Alphabetical Index of

(Not done yet. Will be a complete alphabetical index of

1 day = 1000 yearsArticle in Week of Man Timeline

10 Commandments- (The-Law; the 10 Words) Scripture links in Witnessing Material (Witnessing tool/outline)

Acts 13- Article in Week of Man Timeline (450 years timeline translation issue)

‘Aleph (1st Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew

Ancient Hebrew- Article, Site 1

Archaeology- Expedition Bible Video series

Video 1

Sodom & Gomorrah-
Video 1, Video 2

Bayit (2nd Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew

Before the Creation of Man- Article in the Week of Man Timeline (About what happened before man was created according to the Bible)

Bible (Online)- Link 1 (Regular online Bible) and (Interlinear/Original-Language-with-English-or-your-language Bible)

Bible (Proof of existing before YESHUA/JESUS and before prophecies fulfilled)- Site 1 Dead Sea Scrolls

Bible Translators- Link1 Wycliffe Bible Translators

Blood- Section in Chayet Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 8th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Bowls (of Revelation)- See Revelation

Breastplate Stone (of High Priest)- Video & Pictures 1, Video & Pictures 2

CHayet (8th Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 7th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Children’s Ministry- Link 1 CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship); Link 2 Compassion International

Christian Movies & Shows- Category (This section is not indexed)

Christian Music- Category (This section is not indexed)

Creation- See also “Before the Creation of Man”

Creation of Man-
Article in Week of Man Timeline
(About how the 1st day of Creation was found)

Days of Creation
Article in Week of Man Timeline

Dalet (4th Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 3rd letter for this article to be understandable.)

Dinosaur footprint over a human foot print- Site 1

Discipling Material- Category (all material is in video format) (This section is not indexed)

DNA- See “Science Proves Women Came From Men!”

Elijah’s Cave (at Mount Sinai)- See “Mount Sinai”

Elim- Video of 12 wells & Seventy Palm Trees

Ending Sin- Video 1: Learning to Hate Sin, Video 2: Learning to Love Righteousness; Article about overcoming sin in Discipling Material

Exodus- Table 1 of Events, Table 2 of Events, Table 3 of Events, Table 4 of Events, Map of Yisra’el’s (Israel’s) Journeys, Movie link of actual sites of the Exodus

The First Alphabet (Aleph-Bet)- Article in Ancient Hebrew with same Article in Material to Study the Word

The Flesh- Article in God’s Radical Lov

Flood (of Bible) (Proof of Flood)- Video 1 , Article 1: Grand Canyon, Article 2: Grand Canyon

Flood & Rainbow (Timeline)- Article and Table in Week of Man Timeline showing timeline of Flood & Rainbow and a Table showing how the Flood was narrowed down to 2 years in history.

Gemara- description in Section of Article “Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA”

Giants (of the Bible)- (proof of existence) See “Nephilim”

Gimel (3rd Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew

God’s Radical Love- Category

Grand Canyon- See “Flood”

Heaven & Hell- Article in God’s Radical Love, Movie (coming soon) Link 1 (This site gives you background and teaching of the Bible to help you understand the Old Testament)

Hey (5th Hebrew letter)-Article in Ancient Hebrew

Holy- 3 Minute Video by, Video 2 (4.3 minute slower version)

Hydrogen- Article in Ancient Hebrew

Interlinear Bible- Link 1 (Bible with Original Language and English or your language.)

Israel/Yisra’el (the person)- Timeline 1, Timeline 2, Timeline 3, Table timeline of his children’s birth,

Jacob/Ya‘aqov- See “Israel/Yisra’el (the person)”

Jericho- Video 1

JESUS- Article of how YESHUA became JESUS in the Weekly Word

Joseph/Yoseph- Timeline 1,

Joseph’s Grain Bins- Video 1

Jonah- (proof Jonah was swallowed by a fish) Article 1, Video 1

Laminin– (glue that holds together the cells of almost every living animal)

The Law- See “The Ten Commandments”

Lot’s Cave- Video 1

Map (of Bible Events)- See “Timeline”

Map (of Bible Places)- Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Map of Hebrew- Poster for sale in store

Map of Yisra’el’s (Israel’s) Journeys (During the 40 years)- Link 1 (Places with ts need changed to tz)

Math- (The unchangeable eternally true concepts of math, that only exist in our minds, reveal the patterns for Creation existed before anything was created.) Video 1

Menachot- description in Section of Article “Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA”

Mishnah- description in Section of Article “Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA”

Mitzvah- description in Section of Article “Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA”

Mount Horeb- see “Mount Sinai”

Mount Sinai- (same as Mount Horeb) (same as modern Mount Jabal Maqla) Timeline, Pictures 1, Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Movie 1

at Mount Sinai- Video 1, Video 2

Elijah’s Cave
at Mount Sinai- Video 3

at Mount Sinai- Video 2

Twelve Pillars
at Mount Sinai- Video 1, Video 2

Nephilim- (Giants of the Bible) (proof of existence) Video 1

News- Category Link 1

Noah’s Ark- Video 1

Numbers- Article in Ancient Hebrew

Pesachs/Passovers of 26-36 AD- Article (Pesach/Passover, including day of week it occurred, of each Year from 26-36 AD, as would have been figured by the Religious-Sanhedrin/The-Great-Bet-Din [in charge of when religious festivals occurred at that time]) (This is the only link to this material)

Pe’ (17th Hebrew letter)- within Zayin Article in Ancient Hebrew

Pi (in the Bible)- Section in Thyt in Ancient Hebrew

Pictographs (at Mount Sinai)-See “Mount Sinai”

Pictures (of Bible places)- Link 1 (Professional photos of the places in the Bible.)

Places (Bible)- Link 1 (Professional photos of the places in the Bible.) (If looking for map of Bible Places see Map)

Prophecy (Fulfilled in the Bible)- Site 1, Site 2, Site 3

Dead Sea Scrolls-
Site 3

Site 2

Rainbow- See “Flood & Rainbow”

Red Sea Crossing- (same as Suph Sea) Pictures 1, Video 1, Video of chariots, Movie 1

Revelation (of the Bible)- 6 minute Video by called “The Book of Revelation from the Bible has ALREADY STARTED”; Article called “The Seals, Trumpets, & Bowls of Revelation”

Right & Left (in the Bible)- Section in Thyt in Ancient Hebrew

Roman’s Road- Scripture links in Witnessing Material (Witnessing tool/outline)

Science (in the Bible)- Site 1, Site 2

Science Proves Women Came From Men!- 1.5 minute Video from about DNA

Seals (of Revelation)- See “Revelation”

Seek- 2.5 minute Video by

Seventy Palm Trees (of Elim)- See “Elim”

Shamir Worm – (It was thought the Shamir worm that could cut through rock was a Jewish myth.) Video 1

Sin (Ending)- See “Ending Sin”

The Skull- Article in God’s Radical Love, Video

Sodom & Gomorrah- Video 1, Video 2

Store- Category

Suph Sea- See “Red Sea”

Talmud- description in Section of Article “Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA”

The Ten (10) Commandments- (The-Law; the 10 Words) Scripture links in Witnessing Material (Witnessing tool/outline)

Thyt (9th Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 9th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Timeline (of Bible)- Link 1: Week of Man Timeline by

Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5

Torah- description in Section of Article “Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA”

Tract (Witnessing) (Free)- Link 1 (2 different tracts by

Tree- Section in Dalet Article in Ancient Hebrew

Trumpets (of Revelation)- See Revelation

Twelve Pillars (at Mount Sinai)- See “Mount Sinai”

Twelve Wells (of Elim)- See “Elim”

Tzitzit- Article in God’s Radical Love

Tzitzit Design Worn by YESHUA/JESUS- Article in God’s Radical Love

Sulfur at Sodom & Gomorrah-
Video 1, Video 2

Tzo’ar- (also called Zoar) See “Zoar”

The Vulture, Virgin, & Pharaoh- Article Article in God’s Radical Love, Video

Water- Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 10th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Wav (6th Hebrew letter)- Article in Anicent Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 5th letter for this article to be understandable.)

The Weekly Word- Category of WhyAlive’s Bible Translation

Witnessing Material- Category
Site 1 (Ray Comfort-teacher of witnessing with 40 years experience)

Witnessing Tract (Free)- Link 1 (2 different tracts by

Wordless Book/Bracelet- Article in Witnessing Material (Witnessing tool/outline useful with any age group)

YESHUA- Article of how YESHUA became JESUS in the Weekly Word

YHWH- Video (found in the Weekly Word) of a Karaite Jew who is from a family line of Rabbis who reveals how to pronounce YHWH.

Yod (10th Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 9th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Zayin (7th Hebrew letter)- Article in Ancient Hebrew (You may need to read the Ancient Hebrew section from the 1st letter until the 6th letter for this article to be understandable.)

Zoar- (also called Tzo’ar) Video 1