H2416) means “living” and can also mean “flowing/moving.” Water that is moving/flowing water is called “living water” in Hebrew, translated in English as “flowing/springing water” in Gen 26:19 (Interlinear: Gen 26:19). The opposite of living/moving water is still/dead water. The dead water does not cease to exist; it just is not moving with life. There is a movie called After Death that gives testimonies and scientific evidence of near-death experiences and shows death is not ceasing to exist; life and death is where we are and how we exist in our relationship with our CREATOR. The life you choose will be eternal/forever/longer-than-you-can-ever-imagine, choose wisely.

First, we need to understand a few words, some in their original language.

The Hebrew word Shamayim (H8064) means “Heaven” and “Heavens” at the same time and can mean “sky” (Gen 1:8) or “the-Heaven(s)” the LORD indwells (Psm 11:4; 33:13). Outer-space is called hashshamayim (Gen 1:1, 9, 14, 15, 17). The word Paradise is used interchangeably with the word Heaven (2 Cor 12:2, 3, 4). Then there is ‘Avraham’s/Abraham’s Bosom/Chest/Bay/Gulf/Fold/Pocket (G2859) that is another title for Heaven (Luk 16:22). ‘Avraham’s Bosom is understood as Shamayim/Heaven from Mt 8:11 stating those in the Kingdom of Shamayim/Heaven are said to “recline/lay-down/sit-down with ‘Avraham/Abraham, Yitzchaq/Isaac, and Ya‘aqov/Jacob.” When a person who is a part of the Family of GOD dies, their spirit goes directly into the presence of the LORD in Shamayim/Heaven/Paradise/Abraham’s-Bosom (Luk 23:43; Phil 1:23), but they do not have a glorified sinless physical body until YESHUA/JESUS comes back to ‘Aretz/Earth (1 Thes 4:13, 14, 15, 16, 17; 1 Cor 15:50, 51, 52; 1Jhn 3:2; Phil 3:21; Jhn 3:13). Then, there is a New Shamayim/Heaven and a New ‘Aretz/Earth; we are still on the old ‘Aretz/Earth and going to the old Shamayim/Heaven at this time (Isa 65:17; Rev 21:1). This means old Shamayim/Heaven is what people of today encounter during a near-death experience. And finally, there is the City of Shamayim/Heaven called the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem that no one is in yet until after the final judgments (Rev 20:12, 13; 21:1, 2). The movie After Death gives a good description of the old Shamayim/Heaven that exists now; so, the rest of our description of Shamayim/Heaven will focus on the LORD’s Family’s final destination in the new Shamayim/Heaven & the City of Shamayim/Heaven. On another note: not all near-death experiences of Shamayim/Heaven may be from the LORD. Satan can disguise himself as an angel/messenger of light (2 Cor 11:14). Which means if the near-death experience is teaching against the LORD YESHUA and the Bible, the experience was from the enemy.

New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem- The City of Shamayim/Heaven

The Tabernacle/Temple/House/Tent of the LORD on ‘Aretz/Earth and all its furnishings were to be made as a copy of what is in Shamayim/Heaven(s) (Ex 25:9, 40; Heb 8:4-5; 1 Chr 28:10-12, 19). So, we need to look at the Tabernacle and Temple to understand Heaven. A tabernacle/temple/house/tent made according to the Scripture has 2 rooms/houses: the cubed inner room/house called the “Holy of Holies” and the outer room/house called the “Holy Place,” being twice as long as it is wide (1 Kgs 6:2, 16, 17, 20). The whole Tabernacle/Temple is called the Tent/Tabernacle of Meeting because the Tabernacle/Temple is where the LORD meets with HIS people (Ex 28:43). The LORD’s presence is in the Holy of Holies (Ex 25:21, 22; 26:34).

The curtain/door/veil to the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle is held up by 4 posts (Ex 26:31, 32, 33) and is a handbreadth in thickness, which is 4 fingers wide (Mishnah Shekalim 8:5). The closed curtain/door/veil leading into the Holy of Holies and into the presence of the LORD was torn in half when YESHUA died on the Cross (Mt 27:50, 51; Mk 15:37, 38; Lk 23: 44, 45, 46). YESHUA was saying HE was like that door/curtain/veil when HE said, “…I AM the Way/Road/Journey/Path and the Truth/Divine-Truth/Reality and the Life/Spiritual-Life/Physical-Life; no-one/none comes to/toward/near-to the FATHER if not through ME,” (Jhn 14:6) (Jhn 10:7, 8, 9). The curtain/door/veil of the Temple being ripped in two was representing YESHUA’s suffering upon the Cross, and HIS suffering/death on the Cross was and is giving access to the presence of the LORD to have a loving relationship with HIM (Heb 10:19, 20, 21, 22; Eph 2:18, 19).

This picture above was drawn many years ago of the City of Shamayim/Heaven on ‘Aretz/Earth. I believe the foundation stones are different than shown above as explained below.

Above is the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem, the City of Shamayim/Heaven, which is the same length, width, and height of “twelve thousand stadia,” or about 1246.4 miles, making it the final Holy of Holies on ‘Aretz/Earth (Rev 21:16) (Interlinear: Rev 21:16). (This makes the City of Shamayim/Heaven about 1/2 the size of the U.S.A.) If you could open up the Moon like a hollow ball and place the cubed New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem inside and close the ball/Moon, the 8 corners would touch the surface of the ball/Moon. This is if the “stadia” is equal to 182.8 yards (548.4 feet[ref]. If the stadia is bigger and equal to 223.9 yards (671.7 feet[ref], the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem would then have a length, width, and height of 1526.5 miles. If the cubed New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem was then placed inside the hollow Moon/ball, the edges of the cubed New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem would touch the surface of the Moon/ball with the corners sticking out of the Moon/ball. The ‘ammah/cubit used at the time of Mosheh/Moses is estimated to be 17.5-17.6 inches with the royal ‘ammah/cubit estimated to be 20.4-20.6 inches [ref] (Rev 21:17). The wall of the City of Shamayim/Heaven is 144 ‘ammot/cubits thick, which is 70-82.4 yards, or about three quarters of a football field thick.

Pavement in Shamayim/Heaven

The City of Shamayim/Heaven is the new Holy of Holies, the place where the glory of GOD resides, and is called the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem (Rev 21:3). Gold increases in amount as you move from the Tabernacle/Temple courtyard toward the place to meet the LORD on top of the pure gold Covering-Over/Mercy-Seat between the pure gold wings of the keruvim/cherubim/angels in the Holy of Holies (Ex 25:1-27:21; 30:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 25:20, 21, 22). The City of Shamayim/Heaven is where the LORD will dwell/reside/encamp with HIS people (Rev 21:2, 3). And just like the Holy of Holies, the City of Shamayim/Heaven is made of pure gold (Rev 21:18) with a street of pure gold (Rev 21:21) and will be lifted up on a high mountain (Zech 14:10, 11; Isa 2:1, 2, 3; Ezk 40:2, 5). Inside this city are dwellings/mansions built for each member of the Family of the LORD (Jhn 14:2, 3).

Doorway into the City of Shamayim/Heaven. Those are pine trees on the lower right and left. The gold road inside the wall on both sides of the river doesn’t look very big, but the wall thickness alone is three quarters (plus) of a football field (70-82.4 yards).

There is a crystal clear river running from the throne of God down the middle of the gold street with the Tree of Life growing on both sides of the river, giving fruit every month, and having leaves to heal the nations (Rev 21:21; 22:1, 2). This is the Tree of Life that was in the Garden of ‘Eden that man was driven/cast away from (Gen 2:9; 3:22, 23, 24). Each of the City of Shamayim’s/Heaven’s 12 doors in the wall of the city, 3 on each side that will never be closed, are a single pearl with the names of the 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel on each door (Rev 21:12, 13, 21, 25). The wall is made of the stone iaspis (jasper) (G2393) (Rev 21:18). In our time, the actual type of stone is unknown for the wall and the 12 foundation stones. Iaspis is thought to be the Greek word for the Hebrew word yashepheh (H3471). Yashepheh is the 12th stone on the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice; it is the stone of the 12th son of Yisra’el/Israel, Binyamin/Benjamin (Ex 28:15, 17, 20, 21; 39:8, 10, 13, 14).

Binyamin/Benjamin Stone

The Binyamin/Benjamin stone is the only stone of the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice that has been brought forward to the public and is a sardonyx stone [ref]. If Iaspis is the same as yashepheh, the wall of New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem is made of a yellowish sardonyx like shown below. Many people seem to dream that the wall of the City of Shamayim/Heaven is a translucent gold. So, a stone like a yellow sardonyx that looks goldish and allows light through it would match their description.

Sardonyx Stone
Same Sardonyx Stone as above with light shining through it.

The foundation of the wall is made of 12 different precious stones with the name of the 12 apostles on them (Rev 21:14, 19, 20). The 1st foundation stone is iaspis/jasper, the same as the wall (Rev 21:19). The other foundation stones seem to match the 12 stones on the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice (Rev 21:19, 20; Ex 28:15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; 39:8, 10, 13, 14). And, the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice was a square (like the City of Shamayim/Heaven) with each stone placed in a gold setting (gold relating to the Holy of Holies as noted above) (Ex 28:16, 20; 39:8, 9, 13). So, it is reasonable to think that instead of there being 12 layers of stone for the foundation (as pictured above in the image of the City of Shamayim/Heaven), there will be one foundation stone under each pearl door so that the name on the pearl door matches the foundation stone under it according to the 12 stones on the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice. The way Rev 21:12 is written, there could be all 12 names on every pearl door. But, each pearl door is like each of the 12 stones on the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice. If the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice was foreshadowing the City of Shamayim/Heaven, each of the 12 pearl doors will have one name of each of the 12 tribes of Yisra’el/Israel inscribed on them, one name for each door. As an example: the 12th stone on the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice is made of yashepheh/jasper and has the inscription of the 12th son of Yisra’el/Israel, Binyamin/Benjamin; so, the 1st foundation stone made of iaspis/jasper (if iaspis is yashepheh) would have a pearl door above it with the name of Binyamin/Benjamin inscribed upon it. And, while translations have diamonds and rubies as being the stones of the breastpiece/breastplate of judgment/justice and stones of the foundation of the City of Shamayim/Heaven, it is more likely all the stones are sand based and made from a sand/silicate/SiO2/SiO4/etc. based material [ref-1] [ref-2]. Why? Gen 22:17 states the descendants of ‘Avraham/Abraham would be as many as the sand at the water’s edge/shore. Also, the Binyamin/Benjamin stone is made of sardonyx which is sand/silicate/silicon-dioxide/SiO2/quartz based [ref]. Though the stones are not 100% known, many would fit the description of being sand/silicate based [ref].

There is no darkness/night within the City of Shaymayim/Heaven, only light forever (Rev 21:23, 24; 22:5). Because the LORD WHO is holy/clean/sinless is light, darkness represents sin/the-unclean/the-unholy (1 Jhn 1:5; Psm 44:3; Hab 3:4). So, there is no darkness, night, death, curse, pain, sin, or anything unholy or unclean in the City of Shamayim/Heaven (Rev 21:4, 8, 27; 22:3, 15).

There is no more salt above or on the surface of ‘Aretz/Earth or in the City of Shamayim/Heaven (Rev 21:1). There are no more tears in the City of Shamayim/Heaven; they have salt (Rev 21:4; Isa 25:8). There is no more sweating, that was part of the curse from sin and has salt (Gen 3:19). (there will be a link here to explain salt in the future)

The LORD GOD is seated on a throne and has an appearance like a man with hair as white as wool. HE shines like whitish yellowish goldish (like jasper) reddish (like sardius) fire, with HIS face shining as bright as the Sun (Ezk 1:26, 27, 28; Dan 7:9; Rev 1:13, 14, 15, 16; 4:3).

The LORD’s throne is in the City of Shamayim/Heaven called the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem (Rev 22:3) with a crystal clear fresh water river coming from the throne going east and west down the middle of a gold road of the gold city (Rev 22:1; Zech 14:8). The throne is like blue sapphire and has wheels upon a similar blue sapphire square tile floor (Ex 24:10; Rev 4:6) (Ezk 1:26 –the word translated “lapis lazuli” is the Hebrew word sappir (H5601) (Ezk 1:26) normally translated as “sapphire”) (Dan 7:9 –the wheels of the throne looking like fire is explained in the section of Hell). Exodus 24:12 states, “And, said the-LORD/YEHOVAH to Mosheh/Moses, ‘Arise/ascend/climb-up to/into/toward MY mountain and be there and I will bestow/give/appoint/assign to you Aleph-Tav/the slabs/tablets (of) the stone and the Torah/Instruction/Word and the Mitzvah/Commandment/Law/Instruction which I have written to teach/point-out-to them.’” What is “the stone” the LORD is talking about? At this point in time in the verse, 75 people, including Mosheh/Moses, are with the LORD on top of a-pavement/bricks of blue/sapphire stones (Ex 24:10). The 1st time the Word/Scripture/Bible was given to man was when the LORD took 2 blue/sapphire stones from the pavement/bricks that were under the LORD’s feet and with HIS Finger wrote/pierced into the slabs/tablets of stone the Ten Commandments/Words and gave them to Mosheh/Moses (Ex 24:9, 10, 11, 12; 31:18). From the Jewish writings of the Talmud, we learn the shape and size of each of the 2 tablets is 1 ‘ammah x 1 ‘ammah x 1/2 ‘ammah (1 cubit x 1 cubit x 1/2 cubit), with both tablets stacked to form a cube [ref] [Talmud: Bava Batra 14a:9] (Ex 34:28; Dt 4:13; 10:4). By this information we know the floor under the throne is made of square tiles with each tile having the dimensions of 1 ‘ammah x 1 ‘ammah x 1/2 ‘ammah (1 cubit x 1 cubit x 1/2 cubit). There will also be gold crowns around the throne from people who will cast their crowns before the LORD (Rev 4:10). And, there is a green surrounding radiant rainbow around the throne, lightning coming out from the throne, and seven golden lampstands with “seven lamps/torches (of) fire burning before the face of the throne/power which are the Seven SPIRITS of GOD” (Rev 4:5) (Rev 1:12, 20; 4:3; Ezk 1:28). Fire in the Scripture/Word can have the meaning of lightning/electricity, as in the fire from the sky/Heaven(s)/Shamayim (Psm 18:13, 14; 2 Kgs 1:14; Job 1:16). So, the throne, throne wheels, and water from the throne seen as burning fire in Dan 7:9, 10 may be the same image as Rev 4:5 seen as lightning coming from the throne.

The Lion Seraphim

Also, there are 4 seraphim/angels around the throne, each with 6 wings (2 to cover their “face/front/presence”, 2 to cover their “feet/legs/private-parts/lower-body”, and 2 to “fly” [Isa 6:2]): one like a lion, one like a calf, one like a man, and one like a vulture (Rev 4:6, 7, 8) (the Greek word aetos [G0105] is translated as “eagle” in Revelation but translated as vulture in Mt 24:28 and Luke 17:37; also see The Vulture, Virgin, & Pharaoh). These seraphim have eyes in the front and the back according to Rev 4:6, but Rev 4:8 seems to imply the eyes are on the 6 wings all over (front & back) and even within. The eyespots of a butterfly’s or peacock’s wings match this description with eyes in the front, back, and all the way through the wing [ref]. Although these may be real eyes, the image shown here of the seraphim has eyespots.

This copperhead snake is both poisonous and bronze/fiery colored.

The Hebrew word seraphim is the plural of the word saraph (H8314, H8313) that means “fiery/poisonous serpent” or “to burn.” Mosheh (Moses) made a bronze serpent as a copy of the fiery/poisonous serpents that attacked Yisra’el/Israel (Num 21:6, 8, 9). So, the word saraph may be referring to the fiery color of bronze. Then, there are 24 men/elders around the throne with each dressed in a white robe, wearing a gold crown, and having their own throne (Rev 4:4, 9, 10, 11). And, around the 24 elders/men before the throne are a very great number of the members of the Family of the LORD standing dressed in white robes, holding palm branches, and bowing before the LORD in worship (Rev 6:11; 7:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; Dan 7:10, 14).

There are no curses in the City of Shamayim/Heaven, only all the blessings of the LORD (Rev 22:3) like the fruit of the SPIRIT of love/benevolence, joy/gladness, peace/shalom, patience, goodness/uprightness/kindness/gentleness, kindly-goodness/virtuousness, faith/belief/trust/confidence/faithfulness, humility/gentleness, and self-restraint/self-control/temperance listed in Gal 5:22, 23. One of the many blessings the LORD’s family member receives is a new glorified body like YESHUA’s glorified body (Phil 3:20, 21). Just as YESHUA’s body was raised from the dead and changed, each family member’s body will be raised from the dead and changed (Dan 12:13; 1 Cor 15:20, 23, 51, 52; 1 Thes 4:14, 15, 16, 17; Jhn 20:1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16). Since YESHUA’s stripes & death healed all our sickness, death, disease, and made us whole, the LORD’s family member’s new body will be healed of everything and not become sick (Isa 53:5; 1 Pet 2:24; Psm 103:3; Mt 9:35). “For by grace/power/favor/pardon you are saved/healed/rescued/made-whole through faith/belief/trust/faithfulness; and this not of yourselves, (it is) the gift/sacrifice of GOD; not from/because-of works/labor/deeds/actions, so that not anyone (can) boast/glory-proudly” (Eph 2:8, 9). Your new body will look like yourself just as YESHUA’s body looked like HIMSELF (Luk 24:36, 37, 38, 39, 40). But, if you lost teeth or limbs or were even born without limbs, you will have limbs in Shamayim/Heaven; you will be made whole (Luk 7:21). But, YESHUA has pierced hands and feet, won’t a person in Shamayim/Heaven also have scars and signs of injury (Jhn 20:20, 27)? YESHUA’s wounds, stripes, and piercings were and are eternal wounds that HE took upon HIMSELF so we would be healed and made whole. In His wounds, HE carries all of our wounds. If you were blind, deaf, or weak, you will see, hear, and be strong. Even if the old body was completely cremated/torn-down, you will still receive a complete whole new body that will be your body looking like you (2 Cor 5:1, 2, 3; Phil 3:20, 21). This is why no one who had a defect of any kind was allowed in the Holy of Holies (Lev 21:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23). All mankind that enters into the new Holy-of-Holies/City-of-Shamayim/City-of-Heaven will be without any defect. Will the body look like an old man if you died as an old man? Only those who were 30 to 50 years old could be in the Holy of Holies (Num 4:3, 23, 30, 35, 39, 43, 47). The LORD created ‘Adam and Chavvah (Eve) with full grown bodies (Gen 2:7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23). Aging to be old and die is a part of the death process the body goes through because of sin (Gen 2:17; 3:19). The LORD’s family members’ new bodies will be fully grown and unaged and will not wear out or get old (Isa 25:8). No one in Shamayim/Heaven at this time has a new body except YESHUA, and those who were resurrected from the dead after YESHUA died on the Cross and said it was “finished” (1 Cor 15:50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57; 1 Thes 4:13, 14, 15, 16, 17; Mt 27:50, 51, 52, 53; Jhn 19:30). Now at this time, the body that one sees of a person in Shamayim/Heaven is their spiritual body being given a recognizable image of their old body.

There is the blessing of food, drink, and wine in Shamayim/Heaven, and like YESHUA we will be able to eat it (Rev 22:2; Luk 24:39, 40, 41, 42, 43; Isa 25:6, 7, 8). There is even a marriage feast/supper (Rev 19:9; Mt 22:2; 25:10; Luke 12:36; 14:8; Isa 25:6). All I can say is it will probably be pretty spectacularly good!

Work is a blessing that was given to mankind before they sinned (Gen 1:28; 2:15, 18). Eternal rewards are earned for the work the LORD’s family member does while they are living this life of which they may earn less than a full reward (Col 3:23, 24; 2 Jhn 1:8). Because all our works are like filthy rags (Isa 64:6), selfish works of the flesh will be tested and burned up with no rewards given (1 Cor 3:13, 14, 15). Works that were done by the SPIRIT working through the-LORD’s-family-member/a-Believer, that is walking with and filled by the SPIRIT will be tested and not be burned up but be eternally rewarded (Jhn 6:63; Gal 5:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; 1 Cor 3:11, 12, 13, 14; Eph 5:18). In the parable of the talents, the Believer only needed to multiply what they had been given in order to be called a good and faithful servant (Mt 25:20, 21, 22, 23). There are rewards of crowns (1 Cor 9:24, 25; Rev 3:11): the Crown of Life (Jam 1:12; Rev 2:10), the Crown of Glory/Honor/Dignity (1 Pet 5:4), and the Crown of Righteousness/Integrity/Virtue/Justice (2 Tim 4:8) are mentioned. But, there are also rewards of position and the work we will do (Eph 2:10; Mt 20:23). The reward of position can be understood from when YESHUA was asked if two sons could sit at HIS right and HIS left in Shamayim/Heaven (Mt 20:20, 21, 22, 23; Mrk 10:35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40). This allows us to understand the closer we are to the LORD is considered the greater reward, and the farther away is the lesser reward. As far as the best and worst job, the best job would place you in a position to have the closest relationship with the LORD. The worst job would place you in a position to have a relationship with the LORD that is not as close. What is the farthest you can get? 1 Cor 3:15 states the worst position would be to have all your works burned up while being saved from the fire and torment of the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur that is called Geenna/Gehenna (as you will learn in the section of Hell below). The next question that needs asked, that seems to answer our last question, why does Rev 14:10 say there are holy “messengers/angels” (G0032) in Geenna/Gehenna? This leaves open the possibility of the LORD’s family member escaping only the flames of Geenna/Gehenna, having all their works burned up, being given no rewards, and having a position and job the furthest away from the LORD in Geenna/Gehenna.

The LORD’s family member enters Shamayim/Heaven because his/her name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev 21:27; 20:15; Psm 69:28). How do you get your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? This Question will be answered after the next subject of Hell.


The more we understand Hell, the more we understand what the LORD YESHUA went through in HIS love for us when HE was whipped and suffered the Hell of the Cross for our sins. Something else to keep in mind: in the video After Death, we learn a person experiences Shamayim/Heaven as well as Hell 1000 fold compared to how we experience life on ‘Aretz/Earth now.

There are 2 places sometimes translated as “Hell” from the Greek. One is Hades (G0086) and the other is Geenna/Gehenna (G1067). Hades is a place that exists now but will be placed into Geenna/Gehenna (Rev 20:14). Geenna/Gehenna is a place which no human is in yet, because the final judgment has not occurred yet (Rev 20:12, 13, 14, 15). Geenna/Gehenna is a place of eternal fire that was prepared for the Devil and his fallen-angels/demons (Mt 25:41) and also goes by the titles of the “Lake of Burning Fire and Sulfur” and “The Second Death” (Rev 20:10, 14).

We know the Greek word Hades (G0086) is the same as the Hebrew word She’ol (H7585) because of the New-Testament/Word verses like Acts 2:27 that quotes the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word verse of Psm 16:10. In Hades/She’ol, there is torment/torture (Dt 32:22; Mt 11:23; Luk 10:15; 16:23). But, She’ol/Hades is also a place-of-the-dead/Place-of-Death/the-grave for the Family of the LORD that can go down into it in peace (1 Kgs 2:6; Gen 37:35; 42:38; Num 16:30, 33). Then, there are verses that show Shamayim/Heaven and She’ol/Hades are not the same but separate (Psm 139:8; 49:15; Isa 7:11). There is a large/great space/chasm dividing ‘Avraham’s/Abraham’s Bosom/Chest/Bay/Gulf/Fold/Pocket (G2859), that is called Paradise/Shamayim/Heaven (Luk 16:22), from those in torment (Luk 16:23) in Hades/She’ol. And, there are verses about the Family of the LORD being redeemed/ransomed from She’ol/Hades (Psm 49:15; Hos 13:14). She’ol/Hades is always a Place of Death. So, how can a Family of the LORD go there and be in peace/shalom, which comes from the LORD (Psm 4:8; 2 Thes 3:16)? The answer is in Ecc 3:21; it is the ruach/spirit (H7307) of the Family of the LORD that goes up to Shamayim/Heaven as the spirit is redeemed/ransomed from She’ol/Hades, while the flesh of the body remains with its sin in the death of She’ol/Hades to decay.

While Hades/She’ol is a place of decay for the physical body, it is a place of torment/torture with fire for a person’s spirit that is not part of the Family of the LORD, because their spirit is not redeemed from Hades/She’ol (Luk 16:24; Dt 32:22). Since Hades/She’ol is placed into Geenna/Gehenna in the future, Hades/She’ol is what non-family members of the LORD of today experience during a near-death experience [see the movie After Death]. The rest of our description will focus on the final place of judgment, Geenna/Gehenna.


Just as those in the New Shamayim/Heaven experience it with both their body/flesh and their ruach/spirit, those in Geenna/Gehenna will experience it with their body/flesh and their ruach/spirit (Rev 20:12, 13, 15). In the Tzitzit article, it was explained, a worm is in the earth, blind, and does not hear [ref], just as also a dead body is in the earth, cannot see, and cannot hear. And like a worm, a person who is not part of the family of GOD is moving/living in the darkness of death from their sin; they listen but do not discern/understand as though they were deaf, and they look but do not know/perceive as though they were blind (Prv 2:13; 4:19; Psm 82:4, 5; Luk 1:79; Jhn 3:19, 20; Isa 6:9, 10; Mt 13:13, 14, 15; Acts 28:24, 25, 26, 27, 28). And, every person who rejects YESHUA as their LORD and dies the 2nd death by being thrown into the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur, has a body called a worm that does not die (Rev 20:15; 21:8; Isa 66:24; Mrk 9:43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48). Their undying bodies are like worms that are in/under the Lake of Burning Fire & Sulfur under the earth. They are blind due to not knowing the LORD, WHO is Light, while they are in complete darkness. They are deaf due to they will never hear or understand the LORD while they listen to torment forever, being separated from any blessings of music and joyful sounds upon the earth (2 Thes 1:8, 9; Jude 1:4, 11, 12, 13; Rev 14:10, 11). YESHUA took upon HIMSELF the punishment of Death on the Cross for our sins (1 Pet 2:24; 3:18; 2 Cor 5:21). HE took upon HIMSELF the 2nd-death/Hell/Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur/Geenna/Gehenna we deserve for our sin. HE became a worm for us. This is why Psalm 22, which is a picture of YESHUA on the Cross, says in verse 6, “… I (am) worms/tola’at and not (a) man…” (Psm 22:6).

Where is Hell located? Hades/She’ol is below the Shamayim/Heaven(s)/sky (Mt 11:23; Num 16:30, 33); so, it is in the Earth/’Aretz. Hades/She’ol seems to mean anywhere under the surface of the ground or water. There is a place called in Hebrew Tehom (H8415) that is translated as the “Deep” in Gen 1:2 of most translations. We know Tehom is under the salt sea and inside the ‘Aretz/Earth from verses like Gen 7:11; 8:2 (Interlinear: Gen 7:118:2). When the Tanakh/Old-Testament/Word was translated from Hebrew to Greek in the Septuagint [ref], the Greek word Abussos (G0012), that is translated into English as Abyss, was used to translate the Hebrew word Tehom into Greek [Interlinear ref: Gen 1:2]. So, Tehom, Abussos, and Abyss are the same. Then, Rom 10:7 suggests when YESHUA went to Hades/She’ol in ‘Aretz/Earth (Acts 2:27, 31; Eph 4:9), HE also descended into the Abyss/Abussos/Tehom. It is in the Abyss that Satan/the-Devil will be imprisoned for a thousand years (Rev 20:1, 2, 3). The demons in Luk 8:31 did not want to be cast into Tehom/Abussos/the-Abyss. We know from 1 Pet 3:18, 19, 20 when YESHUA went to Tehom/Abussos/the-Abyss, HE talked to demons/fallen-angels that were imprisoned there since the days of Noach (Noah). In 2 Pet 2:4, we find YESHUA also went to Tartaros (also translated as “Hell”) when HE went to talk to the demons/fallen-angles in prison [Interlinear ref:2 Pet 2:4]. Tartaros (G5020) by its definition is the lowest/deepest Abyss/Abussos/Tehom of Hades/She’ol. Abussos/Abyss (G0012) means “bottomless.” If you are at the center of ‘Aretz/Earth, there is no bottom; it is bottomless. So, Tehom/Abussos/the-Abyss is deep within She’ol/Hades with Tartaros being the part of Tehom/Abussos/the-Abyss in the center of ‘Aretz/Earth. Tehom is related to the Hebrew word tohu (H8414) that means “formlessness/confusion/waste/chaos/emptiness.” Hades (G0086) means “unseen/invisible place.” And, She’ol is related to the word sha’al (H7592) that means “ask,” making She’ol a “Place-of-Asking.” All these names of Hell are descriptive of it being both a physical and spiritual place inside/under ‘Aretz/Earth. (An interesting side note: Sha’ul [Saul] [H7586] is spelled the same in Hebrew as She’ol [H7585]. So, when Yisra’el/Israel rejected the LORD as their KING, they wanted not just an earthly king, but a King of Death [1 Sam 8:7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22; 9:16, 17].)

But, is Geenna/Gehenna located in the same place since it is a different place than She’ol/Hades? In Rev 20:14, we find that in the future Geenna/Gehenna will become one place with She’ol/Hades. In the article The Flesh, we read: YESHUA “is the Head of the Body” (Col 1:18). But, the jaw is separate from the rest of the head. The mouth is a dark bottomless pit of death that is used to continuously sacrifice food (that was once alive) in order to give life to the body. Several times the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death is called the Place of Gnashing of Teeth (Mt 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luk 13:28). The mouth then represents the Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfur/Hell/The-2nd-Death, a place of continuous suffering/sacrificing. It is even located under the head. If we are with YESHUA, the Head, in the City of Shamayim/Heaven, then the jaw is where the enemy is crushed under our feet as Rom 16:20 states, “Now, the GOD of peace/shalom will crush/shatter/break Satan under/by your feet…” This means Geenna/Gehenna will also be inside ‘Aretz/Earth where it is hotter than the surface of the Sun [ref]. The pressures are so great that bone starts to be crushed at a depth of around 22 miles [ref], which is only half a percent of the full depth of ‘Aretz/Earth that is about 3950 miles deep [ref]. So, those in Geenna/Gehenna will be crushed under the feet of those who are in Shamayim/Heaven(s).

Another question is if the City of Shamayim/Heaven, the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem, is the final Holy of Holies for which all other tabernacles and temples were designed after, where is the new Holy Place? We know Rev 14:10, 11 is about Geenna/Gehenna/the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-and-Sulfurbecause it speaks of this place as an eternal place of torment with fire & sulfur/brimstone. We find both YESHUA/the-LAMB/the-SON/the-LORD & the holy angels in the presence of those who are in Geenna/Gehenna. Some may say this goes against 2 Thes 1:9. But, here is the full translation of 2 Thes 1:9: “Who will pay-the-penalty/suffer eternal/perpetual/unending/everlasting ruin/doom/destruction/death/punishment from/away-from (the) face/appearance (G4383) (of) the LORD and from/away-from the glory/honor/splendor (of) the strength/might/power/ability of HIM” [Interlinear ref: 2 Thes 1:9]. So, Geenna/Gehenna is a holy place that contains unholy angels and unholy people in the presence of the holy LORD & holy angels, but those in Geenna/Gehenna are not face to face with the LORD (In the City of Shamayim/Heaven you are face to face with the LORD [Rev 22:4]). Geenna/Gehenna is the final Holy Place. There is enough room in the center of ‘Aretz/Earth to hold this final Holy Place. We know the thickness of the veil between the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place was 4 fingers thick (Mishnah Shekalim 8:5). An ‘ammah/cubit (H520) has 24 fingers, so a width of 4 fingers would be 1/6th of an ‘ammah/cubit [ref-1] [ref-2]. We know the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle was 10 ‘ammah/cubits tall, wide, & long (Ex 26:7, 8, 9, 15, 16). And, the Holy-of-Holies/Most-Holy-Place of the Temple was 20 ‘ammah/cubits tall, wide, & long (1 Kgs 6:20; 2 Chr 3:8; Ezek 41:4). We know the New-Holy-of-Holies/New-Yerushalayim-(Jerusalem)/the-City-of-Heaven is 1246.4 to 1526.5 miles tall, wide, & long (Rev 21:16). If we make the 1246.4 to 1526.5 miles like the 10 to 20 ‘ammot/cubits, then the 4 finger width thick veil would be 10.3 to 12.7 miles thick for the 10 ‘ammah/cubit comparison and 20.7 to 25.4 miles for the 20 ‘ammah/cubit comparison. The thickness of the crust of ‘Aretz/Earth is an average of 9 to 12 miles thick with the continental crust having a thickness of 20-30miles [ref]. The thickness of the crust of ‘Aretz/Earth is comparable to the thickness of the veil that stood between the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place. The crust of ‘Aretz/Earth will be the veil/door between the City of Shamayim/Heaven (the new Holy of Holies) and Geenna/Gehenna/the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur/the-new-Holy-Place. This is why Death and Hades/She’ol are placed/cast into Geenna/Gehenna. Just as the City of Shamayim/Heaven will come down upon ‘Aretz/Earth, Geenna/Gehenna is made to be inside ‘Aretz/Earth where Hades/She’ol and Death are located. This also matches how Geenna/Gehenna received its name. Geenna/Gehenna (G1067) comes from the Hebrew name “Ge Hinnom” with ge/gay (H1516) meaning “valley” (it is also call “Ge Ben-Hinnom” [Josh 15:8]). This Valley of Hinnom is next to Yerushalayim/Jerusalem; and, as Ge Hinnom is a valley, it is under Yerushalayim/Jerusalem (Josh 15:8; Jer 19:2). This is just as Geenna/Gehenna is under and next to the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem. We know Geenna/Gehenna exists now, just not in ‘Aretz/Earth; because in the future, the “false prophet” and the “beast” are thrown into the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur/Geenna/Gehenna before it is joined with She’ol/Hades (Rev 19:20; 20:2, 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14). But at this time, the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur/Geenna/Gehenna seems to be empty until then (the near future).

What about Tehom/Abussos/the-Abyss? In the future, Satan/the-Devil will be imprisoned in Tehom/Abussos/the-Abyss for a thousand years and then released for a short time (Rev 20:1, 2, 3). After this, Satan/the-Devil is defeated again and thrown into Geenna/Gehenna/the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur/the-new-Holy-Place. The new Geenna/Gehenna reaches deep into ‘Aretz/Earth into She’ol/Hades. With Tehom/Abussos/Abyss meaning deep within the She’ol/Hades of ‘Aretz/Earth, the deep part of Geenna/Gehenna would be an Abyss/Abussos/Tehom; it will just be a very different Abyss/Abussos/Tehom than Satan/the-Devil was in for the thousand years.

So, those in Geenna/Gehenna get their request of not being directly in the face of the LORD. They refused the LORD and HIS covenant and did not want to be with the LORD, so they are in a place where they are not face to face with the LORD or any of HIS blessings; but, they are still close enough to the LORD to be in HIS presence. The LORD is holy (Lev 11:45). When HE is near unholiness/uncleanness, fire comes forth to remove the unholiness (Dt 4:24; 9:3; 2 Sam 22:9; Heb 12:29). Unholiness just can not be before the LORD without burning. A few examples of the LORD’s holiness burning unholiness in the Bible/Word/Scriptures are Nadav/Nadab and ‘Avihu’/’Abihu’ (Lev 10:1, 2) and the example we can still see today in the top of Mount Sinay (Sinai/Jabal-Maqla) being burned from the holy presence of the LORD [ref] (Ex 19:16, 17, 18, 19, 20; Dt 5:2, 22, 23). How unholy can a mountain be? Once ‘Adam sinned the whole created world was “subjected” to the sin and became unclean with the ground being cursed (Gen 3:17; Rom 8:20, 21, 22). So, even Mount Sinay/Sinai/Jabal-Maqla burned. And, the fire of the LORD will go throughout Geenna/Gehenna/the-Holy-Place and try to consume/remove sin/unholiness from each unholy person & unholy angel. But, man was created in the LORD’s image, and the LORD will not destroy that holy image, just attack the sin that is in/on it (Dt 4:24; 9:3; 2 Sam 22:9; Heb 12:29; Gen 1:26, 27).

Burning Sulfur (by Johannes ‘volty’ Hemmerlein under CC BY-SA 3.0, picture position changed)

The flame of burning sulfur is blue while the sulfur itself becomes a blood red liquid when burned [ref]. So, Geenna/Gehenna will be blood red in color. But, those in Geenna/Gehenna will not see it, because there is complete darkness in Geenna/Gehenna (2 Sam 22:10; Mt 8:12; 22:13; 25:30; Jude 1:13). A question arises, how can you have fire and complete darkness at the same time? We know fire in the Scripture/Word can have the meaning of lightning/electricity (Psm 18:13, 14; 2 Kgs 1:14; Job 1:16). And, lightning comes out from the throne of GOD that is in the City of Shamayim/Heaven (Rev 4:5; 22:1, 3; 2 Sam 22:14, 15; Dan 7:9). Salt water would conduct electricity/fire and cause burning on anything in the water while remaining completely dark {video}. And, we know Geenna/Gehenna/the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur is salt water from Mark 9:48, 49. This also helps us to understand the verses stating that those who are in Geenna/Gehenna will receive lashings (just as YESHUA received lashings for our sin) and will be gnashing their teeth (Luk 12:47, 48; Isa 53:5; Mt 27:26; Jhn 19:1; Mt 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luk 13:28). The effects of electricity going through the body would cause gnashing of teeth and a feeling as though you are receiving lashings from a whip [ref]. Depending on a person’s location within the lake, they would receive more or less lashings/electrical-shocks as stated in Luke 12:47, 48. This would also mean a person in Geenna/Gehenna would not be moving around very much, due to the continuously burned and contracted muscles. Remember at the top of this article that the Hebrew word chay (H2416) means “living” and can also mean “flowing/moving.” So, existing in 2nd-Death/Geenna/Gehenna sounds like the physical body is in a completely paralyzed/unmoving state of existence.

Blue (Lava) River by Thomas Fuhrmann under CC BY-SA 4.0

We find in Dan 7:9, 10, 11, the river that flows from the LORD’s throne, that is located in the New Yerushalayim/Jerusalem as seen in Rev 22:1, flows into Geenna/Gehenna/the-Holy-Place where the Enemy is cast/thrown into. So, through the water from the throne is one way the LORD’s presence/fire/lightning is being felt in Geenna/Gehenna (2 Sam 22:14, 15). Why is it a river of fire in Dan 7:10 and a crystal clear river in Rev 22:1? We know fire and lightning can be the same description in the Bible/Scripture/Word, but normally lightning/electricity can not be seen in water, which is why there can be pitch black fire in Geenna/Gehenna. In Rev 22:1, John was the one seeing the crystal clear river as from the perspective of a Believer with a clean/holy/sinless spirit after YESHUA’s death and resurrection (Tit 2:14; Heb 1:3; 10:19). From his perspective, there is no fire from the LORD and HIS holiness trying to consume unholiness, because there is no unholiness to consume. In Dan 7:10, Daniyyel (Daniel) was the one seeing the river of fire from the perspective of someone with an unholy/unclean/sinful spirit. Even though Daniyyel/Daniel was a Believer, YESHUA had not yet died on the Cross and resurrected from the dead to cleanse a Believer’s spirit (Zech 13:1; Heb 10:1, 2, 3, 4; Rom 3:23, 24, 25; 4:16). The fire from the LORD and HIS holiness trying to consume unholiness can be seen by the unclean spirit. Those in the future City of Shamayim/Heaven are not affected by the LORD’s fire and holiness because they themselves are holy (Rev 21:27). Anyone who has not been born again and had their spirit cleansed or anyone who has not received a new holy body will be affected by the LORD’s fire and holiness because they are themselves unholy (Jhn 3:3, 5).

Because those in Geenna/Gehenna rejected the LORD and HIS blessings that are with HIM, the LORD’s blessings are also removed from those in Geenna/Gehenna. The LORD is light, so there is only darkness in Geenna/Gehenna; the blessing of light is removed (1 Jhn 1:5; 2 Sam 22:13; Psm 44:3; Hab 3:4). Oxygen was a blessing given on the 2nd day of Creation, so those in Geenna/Gehenna are drowning under the burning acidic sulfur salt water with no oxygen and only have the nauseating foul odor of the poisonous burning sulfuric gases that might be present to smell/breathe [ref] [ref-1] [ref-2] [ref-3] (there was only salt water covering all of ‘Aretz/Earth before the 2nd day of Creation [Gen 1:2]).

If you thought all that was bad, it gets worse. For those addicted to alcohol & drugs, there is no blessing of alcohol or drugs or the blessings of their effects, like a drug high. While there will be anger, hatred, and murderous thoughts, there will be no blessing of love, compassion, or mercy. There will be no blessings of good smells, nice things to touch, good things to see or hear. For the glutton there will be no blessing of any food or drink except the acidic poisonous burning bad smelling sulfuric electrified salt water. Those in Geenna/Gehenna will be forever trapped in a dark cage with despair, depression, fear, & hopelessness without the blessings of hope, faith, courage, strength, patience, or endurance. Work existed before man even sinned (Gen 1:28; 2:15). Work is a blessing. For the workaholic, there is nothing to do in Geenna/Gehenna. So, isn’t that a good thing for the lazy person to have nothing to do. With even a small electrical shock going through the body, the muscles contract and can even be overworked [ref]. So, there is no rest or sleep as the body is continuously overworked forever with no reason except to exist, because you can not stop existing (Death is also thrown into Geenna/Gehenna after the final Judgment [Rev 20:14]) (Rev 14:11). Mt 24:51 states those in Geenna/Gehenna will be cut-in-pieces/cut-in-two/severely-scourged (G1371) continuously. With burns and violent contractions, body parts may be separated for a while; but not forever, because the cut-in-pieces occurs continuously. This means just as a worm grows back its body parts, a person’s body will grow back. Health is a blessing, so the body will probably only grow back enough to keep the body’s image of the LORD from being destroyed while remaining continuously sick. Those in Geenna/Gehenna have a body, but there is no blessing of a new body (Rev 20:12, 13). Whatever condition your body was in before you died is what you will have for eternity. Wouldn’t the body just die again? Death will be cast into Geenna/Gehenna (Rev 20:14); Geenna/Gehenna is a place of eternal death. So, yes the body will die again and again continually but maintain the existence of the image of the LORD. Peace and quite are a blessing (1 Kgs 19:11, 12, 13; Jer 16:5; Rom 1:7); there is no peace, calm, or quite in Geenna/Gehenna, only whatever wailing/weeping/lamentation/screaming that can be heard throughout the salt sulfur lake water (Mt 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; the list goes on, just search the word weeping (G2805)). Since doing good to an unbeliever is like heaping burning coals on their head, those in Geenna/Gehenna will remember the blessings and good things of this life, but it will only be a reminder of what they will never have, adding to their own self inflicted torment/torture (Prv 25:21, 22; Rom 12:20). Will those in Heaven be able to see those in Geenna/Gehenna? In Isa 66:24, we find those who are in Geenna/Gehenna will be “looked-upon/seen” and will be “repulsive/an-abhorrence/an-aversion.”

Are Sathan/Satan/the-Devil & demons/fallen-angels in charge of any of these Hells? In Luke 8:31, the demons were begging YESHUA not to send them to the Abyss. But, 2 Cor 4:4 shows Sathan/Satan/the-Devil has been given legal charge over this ‘Aretz/Earth for a time (read The Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls of Revelation to see his time is about over). So, even though they are afraid of the Abyss (the deep part of She’ol/Hades), they have some control over She’ol/Hades as it is part of the fallen ‘Aretz/Earth. But, ‘Aretz/Earth is redeemed, and a future new ‘Aretz/Earth will be made from the old one that is burned with fire (Rom 8:19, 20, 21, 22; Isa 65:17; Rev 21:1; Ecc 1:4; Psm 78:69; 104:5; 2 Pet 3:10, 11, 12, 13) (‘Aretz/Earth being redeemed is explained in The Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls of Revelation). Once that happens, Satan/the-Devil & the demons will be thrown into Geenna/Gehenna and tormented/tortured “day and night forever” in the presence of YESHUA and the holy messengers/angels (Rev 20:10; 14:10, 11). Then, Satan/the-Devil & the demons will no longer be in charge/control of anything.

Who goes to Hell?
“For, all/everyone has sinned/miss-the-mark/offended-GOD/made-a-mistake/trespassed-against-GOD” Rom 3:23. “For, the wages/salary/reward (of) sin/missing-the-mark/offending-GOD/making-a-mistake/trespassing-against-GOD (is) physical-death/spiritual-death; however, (the) gift/undeserved-favor (of) GOD (is) eternal/perpetual/unending physical-life/spiritual-life in/by/with MESSIAH/CHRIST YESHUA/JESUS our LORD/MASTER/GOD” Rom 6:23. So, what you earn for sin, your wages for sin, is Death. How many sins does it take to make a person sinful/unclean/unholy? Only one. How many times does a person have to murder to be a murderer? Once. If the murderer goes to jail and gets out, goes to church, does all the good in the world, and saves other people from death, is he still a murderer? He still murdered, so yes. How many times does a person have to lie to be a liar? Once, and before a holy GOD there is no such thing as a good lie (Rev 21:8; Lev 19:11). The Bible states no one is good and all have fallen short of the glory of GOD (Rom 3:10, 11, 12; Psm 14:2, 3; Ecclesiastes 7:20; 1 Kings 8:46; Isaiah 64:6; Isaiah 59:2). If you say you have never sinned, then you would be calling GOD a liar, that would be a sin in itself. If we all have sinned and the unholiness cannot be removed from our bodies, we will be consumed by fire forever when we permanently come into the presence of the holy Lord with our bodies never being destroyed (not a pretty picture) (Isa 66:24; Rev 14:10, 11; Mrk 9:43, 45, 47, 48). This is not what our FATHER in Shamayim/Heaven(s) wants for our eternal lives (2 Pet 3:9).

If you go to She’ol/Hades/the-Abyss/Hell, can you change your mind about following the LORD and not have to go to Geenna/Gehenna/the-Lake-of-Burning-Fire-&-Sulfur? Heb 9:27 states it is “reserved/appointed/apportioned to men/mankind once to die and after this judgment/condemnation/justice/decision.” So, no. If you go to the Hell of today, you have to go to the Hell of tomorrow forever.

Who goes to Shamayim/Heaven(s)?
Anyone who repents of their sin, not wanting to sin, and wants to be with the LORD and says “I do” to the LORD’s marriage proposal of YESHUA/JESUS being your one LORD/GOD/KING, believing HE has risen from death, and knowing as an eternal/forever GOD HE died for the punishment of every one of your sins (and HE did this for everyone for all time) in HIS one eternal death on the Cross to save you from your sin and its wages of death, will be saved and be welcome into the Family of the LORD GOD (Acts 2:38; Luk 13:3, 5). “That if you confess/make-a-promise/publicly-declare with your mouth/speech YESHUA/JESUS (is) LORD/MASTER/GOD, and have-faith/believe/trust in/by/with your heart/mind/inner-self/character that GOD raised HIM from/out-of (the) dead, you will be saved/rescued/made-whole/healed; for, (in/by/with) the heart/mind/inner-self/character (is) faith/trust/belief into/onto divine-righteousness/justification, and/now (in/by/with) the mouth/speech (is) confession/a-promise-made/public-declaration into/onto salvation/deliverance/being-rescued. For, the Scripture/Bible/Holy-Writing says, ‘All/everyone believing/having-faith/trusting upon/in/on HIM will not be (put-to) shame/disgraced/dishonored.’ For, there is no separation/difference/distinction whether Jew or Gentile/Greek; for, HE (is) LORD/MASTER/GOD (of) all/everyone, being rich to all/everyone that call (on/upon) HIM; for, all/everyone that should call on/upon the Name of (the) LORD will be saved/rescued/made-whole/healed” (Rom 10:9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

For those who have not said “I do” to the LORD’s marriage proposal and do not want the LORD YESHUA as your GOD or your SAVIOR and have rejected the LORD and all HE represents, including HIS blessings: If your whole life of living 120 years is compared to eternity/forever, then you might say it is like your whole life is like one blink of the eye compared to your whole life of 120 years. But, this comparison is way off. Even if you say your life compared to eternity/forever is like one blink of the eye compared to a 1000 or a 100,000 or a 100,000,000 times a 1000 years. The comparison is still way off. Is this very very very small amount of time your living in sin, having the allusion of being in control of your life, rejecting GOD and all the life and blessings HE represents, and bringing darkness and destruction into lives of those around you worth an eternal/forever/longer-than-you-can-ever-imagine existence in Hell? (You can find out more by clicking HERE and/or HERE.)

For the Believer in YESHUA our LORD, KING, and SAVIOR: We do not save people, that is the LORD’s job through the work of the SPIRIT. But, what are you doing with the small amount of time you have been given to deliver the message that our LORD commanded us to deliver of salvation from sin and its Hell/Death through HIS sacrificial death on the Cross and resurrection from Hell/Death? There is a section at called Witnessing Material to help you deliver the LORD’s message of HIS loving proposal to bring all who will come into HIS family and home.

It is my prayer for anyone reading this article that their eyes, ears, mind, and heart be opened to the truth. That they would listen and understand, look and perceive, and seek to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, body, and spirit in an eternal relationship that increases in closeness to the Lord each and every day. And, that the Lord would cause his face to shine upon you in his mercy that his peace, his shalom, would become a part of your walk with him as he increases your holiness, blessings, and fruit that would be brought back to him to bring him the glory, honor, and praise he deserves in the Name above all names, YESHUA/JESUS, the LORD, GOD, and KING of all. Amen.